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Chapter 1277 No pain or itching

Feng Shui is a metaphysics, and you really can’t say it’s just feudal superstition. There is also a higher-level term for this word called “Kanyu”. If you look at it this way, it’s more academic.

To be more academic, it should be said that Feng Shui theory is actually a natural science that integrates geophysics, hydrogeology, astronomy, meteorology, environmental landscape, architecture, ecology, human life informatics and other disciplines. Its purpose is to be cautious.

Carefully investigate and understand the natural environment, utilize and transform nature, and create a good living environment.

Gee, I copied this paragraph from Du Niang, and I feel like I can apply for the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Search again, ah, the universe country has already done this.

How shameless!

Duren and Kaoma were both shameless people, so they did not announce the real cause of Rwanda's death, and buried Rwanda's body hastily on the banks of the Kuilu River without even a tombstone.

There is no need for a tombstone. It is estimated that not many people will remember Rwanda in the future. They rebelled. Those who jumped out early are cannon fodder. Obscene development is king. Think of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, and then think of Han Shantong Li Zicheng. Oh, I am so miserable.


Kusai did not benefit either. Although Duren and Kaoma did not announce the cause of Rwanda's death, they reported Saul's report in full, and then Kusai was transferred to Alto Katanga by Yaya to go mining.

This is the consequence of making your own decisions.

At this time, Yaya's supplies were finally delivered to Kamea. Two thousand rifles, three thousand shotguns, one thousand pistols, plus fifty general machine guns and fifty grenade launchers. This combination is very good.


Forget about mortars and grenades. Rwanda is an excellent soldier, but not an excellent officer. The primitive forests in Africa are not suitable for using mortars and grenades at all.

The terrain in the virgin forest is complex, with tree trunks and leaves everywhere. If a grenade is thrown and hits a branch, it may bounce back and blow up. The same goes for mortars.

By the same token, rifles are not as useful as shotguns and pistols in virgin forests. Of course, precision shooters are standard equipment. When Duren reorganized his troops, he did not forget the Portuguese colonial servant army. At this time, he was monitoring the servant army.

, have been replaced by professional mercenaries brought by Du Lun.

A week after the rebels withdrew, the Portuguese colonial servant army finally left Luanda and moved to Camea under the repeated orders of the Portuguese governor.

Like the unprofessional rebels, the Portuguese Colonial Servants also performed very amateurishly. They did not even send a search force when the troops set off. It is estimated that the commander of this unit never considered being ambushed.

This is normal. The Portuguese governor did not know that the rebel commander had been changed.

When the servants were leaving the camp in formation, two snipers were observing on a ridge not far from the camp.

Compared with Rwanda, professional snipers are still very cautious. At least they know to cover the telescope with cloth and leave only a slit, so that it will not reflect light and will not affect its use.

For the same reason, the scope of a sniper rifle is also treated in this way.

Different from the snipers during the World War, the professional snipers of the Umbrella Company are now equipped with ghillie suits and camouflage uniforms. The helmets and shoes are also camouflage, and even the spray paint on the sniper rifles is camouflage.

The only flaw on the two snipers may be the paint on their faces.

For Africans, it doesn't really matter whether they put oil paint on their face or not. Anyway, they are all dark and have a camouflage effect.

"Haha, have you seen the guy sitting on the sliding pole? He must be a general. Look at the Venus on his shoulder. It's so dazzling-" The observer is a talkative, and he can easily get it done with just "the target appears"

, 75 words of liveliness.

This general is also seeking death. He doesn't walk honestly on the battlefield and has to travel on a sliding pole. This is because he is afraid that the sniper will not be able to find his target.

This is normal. Although Portugal participated in the World War, it did so in vain and probably did not learn much experience from the World War.

To experience something like this, you still have to pay a real price to learn the lesson.

To use poetry to describe it, it’s like: What you see on paper will eventually make you feel shallow, but you will definitely know that you have to do it in earnest.

If we switch to Southern Africa, officers and soldiers wear exactly the same clothes when fighting. They are all combat uniforms. Fighting in uniform is courting death. The French army has to give up red trousers. There is nothing to stick to in Southern Africa.

The sniper didn't say anything. He raised his thumb to estimate the distance. He then looked at the small windmill next to him to estimate the wind speed. He adjusted the scope and calmed down.

The distance is actually not that far, a little over 200 meters. It is a bit difficult to aim mechanically, but it will be much easier with the aid of a scope.

The general on the sliding pole did not realize that the danger was coming. He sat on the sliding pole and cursed and breathed out sweet scents. From time to time, he would raise his foot and kick the African bearer. He was not afraid of kicking the bearer down and causing the sliding pole to fall and fall on him.


