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Chapter 751 Firefight

It took about half an hour to complete the 90-degree fan sweep planned by Lin Mo in the south, solving two targets and discovering two extremely concealed hiding places for activities.

At present, they are not in a hurry. They are advancing steadily and step by step, not seeking speed but seeking stability, and strive not to miss any blind spots.

Although someone at the Japanese Consulate in Nanjing was questioning the gunfire in protest, arguing that it might be aimed at Japanese personnel and asking the government to bless...

However, according to reports from surveillance points along the river, the Japanese ship did not turn back, but was speeding away, so there was no need for them to be in such a hurry.

In addition, on the back side of the mountain in the central area, the opponent gathered four people to attack the blockade. They were suppressed and blocked by the blockade soldiers, and then all were killed by an officer and mobile personnel.

However, during the exchange of fire, our own soldiers also paid the price of many injuries, but fortunately, no soldiers were sacrificed or whose lives were in danger.

Mainly, the opponent was using short guns, and before they even got close, they were targeted by the blockade personnel. The opponent did not calm down and moved his hands, so the advantages of the short guns were not brought into play.

"My side is basically in place, how are we going to fight now?" Wang Hefeng put down the telescope and asked Lin Mo beside him.

In front of you is Shitou Gang. To the north, west and east is a relatively wide mountain depression, or a mountain depression running east-west. Shitou Gang is a prominent position in the south and middle part of the depression.

The valley is uneven, with ups and downs, rocks, thorns, vines, grasses, and shrubs, all dense and criss-crossing, making it difficult for humans and animals to move through.

The north side is slightly better. There are low grasses created by the interweaving of streams and swamps, and animal trails formed by wild boar and other animals. The two are scattered among them for walking, and there is also a hilltop that is higher than the stone hill.

The south side is the best. It is adjacent to other mountains and there is also a higher mountain. The soil on that side is thicker, there are fewer rocks, there are fewer shrubs and more trees, which is more conducive to attack.

As for the east and west sides, there are dense bushes and shrubs intertwined. It is difficult to see even animal paths, let alone roads for people to pass through, and there may be more and bigger rocks.

Because there were sporadic boulders poking out from the bushes, and the bushes were also undulating, Lin Mo suspected that there might be rocks underneath the bushes.

The opponent's main ambush was on the north side of Shitou Gang, because there was an east-west road running through the foothills of other hills on the north side of the valley.

It cannot be called a road, that is, the branches of the tall trees on the mountain block the sunlight at the foot of the mountain, forming a long and thin strip of low shrubs and grass, which is more convenient for traffic.

If you carefully map out a large area, this is almost a must-pass road, and on the north side of Shitou Gang, you can almost overlook the entire slender area.

And this mountain depression is not too big. It is only a little over a hundred meters wide from north to south and only two to three hundred meters long from east to west. The stone hill can effectively attack any position in the mountain depression. This is probably the reason why they ambush here.

Of course, the other side has also made arrangements on the south side, which is the back side of Shitou Gang. Currently, Wang Hefeng has discovered all three hidden sentinels on his side.

It was a member of Wang Hefeng's three-person special operations team who was once a hunter. He quietly approached to investigate and obtain information. It was almost certain that there were only these three places on the south side.

The reconnaissance conditions on the south side are better than those on the north side. The distance between the mountain top and Shitou Hill is much closer than that on the north side. The woods are also connected together, so the conditions for observation and infiltration are more favorable.

According to the information previously obtained, there should be an action team of more than a dozen people on this stone hill. The exact number of people is unclear, but in terms of equipment, it can be called luxurious.

The other side should be lurking in the mountains and waiting. Once a conflict breaks out between the two sides in the Nanjing area, they can be used to harass and possibly support the artillery deployed in the mountains to clear the way for warships and others.

Of course, these dozen people were certainly not the only ones who harassed them. There were probably many more who were lurking into the mountain or hiding outside the mountain.

"With the conditions of this place, we can't use any tactics. We can just surround and fight. Guns are set up on the hills on the east, west, north and west sides, mainly composed of four teams. They basically carry rifles and are equipped with sights. As long as the target is found and it is not difficult to solve,

The other team members are mainly responsible for preventing the opponent from escaping and breaking through, and guarding the outside to prevent someone from assisting the incoming attack.

After you solve the hidden warning sentry here, you will mainly focus on blocking. There are also four tactical teams setting up guns. You can appropriately arrange other team members to go up the mountain. However, try not to engage in close combat with the opponent. Use firepower to suppress the opponent's activities and create shooting opportunities for the gunners.


The tactics are so simple and crude, which makes me a little stunned. But if you think about it carefully, other tactics are inseparable from close combat, and surprise attacks require close combat.

