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Chapter 1275 The method is wrong

Like those rebellious African-American leaders in the past, Rwanda could not wait to enjoy the fruits of victory as soon as it consolidated Kamea's territory.

According to the information Duren knows, Rwanda has married six wives in this month, five of whom are white.

Don’t doubt it, it’s definitely not a normal love relationship. These white people were snatched by Rwanda. If they are willing to marry Rwanda, Rwanda will let their families leave safely.

As for whether Rwanda will keep its promise, no one knows.

Luanda's watches, rings, and even the necklace around his neck were all snatched away. The small table was piled with gold and silver jewelry before Du Lun spoke slowly.

"It is impossible to imitate the model of Southern Africa in Kamea - you know, the training troops in Southern Africa not only have strict regulations, but also have perfect logistics, scientific nutrition, and strong industrial capabilities. These factors are

Kamea does not have it, and there is something wrong with your thinking. Compared with the West African colonial government, Kamea’s biggest advantage is its people. The West African colonial government does not trust Africans, so it dare not form African troops on a large scale. You don’t have to worry about this problem.


Duren's rebellion is an expert, a mercenary, and it is simply instinct to stir up trouble everywhere.

"What do you mean?" Du Lun said clearly enough, but Luanda still didn't understand.

This understanding ability needs to be strengthened.

"I mean, your method is wrong -" Du Lun was also speechless. For the sake of the table full of glittering gold, Du Lun explained in detail: "- Compared with the Portuguese, your biggest advantage is that you are

Africans, so you can definitely form more African troops and use your absolute superior numbers to drive the Portuguese out of West Africa as quickly as possible. If you want to train an elite force, it is not too late after you drive the Portuguese away.


In Chinese terms, Rwanda is like a tiger but not a dog. If there is nothing to do, why should we follow the route of elite soldiers? The human sea tactic is the king.

"Yes, I understand -" Rwanda was not stupid either. He was just dazzled by the combat power of the Southern African Expeditionary Force and failed to find a route that suited him.

To put it bluntly, I still have no experience.

With Duren's guidance, Rwanda was completely enlightened. In just ten days, it expanded its troops to 150,000, preparing to launch an attack on Luanda, the center of Portuguese rule in West Africa.

It was already April, the rainy season was about to end, and the five-month dry season began in May.

According to the agreement reached between Rwanda and Kuse, the area east of the Kwelu River belonged to the West African Company. Kuse transformed himself into a professional manager of the West Africa Company. A new city was built on the banks of the Kwelu River, about 300 kilometers away from Chimbalanga.

And rise.

"The land here is very fertile. The Portuguese have been operating here for hundreds of years. Now these forests and plantations belong to us. Notify our logging team that they can enter the site and bring all the wood back to Niassa.

Lan, Mr. Christian will give us more rewards." Yaya was wearing a handmade three-piece suit, which looked quite decent.

"Road, we first need to build a highway, dredge the river and build a railway. We are short of manpower now." Kusai was still wearing his fancy floral shirt, covered with necklaces and gems, and his body jingled as he walked.

There was a commotion.

"If you are short of manpower, hire West Africans. If you can't hire, just rob. You don't need me to teach you this." Yaya is dissatisfied. In the areas surrounding southern Africa, there will never be a shortage of manpower.

Especially for Yaya.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Kusai hesitated.

"If you have anything to say, just say it -" Yaya pretended to be holding a telescope. In fact, she couldn't see very far. What she could see was an endless forest or a dense plantation.

In terms of natural conditions alone, West Africa is much better than Southwest Africa and Bechuanaland, and it is not much better than Congo and the river basin. Otherwise, the Portuguese would not have chosen West Africa as their foothold.

In 1475 AD, in order to explore the sea route to India, the Portuguese Diogo Con led a fleet of seven ships, carrying hundreds of soldiers and a few missionaries, sailing along the west coast of Africa and arriving in West Africa.

Luanda on the coast began colonizing West Africa.

At that time, Portugal was at its peak, and the British Empire had to retreat. A hundred years later, Britain defeated the Spanish Armada and ushered in the glorious era of the empire on which the sun never sets.

To put it bluntly, the Cape of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika were places that the Portuguese looked down upon, so they were left to the United Kingdom and Germany.

"Will West Africa belong to us in the future?" Kusai hesitated, but finally plucked up the courage.

"What do you want to say?" Yaya put down the telescope in her hand and looked confused.

"I mean, even people like Rwanda can drive away the Portuguese and establish their own country. I think we also have a chance -" Kusai didn't want to make wedding clothes for others. Kusai followed Yaya a long time ago.

