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Chapter 671 Clam Pearl

After getting out of the ground and placing the fish, Lin Mo looked at the time. Good guy, it took the four of them nearly two hours to go back and forth to explore, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not too unexpected. On the one hand, it was difficult to walk, and on the other hand, it was difficult to walk.

The secret passage is indeed long enough.

When Lin Mo walked out, he made a rough estimate and found that the length of the secret passage was indeed about a kilometer, which was in line with his prediction.

The team members are basically working underground. In the cargo yard, the team member who went to find the water pump earlier is filling the water tank with fish, and the rest are all the odd jobs found.

The odd-job workers also have a mule cart. They first transport the unused green bricks from the last warehouse and build a large circle in the freight yard. The middle is used to stack the sludge transported from the ground. The odd-job workers are responsible for unloading the mud from the cart.

Stacked underneath.

Unloading the truck is not just about getting the mud off the truck. There are two people carrying a rectangular wooden framed wire mesh, who are responsible for sifting the mud unloaded from the truck.

The purpose is to sift out the small fish, shrimps, snails, and shellfish in the mud. Although there are not many small fish, there are a lot of other organisms. It is obvious that they will not survive if they are piled together. Not that everyone wants to keep these gadgets.

The main reason is that this thing stinks very much when it is dead. The smell of sludge is not very good to begin with, and with these things added, it will probably stink worse than a cesspool.

"Has the well been cleaned?" Lin Mo asked as the team member added water to the two of them.

In addition to installing and caring for the water pumping machine and being responsible for pumping water, the team members also have to lead people to clean the well after draining the water. After all, after using it for a long time, some debris will definitely accumulate in the well.

"It has been cleaned. The well is located in a relatively remote location. There are not many large debris that fell down. The main thing is that there is a lot of sludge accumulation, but it can be easily pumped out with a water pump."

"Is the water output from the well large?"

"This..." The team member thought for a moment, pointed to the pipe head in his hand and said: "The water volume is larger than this. That machine can adjust the water pumping volume. I adjusted the water pumping volume of the machine to be higher than the water output from the well water.

It is slightly smaller so that the well water can be stored.”

Lin Mo looked at the water coming out of the pipe. The amount of water was slightly larger than that from a normal faucet.

"It's enough. When the time comes, the well will be built bigger and the water storage will be enough for us people."

Whether the water supply is sufficient depends on the water output of the water source. The water output is only one aspect, and the water storage volume is another. It is impossible to use water all the time. The most water will be concentrated in those certain time periods. Build larger water storage wells.

This amount of water is not a problem at all to meet the peak water usage hours and to store water at other times.

"How much water has been pumped out of the temporary fish pond? How deep is it now?"

Hearing this, the team member replied: "It is estimated to be only twenty or thirty centimeters deep. There are too many water tanks. If I add water once, I will have to add water again before I can pump water into the fish pond. And there are still fish there."

If you are caught, you won’t be able to even add water for a while.”

Lin Mo thought for a while and said: "Let's help you bring some fish up first! The first batch of fish caught should be almost through the water. Also, when you add water, hold down part of the water outlet with your fingers.

, letting the water spray into the tank should increase the amount of dissolved oxygen to prevent the fish from becoming deprived of oxygen and causing problems."

After giving instructions to the team members, Lin Mo saw that the pile of soil was almost done, so he called the mule cart pulling bricks over. The four of them plus a horse driver transported the fish to the pond that was built before.

Everyone started with the small fish first. On the one hand, the water in the fish pond was still shallow, and on the other hand, they also tried using small fish to see if there would be any problems. It would not be a pity if the small fish died.

The mule carts carried one or two water tanks at a time, the big ones one at a time, the smaller ones two at a time. However, it only took three times to transport all the small fish that had almost passed through the water.

"Aren't these big fish too cruel? Even the small fish let them eat just this little bit?"

There are indeed very few small fish, and not all of the small fish they transport are the size of a finger. Many of them are as big as a few fingers or a palm, and weigh several ounces. They are not the same concept as small fish in the usual sense.

"It is normal for big fish to eat small fish, but the number of big fish and small fish is very different from the normal situation, and there are no ferocious carnivorous predatory fish inside. There are so few small fish, except

I guess there are other reasons for the big fish’s predation.”

"Don't be so pretentious! Tell me the reason?" They ventured into the secret passage together, which brought Zhang Jingmin and Lin Mo closer together. They thought Lin Mo was coming again, so they immediately spoke.

