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Chapter 745 Confrontation (6)

"It seems we don't have to worry about it anymore, the higher ups have already made the decision for us." Shen Song carefully installed the code book and turned around to hand the detailed instructions and situation report to the two of them.

The detailed instructions and notifications generally show that during the control and arrest operations in the Laoshan area of ​​Nanjing, due to limited manpower and miscalculation of the enemy's situation, there were loopholes in the relevant operations. At present, the enemy has fired shots.

The department requires them to take action to capture and even deal with the targeted target before the enemy has a clear understanding of the specific situation and reacts.

The primary goal is to observe and monitor the enemy's personnel who obtain information about the navy, river defense, waterways, etc., and to prevent the enemy from continuing to obtain information about relevant situations.

The second step is to destroy the other party's communication facilities such as radio stations and intelligence relay personnel, cut off the other party's signals to ships entering the river, blind one of the eyes of those ships, and force them to leave the river as soon as possible to avoid another incident.

Finally, the remaining targets were cleared, and interrogation and retrieval were carried out. After completing these tasks, the operation was concluded only when the people were escorted back.

"By doing this, we have clearly told the other party that we are taking action here! It will still take some time before the Japanese ship passes through here. Will the harassing personnel who stayed at the end run away?"

Hearing this, Wang Mingkun said: "They won't withdraw so easily. Since these people are here to harass or go deep behind enemy lines, they must have prepared a large amount of ammunition and equipment to support the raid. Whether they are taken away or dealt with on the spot, it will take time."

Find the opportunity.

They definitely can't confirm whether they have been exposed before taking action. If they just move away with these things in broad daylight, even if they don't consider the possibility that they have been exposed, this behavior itself will greatly increase the chance of exposure.

Even if these are not considered, will there be checkpoints and interceptions on the road? Will there be other obstacles? You must know that this is our territory. Whether they are exposed now or on the road, they may face our heavy troops to intercept and kill them.

Therefore, the first thing they need to avoid when retreating is exposure, the second thing is to avoid encirclement and interception, and finally they need to ensure the speed of maneuvering. So it is impossible to go out in broad daylight and move in groups with guns, ammunition and equipment to retreat.

I estimate that at least until it gets dark, they will use the cover of night to start moving. At most, they will disperse as a group and break into pieces, making it impossible for us to concentrate our manpower to contain them.

The firearms, ammunition and equipment will definitely not be left where they are, but they will not be carried away either. Most of them will probably be hidden and discarded on the road. After all, we are operating on our territory, and the high probability that we will use standard equipment will not be self-produced equipment.

As long as these things don't stay where they are, we will find them. They also have many official excuses, and at worst they can argue with them, but there is a high probability that we will not argue with them on this matter at all.

There must be some sensitive and important weapons and equipment among them that can point to them or some places that we don't want to find. These may be taken away, or they may be destroyed or dispersed and hidden in more secret places.

No matter what you say! Rest assured, there is a high probability that people will not withdraw immediately. Even if they withdraw now, so what. In the worst case, they will call the surrounding garrison to intercept and kill. This is in our territory. If we find out that we are targeting you, we still want to

Run? Even if you don’t say anything, you have to peel off layers of his skin.”

After listening, the third team leader nodded and said: "Since there is no problem, let's forget about it and follow the instructions above to attack those targets first!

Jiang Fang, the person inside the barracks has already coordinated and arranged it for us, so that we can go in and get people unimpeded. Other targets have also been surveyed and collected, including distribution maps of the surrounding terrain, roads, buildings, internal courtyards, room layouts, etc.

It’s basically been touched.”

"...Okay..." Wang Mingkun nodded and replied: "There is no problem on my side. The manpower can be divided into four three-person groups to act separately. The second operation team will follow to assist, and the third group will be responsible for the surrounding containment police. If they encounter

If there are more targets, several groups will join together and act together."

After Wang Mingkun finished speaking, Shen Song nodded. This set of procedures is basically their current standard action procedure. The third team leader did not raise any objections when he saw this. It was just that the three of them looked happy, but there was no joy. They had a question.

Always avoiding talking about it.

"This time we made an oversight in our work! Our energy was too biased towards our side, and we actually made such a big oversight. Now we are in trouble. When the gun goes off, we don't know if the other party will make a fuss about this."

