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Chapter 1276 Feng Shui

Rwanda was not dead, but he was unconscious. The 150,000-strong army was leaderless. The shortcomings of his grass-roots team were fully exposed. Half of the most loyal Guards Division fled on the day Rwanda was seriously injured. Some people even took the opportunity to declare themselves king and tried to

Looking forward to the status of Rwanda, it is just a mess.

Fortunately, the Portuguese did not know that they had seriously injured Rwanda and did not dare to take advantage of the situation to attack. This gave Kusai and Duren the opportunity to clean up the mess.

When the news came back to Kamea, Kusai and Duren were stunned. They never expected that Rwanda would be seriously injured in such a dramatic way, and the consequences that resulted were unexpected by Kusai and Duren.

"This is an opportunity. We can't give up, otherwise all our early investments will be in vain, and we won't even be able to save Kamea. We can't afford the consequences." Kusai was ecstatic. Rwanda's serious injury gave Kusai more.

By choosing, he has a chance to realize his dream.

Founding of the country!

This is Qusay's dream to build a country that belongs entirely to Africans and is not controlled by the old European colonial empires or southern Africa.

"What do you mean? Do you want to replace Rwanda and complete the great cause that Rwanda has not completed?" Du Lun said with ridicule. Kusai is a typical person who has a heart as high as the sky and a life as thin as paper. If he really wants to rebel, he might as well


"It's not me, it's you -" Kusai's words were shocking, completely beyond Du Lun's bottom line. Du Lun was a very contented man, he really didn't want to be the emperor.

"Think about it, if we can build a country that is entirely made up of Africans and is not controlled by anyone, then this country will become a paradise for all of us." Kusai spared no effort, the situation in Rwanda is very bad, bullets

It passed through his lungs, causing a huge penetrating injury. The operation lasted three hours. Sol tried his best to barely save Rwanda's life. It would be up to God when he would wake up.

"Kusei, don't worry, we have to look at the situation in Rwanda and then decide what we should do." Duren was unwilling to join forces with Kusai. Kusai was an ambitious man, but he did not have the strength to match his ambition.

"What if Rwanda cannot wake up? No matter what, Rwanda is not a qualified leader. If Rwanda succeeds, then Rwanda will become a new colonizer, and he may be worse than the Portuguese.

." Kusai could tell right through Rwanda that they were actually the same kind of people.

"Wait a minute, don't be anxious now -" Duren was patient, but he was actually not as calm as he appeared. After learning that Rwanda was seriously injured, Duren sent a telegram to Nyasaland asking for support.

Kusai is right. You can't lose all your early investment, but you can't be like Rwanda, who is hammering here and there without a clue. Rebellion is a very professional job that ordinary people can't do.

Nyasaland's reply was very timely. The support troops had to be transferred from Port Elizabeth, which would take at least half a month. During this time, Duren had to find a way to stabilize the situation.

Since Rwanda was unconscious, Duren was authorized to take over the troops, and Yaya would send more supplies within a week.

After receiving the authorization, Duren immediately took action. This is the difference between professional and amateur. Kusai's urgency is very amateurish.

For professionals, it is not difficult to rebel.

Duren has a hundred mercenaries under his command——

No, excluding Durham, there are actually only 99.

This is enough. To control an army, you don't need too many manpower at all. With the Umbrella Company's establishment, a force of 10,000 people actually only has more than 160 officers.

What's more, the organization of the rebels is definitely not as tight as that of the protective umbrella. Half of the Guards Division's personnel have fled in just a few days, and now there are less than 5,000 left. These 5,000 are actually a mixed bag of good and bad. Remove those who have poor physical fitness and poor training attitude.

A decent guy with a weak will, but in the end he had less than 2,000 left.

Of the 150,000 rebels, 10,000 were eliminated to form the Guards Division. As a result, Duren was selective and selective, and found less than 2,000 soldiers who met the requirements.

Well, this is very African.

"Two thousand people are enough. Places like West Africa cannot support too many troops. As long as the Portuguese government does not increase its troops, two thousand people are more than enough to deal with the existing colonial servant army." Dulan didn't know where he got it.

A set of officer uniforms of the West African Colonial Servant Army, it looks quite decent when worn.

In the past, Rwanda's behavior of still wearing the uniform of the Southern African Expeditionary Force was simply courting death. Duren did not need the uniform of the Southern African Expeditionary Force to emphasize that he had participated in the world war and had seen the world, so he chose the uniform of the West African Colonial Servant Army.

In order not to create excuses for the Portuguese.

When Rwanda forms its troops, it only pays attention to the weapons of the troops and not to the uniforms of the troops.

This is another fundamental mistake. The combat effectiveness of the army has never been improved by weapons. Uniform uniforms can form a strong centripetal force and sense of honor. What the rebels need most is this, not advanced weapons.

To put it bluntly, if advanced weapons are given to Rwandan troops, the Rwandan people will not be able to use them.

