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Chapter 154 [Who asked you to take the small road? 】

 "Drive! Drive!"

A carriage sped away on the official road, and behind the wheel, two plumes of smoke gradually merged into one and spread out, obscuring the many refugees walking slowly on both sides of the official road.

These refugees are all in ragged clothes, thin and withered, with lifeless eyes, and they are slowly moving slowly on both sides of the official road, like walking corpses.

The driver didn't dare to be careless. He estimated that the two horses' feet were still good enough, so he notified the two gentlemen in the carriage, whipped up his whip and quickly passed through the group of refugees, and then turned down a small road to take a shortcut.

After passing through the two hills in front, you can get to the next station to rest half an hour earlier.

In the spacious carriage, the two men could not see what was going on outside. Yu Wenpei got up too early, so he simply lay down and fell asleep as the carriage jolted.

Zhuang Huaijin held the ancestral samurai sword with both hands and sat in the carriage with his eyes closed to meditate.

The two of them felt that the shaking of the carriage gradually stabilized, and the speed of the carriage also slowed down.

Yu Wenpei finally fell asleep.

When Zhuang Huaijin saw that the carriage was no longer shaking violently, he wanted to take out a book and read it. As he stood up, he suddenly stumbled and almost fell out of the carriage. He hurriedly held on to the driver to prevent him from falling.


On the hill outside Qianjiang Prefecture, Jia Fei looked a little weird after going to buy tofu to no avail. After informing Cheng Yu in a hurry, he went into the city to play.

Cheng Yu, who was breathing out the sun spirit energy alone on the mountain, suddenly felt a throbbing in his soul, which was caused by Zhuang Huaijin's wishful energy.

Scholars are in trouble!

The aura sensed that he was no longer in the outer city inn, but in the other direction.

Is this scholar returning?

He immediately returned to his original position, spread his wings and flew away.



The driver shouted and tightened the reins, and the two horses were stopped in the middle of a run.

Yu Wenpei was woken up just as he fell asleep. Although he didn't stagger like Zhuang Huaijin when he was lying down, he felt really unhappy for disturbing his dream.

He immediately sat up and raised the curtains and yelled:

"Why suddenly..."

Half of the rest of his words were choked in his mouth. Zhuang Huaijin frowned when he saw this, and then raised the curtain and looked outside. He saw that they were the only car on the road at this time, with two mountains standing on both sides, and in the middle

A small road passes through the valley of two mountains. There are dozens of people standing in the middle of the road, only a few feet away from the carriage.

The leader, a tall man, was holding a tiger-headed sword, and his face was so black that he couldn't tell his face.

Behind him were dozens of tall, short, fat and thin people, both men and women, holding various instruments and even many farm tools mixed in.

"Hey! The passer-by left money to buy the way!"

The big black guy in the lead yelled, which made the driver's legs tremble and he kept moaning in fear.

I have walked this road for months and it has been uneventful.

"Two gentlemen, I encountered a mountain bandit, what should I do?"

He whispered to the two officials behind him for help.

"It was peaceful here when we came here. How come there are bandits when we go back? Turn the horse around quickly and go back."

Yu Wenpei didn't know that the driver turned onto the side road, so he was so frightened that he shrank into the carriage and said.

Zhuang Huaijin frowned, opened the curtains and looked out:

"There is no way back."

Yu Wenpei walked up to him and looked out. He saw another ten or twenty people gathered behind the carriage. The leader was not tall and looked like a woman. Although her face was also tarnished, she could be seen with her facial features.

She is a pretty woman.

But this delicate woman held a curved saber in her hand and led the crowd to block the carriage's back path.

The two of them looked at each other in the car and heard the dark-faced man outside shouting again:

"Get out of the car quickly. Grandpa, I only want money, not life. Leave your belongings, carriages and horses behind, and you can go on your own!"

After saying that, he slapped the car window several times with a machete.

The three of them had no choice but to get out of the car. Zhuang Huaijin tightened the sword around his waist and got out of the car first. Yu Wenpei and the driver supported him and hid behind Zhuang Huaijin.

Zhuang Huaijin swallowed secretly and tightened his right hand on the hilt of the sword, suppressing the tremors. After some consideration, he raised his hand and saluted the dark-faced man opposite him:

"A good man is polite. The two of us are candidates for the new imperial examination. This carriage belongs to the official carriage of Qianjiang Prefecture. If a good man takes it by force, the government may investigate."

The black-faced man was fine at first, but once he heard the words "Qianjiang Mansion Office", his expression suddenly changed:

"What kind of dog entered Qianjiang Mansion! What grandpa robbed was Qianjiang Mansion!"

After speaking, his eyes glanced up and down at Zhuang Huaijin, and saw that the scholar was calm in the face of danger, and he seemed a bit brave.

Finally, he stopped at the long sword at the opponent's waist.


