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Chapter 771 Pursuit and Suppression

On the other side, Xu Zhiyu and his men hurriedly and slowly hurried, and finally touched the absconding target's butt. Now they have to covertly track them. If they are faster, they may be discovered. If they are slower, the opponent is advancing in a forced march. It is easy to do so.

Get rid of them and continue to trace their whereabouts.

"How's it going? Have you asked about the environment and terrain ahead?"

When a team member rode a faster packhorse to catch up and join them, Xu Zhiyu immediately asked about the situation.

"I found out..." The team member took a breath, took out a tactical notebook with a thin soft cover and no hard edges that could be placed close to the body, and flipped out the sketches and records on the hinges.

"Team Xu, further ahead is a vast expanse of rice fields. Except for a few reeds on the edge of the ditch, the view is almost unobstructed. The road goes straight through the rice fields, right at the bridge across the ditch in the middle.

A little bit shaded by reeds.”

"There are many waterways in front of you? Are the river embankments high? Are the rice fields flat or do they have uneven heights?"

"There are many waterways, intertwined and connected in series. Most of them can be used for boating, irrigation and navigation. There are high and low embankments. At the current water level, the high ones are more than one person, and the short ones are about half a person. They can be used for concealment or as a shelter.

As for the rice fields, there shouldn't be much difference in height. This was once a field surrounded by reed swamps and swamps. As time goes by, the height may be different, but the height of the field ridge will not be higher than the calf."

The team members obviously knew the general purpose of Xu Zhiyu's arrangement for them to explore these, so they also drew an overview of the main waterways and marked some general conditions of each place.

After examining it in detail for a while, Xu Zhiyu pointed to a point in the middle and back of the picture and said: "Let's take action near here! Inform the brothers on the waterway to go around to stop the siege, and use this river embankment to attack proactively without exposing your body.

Just be on guard and prevent the other party from escaping.

We dispersed forward, with the main assault group and the firepower group moving along the main road, looking for opportunities to launch operations. The deputy assault group, and the sniper group went down the embankment and followed the paths on both sides of the embankment to circle around and wait for opportunities to attack.

There are no conditions for arrest in this operation. The priority is to kill the enemy and prevent the enemy from escaping. There is no need to risk arrest or leave alive. Everything is about your own safety. Everyone should be careful. Do you understand?"

"...Yes..." Everyone lowered their voices and responded in unison. Then they prepared separately, carried their equipment concealedly, took a tactical position, led the donkeys and drove the mules and moved forward quickly.

Because the opponent had a large number of people, the special operations team had not separated before, but all members went out to track it, so those who took the boat around were all members of the cooperating second team of operations.

What Xu Zhiyu pointed out to the other party was a larger river channel with a high and thick embankment, and it was also marked with many reeds, which could be easily covered by taro and lotus to hide the traces of the body.

Because there are crisscrossed ditches and ridges, and the terrain is relatively flat, once there is a fight, the opponent will most likely use the ridges and embankments to hide and escape, so people are arranged to intercept and besiege them on both sides.

The terrain is the same for both sides. When a fight starts, whoever has no cover will be a living target. At best, you can take advantage of the situation by taking advantage of the fact that the opponent is far away from the embankment and bunker.

After taking action, you cannot stand up to observe. Even if you stand up, it will be difficult to observe the situation in the other side's embankment and channel due to the distance and height, unless it is in the same channel or at a corner.

Because this area was formed by surrounding fields in the later period, although the river channel has meandered and turned over time, it still basically retains the horizontal and vertical style of the acquired river channel. Going around can greatly expand the coverage of one's field of vision.

He quickly moved forward and crossed seven or eight ditch bridges on the way. Xu Zhiyu was sure that if the opponent's arrangement was like this, he would continue to merge with the main road. More than 30 people from three teams before and after him appeared in front of them.

This is definitely not because Xu Zhiyu has some unsatisfied prophetic ability. As I said just now, this place is crisscrossed by waterways, and roads and bridges are more expensive than land routes. This is a bigger road. On the canal, you have to take care of the boat traffic on the water, so the main road

Basically it is the shortest point across this area.

Although the rivers and canals in the fields are also pedestrian paths, people in this area basically travel by boat. Therefore, there are not many bridges on the rivers for people to cross the rivers and canals. Some of them are mostly wooden frames set up on the rivers.

Click on the planks and logs to form a bridge.

If you go around a short distance, the impact will not be too big, but if you go around too far, you may waste a lot of time going around and around. With the opponent's traveling speed, it is obvious that they are not prepared to waste this time.

After crossing a wider canal and emerging from the cover of a tall row of reeds, Xu Zhiyu and others were only two hundred meters away from the opponent's rear team.

This field is relatively wide, with criss-crossing ditches and regular straight lines, but no large waterways pass through it. It should be a contiguous field that has been renovated by a large landowner in the past or present, and it is also the place Xu Zhiyu chose to start.

"…Er, er, er, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, urr..." The donkey cart at the head suddenly lost control, dragging the cart with clattering hooves and running forward. The man leading the donkey shouted loudly to catch up, and those leading the donkey and driving the mules also immediately sped up.

The three teams in front immediately became alert and slowed down their pace, especially those in the rear. Some people quietly put their hands into the items they were carrying or carrying.

Fortunately, the donkey cart only ran about fifty meters before the donkey leader caught up with him and pulled the reins to make the donkey turn up the embankment and stop. However, a lot of the goods on the donkey cart were scattered, including homespun cloth and thread.