Zeng Wenchong, who was in the back row, couldn't help but rub his temples after reading the situation report from Lin Zhi. Fortunately, he didn't put all the blame on others.

"...Don't worry, don't worry..." Lin Mo comforted him and said with a smile: "It's already too late. The boat has been traveling for more than an hour. According to the report, the speed of the boat is not slow. It is estimated that it has traveled a hundred kilometers. Even if you regret it, you can come back.

Talk for at least an hour.

The ship has already left and Kuramoto has been found. Even if the gun is fired at this time, what excuse will they use to launch an attack? Even if they don't give up and bring the ship back, one hour is enough for us to roughly end the matter.

To be honest, recovering the hidden copy intact has put them in a very embarrassing situation. It would be too ugly to continue to pester them at this time. They still have to pay attention to international observation. After all, they still have

We haven't prepared the necessary preparations for launching a war! We don't want to get into too much trouble with the international community.

Of course, as soon as the gun went off, they could definitely guess what happened. There would definitely be some unwilling people who wanted to continue causing trouble, but there was a high probability that they wouldn't be able to.

After all, we have already destroyed some of their arrangements. Without the intelligence and information support provided by these people, would those ships dare to come back?

You must know that this has penetrated deeply into our territory. No matter how wide a river is, it can't be as wide as Shanghai. They may really be sunk by us. Credit is a good thing, but you have to die to get it, right?

The people below may be brainwashed and become crazy, but the officers above are not stupid and have very good calculations. Let the matter be settled now, not only will they avoid taking huge risks, but the responsibility can also be completely removed.

After all, he just drove the boat in and stayed on the boat. They are not responsible for the current failure and losses in the incident. The responsibility does not fall on them. But if he comes back now, even if his life is not worried, the responsibility for the damage will fall on them.

On the head.

Now that things have developed to this point, there is not much progress left. Those who refuse to forgive are not trying to get back without being punished, but why do you want me to bear the risks of your mistakes with you?

Moreover, those who provoked the trouble were not that determined in this matter. For example, giving a three-day deadline is a proof. Although it can be pushed into various aspects of planning and preparation of public opinion, if they are really determined, they can completely ignore it.

Regardless of provoking trouble, we were caught off guard.

After all, this is not a place where the two forces come into contact and confront each other, but a place where we go deep into our hinterland and delay a little longer. That means giving us more time to prepare and adding more risk and pressure to those who come in.

Furthermore, if you really want to make too much determination, then why wait for us to take action and fire the gun? So what if Kuramoto is retrieved? He can directly give the order to the people on the river bank to fire a few shots, and directly use the name of the warship being attacked.

Wouldn't it be easier to start?

In addition, there is a high probability that the other party will admit defeat. This can be seen from the above attitude. If we are really worried about this aspect, the order should be for us to stop here, so relax and carry out the above order with peace of mind.

That’s fine.”

After listening to Lin Mo's explanation and analysis, Zeng Wenchong finally swallowed his heart that was hanging in his throat and breathed a long sigh of relief. When he thought about the serious consequences that might be caused by his and others' mistakes, he was really panicking.

"By the way, you just said that the Japanese are not ready for war. What do you mean?"

After all, he was an intelligence officer, and his sense of smell was very keen. As soon as he calmed down, he immediately remembered the small details he had just noticed.

"Japan is a country with a narrow territory and scarce resources. Although its industrial development is much better than ours, it can build everything from airplanes to cannons, from warships to firearms, and its strength is among the best in the world.

But these are all big consumers of resources. Although Japan has occupied some territories and controlled more resources, the infrastructure in these places was generally poor and it took a long time to build and operate in order to make better use of these resources.


Furthermore, these places are not enough to make up for all the resources that are lacking in the world, especially petroleum and rubber. Without these aircraft, warships, trucks, and heavy artillery, they will have to stop eating.

But they chose us as their target because we have a vast territory and a large number of people. If they don't compete with us for weapons and equipment, how can they compete with us for men? Then no matter how high-quality their soldiers are, we still have to exhaust our manpower.

