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Chapter 752 Booby Traps

The whole process of this battle was quite boring. Either you would hide under a tree and fire a cold gun, or you would suddenly let someone else fire a cold gun, and then you would suddenly kill the opponent suddenly...

As for the remaining remnants, Lin Mo saw Xu Zhiyu leading the team to the post and directly sent out orders to throw grenades to clear suspicious locations.

This environment, outside you can call it a low bush.

But when you go inside, the short ones are waist-high, and the tall ones are taller than other people.

The main thing is that they are dense, with clumps of clumps growing close together.

Find a place and squat down quietly. You may not see anyone when you get there. It's too risky to go in and search.

Lin Mo and others were not idle here either, shooting at possible or suspicious bushes inch by inch.

Even the mountain valleys behind were not spared, and the cleaning was regarded as target practice, taking turns loading a magazine.

However, Lin Mo didn't stop him. He was really worried that during the investigation later, someone would suddenly appear out of nowhere and hit them hard.

And the possibility of this is not low. The few remaining enemies on the post are really tolerant! If they are not bombed or hit, they will not move at all.

Moving and exposing your position will definitely mean death, and the chance of jumping out and fighting to the death is rare, but it is even harder to just wait for death to approach, and this is the last and hardest thing to do on the post.

Lin Mo believes that if there is even a slight omission, the opponent will be able to endure until the last moment, trade his life for his life, and give you a severe blow.

It wasn't until later that, whether it was due to the high temperature of the warhead caused by the frequent firing of the gun, or some other reason, that smoke started to appear in the bushes, everyone stopped and prepared to clean it up.


We had just started going down the mountain! There was an explosion right where the smoke was coming from, and everyone immediately fell to the ground again.

This sound was not their grenade exploding! Lin Mo raised his telescope and just found the place, when another explosion occurred not far from the explosion point. This time the sound seemed louder than before.

"...Grass...They must have laid mines on the passage leading to the stone hill, and they are very powerful. It is estimated that once triggered, the explosion will kill and injure a lot of people."

Looking at the tattered leaves on the branches around the explosion point, Lin Mo swore directly. At a glance, he knew that this thing must be equipped with fragments to increase the damage. Among the bushes, grass and vines in the mountain valley, it was almost useless.


Wang Hefeng also gasped when he saw it, and frowned a little, saying: "It doesn't make sense? It should be laid in front of the post and behind the post. Is it because the news was not reported?"

"Probably not!" Lin Mo shook his head and replied: "Xu Zhiyu will definitely report this situation. Even if the emergency was not reported, he could have whistled on the post just now to warn. There should indeed be no mines behind the post.

I estimate that the back of the post should be the retreat and breakout channel reserved by the opponent. The view in front of the post is indeed wide, but it can also be attacked from three directions. The mountain depression is a low and difficult place to walk, so the choice of retreat and breakout is limited.

Only after the post."

"...Hmm..." Wang Hefeng nodded and said, "You describe these people as being somewhat inconsistent in their behavior, and in terms of arrangement, they want to fight but also want to leave. But now I feel that they have a weird elegance.

The layout allows you to escape as well as attack, and there is an evacuation channel, which shows that these people do not really want to stay here, but they fight so hard in the end, enduring the approaching death, and dare to follow you.

Life for life, this and that... is really... weird... evil..."

While Wang Hefeng was paying close attention to the movement in the valley, he spoke slowly, and the confusion in his heart could clearly be heard in his tone.

"I want to fight, but I don't want to retreat in despair, especially if we are forced to drive the chariot, and finally run away like a lost dog in disgrace.

I want to leave because I know in my heart that being in the heart of our country and wanting to fight against our heavy army encirclement and suppression is simply a wishful thinking, but I am unwilling to just leave like this.

The choice of compromise is naturally for us to come and go again, which not only saves face but also soothes the unwillingness in the heart. In their eyes, as long as they don't get entangled, escaping is not that difficult.

But every good thing in the world is taken by you, and you want this and that, and the end result is that you can't take advantage of anything, and you take advantage of it.

That's where Yudun's point comes. As for the preparation of a retreat path and the final decisive exchange of lives, before the war, he thought that he had the upper hand, but after a beating, his own side's weakness was fully exposed.

