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Chapter 494 The oriole is behind

"Woo..." On the other side of the wall, in a dark cabin, two black figures were kneeling on the bed, and there was a faint whine coming from underneath them.

One of them suddenly frowned, turned his head to look in the direction of the wall, and finally shook his head. Only when there was no movement underneath him did he stand up and gently open the door.

The moonlight shone into the hut, and drops of liquid dripped down from the knives held by the two men at the door. When the man saw it, he picked up the hand towel at the door, wiped it and threw it aside. The hand towel turned bright red.

As the man left the door, the moonlight shone into the small room. The quilt on the bed was bulging, with a human body printed on it. There were several holes in the quilt, and it was stained with some liquid. If you listen carefully, there was a ticking sound.


After walking out of the door, two more people came out of the darkness around them. They nodded to this person. Without saying a word, they left the courtyard silently and sneaked into another courtyard quietly.


However, none of them noticed that two heads quietly retracted in the hidden part of the wall, and soon there were several whispers outside the wall.

"Fortunately, he was not discovered. Well done to Haicheng. He is decisive enough and strikes hard enough. Wringing his neck directly is the best option."

"Ah...Brother Zheng, I didn't twist my neck, I just covered my mouth. When I covered it, the person went soft, and even spit on my hand."

"Whoosh..." Zheng Junshan sniffed twice and smelled a slight smell of bitter almonds, and said quickly: "It was suicide, it was either poisonous or the teeth were hidden.

This stuff is highly poisonous and can seep into the skin. Fortunately, you didn’t get much on it, so go to that puddle and wash it off.”

Yang Haicheng listened and smelled it. Although the smell of bitter almonds was very unpleasant, he did not dare to be careless. He quietly touched the puddle next to it and carefully washed the residue on his hands.

At this time, Liu Zhenshan also led a large force to touch the wall, checked the body, then looked at Yang Haicheng who was washing his hands in the puddle, and handed him a piece of soap.

"Lin Mo, I asked the team members who came over. Those people sneaked in from the other side without leaving any trace behind. You lead a team of people to go around and set up.

You can sneak in with a few people and see if you have a chance to catch them alive. Remember to walk along the place where the other party has walked, so as not to let the people in the black warehouse find out and be exposed first."

"Okay..." Lin Mo responded, gathered a small number of people, and quietly moved along the corner to the other side. Zheng Junshan also brought a few people with him, and once again poked his head to observe for a while, then sneaked in.

At the Kurokura Pier, the Suzuki commanded the small steamer and slowly docked at the pier. He took the two of them off the ship, came to the door of the warehouse, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it..." an impatient voice sounded in the warehouse, the small hole in the iron door was opened, and a man appeared, rubbing his sleepy eyes, with an impatient look on his face.

"Hello, hello, I'm sorry to disturb your rest by picking up some goods. It's just a small thing, so please be accommodating."

As Suzuki spoke, he reached in and handed something into the man's hand. The man looked at it and saw a small yellow croaker. He bit it lightly and left a tooth mark. His face suddenly lit up with joy.

"Get up, get up, the boss is here, get up quickly..." A light came on behind the door, and there was another commotion. After a while, three more people appeared behind the door.

"This boss, the rules..."

"I understand..." Suzuki responded with a smile, took out a intact list, and handed it through the small hole.

The man took it and inspected it for a while, nodded, opened the door, and said to Suzuki with a smile: "This boss, the goods are in Room 3 of Warehouse No. 5, in the middle row, the one closest to the edge."

"Okay..." Suzuki nodded, turned around and shouted to the boat: "We have disembarked to move the cargo, do you still want me to invite you?"

After Suzuki shouted, the people on the boat were left with a thick shoulder pole wrapped in linen in the middle and tied with a rope on the outside. They carried it off the boat one by one.

"Come on, come on, have a cigarette..." Suzuki took out the packaged cigarette, finished smoking, pulled the leading man aside, took out a damaged bill of goods and handed it over.

"This item was accidentally damaged. Do you think we could be accommodating?"

"This... this boss, you also know our rules, I... uh... you..." The man looked at the dagger stuck in his chest, and his body slowly went limp.

The three people who were smoking cigarettes saw their eyes flashing before they were controlled. A dagger stabbed their chests several times, and blood spattered on the perpetrators, who were grinning like demons.

The thick shoulder pole was carried in, and the rope was untied and the linen cloth was lifted, revealing the rifle inside. They were quickly loaded and loaded, and they quickly inspected each warehouse in groups of three or two.

The black warehouse is roughly divided into three rows. The guards in the row at the back door have been eliminated. The spies sneaking in from both sides of the warehouse are quietly taking care of the guards in the middle group.

