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Chapter 743 Confrontation (4)

On Liu Zhenshan's side, Wu Shaoming gave a lot of explanations at once, and he did not interrupt. While listening, he wrote down some key points, key points, and some points that needed further details.

"Don't take the easy way out of me! Why are you all giving information about delivering information? What about the other things you have done for them? Don't think that we can't find out. If we find out when the time comes, we won't be able to talk to you so easily."

Wu Shaoming heard this and said: "Some details may have been omitted, but it is true that they did not avoid the important and ignore the light! I feel a little strange about this. They spent a lot of time on me, but they only asked me to do some transfers and copying.

This kind of thing. These things can be arranged by anyone, and even this link is dispensable. I don’t understand what their purpose is for doing this.”

"...Are you sure? It's the same sentence. It's better to explain it clearly now than to argue with you later." Liu Zhenshan looked at Wu Shaoming with doubt on his face.

"...I'm not stupid either. I know exactly what I should choose at this time..." Wu Shaoming replied with a wry smile, feeling very helpless.

"...I believe you..." Liu Zhenshan nodded and replied, then asked about some details of the situation recorded in the notebook and completed the line.

I just asked these questions just to test it out. Some things have already been roughly figured out during the case investigation and arrest process. Now I just want to confirm it. If there are unexpected gains, that would be even better.

Judging from the information currently available, Wu Shaoming is indeed consistent with the speculation. It was the other party who pushed out to block the gun. He used the other party's persistence in family ties and used his younger brother as a bargaining chip. After he was found and arrested, he ensured that he kept the secret, even if he

If you can't keep silent all the time, it's enough to buy time for the other party.

However, the information he can provide is not of such high value as expected. Not all the information needs to be copied and disguised by his followers. Most of the time, it is just handed over. Only a few times, it needs to be copied and disguised by his followers, such as this time.

The situation was strictly investigated before he was asked to carry out the disguise work. Moreover, some of the information had been encrypted before it was sent to him, and he could not understand the content even after checking it.

Fortunately, Wu Shaoming's memory is very good. He can recall the contents of many pieces of information that have passed through his hands. Even if they are old, he can still remember 70 to 80% of them. Liu Zhenshan didn't waste much effort.

After asking for the details he wanted to know, someone took Wu Shaoming down first, while Liu Zhenshan communicated the situation to the group leader.

"Then let's arrange for people to follow these situations now? I've tried a few sudden trials here, but they were all hard-hitting, and nothing useful was found."

"Wait a minute, I will interrogate the warehouse officer unexpectedly, and we will deal with it together then..." Liu Zhenshan replied.

The team leader nodded and said nothing more. Liu Zhenshan said before the trial that he would leave the other party to him. There must be a way to deal with it, and waiting for a while wouldn't hurt anything.

After changing places, Liu Zhenshan also felt a little pain in his head when he saw the target curled up and being carried into this specially prepared interrogation room. His movements made him grin with pain when he accidentally moved too much.

"...I just want to ask you a question, who is the person behind you?" Liu Zhenshan didn't hesitate and just asked the question.

"...Bang..." Liu Zhenshan slapped the table hard, and the target, who was groaning in the interrogation chair and pretending not to hear the pain, shivered in fright, but it turned out that the target was pulled straight to the balls and gasped in pain.


"...It's just a question, let's talk about it! If you tell me, I will arrange for someone to treat you. Otherwise, I may not have a chance to be humane for the rest of my life. It won't cost me the rest of my life. It's just a question. I'm not too greedy..."

The officer in charge of the warehouse had a tangled look on his face, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to speak.

"The person who instigated me behind the scenes is Director Li from the logistics department. I am his insider under Director Chen..."

"...Bang..." Liu Zhenshan slapped the table again and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? You are already the administrator of the pharmaceutical warehouse before Director Li comes here! Now that you are here, you are pouring dirty water on others? And you need to show me

Is it the ID? Is this why we arrested you? Or do you want to argue that you don’t know what you did?”

"...No, no, no..." The warehouse officer looked horrified, hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands to deny, stumbling over his head to explain.

Director Li is the director who has a powerful backstage and holds the real power of city defense logistics. Director Chen is the director who has been squeezed out but still holds on to the pharmaceuticals.

