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Chapter 603 Unanimous Judgment

Looking at the decadent Ono Nariyuki, Lin Mo felt something bad. Was it too harsh and made him collapse?

Lin Mo brought up betrayal again and again, adding salt to Ono's wounds again and again, and it was definitely not for fun.

The reason for doing this is just to arouse the other party's greater hatred. If there is no hatred that goes deep into the bone marrow, how can there be unscrupulous revenge?

"Poke my sore spots again and again. Does it make you feel fun or happy?"

Xiaoye spoke, which made Lin Mo feel relieved. At least he was not in ruins yet, so he still had to start something.

"Don't think of me so badly, I'm just reminding you, who caused you to end up in this situation today?"

"Haha..." Xiao Ye sneered, stared at Lin Mo, and asked: "Who caused it? Isn't that you?"

Ono's words were unforgiving, but there was a hint of pain in his eyes, and his tone was not that confident.

"Really? If you think so, it doesn't matter to me..." Lin Mo made an understatement, showing no concern on his face.

"But, we are enemies, enemies who will fight until death. Victory or defeat, life and death are all based on their own abilities. If I fall into your hands, I will die generously. If you want to hate me, I will only hate myself for my lack of ability.


"Hmph..." Ono snorted coldly and turned away. Why didn't he have similar thoughts? But...

Seeing this, Lin Mo gave Xiaoye a few minutes to think, and then said: "Do you have anything else to say? If not, you should pack up and move to a new place."

"I've basically finished everything I need to explain. I'm curious, what's the purpose of wasting so much talk with me today?"

"It's nothing. I just see that you are very quick to explain and have good abilities. I just want to see if you can be used by me to deal with our common enemy."

"Common enemy? Those are my compatriots. Why do you think I would regard my compatriots as enemies?"

"Why? Haha..." Lin Mo smiled and said: "Betrayed, abandoned, and used as bait, are you such a compatriot?"

"Yes... this is true. Am I going to betray you just for this?"

"Isn't it possible?" Lin Mo asked back, and continued: "At least the fact that you were abandoned, betrayed, and used as bait will always be a fact. You can't wash it away, and you can never erase it."

"I'm really outspoken..." Xiaoye said unforgivingly, mocking Lin Mo, and curiously said: "Even if the Japanese organization doesn't know that I am alive now, as long as I am here again, it will take a minute to guess my betrayal.

Even if I am willing, what is the value of it and what can I do for you?"

"How to go back, this is what we have to consider. It depends on man-made things. There will naturally be ways to solve these problems. As for what value you have and what you can do for us, you should think about it. If there is no great use value, we can rely on it.

Why bother to let you go back?"

"Then why do you think that I can bring value to you when I go back? Or do you just believe in my ability that much?"

"One's own people are always one's own people. It is difficult for outsiders to understand one's own people. When one's own people attack one's own people, the cruelty often shocks outsiders."

As soon as Lin Mo said this, Xiao Ye was silent, not knowing what he was thinking, and a little dazed.

"Okay, I have nothing to pack. Where do you want to take me? Just leave..."

After hearing this, Lin Mo said nothing more, called the guard team members, changed Ono Nariyuki into a set of torture instruments and civilian clothes, and escorted him to the car.

The Japanese spies and traitors who worked for the Japanese captured in recent operations were not detained at the Military Intelligence Headquarters. Some relatively important ones were detained in the basement of the restaurant. They were led by Wu Wulin to interrogate and continue to be detained here.

First of all, it is difficult to escape underground, and there are heavy security guards from Yang Haicheng and other telecommunications room personnel, making it extremely difficult to rescue.

The other part, which is relatively less important and does not have high status or value, is temporarily held in a safe house outside the city, and is monitored by guards and torturers sent by the headquarters together with the police.

Ono Nariyuki was taken to the restaurant by Lin Mo. After being inspected and handed over by the guards, he was taken underground by the detainees.

"Thank you for your hard work, you two. The handover has been completed. After you two return to report, you can rest for a few days. However, the team will organize a training camp afterwards. Don't be idle for too long. Go to the training ground as soon as possible to prepare. The training camp is very difficult.


After hearing what Lin Mo said, the two team members in charge of custody thanked Lin Mo, said a few polite words to Lin Mo, and left first.

