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Chapter 153 [What are you calling me for?]

 In the woods, Jia Fei took a bite of tofu and said, "It's salty and not delicious."

Finally, I ate a large bowl of tofu with the bottom of the bowl turned upside down, and burped with a loud "burp!"

"Oh! It's so salty and doesn't taste good."

She wiped her mouth one last time and added: "I want something sweet tomorrow."

After saying that, he handed the bowl back to Cheng Yu, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't take it and was looking at her with a strange look.

Jia Fei glanced at the clean bottom of the bowl and suddenly felt guilty and laughed.

Since he didn't dare to bother the great sparrow immortal anymore, he had to wash the bowl with mountain spring water, put it on the low table in front of Father Zhang's door at the foot of the mountain, and then used wood escape to return to Cheng Yu.

Seeing Cheng Yu playing with the jade gourd in his hand, Jia Fei suddenly remembered the tips bag hanging on his chest.

"Brother Cheng, you are now in a state where your soul can transform into reality or reality at will. I wonder if this hundred treasure bag can transform into reality with Brother Cheng?"

After hearing this, Cheng Yu put the jade gourd on his waist, took the brocade bag from Jia Fei, weighed it in his hand and felt it. It was light and airy. The whole pouch was made of purple brocade without any decoration.

He closed his five fingers to hold the kit tightly in his hand, and used his spiritual consciousness to return his spirit from real to virtual. With a "snap", the small kit fell to the forest floor covered with rotten leaves.


Jia Fei shook his head when he saw this, picked up the kit and hung it back on his chest.

Cheng Yu looked at the kit on the chest of the cat demon opposite him and thought secretly: It seems that when my soul turned from virtual to real, this kit was not with me, so it could not change with my soul.

Forget it, since this kit has always been with her, let her carry it with her. There is no chance that there are some items from her daughter’s house in it.

Cheng Yu returned his soul to its true form as a sparrow, spread its wings and flew towards the foot of the mountain.

Having the experience last time, Cheng Yu will no longer materialize the soul at will, lest he be forced to return the soul due to lack of soul power, and it will take nearly a day to recover.

In the blink of an eye, he flew to the door of a rather ordinary inn in the outer city.

This inn was originally deserted in front of the door, with a few horses and horses, but now it is full of guests, people coming and going.

Just because Xinke Jieyuan lives in this shop, at this time the prefect is specially delivering the post and visiting Zhuang Jieyuan in person.

Cheng Yu stood on the eaves and heard that the magistrate inside the house insisted on asking Zhuang Huaijin to move into his other house in the inner city. Zhuang Huaijin excused himself by saying that he would be leaving for his hometown soon.

Still remembering the conversation with the prefect on the cruise ship yesterday, Zhuang Huaijin had made his own judgment in his mind and did not want to have too much contact with him.

Unexpectedly, when the magistrate heard that Jie Yuan was about to return to his hometown, he immediately expressed his intention to practice Jie Yuan himself and exchanged famous cards with Zhuang Huaijin.

In the officialdom of Daliang, just like in Cheng Yu's previous life, although the general public would not grant official positions easily, the government would also give monthly salary, although it was not much, but it was enough for a year's food and drink.

In addition, ordinary people have to call "Master" when they meet a scholar. Of course, scholars do not have this treatment.

As for Zhuang Huaijin, Jieyuan, there is a huge gap between him and ordinary people.

In the past few days, many people have come to visit me, and countless people have come to ask for marriage.

Zhuang Huaijin told the magistrate that this was the reason for returning to his hometown. He declined, but he didn't expect that the magistrate actually took it seriously.

Then he thought about it, yes.

Now that I am in high school, I should go home quickly to tell my old father the good news, although the good news must have reached Qingchuan County by now.


In the early morning of the next day, it was still dark.

Zhuang Huaijin and Yu Wenpei got up very early together to pack up and prepare to set off before everyone came to see them off.

Arriving at the door, the inn had parked the carriage prepared by the government office early in the morning.

The carriage of this carriage is spacious, almost twice as big as the carriage of the small carriage that we came in, and the carriage is equipped with two tall and strong horses.

The law of Daliang stipulates that the emperor drives six, the prince drives five, officials of second rank and above drive four, and officials of third rank and below drive two, and it must be a formal occasion.