According to the instructions of the officer in charge of the warehouse, he was the old director's man who fought and confronted Director Chen before Director Li was transferred. The old director placed him under Director Chen and tried to find a way to enter the warehouse, preparing to find a suitable opportunity to overthrow him.

Director Chen.

As a result, Director Chen squeezed him away before finding the opportunity. However, Director Chen did not expect that after taking away the evil wolf, he was ushered in by a ferocious tiger.

A piece of fat meat, good medicine, and he handed it over to someone who was installed by someone else.

The old director was squeezed out of Qingshui's idle yamen, lost power and power, and was too lazy to pay attention to a small officer he had placed. When the officer in charge of the warehouse saw that Director Chen was retreating steadily, he immediately secretly found the new Director Li and prepared to give him a hand.

Director Chen delivers a fatal blow.

He joined Director Li's staff, but he didn't turn his back as expected and was highly valued. Director Li asked him to continue to work under Director Chen, reported to him Director Chen's movements, and asked him to behave in front of Director Chen.

You have to be loyal, and you must hold the real power of the drug warehouse, and cooperate with him when necessary.

The reason given by Director Li was that he did not want to squeeze Director Chen out, lest this middle-positioned person with more powerful interests would target and intervene, and then he would end up like Director Chen.

What could the warehouse officer do but follow orders? Director Li later asked him to secretly do some private things for the drug warehouse officer under the banner of the drug warehouse officer. By the time he found out, he had already fallen into a leak trap and was being held captive.

Got the handle.

Director Li's excuse to him was that the materials in the warehouse could be exchanged for money, and the intelligence information could also be exchanged for money. After all the coercion and inducement, what else could he do? He could only cooperate obediently.

"...I'm not telling lies..." Liu Zhenshan looked solemn, stared at the other party with eyebrows raised, and asked in a somewhat rough tone.

"...Don't you dare..." Officer Guancang looked horrified. He waved his hands and glanced at Liu Zhenshan from time to time with a bit of hope.

"...Okay...I will arrange for someone to treat you. I hope that after the treatment, you can explain everything you need to explain clearly, otherwise we will have plenty of ways and time to deal with you."

After Liu Zhenshan finished speaking, he asked someone to take him down.

"...Do you believe this?" After reading the confession, the team leader couldn't help but joke.

"...Who would believe it?" Liu Zhenshan sneered and said: "But what I need is this invisible confession. I am not afraid of him talking nonsense, but I am afraid that he will not open his mouth. As long as he opens his mouth, he can always get something.

I put a lot of thought into this..."

From the moment he was arrested, Liu Zhenshan put this person first. After he was captured, he immediately sent him here alone. The custody and interrogation were also specially selected and prepared in a place so that the other party would not notice other movements and make him mistakenly think that he was the only one who was there.

They touched him to see what tricks and responses he would come up with at this time, to support their inferences, and to see through the clues what kind of trouble was hidden behind it.

As for the confession he gave, if they really only touched him, then they might still be unsure or even misled. But now! A quick glance can reveal many flaws in it. Looking at it all, it can only be said to be a fool.

Where are the ghosts?

"It seems that the fox was playing tricks on the hawk but was caught and blinded by the hawk! This time this guy is very capable of plotting against you." The leader of the group laughed heartily and praised him.

"What kind of fox is he? He's just a little mouse. During the cross-examination, he made a lot of little moves, and he even acted with me! He's like a clown..."

Liu Zhenshan made a few belittling remarks, then suddenly changed the topic and said: "However, we cannot underestimate our opponent. If we follow the opponent's preset path to detect, there is still a high chance that we may be led astray. Even this confession,

What we can see may not be what they want us to see, so we must be careful when handling it."

Liu Zhenshan didn't look down on his opponent just because of his current gains. He only made a few flirtatious remarks, but the red light was always flashing in his heart. He had already vaguely felt that the city defense case was far from over.

"Then do you think there is a problem with Director Li or Director Chen? According to what you said, neither of them can be ruled out!"

There must be something wrong with one of these two people. After all, the other party can use the territory of logistics to make a fuss and has been focusing on the fat area of ​​medicines for a long time. There must be senior management of the logistics department cooperating and assisting behind the scenes.

During the previous platoon investigation, the team leader had already gotten to know the city defense logistics through connections. Only one of these two people could have the real power to touch the flesh of medicines and embezzle them.

