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Chapter 770 Transformation

"It's amazing...it can't be compared...it can't be compared! I was really impressed by the three-day separation. In just a short moment, I figured out all the twists and turns clearly. No wonder the person just wanted to invite me to the meeting and took the initiative to start a conversation.

Only with people like you coming to compete with Japanese intelligence forces can we get a glimpse of the future!"

"...I've said it too much..." The third team leader gave a thumbs-up, sigh, and compliment, which made both of them a little embarrassed and didn't know how to respond.

Although it is a bit exaggerated and boastful, it is indeed his true feeling at the moment. Although he cannot see through the intrigue hidden behind it, it does not mean that he cannot see the analysis between the two.

Credibility and value.

Maybe not every point is consistent with the other party's true purpose, but this is the upper limit of what can be done in this matter.

With just a few clues, he could make effective judgments and estimates on the hidden purpose, the method of operation, and the possible consequences. He couldn't help but be disdainful.

"Forget it, let's not mention this. How are you going to handle this situation? Continue to investigate and investigate? Or what should I say?"

Shen Song thought for a moment and tentatively said: "If possible, I would like to leave this clue alone for the time being and pretend that we are not aware of it at all?"

The third team leader was stunned for a moment and said: "Tell me the reasons, and don't take my side into account. The credit for settling these cases is enough at present, and if we delay them any longer, we won't have enough time to operate.

This time I will shamelessly ask for some credit from you. I have other responsibilities here, and you can only follow up on the rest. That’s why I want to see what you think? I can arrange it for me later.

people, so as not to cause trouble to you.”

In the final analysis, the third team leader is currently worried. After all, his target is not a Japanese spy. With the many new situations that have arisen as this is coming to an end, he has to take into account issues such as the knowledge permission of his team members and leaks. There is no way he can be as innocent as Wang Hefeng.

Participation that is scrupulous.

"Don't say that. I have been reminded above that without you blocking most of the accusations from those people, how would we have the chance to deal with the spies here with peace of mind and receive awards for our merits? You deserve these."

Shen Song expressed his position, and Wang Mingkun then added: "Our idea is that these people have not moved at present, and the value of taking down the platoon is not great. The other party even has time to secretly make other similar arrangements. It is very difficult to

It is difficult to prevent the opponent's plan from being carried out.

In this case, it is better to pretend that the other party's tricks have not been discovered, let this plan continue to run, and wait for the other party to relax before conducting investigation. This at least retains an investigation direction and reference example for us.

When the opponent's arrangement is put into operation, firstly, it will be a reminder that the other party may be planning some big move. Secondly, taking action at this time can cause a greater blow to the opponent.

If we take action, it means that more hidden personnel will be exposed to us, and the funds and materials invested can also be intercepted and seized, causing greater personnel and financial losses to the other party.

There is also the issue of time limit. Should we weave a new material source channel network, delay the plan or spend a lot of money to prepare elsewhere, or act without preparation? etc., which will cause the other party to derive a series of problems and troubles. If the situation is suitable,

You can also fight with the opponent around this, expand the results and cause more trouble to the opponent."

Affected by some policy changes within the government, some leaders within the second group have consciously begun to adjust their work and retain some clues worth following up for long-term follow-up and in-depth digging.

At present, it should be considered a good thing. If you can follow the clues to dig deeper or have the opportunity to expand the results of the case, long-term follow-up will definitely yield more results and cause a greater blow to the enemy. However, this is only theoretical, and the specifics still need to be determined.

Look at the actual implementation.

After some exchanges, it was clarified that all parties carried out the work in an orderly manner according to their assigned responsibilities. The main task was that the second team and the special operations team were responsible for the inspection, and the third team started to carry out peripheral finishing matters.

When their joint investigation team made discoveries in other areas, local personnel or military police launched operations and successfully dealt with the target. They were far away from Nanjing and were unable to provide support. It was considered that the case had entered the comprehensive closing stage early.

"I heard that someone at the police station also died. Could it be that they were involved by our side to let the other party notice some clues and suppress them?"

After the first team leader led the team to successfully protect and control Director Chen's outer room and lover, he, like the third team leader, did not go to interrogate or conduct an in-depth investigation. The place was also handed over to a team of team members to control the search. After hearing the news,

He hurried back.

"It has nothing to do with it!" Liu Zhenshan shook his head and said: "The time of death of the two people was relatively close, and the time between the actions of the two parties was not long.

The Japanese intelligence network is mainly linear or tree-shaped. It emphasizes single-line connections and is carried out level by level. There are few correlations between the same level or across levels to ensure security and confidentiality.

The city defense and the police department are obviously not on the same line, or they may be far apart. According to the structure of the other party, it is impossible to have such a fast response capability.

