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Chapter 784 The suffering of waiting

"Team leader, you are saying that if there are too many people, the other party may take advantage of the large number of personnel activities, the mix of military, police and special forces personnel, who may not be familiar with each other, to pretend to be someone from one party, and take the opportunity to sneak in or even

get away."

Wang Hefeng nodded and said: "There are considerations in this regard. After all, from what we have learned, the work this person was responsible for in the past was more action-oriented, and he also did assassination and assassination work. This kind of thing is difficult for him.

It shouldn't be too big.

Furthermore, the abilities and attitudes of the personnel supported by the military and police need to be considered. Someone may be careless and careless, and someone may be missed.

And can you trust the military and police personnel transferred here 100%? Those moles in the police station were discovered by us, and there are more than just those. Can you ensure that none of them come?


You cannot interpret the news reported above with that kind of attitude and mentality. Like the opponent's behavior of clearing away traces and silencing people, what it shows is that the other party has begun to react and deal with it.

What impact will it have? This is what should be considered.

Now that the other party has responded, has our movement here attracted the other party's attention? Does the other party have any arrangements? Will it arrange for people to contact the target? Do you want to receive intelligence? Or do you want to rescue the target?


All of this has become something we need to consider. Although we have cut off access and even communications, and we and the military and police are responsible for investigating and blocking, those who are arranged and sold by the other side are the only ones that the other side can use.


My brothers have nothing to say, but I don’t dare to take risks with people like the military and police, not to mention that even if they are used, they may not have much effect. Even if there are risks, there are ways to solve the problem and block the road to the target.

, then is it possible for him to show up again?

I must reiterate one point! Looking for it by turning the place over is just a metaphor. It may be possible to do it in a small area, but in such a large area, it is still impossible to confirm the general position of the opponent. The opponent is really hiding and not moving. Can you find it?

Already requires a lot of luck.

After all, you can't open up every inch of someone's roof, walls, and ground to find it. It may even be difficult to find some corners or secrets, let alone find out who is hiding in them.


In an area where tens of thousands of people live, there are houses and buildings of various sizes and uses, probably thousands at least. There are more independently separated rooms, which may not necessarily be less than the population. There is really no blind spot left in the search.

, that can be said to be a huge amount of work.

The number of house buildings is calculated separately from the main house and side houses, plus latrines, pig and cow sheds, separate kitchens, etc.

As for the separated room spaces, there is no need to say much about the rooms. The spaces include but are not limited to the spaces between the ceilings and sloped roofs of some rooms, cellar holes, etc.

Apart from these, we have not included the hidden hiding places in the houses and yards of villages and towns, firewood piles and haystacks, chicken and duck sheds, farmland ponds and lakes, mountains, forests and bushes, etc. It can only be said that it is not easy to find out if a person has to hide.


Just like the hidden books, all the traces were exposed without much effort to hide them. As a result, a large number of people were mobilized to search, and not much useful information was found for two or three days, which is obvious.

Although in both cases, the area to search for the hidden book is wider and there are no clues, the target will obviously be hidden deeper, and it will not be as stupid as the hidden book. Even if it is stupid, can Wang Hefeng wait for two or three days here?

"Team leader, what do you mean, tight on the outside and loose on the inside? Don't push the target too tight, let it have room to move. If the opponent moves, it may show signs of weakness and create opportunities for us in disguise.

The military and police personnel who are encircling the outside are either in a group or not far apart. They can see each other's actions and can restrain and supervise each other to a large extent.

Unlike a search in the city where people are too scattered and blocked by houses. Even if anyone among them has a problem, it will be difficult to take any action. In this way, the advantage of abundant military and police manpower is fully utilized to form a tight external tightness.


Wang Hefeng nodded and said: "It's generally as you said, but there are some differences in the details. The surrounding circle is not simply loose, but changes from loose to tight.

The current search and investigation work is a process of gradually compressing the opponent's activity space. Although the opponent may not be within the scope of his previous activity trajectories and areas he has explored, these places are undoubtedly areas that the opponent is familiar with.

Even if the other party is secretly familiar with other places that we are not aware of, there will only be a few of those places. Even if there are many, we have effectively compressed the scope of the area that they are familiar with.

Moreover, as the members of the platoon hold the portraits and inquire around, people who have seen the other party's portrait and know his appearance will also become eyeliners, further reducing the opponent's space for movement and the means at his disposal.

In addition, finishing the outside work will allow me to use more manpower. I will gradually mobilize more people to come in, so that the other party will think that we will continue to increase the number of people. In fact, this is the case, making them feel more and more pressure, and they will no longer want to

There is no way to escape and there is no chance.

