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Chapter 1198 Don't Worry About Too Much Debt

The soldiers really didn't miss such an obvious target as the river, but it was obvious that they couldn't search so carefully. After all, they couldn't jump into the river and touch it bit by bit.

At Shao An's insistence, the soldiers conducted a second search, this time focusing on the river. Dozens of soldiers pushed along both sides of the river little by little. The grass on the bank was the focus of the search.

Facts have proved that too lush vegetation is not a good thing. In the rivers of southern Africa, the grass and reeds on both sides of the rivers are the best protective umbrellas. People hiding in them cannot see them when standing on the river banks.

Shao An was not in a hurry, and simply coordinated a water police boat from the water police to come over, determined not to let go of any doubts.

Before the water police boat arrived, a crocodile floated slowly down the river from upstream.

The first person to spot the crocodile was Corporal Sally. As soon as he spotted the crocodile, Sally took aim with his gun. An adult crocodile is still very valuable.

"Don't worry." Staff Sergeant Fu Ze stopped Sally in time.

"It's several dozen rands -" Sally's eyes were shining. One crocodile was equivalent to about half a year's salary.

"Wait a little longer, maybe there will be an unexpected harvest." Fu Ze followed the crocodile downstream from the shore, and Sally immediately understood Fu Ze's intention.

Naturally formed rivers are all winding because the water plants on the banks are so lush that it is impossible to tell where the bank is and where the water is unless you walk into the river bank.

Less than fifty meters downstream, there was sudden movement in a clump of water plants on the shore.

Before Fu Ze and Sally could react, a figure covered in mud suddenly jumped out of the grass and headed into the woods nearby.

"Stop!" Sally raised his gun.

Fu Ze pushed down the barrel of Sally's gun, then released the military dog ​​in his hand and gave the order to attack.


The military dog ​​immediately rushed out like an arrow from a string.


Some soldiers with sharp eyes and quick hands fired.

The figure covered in mud staggered, got up, and ran forward.

Then he was directly knocked down by the rushing military dog.

By the time the panting Fu Ze and Sally caught up, the mud-covered figure had already struggled to get up again, trying to escape the bite of the military dog.

The military dog ​​named "Huzi" was definitely going to perform a meritorious service. He bit his arm and wouldn't let go, biting and pulling him back. The man covered in mud could not maintain his balance and was dragged to the ground again.

"Aldington, stop resisting, you can't escape!" Fu Ze said righteously.

The person bitten by the military dog ​​was indeed Aldington.

When he heard Fu Ze's sharp scolding, Aldington immediately stopped struggling.

More soldiers gathered around from all directions, the roars of more than a dozen military dogs resounded throughout the woods, and the sound of the engine of the marine police boat was faintly heard in the river. Some people were cheering and celebrating in the distance, obviously knowing that Austria had been found here.


"Throw away the gun and fight for the last chance." Fu Ze noticed that Aldington was holding a pistol in his other hand.

It seems that Aldington still has feelings for the army. Even under such circumstances, Aldington did not shoot Huzi.

"Huzi, stop—" Fu Ze ordered Huzi to stop attacking.

Huzi also checked and found that Aldington had indeed stopped resisting, and then he let go and ran back to Fu Ze.

"Throw away the gun, don't make the same mistake again and again." Fu Ze continued to attack his heart. Although the dead Aldington and the living Aldington both cost 20,000, Fu Ze still hoped to send Aldington to the hospital.

Court trial.

This is the meaning of the existence of law.

"Ho ho -" Aldington was lying on the ground, looking at the sky, laughing harder than crying.

"Throw away the gun—" Fu Ze scolded him sharply again.

Aldington slowly raised his gun.

Bah bah bah—

More than a dozen pistols and rifles fired at almost the same time. Aldington's body shook violently for several times, and then he died.

Afterwards, Fu Ze recalled that Aldington's raising of the gun was not necessarily a sign of resistance, because it was obvious that Aldington did not aim at any of the surrounding soldiers, and it looked quite like he was about to raise the gun to commit suicide.

However, the soldiers did not give Aldington a chance to commit suicide, and the crocodile in the river did not drift too far. In the end, it became the prey of the marine police. The 650 soldiers and civilians who participated in the search for Aldington shared the responsibility of killing Aldington.

Erdington's R20,000 bonus, although it was a windfall, no one was happy about it.

"The Oddington case exposed many problems. We don't pay enough attention to veterans, especially the mental health of veterans. They have just returned home from bloody battlefields and are accustomed to using violence to solve problems.

Showing a certain degree of incompatibility with a peaceful and quiet life, the only difference is whether the degree is serious or not. Nyasaland University Medical School and Johannesburg Medical School have jointly started research in this area. The Ministry of National Defense is also preparing to establish a Military Affairs Office to be responsible for recruiting soldiers.

jobs, and the resettlement of veterans." Rock reported to Adelaide only a week after Aldington's death. Aldington's behavior caused extremely serious consequences in the Orange and Transvaal states.

