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Chapter 820

Compared with the mercenaries who are armed to the teeth, Lee Enfield's cavalry of the Sultanate of Najd is particularly shabby.

Of course, this shabby is relative. For most countries in the world, the Lee Enfield is already the most advanced individual weapon. Not all British troops have switched to the Lee Enfield. Many colonial troops still use old-style single weapons.

Fire rifle.

This "old style" is actually relative when it comes to the world. The French army is not yet equipped with magazine-type rifles. The army still uses single-shot rifles. It will not be until the First World War that the French army will gradually

Change the equipment, so everyone has one. Lee Enfield is already very advanced in equipment nowadays.

Before he knew the equipment level of the parachute mercenaries, Sabah was still very proud that the Najd Sultanate army had one Lee Enfield.

Now comparing with the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company, Sabah realized the gap. Compared with the dazzling advanced equipment of the mercenaries, the heavy weapons of Sabah's troops only had two thick and bulky water-cooled Maxims.

Guns are a tragedy for a water-starved desert like the peninsula.

The heavy weapons of the mercenaries are tripod-mounted general-purpose machine guns and grenade launchers, as well as 60mm caliber mortars with a maximum range of two kilometers. These heavy weapons, coupled with the individual equipment of Lee Enfield, can perfectly cover within two kilometers.

All areas are truly 360 degrees without blind spots. As long as the enemy enters the range, they will be attacked from all directions.

"How much does such a mortar or a grenade launcher cost?" Sabah humbly asked Frank. If the price is not high and Southern Africa is willing to sell it, then Sabah will definitely ask Ali Rashid.

It is recommended to purchase these advanced weapons.

"Mortars and grenade launchers are not expensive, about one or two hundred pounds, but grenades and artillery shells are very expensive. A 40mm grenade costs one pound." Frank's offer made Sabah frightened, and he immediately gave up the offer.

Some unrealistic fantasies.

It is indeed unaffordable. The advanced equipment is powerful and the price is also very high. This is why Rock tried his best and could only maintain two divisions of regular troops. If the scale is expanded, even the national strength of southern Africa cannot sustain it.

The African Division formed in southern Africa only had one Lee Enfield manpower, and its heavy weapons also only had heavy machine guns, not even mortars.

In terms of individual weapons, Southern Africa still has great advantages. After all, Southern Africa is rich in raw materials. The raw materials required for the production of weapons and ammunition can basically be produced by itself without external procurement. This is the real reason why Southern Africa is qualified to become an arms supplier.


Unlike the chaotic cavalry of the Sultanate of Najd, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company were obviously of higher quality. They gathered in squadrons and then entered the position one after another.

The position is two kilometers north of Ahvaz. The slave army composed of refugees is digging trenches. There are already faint gunshots in the distance. This is the reconnaissance force of the Najd Sultanate and Reza Khan.

Vanguard troops exchange fire.

As the reconnaissance troops continued to send back news, the strength of the opponent gradually became clear. Reza Khan's troops were almost 5,000 men, all of them cavalry, equipped with artillery, but the number was small, the caliber was small, and the technology was outdated.

These artillery slowed down the Persian cavalry. Reza Khan's troops did not have trucks, and the traffic conditions in Persia were not good. Fortunately, it has not rained recently, otherwise it would be a huge problem to drag these artillery onto the battlefield.


Compared with the Persian cavalry that was struggling to advance, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company were much more relaxed. The artillery was also a high-tech unit in the Umbrella Company. This time the mercenaries brought twenty mortars, and Sabah assigned two companies of servants.

To provide services to the artillery, one must not only help carry equipment, but also be responsible for transporting artillery shells.

When the smoke and dust caused by the large cavalry action appeared, all the civilians evacuated the trenches, but they could not leave their positions. When the battle started, they would also be responsible for transporting ammunition, transporting wounded soldiers, and repairing the trenches. The mercenaries only had to concentrate on killing the enemy.

Frank and Sabah also visited the front line in person. Their command post was located on the ridge of a hill. The temporary command post was reinforced with sandbags and covered with camouflage to ensure good visibility and greatly reduce the possibility of being discovered by the enemy. Frank arrived

When we arrived at the command post, there was still chaos in the command post. Staff officers were busy drawing maps and making sand tables, communications personnel were busy laying lines and installing telephones, and generators were being installed and were ready to work at any time.

For Sabah, these devices are all Zentraedi-level technologies. Orders issued by the Najd Sultanate's troops must be transmitted manually through messengers. The Umbrella Company has realized the cooperation between radio and wired telephone, and uses radio to communicate with the Port Elizabeth headquarters.

, wired telephones are used to communicate with frontline troops.

