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Chapter 603 Shelved

After Lin Mo finished explaining, Zhang Hongxin also said: "Section Chief, we have arrested many Japanese spies recently, and some of them have already opened their mouths under interrogation and confessed a lot of things.

In their confessions, I found that there were many names of intelligence agencies, and they were numerous, so I wanted to study and summarize them, but I didn't want to make myself confused.

The Japanese intelligence force is indeed far superior to ours, and the investment is not even enough to carry people's shoes. However, although the Japanese intelligence force has a large organization, it is full of hills and mountains inside. What agencies and factions are so complicated that it is difficult to understand.

At a broad level, there is a military intelligence system under the Japanese Military Headquarters, and at a lower level it can be divided into intelligence systems controlled by the army and navy respectively.

The Navy's is not clear, but the Army's can be subdivided, such as the second department directly under the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters, the intelligence department affiliated with the Northeast Korean dispatch, and some formed by active and retired officers, or

An intelligence organization directly or indirectly affiliated with the Japanese Army.

Opposite to the military are the intelligence departments controlled by the government system, such as the consulates abroad under the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior's Special High-Tech Department. It seems that every department is involved in the intelligence field to some extent.

But these consulates abroad, especially in our Chinese context, are damn nests of spies. All forces come in and collect intelligence under the guise of special police, military attachés, and diplomats.

For example, the Shanghai T&T High-tech Co., Ltd. that we have had many dealings with recently is a Japanese army intelligence force. Anyway, it was so chaotic that I almost fainted.

In addition to the military and the government, there are also a bunch of civilian organizations that are independent of the two forces but are collecting intelligence for them. These people are even larger and more complex.

These civil organizations include Japanese mafia organizations, such as the Black Ocean Society, which control the underground world of North Korea and are minions of the local garrison. They make money wantonly, destroy resistance forces, collect intelligence for the military, etc.

There is also a group called the Black Dragon Society. Not only are their activities rampant in the Northeast, these people seem to have extended their hands to other parts of the country. They are also extremely powerful in Japan and have complicated relationships. It is said that they also have connections with the Japanese royal family, nobles, wealthy families, and financial groups.

These are related.

In addition to the gangs, there are so many trading houses, companies, newspapers, ronin samurai, retired soldiers, and even expatriates abroad, and intelligence organizations organized by radicals, large and small, that they are as numerous as stars.

There are so many people that they can’t even figure out what’s going on.

Some of these private intelligence organizations are backed by military and government departments and receive intelligence funds from these departments. Some are backed by Japanese party members, senior military and political officials, wealthy plutocrats, and even royal families, etc. Some belong to a single faction, and some

It is also related to many sects.

These organizations are either overt or covert. Some of the people behind them operate openly, some are semi-dark, and some are deeply hidden. Anyway, in one word, it is chaos! It is so confusing that many of the confessions contradict each other.


After Zhang Hongxin introduced the situation, he took out a stack of information from the document package he brought and handed it to Xu Guyu.

"These are the summary of information about Japan's intelligence agencies that I selected from the confession. Although some of the information is refuted, I still think the credibility is extremely high."

Lin Mo knew what Zhang Hongxin said was true. The intelligence vacuum cleaner of World War II was used to describe Japanese intelligence work. Its organization was huge, the amount of money invested, and the number of people involved were all top-notch.

However, Japan's intelligence system is full of factions. Most of the information it obtains is hidden from peers. In addition, the analysis and utilization of intelligence is second-rate. Otherwise, with its intelligence acquisition capabilities, the consequences...

Lin Mo didn't say anything about these situations. He couldn't explain how he knew about them. Originally, he planned to look for them in the confessions, or simply interrogate the captured Japanese spies. Now that Zhang Hongxin did it, he didn't have to cover up.


Xu Guyu took a general look at the information and circulated it to everyone. Lin Mo also looked at it, not pretending, but looking at it in detail and seriously.

Firstly, he wanted to know how much the department knew about the Japanese intelligence agencies. Secondly, most of the things he had read in his previous life were compiled and posted online by others. Let’s not talk about reliability. The descriptions in the articles were very general.

It is far less accurate and detailed than the information on hand.

"These two people are too dangerous. We should try our best to figure out where they might go. Let's think carefully and brainstorm to try not to miss any clues."