Behind them, Lin Mo and Zheng Junshan, who had sneaked in from the same position as them, were quietly following behind, preparing to look for opportunities to take action.

In the front warehouse, the scattered people found another guard. After solving the problem, they gathered together again and began to report the situation. If there were people nearby, you could tell that most of them spoke very poor and stiff Chinese.

"There are very valuable goods in one warehouse and three warehouses. They are all moved away. When the problem is solved later, the valuable goods will also be found and moved away. We can't let anyone know our goal."

"Hai..." Everyone nodded and responded, which made Suzuki frown slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Bang..." The sound of a gun suddenly sounded, making the Japanese spy, Lin Mo and others stunned.

"Bang bang bang..." After a few seconds, just as everyone roughly guessed what happened, there was another fierce exchange of fire, and this time the guns were no longer earthen guns.

Listening to the gunfire, most of it was M1911 gunfire, mixed with a few shots of other pistols. Lin Mo looked at the direction of the firelight and gunfire, and guessed that Zheng Junshan should have exchanged fire with the other party.

Although he said a lot, time was fleeting. Lin Mo led his men and rushed forward, preparing to rush directly into the warehouse where the target entered to see if he could catch anyone alive.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Bang bang..." Before they were halfway through the rush, fire broke out at the door of the warehouse. It was Yoshino's group, Lin Mo and others who had just eliminated the guards.

They can only spread out and find cover to fight back.

Some of the team members outside the wall also separated to climb over the wall and enter the warehouse to provide support. The other team had sneaked to the corner of the wall and opened fire directly, killing the Japanese spies at the front door of the warehouse.

A gunshot also rang out from the trees on the riverside. In the small steamer's cab, the sailor at the helm was shot in the head. Suzuki in the front warehouse, seeing such a change, immediately organized a counterattack.

The Japanese in the front warehouse acted very quickly. Before the action team could attack, they took up a favorable position and started to counterattack. The attacking team members injured several people on the spot. The long range power of the spear suppressed everyone and made them unable to lift their heads.

In the warehouse area, Lin Mo and Yoshino had a brief confrontation. Lin Mo had strong firepower, but still wanted to catch someone alive. Yoshino had less firepower, but had many advantages in defending the house.

"Bah, bah, bah..." Yoshino fired several shots to use up all the bullets. He listened to gunshots from all directions while firing, and called his two men over.

"The other party has been exchanging fire with us. They probably want to catch us alive. They may be coming for the three of us. Do you remember what I said at the beginning of the mission? Now is the time.

You guys take the first step and cover me as I rush to the front warehouse. I need to send people out to bring back the news of our sacrifice for our country. Then someone will avenge us."

"Hai..." The two men no longer concealed themselves, responded, and returned to their original positions, preparing to fight back.

As for Yoshino, he grabbed the person Suzuki arranged to assist and said loudly: "Get ready, follow me, I will take you to Suzuki-kun..."

"Yes, sir..." After the man finished speaking, Yoshino pulled him to the door and signaled to the two men. The two reached into their arms and pulled him, then rushed towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo captured the opponent's movements through the moonlight and firelight. He realized that the opponent might be planning a suicide attack. Lin Mo was the one who wanted to capture him alive. When he saw that he could not be captured alive, it was Lin Mo who acted most decisively. He raised his pistol.

Just swept over with a shuttle.

"Grenade, lie down..." Lin Mo made a decisive move, but the opponent still used the momentum to fall down not far from everyone.

"Boom...boom..." There were several explosions, accompanied by fire shock waves, and earth, rocks, and residual limbs and flesh flew everywhere, creating a mess.

"Bah, bah, bah..." Lin Mo stood up after changing his magazine. When he saw two figures running away, he swept over them with another shuttle. Unfortunately, they had already turned to the other side. Lin Mo immediately summoned his team members and chased them in battle formation.

Go up.

Immediately behind Lin Mo and others, the team members who had climbed over the wall also touched upon them and quietly surrounded them towards the place where the gunshots were most intensive.

Lin Mo and others went around and around, but finally failed to catch up with the two of them. They watched the other party enter the front warehouse to join their accomplices. Lin Mo and others were suppressed by rifles at an intersection, and they also met Zheng Junshan.


"Old Zheng, what happened just now? Who fired that gun?"

"It's the people from the warehouse. These guys are cunning enough. They set up a hidden sentry under one of the roofs, but the Japanese didn't touch it. The guy guarding the door was beaten into a sieve by a gun.

The remaining three guys rushed out, and finally met me face to face. At that time, they were killed by direct shooting, and the remaining one ran away and ran inside.

