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#1197 river

In southern Africa, theft is rare.

There is really no need to steal to make a living. In southern Africa, even in the least economically developed Basutoland and Swaziland, if you get thirsty and want to eat some fruit on the road, you can just casually walk into a farm.

Talk to the farmer. He will not be stingy at all. You can eat as much as you want. The hospitable farmer may even treat you to a glass of home-brewed wine.

Not to mention in an economically developed state like the Transvaal, the dividing lines between many farms are fruit trees. Some fruits are too ripe to be picked and can only rot on the trees. There is no need to steal these fruits.


After Roark and Henry learned about the situation, they adjusted the focus of the search. Piramede was less than ten kilometers away from Pretoria. If the guy who stole the thing was Aldington, then it meant Alding

Instead of continuing to Nyasaland, Don attempted to return to Pretoria.

This situation directly frightened Rock and Henry into a cold sweat. If someone like Aldington were allowed to sneak into Pretoria, the consequences would be disastrous.

The first to arrive at Piramede were the agents from Bullard's office. Piramede was located at the outermost edge of the encirclement, with Pretoria behind it. The woods that Aldington escaped into were located on a hillside, at the top of the mountain.

Under the blockade formed by the National Guard and the Rifle Association, Pyramid has gathered dozens of knights armed with various shotguns and shotguns, all of whom are farmers from nearby farms.

"The guy was tall and had a thick beard on his face. I saw him picking my fruits and eating them while picking them, so I yelled. The guy was carrying a rifle. When he saw me with my dog, he

Fleeing into the woods, I didn't dare to let the dog chase me -" The farmer described what he saw in detail, with a khaki backpack still left on the ground.

When he saw this large backpack, Brad's senior agent Shao An immediately became vigilant. This khaki backpack was issued by the army. The backpack contained dozens of bullets and some freshly picked apples, as well as a handful of

A fully loaded Ruger pistol.

It was this pistol that allowed Shao An to confirm Aldington's identity. Aldington owned a Luger pistol produced in Germany. It was Aldington's trophy during the World War and was brought by Aldington from Europe.

Back to southern Africa.

"Report immediately. The guy is here. Notify the nearby troops and immediately surround the woods." Shao An looked up and saw that the woods covered an area of ​​about one square kilometer. There was a river passing through the middle of the woods. Shao An

He did not forget to add: "Tell the blockade troops to strictly check both sides of the river to prevent the guy from escaping through the river."

"Yes sir—" Agent Bullard rode back on his motorcycle to report.

Shao An took a look at the excited farmers and did not dare to let them participate in the action.

Aldington was an excellent shooter. He was a precise marksman during his time in the army. His hit rate was very high at about 200 meters. For these farmers to participate rashly, they just gave Aldington a live target.

Shao An didn't dare to get close. God knew Aldington was lurking in that corner of the woods. If Aldington targeted Shao An, Shao An would have a narrow escape.

Police information is an order. After receiving Aldington's clue, the Pretoria garrison hurriedly arrived within an hour. The troops not only brought military dogs, but also used armored vehicles and dispatched an entire battalion.

Shao An noticed that the armband of one of the companies showed that they were the garrison of the Prime Minister's Office, which indicated that Ade also sent his guards to participate in this manhunt.

"Shao, tell me what you know about the situation -" The officer leading the team is Lieutenant Colonel Taylor Evelyn. He and Shao An have cooperated many times and are very familiar with each other.

"That guy is in the woods. Let your people be careful. He has a rifle on him, but he doesn't have many bullets. Thanks to the farmer and his hound, the guy escaped in a hurry.

He didn't have time to bring his backpack." Shao An introduced the situation to Taylor Evelyn, who brought a dozen armored vehicles, enough to surround the entire forest.

If it is in the woods, it will be difficult for armored vehicles to pass.

It would be much easier to just encircle it. An armored vehicle can control a range of more than a hundred meters. No matter how skilled Aldington is, he cannot compete with the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle.

"Thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest of the work to me. If I get the bonus, we will go drinking together -" Taylor Evelin was confident that all his soldiers were carefully selected, and O.

No worse than Erdington.

Taylor Evelyn was not in a hurry to let the troops enter the woods to search. Instead, she ordered the troops to surround the entire woods first, and then took Aldington's discarded backpack and let a dozen military dogs sniff it one by one.

In this case, it would be more efficient to use a military dog ​​with a more developed sense of smell to search. Unless Aldington jumped into the river, he would be able to escape capture.

