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Chapter 845 Objection is invalid

According to the staff plan, the Northern Rhodesian Division has been moved to the border area of ​​southern Africa and Tanganyika between the North Sea and Lake Kivu. The 1st Cavalry Division is stationed in Port Edward. Once the war breaks out, the Rhodesian Division

The Northern Division will attack Usombula as quickly as possible, while the 1st Cavalry Division will attack the Tanganyika coastal area by boat from Port Edward.

At the same time, the Glory Castle troops will also cooperate with the Northern Rhodesian Division and the 1st Cavalry Division. Mumu has also been working hard in recent years. Glory Castle has nearly 50,000 regular troops. The equipment and training situation is similar to that of the African Division formed in southern Africa. It has certain capabilities.

combat capability.

In fact, if possible, Rock would prefer that the 1st Cavalry Division be stationed in the Zanzibar Islands, so that it would be closer to Tanganyika and easier to launch an attack on Tanganyika.

It was a pity that London did not agree to Rock's request. Before the World War broke out, London had already begun to prepare for the expansion of southern Africa. This made British officials including Derek Dodd very disappointed.

Rock was well prepared for this. The Zanzibar Islands were once part of the Muscat Sultanate. After independence, the Zanzibar Sultanate was established and is now a British protectorate.

The UK still has the confidence to refuse Southern Africa's use of the Zanzibar Islands as a springboard to launch an attack on Tanganyika. Once the world war reaches a certain level, the UK will be powerless even if it wants to restrict Southern Africa. Time will tell the best.


In addition to the Northern Rhodesian Division and the 1st Cavalry Division, Rock also mobilized four regular troops composed of conscripts to cooperate with the Northern Rhodesian Division and the 1st Cavalry Division. Such a large-scale military mobilization must not be hidden from the Germans

, but Southwest Africa and Tanganyika are helpless. These two colonies are also preparing for war, but due to insufficient equipment, the soldiers are not even equipped with rifles. Apart from verbal opposition, there are not many ways.

Even so, Southwest Africa has not stopped the railway between Walvis Bay and Bechuanaland. Now the railway has crossed Windhoek and has been built to Hirsia, which is less than 100 kilometers away from Walvis Bay. The terrain here is very complex, and the river

The network is densely covered with mountains and hills, and a large number of bridges and tunnels need to be built. The Atlantic Railway Company has paid a heavy price for this railway. Until now, fifteen technicians have died in the line of duty, and countless workers have died.

"Now that we have entered the rainy season, we may have to temporarily suspend work. Tunnel No. 2119 was washed away by floods yesterday, and the efforts of 1,500 workers for a month were ruined." Vernon Felton, chief engineer of the Atlantic Railway Company, felt depressed.

, what is worse than the environment is the weather.

The number "2119" does not represent the 2119th tunnel, nor the length of the tunnel, but the altitude. Hirsia is located in the central highlands, with an average altitude of more than two thousand meters.

Vernon Felton had worked for the Pacific Rim Railway Company before. In his career, he had never experienced such harsh construction conditions in Southwest Africa. Vernon Felton even believed that this railway should not be built at all.

Repair, even if there is no railway, it will still be the same if we rely on inland water transportation.

The Orange River in the south of Southwest Africa and the Cunene River in the north are the dividing lines between Portuguese West Africa in the south and South Africa respectively.

"Have our people suffered any losses?" Brent Walsh, general manager of the Atlantic Railroad Company, did not ask the workers whether they had suffered any losses. It was useless and only added to the trouble.

"No—" Vernon Felton was secretly glad that the engineers of the Atlantic Railway Company were now wiser and never visited the construction line in person.

"That doesn't matter. Send a telegram to Bechuanaland. We need more workers." Brent Walsh had long been mentally prepared. Now the workers working for the Atlantic Railway Company are not only Zulu people from southern Africa.

There are also the Yao people in the Kingdom of Mozambique, the Tetera people in the Kingdom of Congo, the Owinbundu people in Portuguese West Africa, and the native Kavango people in Southwest Africa.

In short, this is a railway built by bringing together all the resources around Southwest Africa.

"There are no more workers. These Europeans are crazy. Southern Africa is preparing for war. Southwest Africa is preparing for war. Even the Portuguese are recruiting troops. They want to destroy the whole world." Vice President of the Atlantic Railway Company

General manager Stuart Sapir said sarcastically that when Europeans look down on Americans, the nouveau riche also look down on decadent misers.

"There are a large number of new immigrants resettling in Bechuanaland every day, and they are full of people." Walsh knows the situation well. The situation in Bechuanaland is very similar to the ongoing westward expansion movement of the United States. The arrival of a large number of new immigrants has made the originally uninhabited interior

The mainland is full of life, not only in the fertile Okavango Swamp and the eastern region, but also in the Kalahari, known as the desert, where a large number of new immigrants have settled.