Dumplings or flax etc.

The companions leading the donkeys and driving the mules also came forward and stopped to help pick up. The people behind them winked at each other, stood on tiptoe as if to check, then pointed, talked and laughed and continued on, but Xu Zhiyu could feel it.

, there are eyes looking this way from time to time.

By walking to the side of the car to block it, Xu Zhiyu made a gesture, and everyone seemed to have finished picking up things, and walked back to the car laughing and cursing. The next second, everyone took out their hidden weapons in the car and launched an attack brazenly.

"Chirp chirp...ta da da..." Xu Zhiyu and other assault team members quickly climbed up the embankment and fired from a squatting position with ZH-29s. The fire team members lay down in the middle of the road and on the other side, three Brownings plus five

Ten rounds of single drum direct fire.

"...ta da... bang bang..." The opponent's reaction was not slow, and he immediately counterattacked and looked for a bunker to hide. Submachine guns, pistols, and rifles rang out from time to time.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Unfortunately, on the road in the field, you can almost see it at a glance. Six semi-automatic and fully automatic firepower suppressed the opponent to the point where it was almost impossible to effectively fight back. In an instant, there were heavy casualties.

After finishing the twenty-round magazine, the main assault team immediately went down to the edge of the river, bent down and used the ditch ridge that was about half a person tall, and quickly maneuvered away.

The fireman on the road almost held the trigger tightly and successfully discharged a drum. Before the semi-automatic rifle had finished firing, he used the fire cover to rush into the ditch behind the assault group and waited for the three assaulters to fire empty ammunition.

Box, he has put on a new one and started covering.

As for the two firemen on the other side of the road, they only fired in short bursts. The firemen on the other side almost rushed to the other side to supplement the firepower. After finishing the fire, they retreated to the ditch on this side and began to move.

Why allocate one more fireman to one side of the assault team? That's because the firepower on the road and the other side is obviously stronger, which will drive the remaining targets to hide in the assault team, and the road is piled high above the farmland.


Of course, no matter the opponent or they, as long as they enter the ditch, they can support each other and move on both sides without taking the risk of going onto the road and becoming a living target. After all, the ditches under the road are connected.

However, this ditch is only used for irrigation and is not used for boating. The bridge openings are basically low, narrow and narrow water tunnels. Most of them are made of large rocks or simply larger logs, which are not so convenient to walk.

As for the attackers, seven or eight people in the rear group were almost taken away in one wave. Even if they were always vigilant about those behind them, they still managed to survive the fire attack. Now they are unable to move and dare not move.

The damage to the front team was not small. Three or four bodies were left on the road. The others basically got into the rice fields and only dared to move carefully. If they were lucky, they would lie down on the stalks of the fields, and if they were not, they would have to stay in the fields.

He drank muddy water inside and used the rice leaves that had been pulled out to reach calf height to cover his figure.

On the contrary, the team in the middle has suffered the least casualties so far, because these guys happened to be close to a ditch when they started, and they immediately hid in it as soon as the gun was fired.

The crackling sound of gunfire rang out from time to time. Neither side was easy, especially the better-preserved team in the middle. They immediately made judgments on the terrain, environment and situation, and shifted their movements to fight back. For a while, it seemed like they were fighting back and forth.

The gun was indeed fired, but neither side caused any casualties to the other. They were just testing each other, deceiving each other to cover up, and each was plotting to give the other a fatal blow.

“…ta da bang bang bang…”

A fierce exchange of fire broke out from a little further to one side. Instead of the bypassing team taking position, the assault team came out to the corner of the waterway connected to the opposite waterway to guard the opposite side. As expected, the firefight started.

It was the same on the other side. After a while, intermittent gunshots were heard coming back and forth. This time, both sides took control. They tested, attacked, and fought back. They kept fighting back and forth, but never let the other side get it.


Of course, this is not a dead end, they are all waiting. Xu Zhiyu is waiting for the bypass team on one side, and on the other side is waiting for the support of the front team to be in place.

"Chirp chirp...puff puff..."

The sound of suppressed rifles and pistols came. Xu Zhiyu didn't wait for the people who were going around. He waited for the people who were going around the back first. The other party didn't wait for the front team either. Those guys just climbed out to a ditch farther away and hid behind a ridge.

As a result, the people who touched the rear became angry.

This place has waterways extending in all directions. With the help of the team members rowing the boat, they had already arrived at the predetermined river channel and were about to take position when the gunshot was fired.

However, no target has been able to escape, and everyone has crawled into ditches in the fields. They have not moved again and have been quietly hiding tightly.

Fortunately, those in the front team who were walking in the field saw no movement here and thought that no one was blocking the rice field on this side, so they crawled out of the rice field from this side and prepared to move along the ditch.

In this area, the waterways are connected in series, and there is almost no obvious difference between the high and low water levels. A high embankment means a high terrain, so when you drill out of the rice field, you will just fall into the eyes of the river embankment containment team.

Because the ditch ridge is a little higher than the rice field, basically the same height as the grown rice seedlings, and the river embankment team members are on a slightly higher ground, without the protection of the rice leaves, they become living targets as soon as they get on the field ridge.

However, at that moment on the ridge, when they entered the ditch, there was nothing that could be done to the surrounding team members, unless the opponent leaned out and fired.

Three or four more people in the front team were wounded and killed, and the remaining ones took the opportunity to get into the ditch and move to both sides under the cover of the ditch, which only relieved part of the pressure on Xu Zhiyu.

This chapter has been completed!
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