Was dragged into the water.

"Based on previous investigations, there was no identity substitution or substitution between these two people. In other words, the person in question is a traitor who was bribed or coerced to rebel.

In this case, Director Li is much less suspicious. After all, although Director Li is greedy, he still has some sense of measure and is not the insatiable type.

From this perspective, the possibility of him being bribed with money is not high. After all, the risks and consequences of making money and corruption are much smaller than selling intelligence secrets.

Even though he was bribed with the promise of other benefits, such as power and position, he did not show too much ambition or obsession in this regard, and if he really wanted to pursue this aspect, his backstage and connections would be enough to support him.

Keep going up.

As for instigating rebellion, in terms of the relationship between China and Japan, it is actually not much different from bribery. It is nothing more than the promise of money and power, and there is no essential difference.

In terms of coercion, a person who almost controls the logistics department of the headquarters must have a complicated chain of interests behind him. How can he be so easy to coerce?

As for Director Chen, the situation is almost reversed. He is more passionate about money and power. Especially when Director Li was beaten to the point of losing his armor, he must not be reconciled. There is no guarantee that he will not lose his mind or become deformed.

Mind, let people take advantage of it.

And there is another point. There are various interest chains behind Director Li, so Director Chen will definitely be no exception. If he cannot feed those people, he will definitely become an outcast. But can the fat meat of a single drug feed those people?


He is still supporting it now, which means that he is at least barely satisfying the people behind him. But from what we have found, he did not bite too hard on the medicine issue, and there has not been any trouble in this area, which means that he has never been in trouble.

The benefits taken away have not changed much from before, so where did he get the benefits to make up for the tribute?

So based on these circumstances, Director Chen's suspicion is obviously greater than Director Li's. In addition, Director Li was identified by this guy, and his suspicion is even smaller.

Of course, Director Li's suspicion cannot be ruled out. After all, these may be suspicions they have created to hide and cover the fact that they leaked secrets."

"Your analysis is based on what he told you, Director Li doesn't want to squeeze out Director Chen and find a stronger opponent, right?"

"...Yes..." Liu Zhenshan nodded and explained: "Although this guy is lying, what he said must be true and false. This situation is not so critical, so the possibility of it being true is very high, whether it is true thoughts or falsehoods.

This situation can still be assumed despite the pretense of cover-up."

"...Hmm..." The team leader frowned and responded, "It seems that the investigation in this area is still too superficial, and it cannot even support simple analysis and inference. Now it has been found on them. Use

Don’t you need to arrange for someone to conduct an in-depth investigation?”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "...Forget it..." Liu Zhenshan shook his head and said: "As I said before, people in that position have many interests behind them, so don't check too much unless necessary.

Deep, otherwise it will be a trouble no matter how you clean it up."

"Then how are you going to deal with the situation of these two people?" The group leader asked directly without being polite.

"Go directly to someone's door and control them. Whether they are bribed to rebel or coerced, they are traitors after all. Just like the staff officer, if you scare, bluff, or force them, they will probably be able to confess.

Moreover, the warehouse officer, before Wu Shaoming blocked the gun, pointed the clue to one of the two people as soon as he was caught. I suspect there may be something fishy in this. Something may happen during the in-depth investigation. Based on the current situation,

It’s better to cut through the mess with a sharp knife.”

The team leader did not agree immediately, but instead asked: "You have been carefully guarding this warehouse officer. I still don't know whether he is a Japanese who was bribed and coerced to surrender, or a Japanese spy who was planted in?"

"The spy who was inserted in, Lao Zhang, followed my instructions. During the transfer process, he knocked off the person's shoes, took off the person's socks and stuffed them into the person's mouth, and secretly observed his feet. He had Japanese characteristics, but the characteristics were not very obvious.

, it should be that he wears those clogs less often or for a longer period of time, but no matter what the situation, he must have a close relationship with the Japanese and fall into the category of being inserted."

"...Okay, then I'll do as you say..." This situation is quite important. After all, the one who is inserted is generally more valued and trusted than the one who instigates rebellion. Putting him in front of a person who was instigated to block the gun is not that important.

In key and important locations, the possibility of problems is obviously not small.

This chapter has been completed!
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