"The new immigrants in Bechuanaland are all Chinese. Do you think that person will let them build the railway?" Sapir said strangely. "That person" refers to Roque. It is very dangerous to discuss Roque in southern Africa.

, so Sapir used "that person" to refer to him. Anyway, Walsh and Felton knew who Sapir was talking about.

"Definitely not. To be honest, I want to immigrate to southern Africa. Last month I went to Nyasaland. When I first arrived in Cape Town, I thought Cape Town was the most prosperous city in Africa.

Now I know that there are countless cities in Nyasaland that are as prosperous as Cape Town. That’s not true. Many cities in Nyasaland are not more prosperous than Cape Town. They should have more advanced concepts.

, the concept of building a city is more advanced and has been advanced for at least fifty years." Felton took off his muddy leather boots and threw them on the ground. Immediately, a black man came to take them away and clean them, and also brought Felton hot water.

Soaking your feet is a custom in southern Africa.

With the influx of Chinese in large numbers, Chinese habits have gradually become popular. Most white people are still not used to drinking hot water, but foot bathing is popular with everyone. The basin where Felton used to soak his feet is still soaked in water.

There were several Chinese medicinal materials that Felton could not recognize. It is said that the Prime Minister and Speaker of the House of Representatives in Southern Africa also use Chinese medicinal herbs to soak their feet every day.

"It's really amazing. The Chinese in the United States are obedient and cautious, but the Chinese in southern Africa are-" Walsh was at a loss for words and couldn't find a suitable adjective. Because of the Chinese Exclusion Act, the living environment of the Chinese in the United States is very difficult.

"This is a good thing. I don't want to accept Chinese rule one day, even if southern Africa looks very good now." Sapir insisted that not everyone can give the Chinese a correct evaluation, even if the Chinese have made certain achievements.


"Why not? I think southern Africa has more promise than the United States." Felton took a trip to Nyasaland, which had already been conquered. The professional technicians trusted his first impression more.

"How is it possible? Look at what we did to the Indians. Southern Africa is now a British overseas territory, so the Chinese are content to keep to themselves. If the Chinese get the leadership of Southern Africa, do you think the Chinese will settle the score? If it were me, I would

"Sapir's recommendation of others may sound reasonable, but in fact it is not true.

“The leaders of Nyasaland are Chinese, from top to bottom. The governor and parliamentarians are all Chinese. I have never heard of any restrictions on white people in Nyasaland. Nyasaland has the largest German population in southern Africa.

In the region, no one I know has been squeezed out because of the arms race." Felton argued that he was also of German descent.

"Oh——" Sapir said meaningfully.

"Okay gentlemen, let's discuss how to complete our work as soon as possible." Walsh stopped. Sapir is British, but Walsh is French. The contradictions are really everywhere.

"What else can we do in this damn weather but chat here?" Sapir is also very smart. Even if he is not a friend, the working relationship still needs to be maintained.

"In Nyasaland, whenever the weather is bad, local officials will organize farmers to study intensively, not only to learn how to run the farm, but also to learn our language, how to get along with us, and how to deal with bad weather and unexpected events. At this time,

What are the white farmers doing? Just wait and see, the Chinese will one day become the masters of southern Africa. I found at the University of Nyasaland that more than 80% of the students are Chinese." Felton persisted.

, he doesn’t just say that he wants to immigrate to southern Africa, he really thinks so.

The key depends on how Nyasaland will treat the Germans in Nyasaland if war breaks out. If the Nyasaland state government does not imprison the Germans in concentration camps, then Felton will immigrate to Nyasaland.

The mobility of people in Europe is very high. There are also many Germans living in the UK and many French living in Germany. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem. But once a war breaks out, these civilians living in hostile countries will suffer many unfair treatments.

Even if they swear allegiance to the country where they live, this oath is not trusted, and being put in a concentration camp and intensively managed is a normal practice.

Germans in Nyasaland don’t have to worry about this problem. Prime Minister Alfred Milner himself is of German descent. There are also many Germans in the current management, as is the chief scientist of Southern Africa, Albrecht Kosell.

Although the federal government of German origin in Southern Africa has not made a public commitment, the Nyasaland state government has promised that no matter whether there is a war with any country in southern Africa, the Nyasaland state government will not implement special management for specific groups of people.

This commitment has been written into the Nyasaland Constitution.

"Really, how could the white people in southern Africa allow such a thing to happen?" Walsh was also speechless. If what Felton said is true, then the future of the white people in southern Africa is indeed worrying.

"Brandt, look at Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. White people have no chance to go to college." Felton hit the nail on the head. This is not something that is allowed or not. The colonies are not willing to accept the rule of the colonizers.

The Indians do not want to be slaughtered, but some things are not subject to human will.

This chapter has been completed!
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