What a sword!

"Wuna, show me the sword on your waist to grandpa."

Zhuang Huaijin frowned when he heard this and said loudly:

"This sword is an inheritance from my ancestors. Any good man with money can take it, but this sword... cannot be used with the book."

"I don't know how to praise!"

The black-faced man was about to step forward to snatch it, but was stopped by the short woman next to him who also wore black face and asked Zhuang Huaijin:

"Wait a minute! This Juzi, I hear your accent is not from the local area. Where did you get the Juzi from?"

"I am a candidate for the imperial examination in Qingchuan County. After winning the examination, I want to..."

"Wait! Where are you from?"

The black-faced man interrupted Zhuang Huaijin and asked sharply.

"Qingchuan County."


The black-faced man burst into laughter, dragging his tiger-headed sword forward and about to chop off his head. Zhuang Huaijin saw that the opponent was being unreasonable and suddenly got angry, so he had no choice but to draw his sword to meet him.

The black-faced man didn't take the frail scholar seriously at all, he just slashed with the sword with one hand. Zhuang Huaijin held the sword tightly with both hands, gritted his teeth and raised the sword to meet him.


The scholar's wrists were all numb, and his feet were unstable. After falling to the ground, he realized that his left arm had been cut with a big knife, and drops of blood fell on the samurai sword.

The big man opposite sneered and pushed forward to grab the sword. Zhuang Huaijin grabbed the sword and unexpectedly raised it diagonally upwards, causing a gash in the opponent's forearm.

At this time, both sides of the sword's blade were stained with blood, and I didn't know which one belonged to the scholar and which one belonged to the black-faced man.

The big man shouted in pain and kicked Zhuang Huaijin to the ground.


The sword fell to dust. Yu Wenpei and the coachman hurriedly stepped forward to help Zhuang Huaijin, and found that Jie Yuan had been kicked unconscious.

The dark-faced woman hurriedly stepped forward to support the dark-faced man and check the injury on his forearm.

Fortunately, the wound was not deep, so she quickly tore off a piece of cloth and simply bandaged it. Without saying a word, the big man stepped forward and picked up the sword on the ground and looked at it for a while. Although the sword frame was old, the blade had a cold light.

There is just a large dark spot on the sword, which seems to be blood coagulated on the back and seeping into the sword.

A real guy who licked blood...

These three people cannot be kept!

He stepped forward with a sword in one hand and a tiger-headed sword in the other, and slowly raised it.

Yu Wenpei looked at the blade flashing coldly in the air, his face turned ashen, he closed his eyes tightly and screamed inwardly that God was unfair!

It's a pity that the person I just won is about to lose his life to a bandit here.

The cold light flashed, and the tiger-head knife fell with the sound of wind. Suddenly, a cold breath came inexplicably. The black-faced man's eyes were blurred, and he intuitively felt that there were white particles coming quickly, and hit the blade with a "ding" sound, followed by a burst of cold light.

The tiger-headed sword was knocked away sideways with the force of a huge wave. The big man stumbled and was brought to the ground. He could not even hold the sword in his hand and fell to the ground.

The tiger-head knife flew out and was caught by a follower a few feet behind him. Unexpectedly, the castration of the big knife and the weight of the knife knocked him down. After struggling for a while, he stood up holding the knife with the help of others.<


Looking down at the blade, I saw a dent on the blade. Inside the dent was an ice crystal, still glowing with cold air.

The black-faced man took off his big sword, his hands were shaking, and the tiger's mouth was cracked open.

"Who! Come out!"

The black-faced man shouted angrily, but another white ice crystal particle came towards his face with a hint of cold air.

He covered his face with both hands, and the ice crystal hit his hands painfully, but the force was much lighter than the one just now, otherwise his hands would have been shot through his head.

"Crack, crackle!"

"Ouch! Damn!"

"It hurts!"

The incoming small white ice crystals were getting more and more dense, and they were all hitting the bandits. Everyone covered their faces to dodge, and some of them had their heads smashed, so they turned and ran towards the mountain.

Only the three people next to the carriage were safe.


The black-faced man finally couldn't hold on any longer. With an order, dozens of people rushed to the nearby mountain together.

Yu Wenpei, who was in a state of despair, saw that all the bandits were gone. Having saved his life, he did not bother to find out the cause of the hailstorm just now. He hurriedly called the coachman and carried the unconscious Zhuang Huaijin into the carriage.

At this time, Yu Wenpei realized that this was not the official road he came from, and couldn't help complaining:

"Who asked you to take this path on your own initiative? Unlucky! Extremely unlucky!"


The coachman ignored him, whipped his horse whip as hard as he could, and drove the carriage away at high speed.

After the dust settled, a sparrow landed on the deserted road, its black eyes staring at the samurai sword next to it.

This chapter has been completed!
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