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Chapter 767 Thunder Strike

On the river, several wooden boats came slowly, going back and forth, and many similar ones could be seen far and near. This scene can only be regarded as a cold scene. Normally, the river is full of masts.

At the edge of the town, at the courtyard wall next to the fork of the river, there were a few people smoking and farting. They looked at it without paying too much attention, but from time to time, someone would take turns to glance at it.

On the shore, the heavily armed Wang Mingkun and six other people, in groups of three or three, rode a covered mule cart across the town, with team members leading the mule and driver outside to provide cover.

As for the other assisting team members, they temporarily put away their weapons and equipment, or carried bags, firewood, suitcases and bamboo baskets, and surrounded the target from all directions in threes, threes, twos and twos.

The target is a car and boat shop on the edge of the town. Literally, it is a store that receives convoys and boats. There is a parking lot on the side of the town where carts, carriages, etc. can be parked.

There is a river branch on the other side, and a simple wharf is built with logs, which can dock some small ships. This refers to the draft within two meters. During this period, most small and medium-sized wooden sails on the domestic water surface can be docked.

The structure composed of courtyard walls and houses is in the shape of a mesh. The entrance to the town is the car park. The three sides are mainly half-person-high earth walls, but one corner is a dry toilet and a livestock shed. The middle entrance is surrounded by low earth walls.

The embryo room is used for people to stay, eat and rest.

The remaining entrance has a low wall facing the river on one side, and simple cargo sheds and warehouses on the other two sides. This entrance is wider than the other two. After all, it is mainly used to transport people and goods by land and water.

This place is currently closed to the outside world, and there are no other outsiders except the target, the shop owner and his waiters. According to what has been discovered, the boss and waiters should all be from the other party.

The boss and the guys are all locals. The situation should be classified as instigating rebellion, selling or coercing. There is a high probability that they don't know the real identity of the other party, but these guys are not good guys, so there is no need to take it into consideration.

There are various types of cars and boats parked at the parking lot and pier, and about fifty people can accommodate them. The boss no longer accepts visitors because the house is full. The cars and boats may be here to provide cover, but they are probably also preparing for the other party's actions.

"...Chirp Chirp..." Two long whines suppressed by the suppressor sounded, and the two people beside the low wall immediately fell down.

"...taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but but no, no one in the yard can react, the hidden shooting port on one side of the ship is immediately revealed, and the unconcealed clicking sound can be heard non-stop, and they are shooting wildly at the houses in the yard."

The sniper team was the first to fire. As long as the train crew's ship slowly moved into the predetermined position, they took the lead in firing to accurately clear the exposed targets, followed closely by the firepower team.

As for the assault team, it depends on the situation. In fact, without the sniper team to clear some obstacles, it is still more troublesome and difficult for them to successfully move to a suitable position without the suppression and attention of the fire team.

No, after some hidden firepower and observation points were exposed, they were immediately targeted or suppressed by the sniper team and members of the ship's precision fire support team.

The team member leading the mule and driving the mule calmed the frightened mule, and speeded up the pace along the river embankment, using the nearby residential stores to move forward quickly. After the target was about fifty meters away, the mule began to slow down, and this was still going.

There was something stuck in the mule's ear, otherwise it would have run away.

Feeling that the mule was slowing down, Wang Mingkun and several others immediately filed out from behind the car, formed a fighting formation, and quickly maneuvered forward using the cover of the nearby building.

As for the team members leading the mules and driving the mules, they immediately left and ran into a nearby house to temporarily avoid the warning. As for the mules and the cart, they could only let it go for the time being. I believe that the other party would not deliberately target the unmanned mule cart.

"Baga...&#&..." In a large open room, a person who looked like the leader was lying on the ground with a gray face, talking non-stop, as if he was giving orders, mixed with insults.

"...Crackling..." There was another sound of things breaking and flying. The whole room was filled with sawdust and sawdust, and the few people who were about to get up fell back down again.

The yard where the yard is located has been filled up to the same height as the embankment. Even though it has entered the flood season, the shooting holes on the ship are basically only flush with the embankment, which is slightly lower than higher.

Coupled with the earth wall blocking it, the suppression effect is there, but it cannot cause effective killing. However, the premise is that the people in the house can only lie down, otherwise they may get hit by bullets fired round after round.

As for the earthen walls, a single wall can only block the line of sight, but it cannot block the firearms on the ship that use full-power rifle ammunition. The eye-shaped yard is divided except for the outer circle by wooden boards. The blocking effect of this thing is also to stretch the hips, and even more

Not to mention it is much thinner than the soil embryo wall.

This means that the warheads fired from the ship pass through the earthen walls. Unless they hit piles or other pillars, they can shoot everywhere in the courtyard, suppressing them so that they dare not move, or even...

"...Ah..." There was a scream from the people lying on the ground. One person's forearm was bent, his flesh and blood were blurred, his bones were exposed, and only a little bit of flesh and skin was left hanging.

It was a warhead that was blocked by the wall and deflected and rolled. It turned into a stray bullet and hit the opponent's forearm. Although a lot of kinetic energy had been weakened, it was still fatal, or more dangerous.

The warhead maintains its ballistic trajectory, which means it can still evade defense, but it turns into stray bullets flying around, and who knows where those things will come from.

This happens a lot, even a lot. Once the warhead is blocked by the earth wall, many trajectories are already unstable. After hitting the wooden board, it can easily become a stray bullet flying around.