Under the influence of some unwillingness and reluctance, coupled with some extreme thoughts and cognitive influences that have been instilled, in the eyes of normal people, they naturally feel that these people are evil and weird.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the root cause behind these appearances is that these people look down on us from the bottom of their hearts and think that losing at our hands is a huge humiliation to them, and other condescending thinking.

That’s why there are those weird behaviors. On the one hand, they are contemptuous and contemptuous, but on the other hand, they are opposite to the reality. They just swing back and forth between reality and fantasy, and their behavior is naturally awkward."

Wang Hefeng began to listen, and his brows relaxed for a while, and he was thoughtful for a while, but when he got to the back, his brows tightened for some reason, and his face looked ugly.

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, Wang Hefeng immediately asked: "Is there any difference between the two explosions just now?"

Wang Hefeng was a little nervous when he spoke. It was obvious that his expression was bad and he was not referring to the content of Lin Mo's words.

"There should be a difference, right?"

Lin Mo was confused by the sudden change of topic, but he still expressed his feelings.

"Could it be a self-made booby trap?" The nervousness in Wang Hefeng's tone became more obvious, even mixed with a few vibratos.

With this question, Lin Mo roughly understood what Wang Hefeng wanted to ask, but he did not reply immediately. He pondered for a moment before speaking again. After all, Wang Hefeng was currently losing his composure, and he still had to make some gestures to better convince him to agree.

"It doesn't look like the homemade one, it's probably still the standard one, but it must have been modified a bit, at least adding things like fragments that can be ejected during the explosion to increase the damage.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Although there are differences between the two explosions, the difference is not big. I guess the smoke that came out before may be that the explosive device was hit by a bullet, causing the explosive device to be triggered.

However, the installation may have suffered some damage, causing only smoke to emit at first. It may be that some energy was lost in the process or the projectile was damaged, resulting in a decrease in explosion intensity.

The explosion of this explosive device triggered another explosive, and this intact explosive exploded with even greater power."

After listening to Lin Mo's reasoning, Wang Hefeng relaxed slightly, dispelling his uneasiness, his mind became clearer, and he was finally able to think rationally about the problem.

Just now, as he was staring at the mountain valley, this idea suddenly occurred to him. The bloody and tragic scenes in the past almost instantly penetrated his heart. He was filled with panic and uneasiness, and all kinds of complicated thoughts almost suffocated him.

Twenty years ago, during a search operation conducted by him to obtain intelligence, they encountered a homemade booby trap set by their opponent. At that time, the mine was laid by his good brother who worked with him in the operations department of the intelligence office.

A tragic accident occurred that time. The demining failed and the homemade booby trap exploded instantly, tearing his good brother and the team members next to him into pieces.

At that time, he was standing at the door, talking to you and me one second, and the next second the explosion sounded without warning. He was not injured, but was knocked to the ground by the impact cannon, and his body was covered with blood and flesh.

Although he was not seriously injured, the bloody and tragic scene and his friends who were blown to pieces that were almost indistinguishable left a deep psychological shadow on him.

"Thunder, I'll arrange it."

I don't know how determined he was, but Wang Hefeng suddenly said this.

"Let's go together..." Although he didn't know Wang Hefeng's experiences, Lin Mo could probably guess some of them.

"Sooner or later, you have to get in touch with and understand these things. It doesn't matter if you get in touch with them early. At least now you have time to take your time."

Wang Hefeng thought about it for a while, but finally decided against it. These were probably standard, and the difficulty of arranging them was not that high. It was not too much to use as the first contact.

What is really troublesome are those homemade explosive booby traps.

The format means there are certain standards, while the homemade one depends entirely on the producer's performance.

Concealed, camouflaged, complex or simple, of all kinds, the structural styles may be all kinds of strange. If you don't have a certain level of skill in these, it will be difficult to understand them, let alone dismantle them.

Some may be inherently unstable. Unlike standard equipment, in order to ensure the safety of transportation and storage before use, they generally have relatively reliable structures and safety devices.

As for homemade layouts, most people who make them probably don't even think about these issues, and some may not even think about how to dismantle them after they're laid out.

Not to mention, when setting up, some people may be on guard or even plan for the time when they are to be dismantled. The explosives are connected with each other, traps within traps, ready for the demolishers to accidentally use them.

Got the road.

It was the last one they encountered back then, and they successfully dismantled another one from another room. The numerous traps and vicious plots on it made him feel chills when he recalled it to this day.

That place was later confirmed by various investigations to be a Japanese intelligence station. They knew their actions in advance and laid this trap for them.