, first supported the Yao people in Portuguese East Africa, then supported the Tetera people of the Congo Free State, then the Honorfort people of Tanganyika, and now it is finally the turn of West Africa.

West Africa can be said to be the last "pure land" in the areas surrounding southern Africa. Once West Africa becomes independent from Portugal, the surrounding areas of southern Africa will become an iron barrel. Any plans at that time will be like pulling chestnuts from the fire.

"Kuse, forget your thoughts, you don't need to think, just complete your task." Yaya didn't dare to think too much. With his position, he knew more about the situation and was more afraid of southern Africa.

Kusai still wanted to argue, but in the end he said nothing. He was just a dispensable little character, with Yaya above him, Christian above Yaya, and a bigger boss above Christian.

The difference is simply disappointing.

Unlike Kusai, who was half-hearted, Duren didn't have many ideas. Rock had already found the best place for the Umbrella Company to settle, which was Madagascar next to southern Africa.

During the World War, France's colonial rule in Madagascar completely collapsed, the governor fled in panic, and French companies suffered heavy losses. Only the mines protected by the Umbrella Company survived.

After the end of the World War, the French government once tried to restore colonial rule over Madagascar. Unfortunately, the Paris Peace Conference had not yet ended, and the Allies began to interfere with the new Russian government. France missed the last opportunity to restore its rule over Madagascar.

Now that the intervention against the new Russian government has failed, France has fallen into an economic crisis, and the restoration of colonial rule over Madagascar is far away. The Umbrella Company took the opportunity to expand aggressively in Madagascar. The coastal areas of Madagascar are all under the control of the Umbrella Company, and the central highlands are still a piece of land.

There was chaos, with more than a dozen Malagasy forces attacking each other, and countless people died every day.

Rwanda's efficiency was still very high. After finding a way to expel the Portuguese, Rwanda's troops advanced vigorously until they reached the outskirts of Luanda before encountering organized resistance from the West African colonial government forces.

West Africa covers an area of ​​1 million square kilometers. The colonial servant army only has two divisions that are not full of personnel. The soldiers are good and bad, the officers are greedy and afraid of death, and their combat effectiveness is not as good as the security forces formed by the planters.

Rwanda encountered reinforcements sent from Portugal. This force participated in the World War, but made no achievements during the World War. It never participated in any large-scale battles. It was soy sauce throughout the process and had no output.

This was already the most capable force of the Portuguese government. Rwanda was still cautious and did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, it personally came to the Portuguese camp to conduct close reconnaissance.

The camp was not large. Rwanda had received similar reconnaissance training during the Southern African Expeditionary Force. Based on the size of the camp, it was easy to deduce that the Portuguese army had no more than 15,000 troops.

Rwanda's current total military strength exceeds 200,000. Most of the troops have never received any training, and do not even have the most basic rifles. They mainly use cold weapons.

Rwanda's army still only has 10,000 rifles. Rwanda used these rifles to form a Guards Division, and this Guards Division has become Rwanda's trump card unit.

"The number of troops is not large. They do not carry artillery, and they may also have smaller mortars. The opponent's commander lacks confidence and has no intention of taking the initiative to attack. Leiva, tell Mutombo that the enemy will not launch attacks on us."

If they attack, we will take the initiative to attack them and firmly grasp the initiative in our own hands." Rwanda was full of confidence. He did not seem to notice that under the dazzling sunlight, the sunlight reflected by the telescope in his hand had been noticed by the enemy.


In a camp less than 500 meters away from Rwanda, a Portuguese officer discovered the Rwanda telescope and raised his hand to call over a precision shooter.

"It's on the top of the mountain over there, about 500 meters away. Are you confident?"

The precision shooter is holding a sniper rifle produced in southern Africa.

During the World War, Portugal sent troops to participate in the World War. Although it did not achieve any success, it still got a lot of good things from the British Empire.

Otherwise, the British Empire would not have paid so much.

Precision shooters first find cover and then pick up their binoculars to observe.

After a while, the precision shooter said in an uncertain tone: "I can try, but there is no guarantee of success -"

The officer rolled his eyes and raised his hand to call over another artillery officer.

The artillery officer took the order and directed the artillery crew to prepare.

The precision shooter waited until the artillery was ready before receiving the order to fire.


The gunshot was loud and sharp, and the tall black man holding the telescope in the scope was shot in the chest. His body shook but did not fall down. He covered his chest with his hand and was stunned for a moment before he saw the blood on his hands.

"Everyone has it, three rapid fire rounds -" the artillery officer gave the order to fire at the same time, and more than a dozen artillery shells whizzed over -

This chapter has been completed!
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