Although most of them shot into the ground or penetrated the roof tiles and flew to unknown destinations, there were so many bullets fired at them! All the Czech guns on the ship had their barrels replaced.

"...Puff puff..." Someone climbed out of the room and prepared to fight back, but was greeted by a fierce rain of bullets. The main and deputy assault teams were in position under the cover of fire suppression.

With its ultra-high rate of fire and accuracy, Suomi Kai only needed a few short rounds of short bursts of fire to draw out the remaining enemies and use the low wall to block the sniper team's view of the remaining enemies.

The ship slowly slid forward, and the firepower also extended forward. The main and auxiliary assault teams moved forward with the firepower, approaching the house from the river embankment and the low wall on the other side.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! First, the shotguns and ZH-29s in the team provide cover, and the four team members climb over the wall, and then in turn support the cover team members.

Boom, pop, pop, grenades and explosions echoed each other. The main and deputy assault teams and team members covered each other and cooperated with each other to quickly clean house by house. In less than two minutes, only one corpse of the remaining enemy in this side of the room was left.

Of course, it was not without danger. These people were also equipped with a large number of submachine guns and grenades, which almost caused casualties to them several times.

However, with the support of superb and effective techniques and tactics and rigorous daily training, these dangerous situations were successfully resolved one by one and the set tactical goals were achieved.

Wang Mingkun and others did not continue to attack back. The deputy assault team stood guard outside the house to prevent the opponent's support from being transferred. The main assault team retreated outside the wall, and with the forward movement of firepower, they touched the house on the side of the embankment.

A window in the location.

Subsonic rounds combined with high-efficiency silencers were used to reload the two people who were still alive and three corpses in the room. The other targets were probably evacuated from the room.

Sneaking in silently, the three of them worked together to check the situation and waited for opportunities, without acting in a hurry.

On the side of the depot, the assisting team members moved forward to take over the position and work of the deputy assault team, as well as perform cover, test and other tasks.

Several assisting team members were seen taking out grenades, throwing them across the room or over the low roof, and into the yard in the middle of the house.

"Boom, boom, boom... bang, bang, bang..." There was an explosion, followed by a burst of fierce gunfire, which crackled the rooms that had just been cleaned.

Fortunately, the team members retreated to a safe position in time, tested out the opponent's approximate firepower points, and assisted the team members in throwing several grenades in those directions.

"Boom boom boom..." There was another explosion. This time the opponent wisely did not fire, but someone could not bear it and touched it, but directly hit the muzzle of the assisting team member who had taken precautions.

The assisting team member continued to repeat, but the deputy assault team quietly retreated to the other side of the wall. Not far away, there was an assisting team member holding a window and firing a few rounds from time to time.

The deputy assault team quietly touched the window of the nearest room that had not yet been cleaned, and listened carefully. One team member took out two grenades, pulled the ring and threw them in one go.

There were two explosions, and then the replacement team members started cleaning up. The remaining two people were each guarding the window of the next room and beyond.

After the cleaning was completed, the team members immediately turned over and entered the house to be on guard. The remaining two people were not slow. When they entered the house, they avoided the seven or eight corpses at their feet and quickly maneuvered towards the door and the window on the other side.

"Puff puff..." The cover team member fired. It turned out that the explosion tore a hole in the wall panel, and a figure shook the hole in the room next to it.

After firing the gun, the team members rolled directly out of the window, while the two team members who came out quickly changed their positions, either lying on the ground or leaning against a pillar to crouch for cover.

"...ta da..." Sure enough, as soon as the two of them moved in place, the room was hit by fierce firepower.

"...Boom..." However, with an explosion in the room next to it and a faint popping sound coming from the other side, the care for this room immediately dropped sharply, and the two of them took this opportunity to jump out immediately.

"Bang bang...bang bang..." On the other side, Wang Mingkun's main assault team found an opportunity and fired a burst of fire, solving multiple firepower points on the opposite side and back. Unexpectedly, the room next to it ignored the blind shooting of this room.

, Fortunately, the silencer concealed their specific positions, allowing the cover team to fire two sprays according to the source of the ballistics.

The three of them were not eager to fight or aggressive. They quickly evacuated the room and signaled the supporting team behind them to clean this side of the room. The three of them sneaked directly into the warehouse at the back and sneaked in quietly.

The firepower boat has advanced to the river bend, and both Makimi and Czechoslovakia have stopped firing. Otherwise, if they change the angle of fire and continue to shoot like this, they may injure the team members who rush in.

As for the sniper team on the other side of the canal, two people have packed up their equipment, packed up their dirtbags, and taken a boat to come over for support. Their sniper positions can only take into account the car park and the river embankment side. At present, the enemies on these two sides have basically solved the control, and observation in other places is not possible.

There is no use staying there, but a sniper team is still left for defense.

There is nothing we can do about this situation. Due to terrain restrictions, there is no suitable high point or location with a wider field of view to set up the gun, and there are no sniper positions suitable for ambush in other directions.

They assist in opening the breakthrough in the early stage and in the cover work in the middle and early stages. They cannot play a big role in the finishing work in the later stage. However, they are one body and work well together, so they can still assist in the cleaning work.

The fire team is similar. At present, the main task is to shoot at the back of the yard to cooperate, and to cover the ship when it turns into the river branch and dock, and then goes ashore to assist in the finishing.

This chapter has been completed!
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