The long rifle used by the opponent cannot charge forward, and the snipers outside don’t know what’s going on, so they haven’t fired yet.”

Lin Mo listened and explained: "There are no commanding heights around, only a few trees on the riverside have some visibility, and we shoot randomly, and in the end we can't even secure these few shooting positions."

The task I gave Yinglong is to keep an eye on the ship to prevent these guys from boarding the ship and escaping. Don't worry, the longer the opponent confronts us, the more disadvantageous it will be to them.

Calculating the time, it’s time for them to break out. Let’s prepare first and then take advantage of the opponent’s lack of firepower to rush over in one go.”

"Okay..." Zheng Junshan said no more and arranged for his subordinates to pass on the order.

In the two warehouses in the middle of the front warehouse, Yoshino, who had escaped, found Suzuki.

"Suzuki-kun, please lead your troops to evacuate! I will stay behind to provide cover. Remember to send people back to break out and inform the higher-ups that all three of us have died for our country."

"No, no, no..." Suzuki shook his head and said, "Let's break out together! You are trapped here because you helped me, I can't leave you..."

"Suzuki-kun, please listen to me. The other party may be coming for me. I can't leave or be caught by the other party. Please bring us back to reassure the higher-ups that we have chosen to die for our country.

This matter is of great importance. I can't reveal too much to you. If I bring this information back to the superiors, they will understand what it means. We can't delay it any longer. Let's go quickly..."

After Yoshino finished speaking, he called down half of the men and asked them to take Suzuki away, while he took the other half and rushed out to cover.

Suzuki took a deep look at Yoshino, took five or six people around him, came to the warehouse door, fired a few shots on both sides to suppress it, and then rushed directly towards the small steamer.

"Bang bang bang..." Wang Yinglong and others who were hiding in the tree fired again. Three of the seven people who rushed out were knocked down on the spot, two of them were killed, and one was seriously injured and was replaced by other team members.

Suzuki, who rushed onto the small steamer, was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when a force suddenly came from his shoulders and knocked him down on the boat. A man next to him also had a hole in his head and fell straight down.

This scene made the other two well-trained Japanese realize that there might be a sniper and quickly find a bunker to fight back.

"Hurry up and sail away..." Suzuki climbed up to the side of the ship and hid behind it, and immediately signaled the two of them to sail.

One of them quickly climbed into the cabin, and after a few maneuvers, the small steamer erupted with a powerful engine noise. There was a surge behind the ship, and it accelerated rapidly and headed towards the mouth of the Jiajiang River.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zhenshan was a little anxious, and he shot at the boat with a pistol. Unfortunately, the range of the pistol was still too limited. He only made a sound on the hull of the boat, but did not damage anything.

Cheng Dalin and his group, who were in the reeds at the mouth of the Jiajiang River, saw the boat coming this way and hurried to the riverside. When the boat approached, they fired shotguns at the boat indiscriminately.

Although the accuracy was not good, everyone used deer bullets, which could not withstand the large number of projectiles. The projectiles hit the hull of the ship and turned into stray bullets flying everywhere, leaving no place to hide.

"Ah..." Suzuki groaned and felt another bullet hit his leg. He endured the pain and reached out to touch it. He found that it had only penetrated the skin, so he pulled out the bullet with all his strength.

After a while, there was no sound of bullets flying around on the ship, but when he looked up, his accomplice hiding behind the cargo box had been beaten into a hole and fell to the ground, and there was no sound in the cabin.

Suzuki gritted his teeth and climbed into the cabin. His accomplices in the cabin were also dead. He carefully raised his head to observe and found that the boat had reached the center of the river and was heading straight for the other side.

Suzuki sat under the helm, used his hand that was not shot, changed the direction of the boat, and galloped downstream.

In the warehouse, Lin Mo and others took advantage of the other party's move to break out, and broke into the two warehouses in the middle from the weak firepower point. With submachine pistols equipped with large-capacity drums, they killed all the people in one burst.

When I rushed out of the warehouse door, what I saw was the small steamer rushing out of the Jiajiang estuary. It was shot by the shotguns of Cheng Dalin and others. It turned out that the boat was rushing straight to the other side. All the people on the boat had been killed.

Unexpectedly, they rushed to the center of the river and turned around again.

Zheng Junshan also arranged people for the waterway, but unfortunately they stayed a little far away in order not to be exposed. The small steamer turned around in the center of the river, and then drove along the shore to the mouth of Jiajiang River.

Liu Zhenshan arranged for people to notify the downstream to assist in the interception, leaving Lin Mo and Zheng Junshan to deal with the follow-up work, and then personally led the people to chase them out.

This chapter has been completed!
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