The basement of the restaurant is currently classified as a detention area, and the top floor is the office of the listening station. There is no need for them to be underground. After all, this is the territory of the national government. The place is currently tightly guarded. The Japanese do not want to get benefits here, even

I wish they were here.

The prisoners were kept underground, and the main purpose was to renovate the building to waste time and energy. This place is only for temporary use and is completely unnecessary.

Lin Mo went up to the top floor, and Yang Haicheng had returned. The two chatted for a while, and then Lin Mo went down to the ground floor through the newly repaired elevator.

After arriving here and exchanging some pleasantries with Wu Wulin, Lin Mo directly interrogated Kotaro and gave a pleasant explanation. Unfortunately, he was not a formal member of the assassination team and did not ask for much information.

However, there are a few pieces of information that corroborate what Ono has explained. One is the real viper's attitude towards wealth. Although he does not reject it, he does not pay much attention to it.

The assassination targets of the assassination team often come into contact with large amounts of property during the assassination operations. The disposal method is also divided among the team, and each member is distributed according to their contribution. At least the underground has never mentioned to Kotaro that the true viper loves money.

Second, the real Viper has great ambition and desire for power. Ever since he used thunderous means to control the assassination team, the entire assassination team has been running in such a way that water cannot be poured out or needles can penetrate.

After Lin Mo revealed that Viper was fake, Kotaro took it for granted. According to his explanation, many people in the group had their own thoughts about the operation in Nanjing. He also wondered why these people suddenly became bolder. This may be the most reasonable


After listening to Kotaro's description, Lin Mo went to another detention place here and interrogated all the criminals who had had contact with Zhong Heqing. While verifying Ono's confession, he also saw if there were any new gains. Ono's confession had some

It has been verified, but unfortunately there is no new gain.

After Lin Mo's busy work, it was already midnight when he returned to the yard, but Xu Guyu, Lin Wenhua, Zhang Hongxin and others were still waiting, so Lin Mo explained the investigation situation in one breath.

"Gurgling..." After saying that, Lin Mo picked up the water to quench his thirst. Unexpectedly, his stomach suddenly rebelled, and he remembered that he had not eaten dinner, which made Lin Mo a little embarrassed.

"I've left some food for you. Let the team members on the night shift help you heat it up so you can eat it right away." After Xu Guyu finished speaking, he called the team members on duty at the door to take care of it.

Lin Mo was flattered and grateful by Xu Guyu's attentiveness...

"Okay, let's get down to business! What's your attitude on this matter?" Xu Guyu ignored Lin Mo's mood and asked several people.

"Although most of the evidence collected so far is only sideways and indirect analysis, there are so many doubts that it is enough to judge these two people as fakes."

Hearing what Lin Wenhua said, everyone nodded and unanimously affirmed this judgment without trying to get into trouble.

Lin Wenhua saw this and continued: "However, there are still some doubts in this, especially the two code-named Vipers.

The man who was shot dead in the bank was very capable, but he was a stand-in who had undergone plastic surgery, but he had an assassination list in his hand. The man who was hit by a train and killed was not found on the list, he was not very capable, but he had not had plastic surgery.


Lin Mo had paid attention to this issue before, but unfortunately the information he had was too limited, and everything could only be speculated.

In Lin Mo's opinion, the unlucky man who was run over by the train had his true appearance, but if he was a real viper, Lin Mo would not believe it. Lin Mo deduced that this person was either as he had guessed before.

They are the twin brothers of the real viper, or they are fakes that look very similar to the real viper.

As for the one who died in the bank, it is unlikely that he was a real viper. After all, it is unlikely that the viper had plastic surgery to look like someone else from the beginning. This person most likely had good skills, so he had plastic surgery to look like a real viper.

Several people each have their own opinions, but they are not very different. They only differ on some details.

After Lin Mo finished speaking his mind, dinner was also delivered. A large bowl was piled with a large bowl of rice, and broth was poured on it. Lin Mo was also very hungry, so he turned around and ate while listening.

The broth was braised pork broth, and the vegetables were buried under the rice. There were braised pork, fried shredded pork and some vegetarian dishes. Lin Mo ate so much that he finished half the bowl in a short while.

"Okay, I have too little information, and it doesn't make much sense to analyze these details. Let's just let it go for now!"