"I don't intend to make any excuses here, I just want to clarify the cause and effect of this incident. I estimate that the reason is that the groundwater temperature is too low, which affects the reproduction of these fish.

Now is the breeding season for these fish. If they breed normally, there should be a large number of small fry underneath. The lack of small fish means that the conditions below are not suitable for their reproduction. These fish seldom or even do not reproduce. The small fish are passed through that

The canal just came in not long ago.”

Zhang Jingmin thought for a while, nodded and said, "That makes sense. Small fish won't come up too much along the channels, and some of them will be eaten by the big fish when they come in. There are quite a few left."

"That's it~ and after we moved these big fish out, I think the water temperature should reach a temperature suitable for breeding. We can put some branches, straw and thatch in the pond as their breeding bed. Maybe we will get a big fish in a while.

Pile of small fry.”

While talking, several people returned to the fish pond with the car and began to transport the slightly larger fish up and clean out part of the water tank.

"What the hell~" The few people saw that there was no problem with the fish they put in, and drove back to prepare to transport the first few large fish caught. They didn't want to see a few odd workers unloading soil gathered around and looking at something.

After sifting the mud, the sifted items need to be sent out of the circle of green bricks and poured into several water tanks outside. At this time, several people were gathered around. Zhang Jingmin saw the excitement and led his mule over.

A few people had no choice but to follow, and the odd-job man who had previously led the mule cart was arranged to help unload the mud.

"Director Zhang, please help me find out what this is? It was just sifted out of the mud." Seeing a few people coming over, the odd-job worker handed the thing to Zhang Jingmin, who was leading the way. He looked at it and didn't recognize it, so he handed it to Lin Mo.

"Pearl..." Lin Mo took a quick look and recognized it immediately. It was a pearl as big as the tip of a little finger, in the shape of an irregular smooth strip. It was dark purple overall and had some other colors. It looked quite beautiful.


"Look for it quickly and see if there are any more..." When everyone heard that it was pearls, their interest immediately increased, and they started searching on the sieve and in the water tank.

"Who found this..." Lin Mo took the pearl aside and washed the mud off, handed it to Liu Zhenshan and the team member and looked at it before asking.

"I..." A timid voice sounded. Lin Mo took a quick look and saw that it was Han Wu who had led the mule cart for them to transport fish. He was tall and thick. He said that he was the fifth oldest child in the family, and he was a bit naive.

People just call him Han Wu.

But he is just honest, but he is not stupid. He has a wife who has three children, and he is also a good driver. Life is enjoyable in this era, but some people always think that he is easy to bully because he is honest.

Yesterday, I was doing some work at an unfamiliar construction site. The manager, Xiao Qingpi, tried to deduct money from him, but he punched him in the face.

According to him, he was so angry that he couldn't control his strength. The other party didn't bother him. It wasn't because he was afraid of him. He had a neighbor, a police chief. When he was a patrolman, he met a gangster and was punched by Han Wuyi.

He saved the other party's life, and the other party protected him all the time. However, Han Wu couldn't let go of what happened yesterday. He couldn't sleep at night and went to work late, only to meet the team member who was looking for someone.

"Give it to me?" Lin Mo handed the pearl back to Han Wu, who was stunned for a moment. He took it at a loss and said in confusion.

"Although it's a pearl, it's not worth much. It needs to be round, big and shiny to be valuable.

You can keep this for yourself. The color is quite good, but the shape is not worth much. You can find a jewelry-making place, get a holder, set it up, and make it into a pendant, earrings, hairpin, etc.

daughter in law."

"Hehe..." Hearing what Lin Mo said, Han Wu scratched his head in embarrassment and had a silly laugh for a while, then carefully put away the things.

Someone found another one. It was a round and standard bead shape, but not big. The diameter was estimated to be only seven or eight millimeters. It was milky white and not worth much.

Looking at the hopeful look in the other party's eyes, Lin Mo felt speechless. Even though Han Wu was protected by a police chief and a neighbor, he had never used the other party's name to seek any benefits. He was still honest and diligent.

He worked early in the morning and worked late in the day to earn money, so he would only fight back when someone bullied him. For this reason, he was a bit harsh and he still couldn't bear it.

It is not unreasonable for the others to be left alone. Not to mention those who are older or have handicapped hands and feet, there are only a few who are left. They are all lazy and lazy people. They are the most active during lunch. They work slowly and lazily.

Being lazy, San Wu probably doesn't do much more work than Han Wu.

