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163. Chapter 163 Manager Nishigu with a sincere attitude

 Chapter 163 Manager Nishigu with a sincere attitude

A pungent smell came from the ground. In addition to the usual smell of disinfectant water in hospitals, it was also mixed with other smells that had never been smelled before.

Unlike the previous dark ward, this room is much brighter. However, the light source does not come from the window, but from the old-fashioned long tube lamp on the ceiling.

There are many large storage cabinets with white paint around them. Perhaps because of their age, the paint has peeled off in many places, revealing the original wood color.

There are a large number of glass containers filled with colorful liquids on the storage shelves.

In addition to these, there are two cylindrical glass jars over two meters high in the corner, filled with black liquid.

If you look closely, you can see what appears to be the outline of a person in the liquid.

This is like the laboratory of a strange doctor in your imagination.

"This cabinet should not have been placed by the staff."

Aozora suddenly pointed at the storage cabinet that fell on the ground and said.

"Xiao Nai, what you mean is that the exit was not blocked in the first place?"

After hearing her words, Shiina Kiri also reacted.

"Yes, there are a lot of tourists in this amusement park. If you have to push down the storage cabinet every time to pass this level.

The staff needs to restore the storage cabinets and place new glass containers every time someone passes through customs, which is undoubtedly very troublesome."

"It makes sense." Shiina Kiri nodded in agreement. "So this storage cabinet was pushed to the exit by the previous player who passed the level?"

"It should be like this. I couldn't push the exit open at all in the passage before. Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that it's difficult to exert force while lying in the passage." Aozora said and looked at the exit the two left before.

"But I can also be sure that even a normal adult male would have a hard time pushing through that slippery passage that cannot be leveraged."

Shiina Kiri. "..."

"I mean, Shiina-kun is very strong." Aozora stuck out her tongue and quickly added.

Shiina Kiri waved her hand. "It seems that our last player was quite wicked."

If he hadn't been so strong that he pushed the storage cabinet down, in that narrow and dark passage, even if the ghost hadn't caught up with him, a normal person would have been frightened half to death when he heard those alarm bells and whimpering sounds in the darkness behind him.

"Maybe he was so frightened by the 'ghost' in the ward that he subconsciously tried to block the exit after escaping."

Aozora said another possibility.

"After all, not everyone can find the exit in five minutes like us."

She actually had a little pride when she said this.

It's hard to imagine that this little princess who has already reached level 1 would have such an expression because of such a trivial matter.

But that's right, although she is involved in all fields, she may be a little younger than him.

Without the aura of a princess, she is just a high school girl.

Of course, if she were an enemy, she might be able to kill him with a slap.

But if she is a friend, you might have the opportunity to see her cute and innocent posture occasionally.

Just like it is now.

"Well, Xiaonai is really amazing." Shiina Wu smiled and nodded.

It's really amazing. She was always very calm in that ward.

Oh, except when he hit me...

"No, Shiina-kun is also very powerful. If you cooperate with Shiina-kun, you can safely hand over your back." Aozora said matter-of-factly.

At this moment, the sound of opening the door suddenly came from the quiet room.

Shiina Kiri quickly stopped smiling and looked at the door thoughtfully.

As the iron door was pushed open, the two of them saw clearly who was coming.

It's not a "ghost", nor other players, but the staff of the haunted house.

The leader was a bald man in a suit, his whole body neatly groomed.

After opening the door, he quickly walked over to the two of them and spoke proactively.

"Two friends, you're not hurt anywhere."

Shiina Kiri was a little surprised. He originally thought that these staff would blame them for destroying the equipment in the haunted house.

Even if they argue hard, they will waste a lot of time.

But now, it seems that the other party is actually ready to apologize to them.

"No, but my girlfriend was frightened when we were in the passage."

When he said this, he glanced at Qingkong Nai beside him, and saw her looking at him with wide eyes, with a lot of joy in her eyes, and she didn't look scared at all.

Her supposedly brilliant acting talent faltered at a critical moment.

"I'm very sorry. It was our negligence. The staff at the haunted house today was short of manpower and we did not discover the problem immediately."

The manager didn't seem to notice anything unusual and made an excuse.


Then Shiina Kiri learned from him that the recent expansion of the haunted house has not been completed.