"We can still relax the standards a little. What we have to deal with is not only the colonial government of West Africa, but also other rebels -" Duren's deputy Kaoma is experienced. He is a former soldier of Fort Glory and has extremely rich rebellion experience.


The troops of Fort Glory had to face the German Army of Tanganyika back then. Germany had relatively abundant human resources. After the rebellion of Fort Glory, the German colonial servants in Tanganyika were all composed of pure Germans and their combat effectiveness was still good.


"Those rebels don't need to worry. When the Rwandan troops set off, each of them only carried thirty rounds of ammunition. After the bullets were exhausted, their rifles were fire sticks." Du Lun was not worried. According to Du Lun's instructions to the Rwandan troops,

Understand that the real situation may be worse.

African troops can fight with favorable conditions, but once they encounter difficulties, they will probably just throw away their guns and run away.

Why throw it away?

A rifle weighing more than ten kilograms has to be carried on your back when escaping, which will affect your escape speed.

As for how much money the troops spent to obtain rifles and how much they paid, this has nothing to do with ordinary rebels and is the responsibility of the rebel leaders.

"Rifles are of little use to these West Africans. They are more accustomed to using long knives. They behead people at every turn and have their heads piled up, just like savages." Kaoma is also an African, but he is using a protective umbrella.

Africans working in the company gave Kaoma great confidence, and he believed from the bottom of his heart that he was different from other Africans.

The same goes for Durham, or so all the Africans working at Umbrella think.

That’s why Africans are flocking to become mercenaries for umbrella companies.

"After the troops are reorganized, they must attack Luanda as quickly as possible without giving the Portuguese time to mobilize their troops." Duren was decisive. Luanda was the center of Portuguese rule in West Africa. By occupying Luanda, the Portuguese lost

The best foothold is in West Africa. Even if Portugal deploys troops from the country to fight the rebellion in West Africa, it will face greater difficulties.

For today's military, it is very difficult to land on the beach. During the World War, due to the tyranny of the British army, during the Battle of the Dardanelles, the Anzac troops were still in such a horrible shape when they were trying to land on the beach.

It was almost an impossible task for the Portuguese troops to land on the beach.

Therefore, the top priority is to occupy Luanda. If it cannot be controlled, then it is better to burn Luanda down than to keep Luanda and become the forward base of the Portuguese army.

"This is simple. Even if the Portuguese set up an expeditionary force, it will take at least two or three months. Our reinforcements have already arrived at Port Edward and will arrive in another week. The Portuguese have no chance." Caoma calculated carefully and took each step slowly.

Slow pace is another tragedy of a small country with few people.

Raising an army is very expensive. Rich people like those in southern Africa can only afford hundreds of thousands of standing troops. A small country with few people cannot afford to raise too many troops. It is seriously insufficient for local defense. It is necessary to form an expeditionary force to fight rebellion in the colonies.

They can only be called up temporarily like Belgium.

When Britain launched the Second Boer War, it needed to recruit troops from colonies around the world.

There are nominally only two standing divisions in southern Africa. In fact, Port Elizabeth can form two more divisions at any time. The Sultanate of Najd still maintains four divisions, and they can also be mobilized from the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo, the Kingdom of Mozambique in East India.

The servant army is actually quite powerful and is undoubtedly world-class.

If West Africa successfully gains independence, then Southern Africa will have another channel to raise troops. With five to six million West Africans, it will be easy to form three or five divisions.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Before Du Lun could speak, the door was pushed open.

"Rwanda is dead -" Saul looked serious.


Duren and Kaoma looked calm. With the current medical level, their lungs were penetrated by bullets and they were basically hopeless.

Even if the surgery is successful, most people will die from postoperative infection.

However, the cause of Rwanda's death was obviously not that simple.

"Just now Kusai came to see Rwanda and asked me and the nurse to leave. After Kusai left, I found out that Rwanda was dead -" The expression on Sol's face was a bit ferocious. If it was a normal death, it means that Sol

His medical skills are not good enough.

What does that count now?

Du Lun scratched his head unconsciously, not knowing what to say or whether Kusai should be held responsible.

"If you die, just die. Find a place with good feng shui and bury the person." Kaoma obviously has no intention of pursuing the matter. It's a good death!

It is indeed good. If Rwanda survives, there will be no doubt that there will be another turmoil. It would be better to be like this now.

"When did you start to believe in Feng Shui?" Du Lun finally found a clue. Feng Shui belongs to the traditional Chinese culture. Let's not talk about whether it is feudal superstition. Even Africans can blurt out the word "Feng Shui", which fully illustrates the Chinese tradition.

Cultural influence on southern Africa.

: I was temporarily recruited yesterday afternoon, and it was already early morning when I came back. Today is the old man’s birthday, so I will definitely not be able to make up for it - I got up at four o’clock to code, and I will send out as many as I can code -

This chapter has been completed!
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