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Chapter 766 Track

"Have you seen the route that the Japanese ship took? It was a new channel that was created a few months ago after the undercurrent in the river washed away the sediment on the bottom of the river to allow ships of this size to pass. We haven't even set up a navigation mark yet.

Get up, they've already taken advantage of it."

After successfully arresting the targets except the harassers, the person in the navy who provided help called Shen Song, the third team leader, Wang Mingkun and others, accompanied them to the riverside, and watched the people coming from Nanjing.

Retreating Japanese warships.

Everyone is engaged in intelligence, so they can naturally hear what is hidden in each other's words. With just this simple flight track, they can steal the intelligence strength of the Japanese in China. This is their dereliction of duty, and it is also

their shame.

"Actually, a more obvious signal revealed from this is that the Japanese are deeply coveting the land of China, and the war between the two sides will ignite sooner or later.

Although the Japanese have infiltrated us into a sieve to make us lose face, this is what we should be more vigilant about, and the rest should be treated as facts, and we cannot confuse the focus of our attention."

Shen Song opened his mouth and uttered such a sentiment. Although it was a bit nonsense, he was now a professional in this field, so he definitely couldn't focus on the fact that the work was not done well!

Only by emphasizing the threat of the enemy can you highlight the significance of waiting for others to do this job! No matter what you think, since you have done this job, you have to die even if you talk hard.

Are you feeling a bit guilty? Most people subconsciously or even unconsciously choose views that are beneficial to them, that is, to safeguard their own vested interests.

This is also the current situation of the Intelligence Department. Lin Mo has made a start, and those who enjoy or want to share the benefits will spontaneously start to add fuel to this work.

"You're right, I've been coveting it for a long time, and it's only a matter of time before I take that step. And this neighbor, who I've been coveting for a long time, has already been preparing for this. If he takes that step, it may be an overwhelming force of thunder.

We, the people, have to plan a few steps ahead of others, otherwise... we will definitely make a big mistake here..."

Everyone sighed with emotion and chatted with each other about their opinions, which was a way to express some of their attitudes and positions. As for why they wanted to express it, since the other party started this topic but didn't say it clearly, they couldn't say more. As for whether what they said was true or false, then

The benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

Until the Japanese ship gradually moved away and disappeared from sight, everyone stopped in tacit agreement, saying nothing more, and wisely did not mention the statement just made, or could it be said that they were just sighing and chatting?

"Is the ship ready?" After returning from the river, everyone once again devoted themselves to the work in front of them! According to the prior arrangement, as soon as the Japanese ship passed, they immediately launched combat operations against the harassing team that was still stranded.

"Preparations have been made as required. A layer of thick cloth has been nailed to the inside of the cabin to reduce damage caused by flying wood chips. Sandbags and shooting holes have been arranged on one side, and the outside of the shooting holes has been camouflaged..."

Wang Mingkun nodded, turned to look at another team member, and asked, "What about your side? Has there been any change in the other team's situation?"

"On the surface, it's not true, but after careful observation, I found that the opponent is already ready for battle, and from the looks of it, he should know that he will be attacked. He probably has received some information and knows that we are keeping an eye on him.

The opponent's arrangement is within the scope of our operational considerations and does not affect the progress of the battle as planned. However, it is recommended to speed up the action and resolve it as soon as possible.

At present, it seems that the opponent is prepared to fight to the death and resist to the death. However, it does not rule out that the opponent is preparing to delay the evacuation until the time is suitable. After all, he is spotted and evacuating at this time is a living target. It is better to hold the house and defend until dark.

Then take advantage of the darkness to break out and escape.

However, it is not ruled out that the opponent may evacuate the current position, quickly maneuver away from the waterway and then resist. After all, there are several navy gunboats parked here. They may be worried that our attack will be blocked and use this force.

Therefore, they may take the risk of protruding a certain distance first, leaving the waterway and then resisting for a while. After research and judgment, this possibility is not low.

Although there is a good window for attack in this process, after research and judgment, it is difficult for us to solve the opponent within this window time, and the layout requirements conflict with the predetermined action plan.

Another point is that although the opponent lost the cover of the bunker when they evacuated and fled, we still have a lot of exposure time in the pursuit battle. Based on the estimation of the opponent's technical and tactical level, it will cause us a lot of casualties.

And by controlling the battlefield to the stronghold currently held by the opponent, the bunker will not cause us much hindrance. We also have advance arrangements and preparations, which can effectively control the casualties, so it is recommended to act early before the opponent withdraws."

The situation here is different from that in Pukou and Laoshan. The other party has been exposed, and the other party has realized this through news channels or some surrounding situations. If you withdraw at this time, you will be a living target.

If you take the waterway and get on the boat, even if there are many waterways around, people will surround you without waiting for you. If you don't resist, the whole boat will be captured. If you resist, you will point the machine gun at the boat. How many times can you resist?