This resulted in the monitoring area not being staffed with enough manpower, so it was not immediately discovered that the passages to the wards and pharmacy rooms were blocked by tourists using storage cabinets.

This bald man in a suit who keeps bowing is the manager of this haunted house, his name is Nishitani Yuefumi.

His respectful attitude made Shiina Kiri wonder if he knew Aozora's identity.

"Anyway, I'm extremely sorry. All expenses incurred by the two of you at Kagura Amusement Park today will be borne by our Beechcraft Haunted Mansion."

Nishitani Takebumi bowed again, this time he did not get up immediately, as if he was waiting for forgiveness from Shiina Kiri and the other two.

"What do you think, Xiaonai?" Shiina Kiri looked at Aozora Nai again.

"I listen to Shiina-kun."

It's like a well-behaved girlfriend who takes the initiative to rely on her boyfriend after getting into trouble together.

I didn't participate in it because I was smart, but as I said before, I left my back to him and let him handle everything.

"Well, let's do that."

Since the other party apologized so sincerely, they didn't really have any problems, so Shiina Kiri didn't plan to pursue the case any further.

As for reimbursing the expenses for two people to play...

Although it’s a treat for the eldest lady, it’s free if you can. What they want is the attitude of a haunted house.

"Okay," Nishitani Yuewen stood up straight.

"I'm sorry to disturb you two. Are you going to continue exploring the haunted house, or are you leaving temporarily and coming back after relaxing?"

Nishitani Yuewen glanced at the staff cleaning the ground on the right and said again.

"If it's the latter, I'll ask the staff to make arrangements, and then you two can participate again without queuing up."

"Leave first." Shiina Kiri said after pondering for a moment.

Although the two of them only played for less than ten minutes, they had almost experienced what they needed to experience.

Aozora is obviously not afraid of ghosts, and he finally felt like he was interrupted and there was no point in continuing to play.

"Okay, you two please come with me."

"Yeah." The two of them followed Nishitani Yuewen and left the haunted house through the emergency passage.

After Shiina Kiri and Aozora left the haunted house, they came to a coffee shop.

Before this, Nishitani Takefumi planned to arrange lunch for the two of them, but Shiina Kiri refused because he had "had lunch".

He specifically asked Nishitani Yuefumi where he could buy matcha cake.

The capable bald manager made several phone calls and inquired, and then sent someone to take them to the coffee shop.

The dessert that goes with coffee here is matcha cake.

Shiina Kiri sat opposite Aozora, watching her eat matcha cake and sip her coffee.

"Xiaonai, if you eat like this, will you really not gain weight?"

He had already seen Aozora eating three cakes as big as the mouth of a glass cup.

"Am I fat?" Aozora stopped chewing and looked down at her belly.

"Probably not. It's quite light."

He had hugged her before and it wasn't heavy.

She should weigh more than 50 kilograms, but she is very tall, over 1.7 meters tall.

Moreover, she has experience in dancing and taekwondo, so she will be much less soft than ordinary girls.

To put it clearly, there will be much less subcutaneous fat.

"Okay." She put down her spoon and looked at the half-eaten matcha cake in front of her.

"Don't you want to eat?"

"Well, I've already eaten several pieces." Aozora looked at the matcha cake and smiled.

In fact, although she used to like eating matcha cakes, in order to maintain her figure, she never ate much.

But I have been eating it a lot recently, and I eat several pieces every time.

You might not be able to eat it in the future.

It's not that I can't eat it, it's just that I can't eat it as happily as now.

"Xiao Nai, are you worried?"

Seeing Aozora staring at the matcha cake in a daze, Shiina Kiri asked.

"No." Qingkora shook his head.

“Don’t waste it, especially the matcha cake.”

She brought the plate with half a piece of matcha cake in front of Shiina Kiri and smiled like a little witch.

Shiina Kiri. "..."

Half of the cake on the plate was dug out with a spoon, and it looked like a fairly full crescent moon from the top.

"If a girl doesn't finish the cake, her boyfriend will be responsible for eating it."

She placed her hands flat on the edge of the table and leaned forward slightly, playing the role of an expectant girlfriend.

As expected, it was a young lady's love game. Shiina Kiri sighed softly, picked up the spoon and took a bite.

