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Chapter 819 Human Torch

The same thing has different interpretations from different angles. For mercenaries seeking excitement, coming to Khuzestan is a rare adventure experience. For greedy people, Khuzestan contains countless wealth waiting for them.

To discover, for people with a strong sense of justice, protecting the weak and upholding justice is their bounden duty.

After leaving Port Elizabeth, the mercenaries have been recruiting refugees along the way. As long as adult males, whether Persians or Ottomans, follow the mercenaries, although they will not receive a salary, at least they will have food to eat.

The mercenaries took in more than 4,000 refugees along the way. These refugees can be regarded as the servant army of the servant army.

After the mercenaries entered Khuzestan, a force sent by Ali Rashid finally caught up with the mercenaries. This force was the real servant army. Their total number was three thousand, and Reza Khan

The number of troops under his command that can fight is about the same.

The level of the Persian army is definitely not comparable to that of Britain, France and Germany. Each division has a large number of people in name, but in fact the number of troops that can fight is only one or two thousand. The Guards led by Reza Khan can have 3,000 troops that can fight.

, it is already considered an elite force.

The Umbrella Company has very strict regulations in this regard. The senior management will not take free money, and the mercenaries will not drag their guns and run away after receiving combat missions. It is said that it is a thousand troops, but it is actually a thousand people, and they have received strict military training.

of a thousand people.

Although the mercenaries set out later than Reza Khan's troops, the mercenaries arrived in Ahvaz earlier. The oil fields lined with derricks are now empty, and all the derricks have been dismantled and taken away, leaving only one by one.

Blackened pits and messy campsites strewn with garbage are the scope of work of the refugee unit.

"Clean up this area as soon as possible. We need to determine whether these oil wells are still worthy of restoring production." Brian, a technical expert sent by Adan Company, has a Ph.D. from Nyasaland University. Europe did not recognize Nyasaland before.

University qualifications. Nowadays, as the number of graduates from Nyasaland University increases, academic qualifications from Nyasaland University are also generally accepted. Graduates of some subjects are still in high demand, and the demand exceeds supply every year.

"Doctor, I will try my best." Frank, who has served in the British mainland, is a senior director of the Umbrella Company and the leader of this force.

Regarding the oil fields in Ahvaz, Adan Company has an ambiguous attitude. Even if it is determined that there is still a possibility of resuming operations in the oil fields in Ahvaz, Adan Company will not invest in development in the short term. This is to maintain oil prices on the one hand, and on the other hand

This is to avoid irritating the Persians.

If Ahvaz can continue to produce oil, then Adan Company will pay a greater price to occupy Khuzestan. The existing oil production in the world can already meet the demand for oil. Ahvaz’s oil can wait for Khuzestan.

It will be developed after the dust of Stan's ownership has settled, and it won't be a long-term success anyway.

"Some oil companies are just messing around. Look at these hand-dug oil wells. One barrel dug out will waste at least ten barrels. They shouldn't exist at all." Brian lamented that oil companies are also mixed, and they obviously have more advanced mining technology.

, it is necessary to use the primitive and inefficient manual method to excavate. Compared with machines, manual work is indeed cheaper, but the efficiency is not high and the waste is huge. In calculation, the gain outweighs the loss.

Speaking of which, the current oil industry is still in a stage of barbaric growth. Some oil companies have no long-term plans at all. The investors' plan is to just get a profit and leave without caring about the waste and environmental pollution caused.

This is absolutely not allowed in Adan Company.

Therefore, during this period of time, several oil companies that were just established have declared bankruptcy. Anglo-American Petroleum Company is also on the verge of bankruptcy. The Ahvaz Oilfield is a big pit that has trapped many investors.

"Sabah, let your men move and clean up this place as soon as possible." Frank will definitely not let the mercenaries take action. The value of the servant army is mainly reflected in these aspects.

"Yes, Mr. Major." Sabah is the general of the Sultanate of Najd, but he has to obey the orders of Frank, a retired major.

Of course, Sabah will not let his men do it. The refugees who have gathered along the way are ultimately responsible for this task.

Seeing an order being broken down layer by layer, and finally a group of refugees in ragged clothes were called over, Brian and Frank were helpless, but this is the reality, efficiency only exists in Port Elizabeth.

be affected by reality.

However, the mercenaries soon got their tasks. Reza Khan's troops were not much slower than the mercenaries. When the mercenaries just arrived in Ahvaz, Reza Khan's troops were less than ten kilometers away from Ahvaz.


"Doctor, would you like to meet the legendary Cossack cavalry?" Frank invited Brian.