The impact was not only due to the large expenses incurred in pursuing Aldington, but also the particularly serious impact on the image of the military. That is to say, the media in this era was not developed enough, otherwise Aldington's impact would have been more serious.

"We must strengthen the management of veterans and strictly prevent similar incidents from happening in the future." Ade was still tolerant of Rock and did not blame Rock for this.

Relatively speaking, Rock has done a very good job. After the World War, almost all participating countries faced the problem of veteran resettlement. As Rock said, soldiers have become accustomed to using violent means to solve problems and return to normal.

In society, many people who have suffered severe physical and mental trauma will have various problems, and this is particularly serious in Britain, France and Germany.

After the end of the world war in southern Africa, less than 500,000 people returned to southern Africa, of which less than 300,000 soldiers took off their military uniforms and retired.

Britain, France, and Germany mobilized millions of people to fight during the World War. After the war, millions of soldiers retired. Ordinary soldiers were better off. Many soldiers who were disabled due to injuries or died in battle have not even received pensions.

Kim, their life is extremely difficult.

The Relief and Rehabilitation Administration led by Stoudemire, during this period, was mainly working on these soldiers who were living in difficulty. Their lives should have been borne by the state. However, Britain, France, and Germany suffered heavy losses during the world war, and the finances of various governments were extremely difficult.

I really can't afford these expenses.

This is also the reason why the Allies forced Germany to pay more compensation. Don’t worry that the German government cannot afford the compensation. The southern African and American consortia are already ready. As long as the German delegation finally signs the Peace Agreement, the German government will be able to pay it right away.

Get a large loan.

Of course, these loans must also include harsh conditions and high interest rates, but the German government also has no choice.

"Our current monthly expenditure on veterans has exceeded 3 million rand, and we need special appropriations from Congress." Another purpose of Roque's seeking out Adelaide is to ask for money. The federal government's current finances are very healthy and fully capable.

Additional appropriation.

Compared with Britain, France and Germany, the financial situation of the federal government in Southern Africa is still very healthy. The resettlement expenses for veterans can be paid in a timely manner, and pensions for disabled and combat-killed soldiers have also been paid in full.

It is precisely because the economic situation in southern Africa is relatively good that during the World War, in order to encourage soldiers to fight bravely, a complete welfare system was established for soldiers.

Now it’s time for the welfare system to be fulfilled. Those soldiers who received military medals during the world wars will receive additional allowances every month. Disabled soldiers also need continuous treatment. The same pensions are paid to the families of soldiers killed in war.

It is a heavy burden and the cost will last for a long time.

If soldiers who died in battle during the world wars have children under the age of 18, the Ministry of National Defense will pay a certain amount of pension every year until the children reach adulthood.

The Ministry of National Defense will also pay a certain amount of alimony every month to the parents of soldiers who died in war, regardless of whether they have other children, and this payment will continue until the parents of soldiers who died in war pass away.

"Don't even think about it. The federal government has no money now." Adelaide refused simply. Even if the federal government has money, it doesn't dare to spend it randomly now. Roque reminded Adelaide just after the world war.

An economic crisis will break out within two or three years of the end, and the federal government is now well prepared to face the economic crisis.

"If you don't have money, you can borrow it. Rand Bank has money." Rock is not afraid of lending money to the federal government, and the interest rates offered by the federal government are quite good.

Ade said nothing and looked at Roque with mocking eyes and sneered. Who in southern Africa doesn’t know that Roque is the major shareholder of Rand Bank——

"Don't look at me like that. Look at which country in the world does not owe debt. Debt is the norm." Roque is really not doing favoritism for public purposes. Compared with Britain, France and Germany, which often owe tens of billions, the federal government has no debt to banks.

The support from the industry is really not enough.

Looking at the Nyasaland State Government and the Los Angeles City Government, which together owe more than 200 million rand to the Rand Bank, Anton still happily ignores it every day.

If you have too many lice, you won’t be itchy; if you have too many debts, you won’t have to worry.

"You go to Philip. As long as Philip agrees, I have no objection." Ad asked Roque to find his father-in-law. There is no point in setting too many obstacles for Roque on this issue.

Satisfied, Rock turned around and went to the Capitol to find Philip.

Philip did not work in the Parliament Building, but held a meeting at the Liberal Party headquarters to prepare for next year's prime ministerial election.

When they met Roque, Philip and Owen were both surprised. As the founder of the Liberal Party, Roque rarely appeared at the Liberal Party headquarters.

That's not right. The founder of the Liberal Party was Owen. Rock just came up with some ideas and took a party membership card with a higher number.

"Locke, I need your help now-" Philip's first words when he saw Roque gave Roque a headache.

:When I typed the title of this chapter, my mood suddenly became complicated for no reason——

This chapter has been completed!
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