Very sweet.

About half an hour later.

Hiroshi Fujita, Keiji Maeda and others came to the coffee shop together after receiving the message on Shiina Kiri's mobile phone.

"So you didn't have much fun at all, you were just drinking coffee here!"

Hiroshi Fujita yelled first, then turned to look at the tourists in the cafe who looked at him strangely, and quickly covered his mouth.

"Yes, after we passed a level, we left the haunted house due to some accidents." Shiina Kiri did not explain too much.

"You guys are so lucky." Hiroshi Fujita sighed helplessly and continued.

"Miyoko-san and I were almost... No, we stayed in the haunted house for a long time, and the props there were too real."

"I can tell." Shiina Kiri smiled, picked up the coffee and took a sip.

It’s hard to figure out whether he actually saw the props when he said this, or whether he saw it from Hiroshi Fujita’s expression.

"Shiina, what I said is true. Miyoko-san and I were taken to a nurse's lounge, where there were..."

Hiroshi Fujita danced and gestured.

Miyoko Kawashima, who was sitting next to him, just glanced at him and continued to whisper with Tachibana Nome on the other side.

"Well, it does sound scary." Shiina Kiri finally agreed.

The relationship between the two is good, and the previously unclear words were just habitual banter, and this is how they usually get along.

"I'm telling you, Shiina, you left too early. It's a pity that you said the haunted house wasn't..."

Realizing that he almost contradicted his previous remarks, Hiroshi Fujita shut up in time.

"Where were you and Aoyama born, Maeda?"

Ignoring Hiroshi Fujita, Shiina Kiri looked at the other two boys.

Maeda Keiji and Aoyama Isamu looked at each other and said in unison, "Morgue."

Hearing this word, Tachibana Nome, who was whispering to Miyoko Kawashima, trembled.

Shiina Kiri nodded from time to time as she listened to the descriptions of the morgue by Maeda Keiji.

It seems like what Hiroshi Fujita said, the haunted house is really scary now.

The first time he and Aozora visited the haunted house, the spawn point was the morgue. At that time, the molds were very impressive, and Aozora even laughed out loud while pointing at a very fake mold.

It seems that the amusement park really allocated money for the haunted house and changed the script.

That's right. The haunted house is one of the attractions of the amusement park, so it should be done more carefully.

In fact, when leaving, Shiina Kiri asked Nishitani Takefumi about the strategy for clearing that ward.

The person who answered him was not the manager of Nishigu, but a staff member beside him.

If you want to find the exit within five minutes, it is generally very difficult to do without a blind cat or a dead mouse.

After all, the ward is very realistic and has many layouts that attract the player's attention... to be precise, it is a waste of the player's time.

The most important thing is that the players don't even have a flashlight at first and can only follow their script.

Generally speaking, players need to hide before the second alarm rings. There are many hiding places in that ward, such as closets, under tables, under beds...

Of course, the bedside table at the exit is also an option, but once you have the idea that your "head" is in the cabinet, you will subconsciously pass this option.

After finding a hiding place, as long as you don't make any noise, you won't be caught by the ghost.

But hiding in a small space, the inner fear will undoubtedly be infinitely magnified.

Coupled with the sound of the "nurse ghost"'s breathing outside, the footsteps of the "patient ghost" outside, and the piercing sound of the alarm bell...

The desired horror effect of the haunted house is achieved.

After the alarm clock rings for about a minute, it will stop ringing and the two ghosts will return to their original positions.

Players need to take advantage of the five minutes before the alarm rings for the third time to find the exit.

If you still can't find it, there's no point in hiding.

After the staff member finished speaking, Manager Nishitani asked Shiina Kiri not to reveal the script.

Shiina Kiriya felt more and more that Manager Nishitani had figured out Aozora's identity.

Otherwise, if something as minor as an accident occurs, the staff can completely resolve it before they complain.

As for how he recognized Aozora.

Shiina Kiri thought it might be the phone call Aozora received last time.

Although the phone call would not reveal her true identity, the amusement park managers would certainly be told not to offend this big shot.

And Aozora's pink hair is really easy to recognize, after all, other people would not choose this color even if they dye their hair.

Pink hair is too difficult to manage unless you are naturally beautiful.


This chapter has been completed!
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