It is unrealistic to report something to the police directly to the police department. How can they know what the problem is? What is reasonable is that they don’t even know whether there are any of their own people in the police department. All they can report is their own side.

Something happened.

After receiving the news from above, it may be determined that there are problems in other places, but where exactly? How serious is it? These are all unknown. Even if we want to save or silence them, we must first identify where the same problems are and determine whether

These measures are needed.

This takes time, and a more correct and appropriate response is to first confirm whether you have been affected and then go down step by step. Otherwise, if you act rashly, you may be involved and cause greater losses. The response time required is


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! With the current time interval, it is impossible for the two people to respond. Is it possible that one side will be aware of the problem first, report it, and wait for other places to respond together?


This is also unlikely, let alone whether they are willing to take the risk of waiting for another line to respond that they do not know, or may even not exist, even this time is not enough.

To achieve this step, unless the other party is aware of the reaction before we take action, then the other party's action is not to cut off the tail and silence, but to respond, rescue, evacuate and other actions.

Moreover, the situation there is different from ours. There was naked killing and silencing, and the person who was silenced there was suspected to be a Japanese spy. From these differences, we can roughly judge that the two sides are not closely related."

After listening to this analysis, the team leader was relieved. He was still worried that something might happen on his side, which would result in all the efforts being wasted this time!

There are not many cases that the team leader has come into contact with. In fact, even if they are really related, we will not count them here. After all, they have been classified as being silenced.

To a certain extent, the enemy's actions of cutting off the enemy and suppressing the enemy's reputation can be used to put gold in one's own face. Why do you have to involve each other? That is a mistake and a mistake, and you are smearing your own face.

Even if this situation exists, you just need to know about it. If you report it to someone else, wouldn't that mean you're taking less of your credit? The article is even polished! If you don't praise the credit, it would be kind to report it. Isn't it normal to cover up the shortcomings?

"So the people who were silenced were really Japanese? Did they even do this to their own people?"

The team leader changed the topic, and of course he was a little curious about the situation. Director Chen was a traitor who was instigating rebellion, bribed or coerced. It was not surprising that he was silenced by the other party, but the fact that he even killed one of his own really made him...

"There should be no difference. Since the superiors dare to report this situation, it means that they must have evidence and clues. It's just that they haven't found out the other party's exact identity, so they can't say anything."

"...Hiss..." The team leader took a breath and said, "Killing one of our own must have been done at the initiative of someone with an interest. It is impossible for the higher-ups to issue such an order and bear such responsibility.

There is a high probability that he is in contact with his superior, or with a more important person that he should not have known about, and this person's status will not be low regardless of the other party's true identity or the identity he acts on our side.

, or have very critical and important job responsibilities.

The two are the reasons why he did this, and they are also the reason for the other party to abstain from accountability afterwards. In other words, anyone who dares to do such a thing is not an easy person to deal with.

The place is at the police station, and the other party is most likely to have something to do with the police station. Although the person has been silenced, a lot of information has been conveyed, and the other party is not ignorant of this reason, but still acts like this. It can only be said that it is surrounded by

I’m afraid the troubles in the police station are too big to be trivial.”

When it comes to this kind of relationship between superiors and subordinates, the group leader is good at it, or he is well-informed, and he immediately started to analyze it. Maybe the topic is too disturbing to think about, or maybe it is just for Liu Zhenshan to listen to.

"It's definitely not small!" Liu Zhenshan frowned and said: "We and the Secret Service Headquarters have directly intervened in the Police Department. This shows how important it is and it is reasonable for the other party to intervene there.

But the other party can place a large number of informants under the noses of the two families, and can also quietly silence them, which reveals serious problems."

"The brothers over there are quite capable. In the police station, they still try to silence them. It's absolutely a subordinate's strategy. It's not easy to force the other party to this level."

"There may be other reasons for this! For example, if you don't believe that this person can hold his tongue until death, otherwise you won't directly silence your own family. This behavior is extremely bad no matter where it is placed."

The team leader obviously didn't want to talk further on this topic, so he took the initiative to change the topic. Liu Zhenshan also gave a brief reply, and the two of them returned to the case at hand.

Liu Zhenshan's work also progressed smoothly. He arrested some people according to the list provided by Director Li. Then these people reported each other and provided clues to the situation and arrested a few more people. Generally speaking, they should be cleared.

The situation was as expected. These people had no idea what the information they provided was used by the other party. They thought it was just a fight for power between the two bosses!

It was a bit shocking. Dozens of people were arrested inside and outside. For some benefits such as money and power, almost every move in the city defense logistics was sold out.

Seeing the confession provided by Liu Zhenshan and the intelligence information that could be roughly analyzed after some of the news, Director Li almost wiped his eyes with cold sweat and realized that Liu Zhenshan had already told him that the logistics were more serious.

It has become a big hole where everything can leak out.

This chapter has been completed!
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