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Chapter 637 Thinking and seeking change

"Well said, you really enlightened me today! It's really a big business opportunity. I really came to the right time."

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"Hmm..." Liu Deming thought about it and said with a smile: "I heard people say that in foreign countries, good business ideas are of high value. I think so, you might as well take... 30% of my shares.

!If I encounter any problems in the future, I will come to you for advice."

"This..." Lin Mo didn't believe Liu Deming's lame reason. The situation he mentioned did exist abroad, but almost no one recognized it here in China.

Lin Mo also had a rough idea of ​​what Liu Deming wanted, which was nothing more than his identity as an intelligence officer and the identity of the Lin family...

"Brother Liu, we are now half a family, so I will open the skylight and speak openly. If you need any help, just send me a message. If I can help, I will try my best.

Of course, I want the shares, but 30% of the dry shares is too much, so I want 10% of the dry shares. I will take what you said seriously, and this 10% is just money to buy me to give you advice.

Because I really have money-making ideas, information, business opportunities, etc., and the value contained in them is not low. I can provide you with everything related to linen spinning.

Of course, I would definitely not be happy if it was just given to me for nothing, but I would start a new battle with you, my second brother. Based on our relationship, this is unjustifiable, so let’s have a win-win cooperation with 10% of the shares.

In addition, leave me another 10% of the shares, and I will invest this 10%. However, my head is a little tight now. I have to wait until I have sufficient funds. Then I will evaluate the company's valuation. I will value it at double the 10% share.

Come in."

"Okay..." Since Lin Mo said so confidently, Liu Deming had nothing to hesitate and simply followed suit. Anyway, he originally wanted to get 30% of his shares for nothing, but now he is missing 10%, and there is still 10% left.

Doubling the amount of capital invested in the shares, really speaking, is equivalent to getting Lin Mo’s help for nothing, so what else is there to be dissatisfied about?

Seeing this, Lin Mo smiled and said: "Well, since the second brother trusts me, I should also fulfill my responsibilities and improve the early management plan.

But! Before that, I would like to elaborate more on the situation of your linen textile industry and the relationship between this linen textile industry and the Liu family, that is, does the linen textile industry belong entirely to you personally, or is it just managed by the Liu family? "

Liu Deming introduced the situation of the linen textile industry in detail to Lin Mo. Although he was not optimistic about the linen textile industry before, it was his first time to be in charge of an industry, and he still spent a lot of time to understand the situation inside.

"...As for the linen textile industry, it probably has nothing to do with the Liu family. It belongs to me personally..."

At this point, he was sure that the boss gave him the linen spinning industry, but he couldn't understand the reason why Lin Mo asked, so he explained the situation to Lin Mo in detail.

"It seems that Brother Liu is not simple either! And you don't have to say anything to the second brother!"

Lin Mo suddenly said these two words, but Liu Deming was confused. The boss is not bad. The business entrusted to him by the family has basically never had any problems. But how can we start talking about this?

The relationship between the boss and him is indeed very good, but why does he have nothing to say to him? What does Lin Mo mean by this?

"How do you say this?" He felt that it was necessary to find out what situation Lin Mo was talking about. He felt as if he had missed something important.

Lin Mo didn't care anymore and explained to Liu Deming: "Second brother, although you didn't make much money from the linen spinning industry in your hands before, in fact he is a hen that lays golden eggs and has great potential.

If you rely on the linen spinning industry and switch to silk spinning and cotton spinning, it is not difficult to repeat the old path of the Liu family when they changed careers. Not to mention rebuilding another Liu family, it is not difficult to achieve half or a few percent of the size of the Liu family.

You may think that these people who inherit the hemp spinning craftsmanship will not be willing to change careers, but many years have passed, time has changed, things have changed, and their thoughts will change.

Linen spinning in your area is in decline, or to put it more bluntly, it has come to an end. I think everyone who is still engaged in linen spinning can see this.

I don’t deny that among those who were still willing to continue to pass on the hemp spinning craftsmanship, there must be some who were unswerving, but I think more may have been shaken.

Moreover, in the past few years, the handicraft inheritance has begun to alternate between old and new. Compared with the older generation of craftsmen who have seen and experienced the glory of linen spinning, the new generation is less willing to pass on the handicraft.

In addition, the weavers who followed the Liu family in the silk and cotton industry now have a better life and income than those who chose to inherit the craft. This reality gap has a greater impact on them, especially those who are more competitive.

young generation.