In the distant Nyasaland, research on wireless telephones is also ongoing. With the successful invention of the triode vacuum tube, the emergence of wireless telephones has become possible. Even without the participation of Nyasaland, Britain and the United Kingdom in another time and space

The United States also completed the first transatlantic wireless telephone communication in 1915, but it was not until 1927 that this technology was used in the commercial field.

Sabah was so numb to the endless advanced equipment of the Umbrella Company that he was accustomed to it. When Frank started observing with a telescope, a staff officer also sent a telescope to Sabah.

Poor Sabah couldn't even use a telescope, and he had to be reminded by his staff to know that he had to take off the lens cover to see things.

Then Sabah gained confidence.

Compared with professional and efficient mercenaries, Reza Khan's troops were a bit amateurish.

In Persia, Reza Khan's troops can already be regarded as elite troops, but when the troops advance, they still cannot maintain the basic formation. Reza Khan's troops are mixed with many temporarily recruited civilians to transport supplies.

There were not many carriages, and it could be seen that Reza Khan's troops were not ready for a big battle. This was also due to Reza Khan's contempt for the Umbrella Company.

In fact, they are all using each other. Just like the Umbrella Company used Reza Khan to conquer Khuzestan, Reza Khan is also using the Umbrella Company to enhance the strength of his troops. Maybe Reza Khan's plan is to obtain advanced weapons and equipment, and then

Kick the umbrella company away.

It’s just that Reza Khan never imagined that the Umbrella Company’s ambitions far exceeded ordinary commercial enterprises, and its strength was definitely far beyond that. The mercenaries in Port Elizabeth were only part of the Umbrella Company’s mercenaries. In southern Africa,

In East India, Madagascar, and the Addan Islands, the Umbrella Company also has more mercenaries, which are enough to launch a war of national annihilation. It is said that it is easier to invite gods than to give them away. I want to kick the Umbrella Company.

To open it, you have to be able to kick it.

Looking at the messy Persian troops, then at the mercenary positions ready for battle, and then at the equally messy cavalry of the Sultanate of Najd, Sabah felt heavy and did not feel much joy about the impending victory.

Reza Khan was using his protective umbrella. So was the Sultanate of Najd. In the jungle society of intrigues, pie in the sky never falls. After the Sultanate of Najd was established, some people inevitably had the idea of ​​independence, including Sabah.

The same is true, everyone wants to have unrestricted rights.

Before actually coming into contact with mercenaries, Sabah had also imagined the prospects of the Sultanate of Najd after it got rid of the control of the Umbrella Company. Now those small thoughts have disappeared. In the face of the powerful strength of the Umbrella Company, Reza Khan's so-called elite troops

It will lead to a bloody blow, and the same goes for the Sultanate of Najd. Any small advantage accumulated to the point of qualitative change can change the situation, not to mention this kind of all-round strength crushing, which has no ability to resist.

"Sir, the enemy has entered the artillery range." When the staff reminded him, in the lens of the telescope, Reza Khan's troops were still advancing.

"No firing, let them move on." Frank was not in a hurry and let more enemies enter the artillery range.

Unlike Frank, Sabah was more concerned about the Najd scouts who were already engaged in firefights with the enemy's vanguard.

Those who are qualified to become scouts are elites, and there is no need to emphasize their personal strength. They can shoot on violently bumpy horseback, but the hit rate cannot be guaranteed, and they must rely on volley shooting to make up for the lack of hit rate.

Reza Khan's troops and the Najd Sultanate's troops are equipped with Lee Enfields provided by the Umbrella Company. Although the range of the sight range is one thousand meters, in actual combat, most of them cannot be effective until within 200 meters. However,

There are always some talented guys in the army. Their shooting range is far beyond that of ordinary people, and they will have a higher hit rate within 500 meters. Therefore, the scouts of the Najd Sultanate must keep a certain distance from Reza Khan's troops.

No matter how talented and bold the guy is, he doesn't dare to get close enough to observe.

At a distance of 500 meters, the human target is relatively small, but the horse target is large, so even if the distance is maintained, the Najd cavalry will still be hit continuously. In this case, as long as they are knocked off the horse, they will basically be sentenced to death.

, no matter how much you run on two legs, you can't outrun four legs.

The cavalry chase continued until five hundred meters in front of the mercenary position. Only then did the vanguard sent by Reza Khan discover the mercenary position. By this time, Reza Khan's main force had all entered the mercenary's artillery range. As long as

Frank gave the order, and Reza Khan's troops would be attacked by overwhelming firepower.

Reza Khan was still a thief. After discovering the mercenary position, he did not rush to attack. When he ordered the troops to deploy, the first officer sent was actually an officer with a white flag, and sent a letter written by Reza Khan himself.

War letter.

War letter!

Such ancient stuff.

This chapter has been completed!
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