Of course, what they had to deal with at that time was not the Japanese, but a local force that the principal had a hard time dealing with.

At that time, there were several people in the government who were close to the other party. Wang Hefeng discovered that one of them had close contacts with people in this place, and mistakenly thought that this might be the other party's secret arrangement in Nanjing. After reporting it, he prepared to destroy it.

As a result, I don’t know whether the local forces colluded with the Japanese, or the Japanese had some purpose and wanted to give the newly established intelligence service a warning or show power. In the end, that action cost them a heavy price.

It was also that time when Wang Hefeng saw that the Intelligence Division had some effectiveness in dealing with the Japanese, so he came over and pointed out the work that the Intelligence Division people thought was troublesome and difficult at the time, and eventually it became a unit specializing in intelligence work against Japan.

After lying down, everyone did not rush to take action, but carefully observed and waited for a while. After really seeing no problem, everyone started moving again.

But this time, everyone was obviously much more cautious, especially the leading team member, who was carefully checking everything under his head and feet.

Fortunately, the other party didn't lay anything on the hillside here, but when they got down to the valley, everyone quickly discovered it.

Directly across from Stone Hill, near a large stone in the open space at the foot of the mountain, a team member found a thin wire tripwire.

The trip wire passed through the low weeds on the side of the boulder near the foot of the mountain, and could not be found without careful inspection.

One end was tied to a stick nailed into the taller grass, and the other end extended into the bushes next to the big rock.

Lin Mo got closer and took the lead to check along the trip wire. He carefully pulled out the perennial herbs beside the bushes and saw one of the sticks with forks nailed into the soil.

The trip wire passed through the lower branches and extended diagonally upwards into the depths of the bush. Lin Mo then carefully pulled out the upper bushes and discovered a two-fist-sized columnar explosive tied to a two-finger thick trunk branch of the bush.

The height is around waist level. Once it explodes, the damage can be imagined.

When attacked nearby, the big rock is almost the first choice for cover, and the trip wire hidden in the grass is almost impossible to find in the tense situation of the battle.

Once a battle breaks out as expected by the opponent, the probability of this explosive being triggered is more than 90%. With the killing effect of the two bombs just exploded, and because they exploded at waist level, and there is no nearby cover in the direction of the explosion point, the team members may be

Xiangquan will reimburse you.

After careful inspection, because he did not bring the pliers required for bomb defusing, Lin Mo directly pulled out the branch with the branch inserted backward, tied the trip wire, and then pulled out the other end of the stick before removing it.

Explosives were removed from the bush.

This explosive is a thicker cylindrical can with a slightly smaller grenade placed in the middle. It is tied and fixed with iron wire. The gap between the grenade and the can shell is filled with broken iron to increase the damage.

The broken iron, which looked like thick iron wire or nails, was cut into small pieces of about half a centimeter with pliers. It was estimated that there were thousands of pieces in the explosive, and Lin Mo's scalp felt numb just looking at it.

Carefully pour out these filled iron sections, revealing the explosive inside. It is a black cylinder with a latch safety fuse on the top. Use iron wire to press the shoulder between the cylinder and the fuse and fix it in the center of the iron can. It is estimated that the explosive is not long enough.

, use something to raise the bottom of the tank.

This explosive was very familiar to Lin Mo. The old American MK-3 offensive grenade was absolutely rare or even unseen in China now, but when Lin Mo was in later generations, almost all the smoke bombs in the game looked like this.

However, the grip piece of this one has a section removed from the top edge of the plate cylinder, leaving a small cap. This is probably to allow it to flip smoothly in the jar and release the insurance to trigger the sale.

In addition, one end of the latch has been flattened, and the trip wire is connected to the plug ring. You can easily pull out the latch and trigger it by tripping it with your foot.

Lin Mo checked it carefully to make sure there was no suspicious place or exposed trap, and then carefully untied the fixed iron wire.

However, Lin Mo found a flat place and pressed the grenade with his hand to prevent it from moving before starting to dismantle it. He was also worried that there might be some trap in the tank. He could only treat this kind of thing with the utmost malice.

to guess the enemy.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly and there were no traps in the tank, allowing Lin Mo to successfully take out the grenade.

It wasn't until he carefully re-bent one end of the latch that Lin Mo felt relieved and took the grenade in his hand and looked at it carefully.

This chapter has been completed!
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