High income means better material conditions. The children of these people who choose to inherit the linen spinning craft may have watched other people's children grow up well when they were young. When they grow up, the girl they fall in love with will also be more inclined to choose a family.

For the other guys who are in good condition, I guess they have long been waiting for someone to change them.

And since the eldest brother has to hand over a linen textile industry with little profit to you, I don’t believe that the eldest brother can’t see through this, so I said that the eldest brother is not simple. He knows that it is a hen that lays golden eggs, but he is still willing to give it to you. How does the eldest brother treat you?

There’s definitely nothing more to say.”

After Lin Mo made this point, Liu Deming suddenly figured out a lot of things that he had not understood before. He had been wondering why the boss rushed to hand over an unprofitable industry to him? Emotions have such profound meanings!

After Liu Deming finished his remarks, Lin Mo continued: "But second brother, I don't recommend that you take the silk and cotton route. Although silk and cotton are currently the most widely used textile materials in China and even around the world, this is not the case.

The competition for representatives was fierce, and there were too many people participating in the carving up, including many who were bigger than the Liu family.

Moreover, it is difficult for you to break through the Liu family's current scale by taking the silk and cotton route. Once you start from scratch, the competition is fierce, which means that profits are relatively limited, and there is not much profit for you to expand quickly.

Secondly, the current size of the Liu family has reached a ceiling to a certain extent. This ceiling is only reached by the Liu family's accumulation over many years. Without external intervention or a major change, the Liu family can no longer grow as big as it does.

And if you start from the beginning, your financial resources are not as strong as those of the Liu family, and your connections are not as strong as those of the Liu family. Even if the Liu family can provide you with funds and connections in the early stage, your scale will reach half or almost 10% of the size of the Liu family.

Linen textiles are different. Let’s call it a niche textile! It has a certain scale, but its scale is far less than that of silk and cotton. There will definitely be competition, but it will not be as big as silk and cotton.

In China, I haven't heard of any large-scale linen textile companies so far. They should all be unregulated. You have ready-made technology, funds, connections, and channels, so you don't have to worry.

In addition, as mentioned before, the various properties of hemp may have many uses that need to be developed. They may be virgin territory that no one has set foot on. As long as we successfully come up with a product that can be widely used, we can all eat it.

A mouth full of oil.

For example, antibacterial and bacteriostatic properties. The most direct application of this property is medicine. The indirect application is underwear, which is used by ordinary people to prevent odors. By extension, it is military underwear, with the purpose of preventing the growth of germs.

The situation faced by the military is more complicated than that of ordinary people, especially during wars. Minor injuries can often lead to more serious consequences if they are not treated in time. Antibacterial and antibacterial underwear may save lives at this time.

Of course, it may be difficult to promote this in our military, but for countries with rich and democratically elected governments, with a little effort, it is very possible to achieve it.

Firstly, there is no shortage of money; secondly, the democratically elected government, how good a gimmick is this for politicians? Especially when the war starts and a large number of soldiers are recruited, this is a good reason to win over soldiers, military families and even ordinary people.

In addition, it is not impossible for our military to do business. The reason is that medical materials are expensive and scarce. Our military’s demand for these things is higher than that of countries with deep pockets. However, whether we can succeed or not is also faced with other factors.


"Hmm..." Liu Deming nodded, took note of it carefully, and said, "I can't choose silk cotton. The boss in the family doesn't have the final say alone. He has already done this to me. I can't make it difficult for him."

Yes, now that you have said this, I am mentally confident about this choice."

Lin Mo frowned and said: "Second brother, it is a bit inaccurate to say that we will not make silk cotton, because although hemp has such advantages, it is undeniable that hemp also has many shortcomings, otherwise silk would not be made.

Cotton became the main textile raw material.

In order to improve these shortcomings and make the market more receptive to linen products, it is inevitable to blend different linen materials, or linen with silk and cotton, or even more textile raw materials to meet different needs. This is basically inevitable.

Moreover, you are simply engaged in linen spinning, but this is also a textile business, and there will inevitably be friction and competition with the Liu family's business, but your competition is with the entire silk and cotton industry, not just with the Liu family.

But this competition is not a big deal to the Liu family. After all, they only occupy a few cents of the silk and cotton market. What they have to compete with are those in the same industry.

