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Chapter 493 The mantis stalks the cicada

Everyone's destination was in a large warehouse. Everyone was carefully checking the equipment and matching their own equipment according to their tasks and habits.

"Dang-dang-dang...dang-dang..." The iron door of the warehouse was knocked regularly, which was the secret signal agreed upon by the team. When he opened the door, he saw that Yang Haicheng was coming with a few people.

As soon as he entered the door, he glanced at Yang Haicheng and walked quickly towards Lin Mo and others.

"Why are you back?"

Hearing this, Yang Haicheng explained: "The target has crossed the river again. We have been following for a long time. We are afraid that we will be discovered again. Team Zheng sent someone to take over and asked us to come here to report the situation."

"Well..." Liu Zhenshan nodded, poured a glass of water, and handed it to Yang Haicheng, who was having difficulty speaking.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..." Yang Haicheng didn't waste any words. He took three or two gulps and drank them all. Then he poured a glass of water and drank it before saying, "I followed them for more than twenty kilometers. I'm exhausted."

"Tell me the details!"

"Okay..." Yang Haicheng responded, then slowed down and said, "After I arrived, I had already crossed the river and met up with the other two accomplices.

After that, the three of them walked along the river for nearly ten kilometers until they reached the Manga River, where there was a crack on the riverside and a small steamboat parked in the river.

Because there were not many people along the way, we did not dare to follow too closely, and there was not much cover around the temple, so we did not see the specific situation.

We went to the surrounding villages to inquire about it, and found that there were nearly a dozen people living in the ruined temple. And because of the ruined temple, from time to time there would be boaters who could not afford accommodation or did not want to spend money to stay for a few nights, so they also

I didn't pay much attention to it, and the two sides didn't have any interactions.

Those three people must have stayed in the ruined temple for about half an hour! The target and the other person came out and returned the same way, leaving one person behind. Those people must be accomplices.

After that, we followed to the riverside until Team Zheng led someone to take over. The two targets made no other moves and then came back."

"What do you think?" After Yang Haicheng finished speaking, Liu Zhenshan looked at Lin Mo and asked.

Lin Mo saw this and replied: "It is definitely the same group of people, but the number of people is a bit unexpected, there are nearly twenty people, and it will be difficult to catch them all when we get together.

Several people appeared around Master Liao's house. We managed to find clues related to those people, but we couldn't catch them alive, so the clues were cut off."

Liu Zhenshan listened and said: "Then the current situation is that we have to choose between goods and people! Let me choose people! The goods are there anyway, and we will..."

Before Liu Zhenshan finished speaking, the warehouse door was knocked again. A team member ran in quickly and said a few words in Liu Zhenshan's ear. Lin Mo knew that this person was arranged to be responsible for contacting Zheng Junshan outside. After all, here

It's a warehouse, there's no phone call, and it's too late to call temporarily.

"It was too late. The target led those people across the river again and entered an empty warehouse, which should be the opponent's temporary foothold. The small steamer Haicheng saw stopped aside, and the two parties had already merged.

Now we can only follow the previous plan and take action when the other party picks up the goods, otherwise we may not be able to save the people and goods. Even if the clues are lost, we can continue to look for them. We should try not to let these things interfere with our normal actions."

"Well..." Lin Mo nodded. Although he knew that this was the best choice, he still felt a little regretful.

"Don't worry! If possible, I will try my best to ensure that these people are captured alive. After all, this clue is of great importance, and I don't want to let it go easily."


In another warehouse in Pukou, behind a young man dressed as a small boss, Liu Kuipeng followed quietly.

"Yoshino-kun, thank you very much for your help this time, otherwise the operation would not have gone so smoothly. You helped me a lot by finding the goods so quickly!"

"Your Majesty Suzuki, you praised me. It was your Majesty Suzuki who found the thing. I just did my little bit, and I don't deserve your praise."

"Don't call me sir, you and I are the same age and our official position is not much higher than yours. Just call me Suzuki."

"Suzuki-kun, I wonder where the thing is at this time?"

When Suzuki heard this, he didn't hide anything and replied in a low voice: "Yoshino-kun, as you reminded me, I went to the post office to investigate. At first, those people repeatedly denied that any mail was missing.

However, we spent a few dollars and inquired about the situation privately. During that time, a parcel was indeed lost. We spent some more money and confirmed that the lost items contained what we were looking for.

After many searches, the lost letter was found. However, part of the contents of the envelope was damaged. Fortunately, we knew where the goods were stored.

Yoshino-kun, you won’t blame me! Even though you have a clue, why did you suffer so much at the dock in vain?”