Based on the opponent's firepower configuration, they may not be able to gain much advantage in close combat. On the contrary, in the current environment, increasing the distance can give one's own sights and muzzle components a certain advantage.

In such an environment with high trees and dense shrubs, naked vision is greatly hindered, especially under the leafy trees on our side, which are separated by a certain distance. It is basically impossible to observe the forest through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

This is one of the reasons why the other party has not noticed that it was surrounded for so long.

However, the obstruction to our line of sight is greatly reduced. Firstly, the vegetation on the opposite side is relatively low. Secondly, our line of sight is closer to the gaps between branches and leaves. It extends to a longer distance on the opposite side. The field of view is already relatively wide, not to mention the sight.


For the difference between the width and narrowness of the field of view, you can refer to the door gap experiment. The closer you are, the wider the field of view. This is the situation when Lin Mo's side is blocked by branches and leaves.

As for the other party, looking at it from a distance outside the door, he probably couldn't even see the cracks in the door, let alone what was going on inside the door. To the other party's naked eyes, the cracks in the branches and leaves were almost the same as the cracks in the door.

As for the muzzle part, its functions are nothing more than suppressing the recoil, reducing the changing sound, and reducing the gun flame. The latter two can interfere with the opponent's judgment of the position. Coupled with the obstruction of branches and leaves, this advantage is widened.

It's grown up.

After thinking about this clearly, Wang Hefeng no longer had any simple and crude opinions in his heart. This move was really brilliant! Behind this was the precise control of the situation between the enemy and ourselves.

Wang Hefeng sighed to himself. He was worthy of being a rising star who was loved and cared for by his boss. He had real abilities!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Not to mention him, even some veteran field officers in the Intelligence Department, faced with this situation, he dare to say that most of them are just sneak attacks.

Few people can take such precise countermeasures.

Seeing that Wang Hefeng agreed to this strategy, Lin Mo no longer delayed and immediately communicated the arrangements, agreeing to take simultaneous action in ten minutes.

"Choo Choo Choo…"

The dull and slightly long gunshots did not sound all at once, but were separated by no more than two seconds. They surrounded the slightly lonely stone hill in the mountain depression, as if they were playing a piece of undead music.

The enemies on the stone hill barely made any reaction. The enemies in the exposed position in front of the hillock and the three hidden sentries behind the hillock had been eliminated.

"Da da da... chirp chirp..."

The air was quiet for a second or two before a brief burst of machine gun fire sounded. Unfortunately, within two seconds, there was no movement again, followed by the dull and long chirping sound of two guns.

The possible ambush locations of the opponent have been marked in advance and targets have been assigned, but the exact position of the opponent has not yet been determined. Once the opponent's position is exposed, they will immediately recruit and shoot.

"...Woo..." Half a minute later, a low and rapid sound of tearing the air sounded from the stone hillock, as if it was rising into the sky and...

"It's shelling...get down...boom..."

When Wang Hefeng realized what was happening, he felt something was not right. He shouted lowly and reached out to press Lin Mo on his side and the team members on the other side to the ground. Then there was an explosion, which sounded on the high mountain next to him.

When he raised his head, he saw dust and broken leaves flying in front of the nearby hill. Many team members beside him had already raised their guns and pointed them at the stone hill.

Lin Mo pressed down the gun of the team member beside him and whispered: "Don't fire to expose the position. As long as they don't know our exact position, this gun will not pose much threat to us."

After that, the order was given: "The four teams set up guns and fired normally to clear the exposed targets. Other team members did not need to fight back at the Shitou Gang target. All guns used high-efficiency silencers. In other situations, fire back normally, but pay attention to timely transfer."

Change position and pass on the order."

"The shot just now was probably just a test firing calibration... Wuwu..." Wang Hefeng trailed off, and the whine that ripped through the air sounded again.


Several explosions rang out from the nearby mountains. This time they landed accurately on the top of the mountain. Smoke rose and dust and gravel flew. Wang Hefeng looked at the mountain with some worry.

"Brother Wang, don't worry, the brothers on the mountain should have moved the shooting position, and the opponent probably only judged the general direction, and didn't even accurately grasp the old accurate shooting position.

The calibration artillery is not far from the current explosion point, and judging from the trajectory of the artillery shells, it should be a small-caliber mortar. The caliber artillery does not take so long. It is estimated that the first artillery is to stimulate us to fire and test our accurate position.

For now, just stay the same to cope with all changes. Don't let their small cannon disrupt our position. As long as we can't find our accurate position, the threat of this small cannon is limited, and how many more rounds it can fire is a problem."

On the top of the mountain, as Lin Mo said, the two team members who opened fire had moved to a new shooting position.