The leader spoke, and a few people naturally obeyed, not to mention that they themselves were worried about this matter. However, a few people mentioned several possibilities in succession, but unfortunately they were either ruled out or excluded.

"Section Chief, you said a killer, do you think it is possible for him to become a being who can crush others as soon as he enters the industry without any experience in this field?"

"Huh?" At first glance, Lin Mo's words made Xu Guyu a little confused, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood why Lin Mo asked.

"I think it's unlikely, but I don't know much about the killer. To be on the safe side, I'll go find someone to ask."

After Xu Guyu finished speaking, he went out and returned to his study. A quarter of an hour later, he returned to the conference room again with a solemn expression.

"I just asked some experts in this field for help. They said that a person may be born with a talent in this field, but no one can teach him or her.

You can do this on your own.”

I was not sure just now. Several other people asked, but Lin Mo didn't tell me his speculation. Now that the situation is clear, Lin Mo will tell me his speculation.

"Based on what we know, as soon as Viper joined the assassination team, he showed his prominence at an extremely fast speed, and his outstanding skill is assassination.

Based on what the section chief heard, it was clear that someone had led him before this, but why is there no relevant information in the intelligence we have? I suspect there are other people or other organizations behind him."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "You mean, he may have been arranged by other forces to join the assassination team?"

"The description of this other force and arrangement is inaccurate. He may have been instructed by the force that trained him to join the assassination group."

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Liu Zhenshan was stunned for a moment and said, "Is there any difference?"

"Yes..." Lin Mo nodded affirmatively and explained: "Although Japan's intelligence system is very dense, the relationship between them is not life-or-death.

Some of these Japanese intelligence agencies are subordinate to each other, some have interests, some are all-rounded and move among various factions, some take money to do things and recognize the money but not the person, some have great hands and eyes, and all parties have to sell it. How much face...

This also means that among these intelligence agencies, there is one among you and one among me. Among those confessions, many people have been members of some civil organizations and are even now.

For example, there are several fanatical radicals who joined certain social organizations when they were students, collected information for others, and even worked directly as informants for Japanese intelligence agencies. They were recruited by Japanese intelligence agencies after graduation.

There was another person who was a member of the Black Ocean Society. He was introduced by the gang to a civilian intelligence agency and went to the Northeast region to collect intelligence. Because of his outstanding performance, he was introduced to the Kwantung Army intelligence system, and then was assigned to Shanghai and finally to Nanjing. Caught while performing a mission.

Although the person in charge of the private intelligence agency does not have a military position, he comes from a military family. Three generations of his family have served or are still serving in the Japanese Army. Therefore, he belongs to the Army faction.

However, the person who dragged him to the Northeast to collect intelligence was an important government official who advocated invading China, so he belonged to the government faction again.

And his captured subordinates were from the Black Ocean Society. The Black Ocean Society's ability to control the situation in North Korea must be supported by North Korea's dispatched troops. And this person was introduced to the Kwantung Army's intelligence system when he went to the North, and the forces involved in it were quite large. few.

The Viper's situation may be similar to this person's, and he may be related to one or more forces behind the scenes, but we don't know whether he joined while concealing his identity or if there are other secrets involved."

Liu Zhenshan nodded and continued to ask: "Then who is the force behind him?"

Lin Mo thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know yet. It may be related to the Japanese naval intelligence system, or it may be a powerful civilian or semi-official organization, or it may be the Kwantung Army intelligence system. These are all possible.

In my opinion, I would prefer a private or semi-official organization, and one with considerable power, otherwise the forces related to the assassination team will not let him off easily if he abandons the assassination team."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, after everyone discussed it, although they did not reach an agreement, they still tended to believe that the forces behind Viper may be large private or semi-official organizations. Unfortunately, neither the understanding of Viper nor the understanding of Japanese folk and They knew so little about the semi-official organization that they couldn't get any closer to knowing who it was.

No way, the discussion on this matter ended hastily and was put on hold for the time being. However, the wanted orders for Viper and Viper were still sent to various places at the last possible time, overnight, without any desire to catch each other, just for their activities in China. cause certain obstacles.

On the second day, Lin Mo followed his biological clock and got up early to practice martial arts. He stayed in the courtyard all day without going out, mainly because he was waiting for news from Wang Yinglong or Scott. Unfortunately, there was no news until the evening.


Next to a wide and prosperous waterway, in a five-story foreign-style building, behind the fourth-floor window, two people stood quietly, wearing sunglasses. One person leaned slightly back to show respect to the other person.