If you travel on weekdays, most of them are just a horse-drawn cart.

At this moment, there are two people sitting in the same car, so there is nothing wrong with driving two people.

Zhuang Huaijin raised his head and glanced at the carriage, and his thoughts surged in his heart.

After ten years of hard work and no one asking, he became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

The innkeeper was waiting at the door early in the morning, serving the two candidates respectfully. His humble appearance was very different from before the results were announced.

At this time, suddenly there was a sound of dense footsteps behind him. Yu Wenpei thought that someone else was coming to visit Zhuang Jieyuan early in the morning. He hurriedly turned around and found that a group of common people were rushing behind him and passed by the two of them.

Yu Wenpei was curious, stretched out his hand to hold the last old man, and asked where they were going in such a hurry.

The old man struggled for a while but couldn't get away, so he had to say:

"Master, let go now. We have to rush to the Lake Temple to burn some incense. Alas! That's all. I can't catch up today, old man."

Yu Wenpei was confused for a while, but Zhuang Huaijin suddenly realized that that day, there was suddenly no wind and waves in the lake. Just when the boat was shaking and about to be overturned by water, a burst of white light shot up from the lake temple, and the lake suddenly returned to calm.<


At that time, I also went to the Lake Temple with the officials and a group of fishermen on the boat. The temple seemed to be recently abandoned. Unexpectedly, the incense became popular again. At this time, even the people in the outer city rushed to burn some incense.


"Wen Pei, we're on our way."

Zhuang Huaijin was thinking about returning to his hometown as soon as possible and urged.

But Cheng Yu was currently on the hill beside the lake, vomiting with Jia Fei.

Especially Jia Fei, who is waiting for the sky to get slightly brighter to go to the small village at the foot of the mountain to eat sweet tofu.

"Drive! Drive!"

After leaving the outer city, a two-horse carriage sped away on the deserted official road.


In the blink of an eye, the sky was dimly lit, and after the bird and the cat finished their nightly breathing, the cat demon said hello to Cheng Yu and went to the tofu shop at the foot of the mountain.

"Old man, give me some tofu pudding, I want it with sweet sauce."

Father Zhang was busy in the house when he suddenly heard a girl's voice outside. He turned around and saw a girl in a green shirt. He thought she looked familiar. It wasn't until the other party threw a piece of silver that he remembered.

"This lady is here again. I don't need this piece of silver. You gave me too much last time."

"Then consider it a reward."

Jia Fei, who has easy money, is much more generous than Cheng Yu in this regard.

Dad Zhang took the money thrown at him and wondered for a while, this sunny day...

He subconsciously looked at Jia Fei's feet, there was a shadow...

But this woman's arrival was so strange that he couldn't help but cautiously asked:

"May I ask, Miss, which family in the neighborhood are you from? Why does the little old man look so unfamiliar?"

When Jia Fei heard this, he frowned and said to himself, "I'm eating a tofu brain but you still have enough control over it." Then he said displeasedly:

"I am a foreigner."

"A foreigner's name?"

Father Zhang suddenly thought of Mr. Wensheng in the white shirt yesterday. He looked at the young lady again and seemed to understand a little bit, as if he was suddenly enlightened.

"Oh! I know it, little old man. Is the young lady the concubine of Mr. Wen Sheng in the white shirt yesterday morning?"

"Ah? In-laws..."

Jia Fei paused when he heard this, and felt a slight buzzing in his head, and suddenly went blank.

After a few breaths, I was surprised to find that my face was hot, but a blush quietly stained my cheeks. I suddenly woke up, raised my eyebrows and spat at Father Zhang:

"Bah! Stop chewing your tongue and get a bowl quickly... two bowls of tofu curd. If you want it sweet, add more sugar juice."

When Father Zhang saw this pretty girl suddenly turning her face, he didn't dare to tell the difference, but he said with a sad face:

"This little... madam, there is no tofu poutine today. The old man only makes tofu poutine during the market. Today there is only this water tofu."

"Ah? No... Alas! Bad luck."

After hearing this, Jia Fei turned around and was about to leave. Before he could take a step, he suddenly stopped and asked quietly:

This chapter has been completed!
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