However, when the shells exploded, the two of them were really shocked. After all, this was their first time to be bombed by shells, and it was at a time when they were not mentally prepared.

But the two of them were not in a daze. Although they were a little sluggish, they immediately carried out the transfer according to the training requirements.

After all, during their usual training, they simulated a barrage of artillery fire, and if it hadn't been the first time, they probably wouldn't have even felt it.

There were only two people on this high mountain. After all, it was higher than the stone hill, and there would definitely be more attention from the other side, so Lin Mo put the commander and most of the other team members on the short, flat, dense mountain next to them.

"Did you guess they had cannons? Did you make other arrangements in advance?"

Hearing Lin Mo's last sentence, Wang Hefeng was in a state of reverie.

"...No..." Lin Mo shook his head and explained: "I judged based on the number of people on the opposite side. Judging from the layout, there are no more than twenty people at most. At least half of them have been eliminated by us.

A small cannon requires at least two or three people to operate it! If there are a few left in front of the post, how many people can be spared to block the post?

Although they were ordered to proceed cautiously after passing the post, with the arrangement behind the post, there were only two or three fewer people to stop the exchange of fire, and the difficulty and speed of the solution would not be reduced by a small amount.

The people in front of the post are hard to evacuate because we are keeping an eye on them, and we have divided people to fire the artillery. The resistance behind the post will be greatly weakened, and the brothers there will definitely seize this opportunity. Cannon! They won't be able to fight for long."

The situation behind the post was indeed as Lin Mo had guessed. The opponent only sent two people to block the attack. Although the firepower of the submachine guns was not weak, they could not withstand the small number of people. Once the fire was exchanged, they were suppressed by the front team members.

The forward team members used a shell gun, a carbine kit, a muzzle suppressor, and a hundred-round double drum magazine.

We use normal target bombs and engage in close-range firefights, not sneak attacks, so lowering the sound will not have much effect.

Moreover, the opponent's main equipment is submachine guns and rifles, which are more powerful and have a longer range than pistols. If they use less powerful subsonic bullets, they may not be able to parry them.

Furthermore, their mission is only to suppress the target, restrict the movement of the target, and create opportunities for those behind. Obviously, this ammunition is more suitable for the mission needs.

Although there were only six people in the front line, due to the continuous stronger firepower and the interference of the suppressor on the opponent, the two targets were suppressed almost as soon as they started firing.

Accompanied by three or four long, muffled sounds coming from behind, the two targets were eliminated in less than ten seconds.

The hill behind the post was relatively close to that of Nanjiu. There were only tree trunks and gentle slopes as ready-made bunkers on the mountain. Xu Zhiyu simply moved his gun farther to both sides.

In this way, you can have better shooting behind such bunkers.

In other words, if the opponent uses these as cover, during a firefight, it will almost only block the firing range of the forward team members. Once suppressed and unable to maneuver, they will almost become a living target for the guns on both sides.

If four or five people came to stop it, the situation might be better.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! If you are not suppressed by the players in front of you immediately, it means that you cannot be quickly solved by the players who are setting up guns in a very short time.

At that time, no matter whether you retreat, move quickly, change your position, or find a blind spot for shooting, you can continue to counterattack or delay for a certain period of time for other responses.

This is what Lin Mo said. After the number of interceptors is reduced, it will not be a huge difference.

The forward team members had just ceased fire after confirming that the target had been killed, and then a whistle command came from behind.

Xu Zhiyu, who was in command, was also keenly aware of the opportunity brought about by the sound of artillery and the failed blockade. He immediately ordered the forward team members to continue moving forward, and he also led several team members to quickly rush to support.

The team that Xu Zhiyu led before is currently on the west side of Shitou Gang, but the vegetation on the east and west sides of Shitou Gang hinders both them and the other side, so they only set up defense lines to form an encirclement to prevent the remaining enemies from escaping.

After Xu Zhiyu brought his action team to support the south side, Wang Hefeng simply handed over the operation to the other side. In order to avoid being worried that the other side would not be able to let go and delay the fight, he simply went to Lin Mo to take charge.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, the team members who came forward covered each other and quickly rushed forward with the help of bunkers on the mountain.

The small artillery on the stone hillock fired a few more shots after the exchange of fire stopped behind the hillock, but then there was no more movement. After a while, the forward team members started firing again.

Similar recipes and similar tastes. Although the three targets could not be solved immediately, they no longer caused waves.

When Xu Zhiyu arrived, he immediately coordinated with the forward team members and used continuous fierce firepower to suppress the remaining targets without any ability to fight back.

At this point, a small mistake in judgment and response caused the opponent to lose the ability to fight back and block the attack. There may only be a few defeated soldiers who dare not move, secretly imagining that they can all die together and draw some people to back them up.

This chapter has been completed!
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