"Sorry, I'm not interested. If you can't beat me, remember to take me with you when you escape." Brian is not interested in the legendary invincible Cossack cavalry. This group is about to withdraw from the stage of history. There are many mercenaries in the Umbrella Company who are Cossacks. They

Compared with other mercenaries, his performance is actually not much better.

At least it's not as powerful as the legend says, and it occasionally misses the mark on the training ground.

"Sabah, assemble the team and prepare to set off. The battle horn has sounded. Boys, mount your horses and give the enemy a fatal blow -" Frank's blood boiled. The battlefield is the stage for soldiers.

Next to him, Sabah was also boosting morale. Unlike the mercenaries who only had a few people equipped with sabers, even if the troops of the Sultanate of Najd were equipped with modern weapons, sabers were a must for everyone.

At this time, the role of the saber was demonstrated. When Sabah drew his saber and waved it, all the cavalry of the Sultanate of Najd also drew their sabers in unison. Immediately, there was a forest of sabers, and murderous intent flourished.

In the frenzied atmosphere of the impending war, Hank and Oscar also received orders to set off.

Unlike the cavalry of the Sultanate of Najd, who were wielding long swords and howling like ghosts, the mercenaries were not very excited. They were all veterans on the battlefield. After receiving the order, they started to organize their equipment without being reminded.

It's just a battle, so there's no need to carry too many bullets. One bullet box contains sixty rounds of bullets, and two boxes are enough to support a medium-intensity battle.

There are not many opportunities to use the pistol, and you may not use it at all during the whole battle, so it is enough to bring only two spare magazines. Mercenaries who choose revolvers have prepared quick loaders in advance, and hang them together with the pistol.

Hand grenades are of course essential in the most convenient position on the chest, and attention must be paid to how to use offensive grenades and defensive grenades. You also bring two knives, one is a dagger that can be carried along, and the other can be hung on Li.

Triangular spear on Enfield.

The British Army equipment issued by Lee Enfield is not a three-edged spear, which is another characteristic of the southern African army.

In addition to these weapons, you must also bring a first aid kit including alcohol, the water bottle must be filled in advance, and you must prepare blankets for entering the combat position, as well as anti-virus that will most likely not be used in this battle.


Carry it with you even if you don't need it, just to be prepared.

Unlike Hank who uses Lee Enfield, Oscar uses the Super Revolver.

The "bullets" used by the super revolver are the standard 40mm grenades in southern Africa. The entire squad only has one super revolver, which is the most important firepower output unit of the squad.

The squads of the Umbrella Company are equivalent to the squads of the regular army in southern Africa. Each squad has nine people and is equipped with a super revolver, a precision shooter who uses a sniper rifle, and a shooter who uses a light machine gun.

Sniper rifles are precision rifles that have been precisely adjusted. They have higher accuracy after being installed with a quadruple scope. There are two main types of light machine guns. One is the standard general-purpose machine gun, which uses a 75-round magazine and has stronger

The other type of profit continuity is the Browning light machine gun which has just been installed in the army. This kind of light machine gun can be fed by magazines or magazines. Although the magazine has fewer bullets, it is more convenient.

Movement is still very important for current army logistics.

Because both the super revolver and the light machine gun require more bullets, team members have to help the super revolver carry grenades, and also help the machine gun shooter carry spare barrels and magazines.

Oscar's body was now covered with grenades, just like a personal ammunition depot, which made Hank feel numb.

"When the battle starts, remember to stay away from me. It will be terrible if you get hit by a bullet." Hank didn't know that his reaction was medically called trypophobia. This disease has not been classified yet.


"I'm okay, look at Norman, that guy is unlucky." Oscar handed a "bullet belt" filled with grenades to Hank. Such a "bullet belt" contained ten grenades, and Oscar was covered with

With this "bullet belt", it looks like a mummy.

If Oscar, who uses the Super Revolver, is the treasured egg of the entire squadron, then Norman, who is equipped with the flamethrower, is the treasured egg of the entire squadron.

The flamethrower was invented by the Germans in 1902. The year before last, Germany formed a special force consisting of 12 companies. It was the first unit in the world equipped with flamethrowers.

Rock is a standard firepower winner, and even the super revolver and sniper rifle have been installed, not to mention the flamethrower, an attack weapon.

The flamethrower developed by Nyasaland Military Industry has a range of fifty meters and can last for two minutes. The flamethrower is of little use in open areas. Once it enters the city and starts street fighting, or attacks a permanent stronghold with complete protection and powerful firepower,

The flamethrower can play a huge role. Even if it does not burn the enemy to death, it can deplete the oxygen and suffocate the person alive.

Compared with grenades, flamethrowers are huge, and if they are directly hit by a bullet, they will become a human-shaped torch.

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