"Keep it for yourself..." After returning the things, Lin Mo said to everyone: "Whoever finds it after rummaging in the mud gets it. Separate the mussels and put them in a separate box. You can't touch these."

Lin Mo originally thought that he was lucky enough to find two pearls, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face soon. A bunch of hands stretched out for him to help him take a look. There were six or seven pearls, and he didn't know if they were real.

Just dug it out.

Lin Mo didn't bother with this. He looked at them one by one. Basically, they were all under six or seven millimeters. Some were not much bigger than rice grains, but there was also a very large one, pure white, estimated to be eleven or two millimeters in diameter. And

The bead shape is still very round, but it is a pity that it has no luster because it has been soaked for a long time or something, so it is a useless bead.

"Okay, okay~ It's time to work, the car is coming..." Just as Xu Guyu drove the carriage and pulled the mud out, Lin Mo quickly dismissed the circle of people around him.

"It's easy for these lazy guys..." Several people also drove the mule cart over to continue transporting fish. Zhang Jingmin was a little angry. He didn't notice the work of these people before, but he passed by several people when transporting fish.

I have already seen clearly what kind of urine these guys are.

"It doesn't matter, it's not worth much. I guess the big stuff and good stuff are still in those river mussels! Let's open it up after the work is done."

"What a great feeling! Oh, no, the probability of pearls appearing in these river mussels is not high. I have grown up with a lot of river mussels, but I have never had any pearls come out of them, right?"

"I guess there's a higher chance of pearls coming out of these river mussels."

Zhang Jingmin heard this and asked: "Pearls can be sifted out of the mud. Isn't it because there are too many river mussels that have been eaten, and the pearls inside have been accumulated in the mud over the years?"

"The reason why pearls appear in the mud must be what you said, but if it is the normal pearl yield rate of wild river mussels, if you can sift out three or two, it can only be said that you are lucky."

Speaking of this, Lin Mo didn't want to be mistaken for being too close, so he continued to explain: "I have some guesses for the reasons. One is that there are a lot of fine sand and broken shells in the secret passage, and it is inevitable that the river mussels will enter the mussels during their growth.

Secondly, there are many big fish at the bottom, and with the cracks in the secret passage, the living water brings more dissolved oxygen, and there is plenty of food. The big fish may live and eat in that area most of the time, and river mussels also live in that area.


River mussels serve as food for big fish, and there are quite a few big fish. They swim around all day long, and are easily attacked by predators. Since they can't run away, the only way to protect themselves is to close their shells and be harassed frequently for a long time.

In order to avoid attacks, the shell can only be closed quickly, which increases the chance of foreign matter entering. In this case, it may not be able to discharge the foreign matter in time, and the chance of forming pearls will naturally increase.

The reason why river mussels produce pearls is mainly because foreign matter or pathological invasion stimulates their mantle to secrete nacre to wrap foreign matter or its own pathological tissue. This is roughly the reason. Another possibility is that river mussels are prone to illness underneath.

Of course, these are only my personal inferences, and I am not sure whether they are correct or not, but it is certain that the river mussels below are more likely to produce pearls, and although the fish is big, the size of the river mussels it can eat is also limited.

Most of the pearls filtered out cannot be corroborated, so if you want to find the big ones, you have to look for these surviving big river mussels.

As for whether you can find a good one, it all depends on luck, but a big one is better than a small one! Even if it’s not worth much, it’s still good to keep as a souvenir or as a small gift for others.”

As Lin Mo talked, he and a few people moved the water tank onto the cart. They were about to continue chatting, but unexpectedly Xu Guyu came over and called them aside.

"I see that some of the pillars supporting the secret passage have been soaked..."

It turned out that Xu Guyu had some problems with the support pillars that had been cleared out. When he came out, he saw a few people walking in the secret passage, so he wanted to hear their opinions on how to deal with these problems in the secret passage.

Do you need to build a wall like the entrance?

"This... shouldn't be necessary..." Lin Mo spoke first, and said: "Replace if there is any damage, and maintain if there is any danger. Building a wall is a long process, and it is not easy to borrow other people's hands to repair the secret passage.

Do we have to repair the year of the monkey and the month of the horse by ourselves?

The bottom of the crack in the ditch can be repaired. Then we can fill in the collapse, then find the crack in the ditch outside, find an excuse to pour it from the outside, and make that section waterproof. It should be enough. Anyway, the secret passage is in the water.

It can last for so many years. After replacement and maintenance, it should be no problem for another ten to twenty years. It is completely sufficient."

This chapter has been completed!
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