"For the sake of the empire, we will do whatever it takes!"

"Okay..." Suzuki nodded heavily and said with satisfaction: "Yoshino-kun, if you say this, I will feel relieved. I will go back and ask for your credit. When we meet again in the future, I will never come back drunk."

"Suzuki-san is serious. Now that the things have been found, it's time for me to say goodbye. I just don't know why you brought me here..."

Suzuki heard this and said: "Yoshino-kun, I have encountered some difficulties here, and I have to ask you for more help."

After hearing this, Yoshino hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "Suzuki-kun, I don't know if I have any other instructions."

Suzuki listened and said directly: "We have found the whereabouts of the goods, but we encountered trouble in picking up the goods.

The goods were stored in the black warehouse, divided into three deposits, and there were three manifests. But now one of the manifests has been lost, one is damaged, and only one is intact.

But the black warehouse only recognizes the orders but not the people, which is very inconsistent. The goods corresponding to the intact manifest are the least important, so I need you to follow me and help me deal with the guards of the black warehouse."

"This..." Hearing this, Yoshino hesitated again and asked in confusion: "Suzuki-kun, is Kurokura that strong? Isn't it enough for you to bring so many people? What role can the three of us play?"

"You misunderstood..." Suzuki said, pulled Yoshino to the corner, and explained in a low voice: "Kurokura's strength is very ordinary, but there is a team of people under me who are from the Army.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This batch of goods was smuggled from abroad at the request of the Kwantung Army Headquarters. It was very important. An accident occurred on the way, and the Army sent people to assist.

Although the people who came here are all elites, they are not very good at our methods. Because the goods are closely related, I don't want to make too much noise and cause trouble, so I need to deal with the black warehouse guards silently.

Although these people must have performed well on the battlefield, I still can't trust them to do this kind of thing, but the other people I brought here are short of manpower, so I want to ask Yoshino-kun for another favor."

"No problem, that's what Suzuki-kun ordered. The three of us are very good at this kind of work and can just help."

Seeing Yoshino agreeing happily, Suzuki nodded with satisfaction and whispered in Yoshino's ear.


Time passed and it gradually became dark. The people waiting in the warehouse became a little impatient, fearing that something would go wrong.

"Captain, Captain Lin, it's so late and there's still no movement from the other party. Could it be that we miscalculated?"

"No..." Lin Mo shook his head and said, "Maybe there's something wrong with the other party. They can't pick up the goods directly. We wait until late at night to do it directly, otherwise they won't get everyone together."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Liu Zhenshan told Shi Baocun: "Let's arrange dinner first, and then take turns to squint for a while to recuperate. The action may have to wait until later in the night."

"Yes..." Shi Baocun responded, went out to comfort the team members, and called a few team members to go out with him. It didn't take long for two carts of food to arrive.

It was all a big pot of rice, and it tasted pretty good. Everyone knew about the situation, and no one complained. After filling their stomachs three times, five times, and two times, they left people to wait for the situation, so they each found a place to rest and relax.

As time passed into the middle of the night, everyone was awakened by a knock on the door. The other party had moved. Lin Mo and others immediately packed up their equipment and started taking action.

Because the other party's destination was a relatively sparsely populated place, it would be too easy to expose oneself by driving, so after leaving Pukou, everyone got out of the car and walked, letting the car follow them at a distance.

Everyone drove at full speed and hurriedly caught up with Zheng Junshan who was following him. After they met, their speed slowed down and their flashlights were turned off. Fortunately, there was still moonlight for illumination.

"Junshan, how is the situation? Where are the people?"

Hearing this, Zheng Junshan replied in a low voice: "The other party was divided into two groups. One group took the land route, and the group in front was holding flashlights.

Another group took the waterway, which was the boat with the lights on on the river. They were moving very slowly, much slower than the group of people on the road."

After Zheng Junshan finished speaking, Lin Mo asked: "Old Zheng, who are the people on the waterway and the land route?"

"Well..." Zheng Junshan pondered for a moment, then said: "It was late at night, and there was a lot of distance, so I couldn't see very clearly. I only saw a general situation.

Most of the people who got on the boat were relatively unfamiliar faces. They should have stayed in the ruined temple before. By the way, the boss dressed up also got on the boat in the afternoon.

As for those who took the land route, they were mainly the group of people dressed as dock workers, and a few people who showed up just this afternoon also joined them, so there should be eight or nine people in total."