The solution is nothing more than to grab and store. Grab! Those are the territories of powerful European and American countries. Is it so easy to grab and store? It is to purchase and reserve these resources through trade with Europe and the United States.

For now, their expansion in China will inevitably encroach on the interests of European and American countries in China, so they still have to pay attention to how they eat before the reserve is completed, otherwise once these trades are cut off, it will almost be like giving it to them.

It's enough for him to take the heat out of the cauldron.

Of course, this refers to a full-scale war between China and Japan, but this time they directly provoked trouble in the capital of a country, which can almost be regarded as pursuing this goal.

However, don’t have unrealistic expectations for Europe and the United States. If they fight, they may not necessarily cut off their trade with the Japanese. After all, if they fight, they may not get less benefits from the Japanese than China.

But! Before Japan completes relatively sufficient reserves, they must have concerns. After all, the other party certainly does not want the Japanese to increase in strength, and they cannot guarantee that the other party will not choose this method.

As for how to judge that the Japanese have not prepared enough reserves, first of all, the 918 and 128 concocted by the Japanese in the past few years. Based on the situation at that time, if the Japanese had more reserves left, they would not be able to end it so easily, and this has just passed.

It is impossible for the other party to complete the replenishment of reserves of this magnitude in just a few years.

Secondly, the Japanese have been encroaching in the north in recent years, causing a lot of troubles, frictions, and conflicts. If they really have sufficient reserves and preparations, do they lack the opportunity to expand troubles?

This incident was rather sudden. It is estimated that some people wanted to gain political achievements for themselves and stirred up trouble in private, creating an established fact that Japanese senior officials had to ratify.

This can be proven by the fact that the navy ships were dispatched. It is estimated that some people in the Japanese navy were jealous when they saw the Japanese army encroaching on the north to gain credit, and wanted to imitate the 128 after September 18. After all, they were invading the country.

Regarding China's affairs, if the Japanese Navy wants to make achievements, it must focus on the Yangtze River.

However, after the incident has been temporarily over, the other party's senior management will definitely intervene to prevent the situation from getting worse. After all, they have passed the stage of reaping this kind of capital and political achievements, and even this kind of behavior will cause them a lot of trouble. Without

We don’t want things to develop like this before we are fully prepared, which is one of the reasons why we judge that the other party will not attack again.”

"...Okay, let's talk about this! Get on the boat quickly, communicate with others on the way, calm their minds, and discuss and determine the action plan after the trip."

While talking, the car also arrived at the dock. Lin Mo ended the conversation, got out of the car, took on his equipment, and boarded the boat that Zeng Wenchong had arranged in advance. He took the opportunity to catch up with the backbone officers of the Intelligence Team 2 and Action Team 2 who had gathered together.

Discuss and roughly allocate work...

In the police station, Mr. Consul General was in a very bad mood. His unhappiness and displeasure could be seen clearly on his face. However, some reporters and media unreasonably came up to him, uncovered his scars and poked his lungs and tubes, and even

Are you laughing there?

If he hadn't been worried about losing face (don't worry at all, does he still have face?), he would have scolded him long ago. Even if there weren't many people on the other side, he wouldn't mind stretching his muscles.

He just received another call. Although the consulate staff did not explain it clearly and in detail, and some sensitive and confidential matters must not be communicated on this phone, even Meng Dai guessed that he knew what happened.

To put it simply, he was attacked by Yan Yan. Some of their arrangements actually became the prey of others. They didn't even know it. They had lost contact with many places and suffered heavy losses.

Of course, what made him most angry was the Nanjing government people who held press conferences, exclusive interviews with reporters, receptions and receptions, and held cocktail parties and dances to celebrate, and they still prevented him from leaving. It was really...

When he thought of this, Mr. Consul General's eyes towards Kuramoto became a little more dangerous, and he cursed in his heart that this guy was stupid. He had probably been discovered long ago without knowing it. If you had died honestly, how could you have done this?

And that idiot from the consulate. Sure enough, the Army’s call them red deer is really appropriate! And the entire consulate is also a bunch of idiots and losers. People touch them right under their noses and they don’t even realize it...

This is what appears on Mr. Consul General’s face, but is that really the case? He really wants to go back, and can these people in the government really stop him? It’s just an appearance!

This chapter has been completed!
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