After Lin Mo had almost finished eating, Xu Guyu made a decision and put the question aside for the time being, and continued: "Lin Mo, what is the basis for your analysis that these two people escaped by being substitutes, maybe they defected from the Japanese Army to join the Japanese Navy.


When he heard that he was called, Lin Mo quickly swallowed the last mouthful of food in his mouth while thinking about this question. Since Xu Guyu asked it, it was definitely not without purpose. There might be something wrong with his analysis.

However, after thinking about it, Lin Mo couldn't figure out what the problem was, so he said truthfully: "Section Chief, I used the birthplace of the real viper as the basis for this analysis.

According to the confessions of Ono Shigeyuki and other Japanese spies, as well as what I know, the Japanese army and navy have been led by the two feudal forces of Choshu and Satsuma since the day they were founded. The two feudal clans have been feuding since the old Japanese era.

The modern Japanese army and navy were mainly formed by two forces. After they were formed, they fought fiercely for various reasons. The two sides even turned the screws in the opposite direction.

Of course, this current analysis only has basis and no supporting evidence, and I don’t have much confidence, it’s just a possibility.”

Xu Guyu nodded, thought about it, and said: "The basis for your reference is indeed established. It is also possible, but it is not comprehensive.

The army and navy each require different intelligence and operate in different ways. A person may be able to get by in the army intelligence system, but that may not necessarily be the case in the navy intelligence system.

In particular, assassinations may be taken seriously within the Army system. After all, assassinating high-ranking enemy military and political officials, battlefield commanders, and being hostile to those who resist may indeed disintegrate the opponent and even change the trend of the war.

But what about the navy? Most of the time, it relies on hard power duels. What information is needed? It is the opponent’s fleet location, stationing location, combat plan, warship performance, equipment, design, technology, drawings, etc. How can a killer be deployed on these?

How useful is it?

A killer, even if he kills several important commanders of his opponent, will cause certain chaos to the enemy, but with the strength of the navy, can killing one or two people change the opponent's navy to be stronger than yours?

Not to mention how tightly guarded naval ports are, and people are on the ship during wartime. How can you assassinate someone? In the naval intelligence system, a weather observation agent may be more valuable than a killer.

Furthermore, the assassination team has been active in China and North Korea. North Korea has long been occupied by others. With our own navy’s huge wealth, which one is worth the Japanese navy’s efforts to assassinate?

The Japanese navy's intelligence system may be concerned about China, but its focus is definitely on European and American countries. Even if assassination methods are used, they are still aimed at Europe and the United States.

But would they really do this? I don't think so. Even if they did, the viper has black hair and yellow skin, and has an Asian face. Who wouldn't guess that it was them who did it?

Would Japan dare to do this before the war started? If he did it, not only would he become a target of public criticism, but his own purpose would also be exposed. To assassinate a few people was simply not worth it. But if he did it after the war started, with an Asian face, there would be a slight chance of success.

You just mentioned that the person codenamed Viper is a very ambitious and power-hungry person, will he go to a place where he doesn’t receive much attention and where he can’t display his abilities?”

Lin Mo suddenly realized that he had indeed not considered this. He only focused on Viper's so-called place of origin without conducting a more in-depth analysis. However, he did not dwell too much on it and frankly admitted his mistake.

"Okay, since this view is untenable, let's each think about where these two people went."

This question gave Lin Mo a headache, especially when Xu Guyu glanced around and no one could answer it, but Lin Mo was the last one.

Lin Mo bit the bullet and said: "Section Chief, I really can't think of it. Excluding the Japanese naval intelligence system, I can't even think of a possible place."

"Oh? Why..." Xu Guyu was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Lin Mo to give such an answer. He didn't even have any idea of ​​his possible whereabouts.

"Section Chief, there are two reasons. One is that we have too little information and really don't know where to consider it.

Secondly, Japan's intelligence agencies started much earlier than those in China. Unlike the national government, the only ones that can be named are the Secret Service Headquarters and us, and other departments and organizations with intelligence functions have little intelligence capabilities.

But Japan is different. Intelligence work started early, and the level of emphasis, financial investment, and personnel training are not comparable to ours. All forces may be involved in intelligence work, and we know too little about it. In fact..."

This chapter has been completed!
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