Besides, your company doesn’t have to be completely separated from the Liu family, you can definitely involve the Liu family! They are all in the textile industry, and the Liu family’s connections can help you open up the situation faster in the early stage."

Lin Mo's remarks are not unreasonable. Liu Deming also knows the strong relationship and acquiesces to this fact.

Seeing that Liu Deming had no objection, Lin Mo changed the topic and said: "Second brother, before getting back to the subject, let me mention one more point. I think the most valuable thing about your linen weavers is not their craftsmanship, but their eagerness to change their minds.


Seeking change means that they are willing to give up some things and work hard to pursue other things. At present, what they are willing to give up is to inherit the linen spinning craftsmanship and pursue higher income or a better life.

And this change can be guided manually, such as integrating the linen spinning skills they have mastered.

You have said before that the craftsmanship of some linen weavers was passed down from the Song and Yuan Dynasties when linen spinning flourished in the south of the Yangtze River. It has been passed down from generation to generation. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of many ancestors!

They must have some kind of unique secret recipe in their inheritance. Now that the inheritance has come to an end, if they are asked to hand it over, the obstacle will not be too big.

Once these things are taken out, they can be integrated, researched, and combined with modern craftsmanship, technology, machinery, science, etc. for development and research. If you have a thorough understanding of your technology, I estimate that you will become a first-class presence in the linen textile industry at least.


First-class technology, coupled with a group of subordinates who are willing to work hard, is the prelude to take off! This is difficult to imagine.

Of course, things cannot be taken away for free. You can give these people some shares in the form of technical shares. Firstly, you can win over people's hearts and gather people around you; secondly, you can also prevent possible technology leaks in the future."

"You're right. The things you mentioned do exist. Those who still weave high-end linen cloth today have unique skills passed down from their ancestors. When weaving, they do it behind closed doors and with their own families. Even I rarely see them.


As for the secret recipe, it lies in the process of processing the linen material. The requirements for the linen material used to make high-end linen cloth are extremely high. It is almost impossible to find it on the market. It is processed by several companies behind closed doors. There must be something special in it.

Secret recipe.”

At this point, Lin Mo was almost sure, he was a Chinese! As for urine, inheritance, etc., he basically kept it in his hands.

Of course, this is more for the sake of survival. There is a craft in hand, which is the bowl that generations of people eat. From a story, you can understand the thoughts of these people.

There was a person who couldn't survive in his hometown, so he went to other places to work out. He learned how to grow potatoes and found that the yield of potatoes was high, so he brought some seeds back to his hometown.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After returning home, this method of growing potatoes became something he strictly kept secret, and he also started passing on male rather than female. Relying on this,

He married a wife and had children locally, and had no worries about food and clothing for decades.

From this we can see how much benefit keeping a little secret can bring to people in this era of inconvenient communication and poor information dissemination.

Just a small piece of information on how to grow potatoes, kept secret, can allow a person who is almost extinct to have children, marry a wife, reproduce, and have enough food and clothing for decades. You can imagine how many people are willing to do this!

This is also the reason why these weavers wanted to pass on this craft obsession. After all, they switched to silk spinning and cotton spinning. Although you have the knowledge and foundation of textiles and can temporarily make considerable profits, it also means that you lose the opportunity to pass on the weaving.

rice bowl.

But what a pity! With the passage of time, even if the Liu family has extended the life of these crafts for some years, they have still come to the end of the road. At least locally, this bowl can no longer be passed down.

"Let's get back to the topic, second brother, what the Liu family said is that the linen textile industry will be run by you. Although it means that the linen textile industry is given to you, the meaning of this statement is more unclear.

My suggestion is that you go back and make a formal separation with the Liu family, and make all agreements and contracts in a formal way.

At the same time, it is best to explain the content of our exchanges openly and clearly. Whether the Liu family wants to invest in the original linen spinning industry or invest additional funds, the construction will introduce 20 to 30% of the Liu family's shares.

In addition, if the shares held by the Liu family will be withdrawn or sold in the future, what will be the exit method, whether you have the right of first refusal, whether to introduce other funds to follow the investment to maintain the shareholding ratio or dilute it, etc., etc., must be agreed upon and formed into a written agreement.

The same goes for me. You prepare the agreement and I will have time to re-sign it with you. In addition, I hope you will keep our communication confidential. It is best not to mention my existence. What I am doing now is dangerous.

Need to keep a low profile.”

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