Our target is a person who attaches great importance to his official position and merit. Unless he is forced to have no choice, he will not easily give up the idea of ​​​​absconding and evacuating back, and our purpose is to force him to take action.

There are not only military and police personnel in the encirclement outside, but I have also arranged for action team members to make corresponding arrangements for the methods and locations that the other party may take, and I have also taken precautions against possible rescue, response and other actions outside."

While the two were chatting, news came one after another, including the arrest of a police sergeant in Jiangpu City, which confirmed their concerns that they did not have 100% trust in the military and police personnel.

Of course, this police sergeant was not arrested for some kind of rescue, but along with the confession of the second ruffian and the investigation of the gangster leader, he pulled out the carrot and brought out the mud, and finally found out that the police sergeant was arrested.

He was dragged into the water, and many of his police officers were controlled and investigated.

"Now we really don't care about progress. Our early work is indeed lacking! Not only did we miss the large number of personnel arranged by the other party on the Jiangxi side, but the other party's intelligence network here was even worse before.

Aware of nothing.

And this is not the end, we will have to conduct more reconnaissance and platooning operations on the clues brought out by this operation and some problems revealed."

After listening to this, the team members took a while to figure it out and said: "In fact, from another perspective, this is because our mission has been completed more properly. Otherwise, there would not be so many situations. Clues will emerge. In the future, we will

Don’t worry about having nothing to do.”

"Although it is a bit biased, it is not wrong to think this way. Although this operation was unexpected and had frequent shortcomings, it was still affected by time and manpower. It is worthy of our pride to achieve this step."

Wang Hefeng did not attack his subordinates too much, and proper encouragement was certainly needed. Moreover, this was also true to a certain extent. This was their merit, and there was nothing that could not be said.

"...Report..." A team member came with a person, a member of the third action team, and brought a secret letter that he requested to be delivered to Wang Hefeng in person.

After Wang Hefeng personally confirmed that there were no signs of being opened or otherwise, the team members ended the handover process, saluted and left.

Seeing the seriousness of the other party, Wang Hefeng also walked aside, removed the seal, took out the letter, and after reading it, he lit it on fire and burned it.

Although the team members tried their best to show that they were not curious, how could they hide their thoughts from Wang Hefeng?

"Captain Lin learned that the target might have been surrounded by us. Based on the target's behavior, temperament and ambition, he made some suggestions for dealing with the target, which were generally different from mine.

In addition, after capturing the target, I cannot tell you the details of how to deal with the opponent, what needs to be found and disposed of, and the requirements for the finishing work."

The team member nodded and did not ask blindly out of curiosity, but it was obvious that he would not believe all Wang Hefeng's words. Fortunately, he believed that Wang Hefeng was fine, and he also knew that some people knew that they were not necessarily curious about him.

The news is still coming, but basically it is from outsiders who are following the clues, discovering and arresting people who have been instigated, bribed or coerced.

The two continued to talk, and Wang Hefeng also analyzed the information for the team members, discovered the situations implicit in some messages, and summarized the other party's methods, organizational structure, characteristics, etc.

On the one hand, I took the opportunity to give some advice to the team members. On the other hand, it relieved the anxiety and suffering in my heart. There was no news coming, and he was also under tremendous pressure.

Although when he analyzed and answered just now, he seemed to have everything under control and was just waiting for the other party to fall into the trap, but facing this goal, he felt really unsure!

When he found this person's traces before, he learned the other party's cunning and meticulousness, and just now he personally experienced the other party's ruthlessness. He knew that if he thought a little differently, what he was doing now would be

You acted stupidly, and was played by the opponent in the palm of your hand.

But if you don't insist, what if your judgment is correct? Then you will fall short! But now there is no more evidence to prove that you did the right thing, and if you don't insist, you will have no clue how to find him.

Although he had decided to go all the way to the dark side, only he understood the suffering and pressure involved. Fortunately, some of the judgments and thoughts in Lin Mo's letter gave him a little breather.

"...Report..." A team member came to report. Wang Hefeng was not very familiar with the team member supported by the second operation team, and thought he was also here to report on the peripheral situation.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Wang Hefeng was given a huge situation, and most of the burden that was about to weigh him down was swept away in one go.

"Tell me the situation in detail, don't miss any detail..."

Wang Hefeng suppressed the joy in his heart and learned about the situation that the team members had touched. Just now, this group of people discovered traces of the suspected target's activities in the town not long ago, and the time was after he sealed off the town...

This chapter has been completed!
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