Sniper shoots.

The team was suddenly in chaos. Two bearers dropped their sliding poles and ran away, and the general fell heavily to the ground.

Bah bah bah——

An officer was not paying attention to the previous gunshots. Instead, he took out his pistol and fired several shots in the direction in which the bearers were escaping, and then went to help the general.

The general was motionless. His face was shot and his face was completely unrecognizable. Half of his skull was missing. His death was extremely miserable.

The two snipers were busy packing their things and running away. The observer was actually a sniper. If the main sniper missed a hit, the observer would have to shoot again.

No need now, a sniper shot was fatal. The two quickly packed up their things, jumped on the small boat that had been prepared for a long time, and ran away. At this time, the colonial servant army had not yet reacted. They had no idea what to do. They had never faced each other before.

Faced with this situation.

As a result, the colonial servants who finally left the camp immediately returned to the camp obediently, not even daring to leave the door.

The governor of West Africa was probably also desperate.

When the colonial servants were unable to move forward, reinforcements sent by the Umbrella Company arrived in Camea.

The support force is a brigade. Like the southern African army, all the officers are white and the soldiers are all Africans. The brigade leader is named Falta, a Slavic man and bear who is famous for his bravery in combat.

"We have reorganized Rwanda's troops and now have a total of 15,000 troops. However, most of them have not received systematic training. Now there are only 2,500 troops that can fight." The umbrella company has a clear hierarchy of superiors and subordinates.

, Duren Squadron was placed under the command of Falta Group.

Two thousand men were indeed too few. Duren and Kaoma relaxed the standards and expanded the army to fifteen thousand men. The others were not demobilized and were absorbed by the Christian Construction Company and turned into construction workers.

These fifteen thousand people are currently undergoing training, and the combat-ready troops are all from Rwanda's Guards Division.

Rwanda's military quality is quite good, and its training requirements for its troops are also very strict. Although it does not meet the standards of southern Africa, it is enough to deal with the colonial servant armies in West Africa.

"Very well, call all officers for a meeting. We must launch an attack on Luanda as soon as possible." Falta also looked down upon the Portuguese colonial servants. Although he was white, he was normal in West Africa.

What the colonies want most for independence is actually not the natives of the colonies, but the descendants of white people in the colonies, but the white people born in the colonies.

For example, in West Africa, Africans in West Africa actually do not matter whether they are independent or not. During the colonial period, they were oppressed by white colonists, and after independence, they were oppressed by the emerging ruling class. In fact, the essence has not changed much.

On the contrary, the white people in the colonies have more urgent demands for independence, because after independence, the colonies no longer need to feed the mother country and have greater autonomy. The first-generation colonists may still have some feelings for the mother country. Those white people who were born and raised in the colonies have more feelings for the mother country.

The sovereign state has no feelings at all.

So it is normal for Falta, a Slavic people, to appear in West Africa. There are Slavic immigrants in West Africa, not just Portuguese, just like southern Africa. The main immigrants are definitely British, but there are also French, German and Italians.

Very normal.

Falta was very efficient. On the night he arrived in Kamea, he held a meeting to deploy combat missions. Early the next morning, Falta and Duren respectively led their troops to set off.

At the same time, rebellions in West Africa have also caused controversy in southern Africa. The focus of the dispute is whether to annex West Africa or to support local people in West Africa to establish a country.

In general, direct annexation has the benefit of direct annexation, and supporting local people has the benefit of support. Both methods have huge benefits for southern Africa.

"Of course it would be better to annex it. Why give it to those Africans with more than one million square kilometers?" Henry didn't say anything else. The more than five million cheap labor in West Africa is equally important.

The enterprise in southern Africa that relies the most on African labor is Henry's Favalte Steel Group. Whether it is a mine or a steel mill, the demand for African workers is very strong.

There is no other way. When hiring southern African workers, you not only have to comply with the minimum wage standards, but you also have to ensure the health of the workers and their welfare. The cost will skyrocket quickly.

It is much more cost-effective to use African workers. There is no need for riot protection measures and no need to be responsible for the health of workers. A worker only needs two or three rands per month to do it. Fawalt Steel Group has always been the best human resources company in Southern Africa.

of major customers.

"I don't think it matters. We have already annexed Dias and Victoria. If we annex West Africa again, I'm afraid it will cause public outrage in Europe." While Martin serves as deputy secretary of defense, he also serves as commander of the Air Force.

"Don't worry, even if Europe is dissatisfied, it is impossible to do anything to us." Henry is not afraid. Europe is too busy to take care of itself. The most it can do is condemn or protest, which is completely indifferent.

This chapter has been completed!
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