After Zheng Junshan finished speaking, Liu Zhenshan smiled and said to Lin Mo: "If we separate, there will still be a chance. If you have a chance, lead someone to touch them and see if you can capture these people alive."

While he was talking, everyone had quietly followed him for a long distance, and suddenly the light in front of him went out.

"Squat down and hide..." Liu Zhenshan roared, and everyone immediately bent down and ran to both sides of the road to hide.

Zheng Junshan arranged for a few people to detour from both sides to the front to investigate.

"Depending on the situation, they may be almost there, and this group of people may be preparing to kill."

"Hmm..." Lin Mo nodded and asked Zheng Junshan: "Old Zheng, where is the target ahead?"

Zheng Junshan thought for a moment and replied: "There are not many suitable places around here, but there happens to be a large black warehouse at the mouth of Jiajiang River."

As soon as Zheng Junshan finished speaking, Yang Haicheng interrupted: "That must be the target! Because trucks are used for inventory, and after passing this dark warehouse, it will be difficult to go down the road.

I walked this road during the day. The section to Heicang is paved with pebbles. The road further down is a dirt road. It is dilapidated. There are potholes everywhere and many places have collapsed. Most importantly, many places are narrow.

The truck can't pass."

After Yang Haicheng finished speaking, Liu Zhenshan also came over from the other side of the road and asked, "Tell me about the situation in the black warehouse ahead."

Liu Zhenshan also learned some information from the team members who were following Yang Haicheng during the day, and came to Yang Haicheng to add some information.

Jiajiang is a section of the river where the main trunk of the Yangtze River branches off. The location of Heicang is just a little further from the mouth of the river, on a slightly higher river bank, and the road passes behind Heicang.

The black warehouse covers an area of ​​three to four acres and has about ten warehouses. According to Yang Haicheng's description, they should have been converted from private houses, surrounded by low walls on the left and right.

There are doors at the front and back, and the front faces the river. There are docks where some boats can be docked. The back door leads directly to the road. The black warehouse is guarded morning and night.

A few kilometers away from Heicang, there is a large village with 180 households gathered together. The scattered houses around it add up to nearly 200 households. Heicang was built by the bullies and wealthy gentry in the village.

After asking about the situation, Liu Zhenshan separated the people and quietly walked towards the black warehouse. He reached the position where the Japanese spy turned off the lights. After walking forward for a while, he could see the black warehouse from a distance.

There is a flat river around Heicang. Except for a reed field beside the river with many trees growing crookedly, the rest is farmland without much shelter.

While everyone was thinking about countermeasures, the team members sent by Zheng Junshan came back to report that the group of Japanese spies had been divided into two groups and quietly lurked into the black warehouse.

After hearing this, Liu Zhenshan looked at the direction of Jiang Shang's boat and said: "The other party's ship is almost reaching Heicang. The other party is about to take action. Walk from the reeds and approach quickly."

The orders were passed quickly one by one, and everyone quickly approached the black warehouse under the cover of reeds. Lin Mo glanced at the passing trees and stopped to wait for Wang Yinglong.

"Yinglong, the commanding heights around us are these trees. You don't have to follow us. You can take snipers to the trees to keep us on guard.

Remember, once there is an exchange of fire inside, take care of the people on the boat first to prevent these guys from setting up the boat and running away."

"Understood..." Wang Yinglong responded, stopped the snipers, and explained the mission. Each person chose a tree, quickly approached it, took out the sniper rifle from the box, assembled it, and quickly climbed up the tree to hide.


"Sir Lin, what about us? What is our mission?" Cheng Dalin, who was following at the end, saw Lin Mo and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

Lin Mo thought for a moment and said: "You should hide in the reeds first! When the action starts inside, leave a few people to block the road, and the others will go to the riverside to prevent fish that slip through the net from escaping."

"Understood..." Cheng Dalin responded imitating Wang Yinglong's example, then called his men, bent down, and tiptoed into the reeds.

Lin Mo saw that there was no problem, so he speeded up a bit and caught up with the large army that had quietly reached the black warehouse.

Arriving next to Liu Zhenshan, Lin Mo asked in a low voice: "Captain, what's wrong?"

"The opponent left a tail, Junshan and Haicheng went over to solve it."

Not far outside the wall of the black warehouse, under a thick tree, there was a pair of eyes, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"Thump thump thump..." A rush of footsteps came from the left and right, and before he could react, two black figures rushed to his side.

"Woo..." Subconsciously, he turned his head to one side, opened his mouth, and stretched out a hand to his mouth. He just had time to make a whine, and his whole body felt controlled, and he gritted his teeth hard.

This chapter has been completed!
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