As for taking the land route, they do not have fast and maneuverable means of transportation. No matter if you disperse or stay in a group, you are destined to not go fast. And there are navy and Jiang defense garrison nearby. They can quickly mobilize a large number of troops to contain and escape.

Not big either.

At present, the only way the other side has is to hold together and resist to delay. Only when the night is deep can they gain a glimmer of hope by using the cover of the night, but the premise is that they can survive until then.

Wang Mingkun also nodded without saying anything. He looked at another team member and started reporting without asking.

"The sniper team has already moved in place. On the other side of the canal, someone has planted a bunch of earth bags piled up by dredging. On top of it, someone has planted a cornfield that has grown to about half a person's height. They went around behind it, lurked up, and secretly set up a sniper position.

For the fire team, the ship has been prepared, and the personnel and equipment assigned to assist have been put in place. A simple running-in drill is currently being carried out. The people here are all experienced veterans, so there is no big problem.

For the main and deputy assault teams, the weapons have been selected and matched according to the situation, and some of the excess powerful equipment has been temporarily equipped to the assisting members of the second action team, and relevant drills and running-in have been carried out."

"Okay, then we will carry out the action according to the planned arrangement, speed up the progress a little, and try to ensure that the action is carried out according to the planned plan."

After Wang Mingkun set the tone for the operation, all parties took action quickly. The first to move was the firepower team and the coordinated support personnel.

They boarded a sailboat, which was a type of hard-sailed wooden passenger and cargo ship that was very common in Chinese waters in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. This boat was more than ten meters long and was modified according to the previous team member's answer.

Nearly a dozen shooting holes were secretly opened on one side of the ship, and one Mark Mi, five Czechs and related shooters who came over to coordinate and support were placed to suppress the opponent's fire from the river.

The firepower team is their new equipment, FN's BAR Browning light machine gun, which is mainly responsible for firepower replacement and supporting the shore offensive team. After all, the supporting personnel do not understand their techniques and tactics, and sudden fire suppression is enough.

, there may be problems with coordination.

As for the guns, they were procured by the national government. The repair shop got a few sample guns for testing and research. The special operations team played with them during the test and felt they were more suitable for them, so they asked the department to get a few more from the equipment department.

Wang Mingkun returned to the assault team and put on the prepared relevant equipment, mainly tactical vests, Suomi Gai and other related weapons and ammunition.

The tactical vest currently consists of two pieces of cowhide at the front and back, with buttons, straps and attached slots sewn on it. It is a rough test version based on the ideas provided by Lin Mo.

It is provided to the special operations group. It is mainly used to test whether the various pendants and the location distribution of the accessories are in line with the techniques and tactics of the special operations group. There are many models. The special operations group has selected the most suitable ones for temporary training and adaptation.

Wang Mingkun realized that there might be a tough fight here, so he brought him over.

As for the Suomi modification, although it was modified according to the plan provided by Lin Mo, the repair shop was not so confident in its own technology. In addition, the number of guns currently in hand was difficult to obtain, so the repair shop modified five guns.

The special operations team tried it out first, and this time Wang Mingkun was also brought here.

Although it is still a test trial type, the basics of this gun are there, and the modification plan is suitable for their techniques and tactics. Not to mention the assault team, the fire team and the sniper team are all jealous.

Having said that, not everyone can use it because it is easy to use. In battle, it is still necessary to match group weapons according to needs to make up for the shortcomings and shortcomings of various weapons.

The main and auxiliary assault groups each have two Suomi Kai, and the main assault group is equipped with a pump-action shotgun. Needless to say, this is a grumpy old man! It’s a clearing weapon!

The deputy assault team is equipped with a ZH-29 modified semi-automatic rifle, which is powerful and penetrates well, and can attack some targets behind light bunkers.

As for the remaining Soumi Kai, it fell into the hands of a "lucky" assisting team member.

…Well…my fists and biceps are relatively…lucky…haha…

Some of the other assisting team members are equipped with ZH-29 modifications brought by the special operations team, while others are mainly equipped with shell guns, carbine kits, and large-capacity double drum magazines.

As for other guns and ammunition, everyone is different. The main thing is to consider everyone's division of labor, habits, expertise and other factors to make a reasonable combination.

The current weapon allocation principle of the special operations group is to maximize the advantages and strengths of various equipment and make reasonable allocations to maximize its own combat effectiveness when conditions permit.

As for the sniper team that had already been in place, they were nesting in the cornfield wearing ghillie suits, and they were spread out in pairs on two soil bags.

As for the extra person, each team in the second action group is equipped with snipers. This time they are facing more opponents than themselves, and there are no good sniper positions. Their cover tasks are more arduous and difficult, so they brought him here.

One person formed two sniper teams.

The main shooter is a sniper rifle, and the secondary shooter and observer is a ZH-29 modification. However, this modification does not shorten the barrel, but only installs a sniper scope. It is still barely usable for medium and short-range precision shooting.

This chapter has been completed!
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