"Tap..." There was a sound of leather shoes colliding with the floor, and a middle-aged man wearing white clothes and a fair face walked towards the two of them.

Bowing slightly to the leading man, he handed over a piece of paper. The leading man took off his sunglasses, revealing a familiar face. It was the viper that Lin Mo and the others were looking for.

Viper glanced at the content on the paper and frowned slightly. The man next to him immediately took off his sunglasses and gave the man in white a sharp look.

This person is also a familiar face, and his identity is obvious. He is Viper's confidant. This action truly explains what a confidant is.

"Master, what happened?" Wei lowered his head and spoke cautiously.

"Let's take a look!" Viper handed the paper over without saying anything.

"Has our arrangement been exposed?" Wei frowned when he saw the contents on the paper.

"With that old underground diver around, I didn't think I could hide it for long, but it did surprise me that it was exposed so quickly."

"Di Qian?" The man in white clothes on the side murmured and asked in confusion: "Didn't the news that came before say that Di Qian is dead? How..."

"Don't talk too much..." Seeing the man in white interrupting, Wei immediately glared at him fiercely.

"You, you..." Viper patted Viper on the shoulder, turned around and said, "You are a doctor, just do your job well, you are not needed for these overt and covert fights."

After saying that, Viper turned his head, stared at the river, and said: "The underground underground is the assassination team that entered before me. Most of the people at the same time as him have died, but what about him? He is still alive today intact.

, but you are an old fox, how can you die so easily?"

Seeing Viper's attitude towards the doctor, Viper no longer glared, but looked pained and said: "It's a pity that the two good men sent there didn't even put this old immortal into the coffin. Do you need me to go there myself?"

Let’s get rid of that old immortal?”

"No need to bother..." Viper waved his hand, without any fluctuation in his tone, and said: "That old guy from Underground, knowing that we won't let him go, will definitely hide us tightly. It's hard to find him if he wants to.


Our arrangement was exposed. Maybe the old underground guy knew that he couldn't deal with us on his own, so he revealed it to some intelligence agency. There are wanted orders for us everywhere now, so let's avoid it for now!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Wanted order?" Wei carefully read the contents on the paper again, and indeed saw the news about the wanted order.

Viper frowned and said in confusion: "Although there are photos of us on the wanted poster, it won't have much impact! The underground methods are enough for us to change our appearance."

"The Chinese are not the only ones looking for us now. The assassination team was wiped out, but we faked our own death and escaped. Do you think those people will let us go?"

"Then... give them a warning?" Wei was a little unwilling to give up. In his opinion, it was best to assassinate all threats.

"Those trump cards are not meant to be used that way. If they are exposed so easily, it will do us no good. It is a complete waste..."

"Yes..." Wei lowered his head. The doctor was standing aside, hesitating to say something.

"Tell me what you have to say!" Viper stared at the window and spoke.

The doctor heard this and said, "Do you need me to do plastic surgery for you? Then the wanted order will be useless to you."

"You want to operate our faces under the knife?" The viper glared at the doctor, which frightened the doctor for a moment and suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

"No...it's not..." The doctor's words were a bit awkward, but he still insisted on explaining: "It only requires fine-tuning and slight changes. It doesn't have to be as dangerous as plastic surgery to look like a person."

"You go down! I will think about it." Viper said and sent the doctor away.

"Master, this intelligence office can take care of the two experts we sent, as well as the people in Shandong. There is a threat..."

"I know what you mean, but it's just a threat. Besides, this trouble has nothing to do with us for the time being. If we go to such trouble to help others, will others accept our kindness?"

"Yes..." Viper lowered his head. Viper put on his sunglasses again and stared quietly out of the window, wondering what he was looking at? Or was he thinking about something?

"When we return to China this time, what orders did those people give you?"

"It is said that some radical fanatics in the country have formed some groups and are preparing to use assassination methods to achieve some goals. They may cause chaos. They asked me to go back and keep an eye on some of them, and take action to deal with them when necessary."

"I understand, you can go down too! Board the ship on time in the evening..."

"Yes..." Viper bowed, returned the paper, and exited the door. Viper was still standing in front of the window, with a smile gradually showing on his face.

"Interesting... click..." Viper lit a fire and burned the paper. Under the light of the fire, the smile was so... weird...

This chapter has been completed!
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