"Sniff - sniff - sniff -" The handlers were carrying pistols and wearing steel helmets. They would enter the woods with the military dogs later.

Military dogs are no strangers to this set of procedures. After a few particularly ferocious-looking military dogs sniffed the backpack, they barked non-stop toward the woods.

"Start action!" Taylor Evelyn shouted, and a dozen military dogs rushed out like arrows.

"God bless, I hope I can catch this guy soon." Shao An could finally breathe a sigh of relief. After all, his personal power could not compete with the country. At least nearly a thousand people participated in the manhunt for Aldington. As long as Aldington

If he is still in the woods, he will be unable to fly.

"Damn Boers, let me tell you, the Boers should not be allowed to join the army at all, let alone any military training for them. Those are crazy people, and they will never accept our rule." Taylor Evelyn whispered.

Muttering, you can't say this kind of thing publicly now, otherwise it will bring trouble to the entire Ministry of National Defense.

Although the British Empire conquered the Boers more than ten years ago, not all Boers obeyed the rule of the British Empire. There are still many Boers who miss the freedom of the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State.

Zizi, except for the two years before the annexation of the two Boer countries, London gave the Boers some compensation and interest-free loans. Since the establishment of the federal government, it has not given much care to the Boers.

The Boers in southern Africa are mainly concentrated in Orange. Compared with the Cape and Transvaal in the south and the north, the economic situation in Orange is not good, which makes many Boers feel resentful. They will definitely not follow.

It's all the fault of the UK and the federal government if you are looking for problems on your own.

"You can't say that. If you ask me to say, we should not let all the Boers stay in Orange, break them up and send them to all the states to live dispersedly. In this way, in a few years there will be no more Boers.

." Shao An became more ruthless. As more and more information was revealed about the deceased farmer and his wife, Shao An's disgust for Aldington became deeper and deeper.

The farmer couple who were killed came to southern Africa ten years ago. They first worked on Rock's farm, and then took a loan from Rand Bank to buy a 150-acre farm at the site of the crime.

In order to pay off the loan as soon as possible, the farmer and his wife worked hard, and the farm's operation flourished.

During the world war, agricultural product prices in southern Africa continued to rise. The farmer and his wife had just paid off their Rand Bank loan three years ago, and their eldest child is about to graduate from secondary school this year.

The farmer has four children in total. I heard that the eldest child has very good academic performance and is very likely to be admitted to Nyasaland University this year.

Seeing that all the hardships have come to an end, the family is about to live a happy life, but they are all destroyed by the devil Aldington.

Shao An also has children himself. He doesn’t know how the farmer’s children feel when they return to their home and find that their parents have been killed. Now Shao An just wants to catch Aldington with his own hands and bring Aldington to the rescue.

Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

Although Aldington is also a victim, this cannot be the reason for Aldington to harm others.

"Dig, Shao, you have great potential to become a politician -" Taylor Evelin was immediately impressed by Shao An, but she didn't know that this kind of thing is basic common sense for the Chinese.

"That's because your colonial rule is too rough. On this issue, I'm sorry, I'm not targeting anyone. Those colonial officials of yours are rubbish." Shao An is not polite. Just look at Europe now and you will know that they have big noses.

The country is not as big as a state in southern Africa. It can easily own colonies that are hundreds of times the size of the mainland, and it is not afraid of dying.

"The Marquis of Nyasaland is also a colonial official of the empire!" Taylor Evelyn argued that the Chinese are good at everything, but they are too proud.

However, Taylor Evelyn also has to admit that the Chinese with a history of five thousand years are indeed entitled to be proud.

The British Empire five thousand years ago——

Five thousand years ago there was no British Empire.

It was not until about the 13th century BC that people settled in the southeastern part of Great Britain.

It was not until about AD 43, with the invasion of the Romans, that Great Britain became a province of the Roman Empire.

It was not until 1284 that Britain in the modern sense just emerged.

While Taylor Evelin and Shao An were arguing, the troops had finished searching the entire forest. The military dogs that had been like wolves and tigers just now had lost their energy and found nothing.

"Fuck you, let that guy slip away again!" Taylor Evelyn's face was full of disappointment, and it wasn't just because of the 20,000 rand.

"Wait a minute -" Shao An felt something was wrong.

"What?" Taylor Evelyn looked confused.

"No, we seem to have missed something -" Shao An thought hard, and then saw the military dog ​​soaked in sweat: "Have you searched the river, this river?"

Yes, if Aldington jumps into the water, the military dog ​​will lose its tracking target. Aldington once served in the military and he must know this.

This chapter has been completed!
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