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Chapter 846: High Quality

When the Walvis Bay Railway came to a standstill, the construction of Walvis Bay was in full swing.

Rock strongly promotes the Walvis Bay Railway. A very important reason is to facilitate the transportation of supplies to Europe through the Walvis Bay during the World War. This can save more time. Products produced in southern Africa do not need to be transited through Cape Town.

Directly to Europe via Walvis Bay.

At the same time that the construction of the Walvis Bay Railway started, multiple local factories in Walvis Bay started construction at the same time, including a food processing factory affiliated with a South African company, an assembly workshop affiliated with the Nyasaland Military Industrial Group, and a garment factory affiliated with the Johannesburg Textile Company.


The area of ​​Walvis Bay is not large, about 1,000 square kilometers, and the population is less than 2,000. Before there was a railway connecting Bechuanaland, the only role of the British occupation of Walvis Bay was to disgust the Germans.

Walvis Bay is one of the few natural harbors in Southwest Africa, just like Soyo and Cabinda occupied by the Portuguese. Without a port, Southwest Africa would not be able to play its full role, and Britain would be able to choke Germany.

Although the railway has not yet been built, the train station in Walvis Bay has been completed. According to the habits of southern Africa, the future Walvis Bay will be centered on the train station and radiate to the surrounding areas. Therefore, all railways around the train station will use underground passages.

Although this increases the difficulty of the project, it is more conducive to the future construction of the city.

"The land near the port will be very valuable in the future. These workers' dormitories can continue to be occupied by port workers in the future. The current urban areas will all be demolished and rebuilt. This will be the future commercial district of Walvis Bay. The residential areas are far away from the port and commercial district.

Reserve land for urban supporting facilities and build a complete underground pipe network system. Can you complete this amount of work with your ability?" Howard Humphrey, senior manager of the South African Company, said arrogantly. In Walvis Bay, the South African Company

As strong as they are, enterprises in southern Africa are dominated by South African companies.

"We welcome you to build Walvis Bay, but it cannot affect the interests of the current people in Walvis Bay. If you are willing to knock down the entire city and rebuild it, it is your business, but you cannot force the people of Walvis Bay to leave their homes, where they have lived for generations.

Here, you have the right to live here." Bill Wycliffe, the mayor of Walvis Bay, argued that he was not appointed by Pretoria, but was actively elected by the people of Walvis Bay.

According to the plan of the South African company, the current Walvis Bay needs to be completely renovated to adapt to the future role of Walvis Bay. This will definitely affect the lives of these current Walvis Bay people. The previous Walvis Bay did not have any planning, and all the houses were built around the port.

Built like an ordinary fishing village, Bill Wycliffe's home is located in the center of the only road in Walvis Bay, less than a kilometer away from the port. According to the South African company's plan, the location of Bill Wycliffe's home is

, a port office building will be built in the future.

"Generations? Are you kidding me? Walvis Bay became a British colony in 1878. Before that, Walvis Bay belonged to no one. Germany only recognized British ownership of Walvis Bay twenty years ago. Now Walvis Bay is southern Africa.

part, I am not negotiating with you, but ordering you to accept the arrangements of the federal government. By the way, I would like to inform you that you can continue to serve as the mayor of Walvis Bay, but the mayor of Walvis Bay is Wang, who is from Nyasaland University.

A top student is more qualified to become the 'King' of Whale Bay." Humphrey laughed loudly. Wycliffe's words could fool others, but it was a joke to fool Humphrey and the others, who were real southern Africans.

When the Federal Government of Southern Africa was established, Walvis Bay was also incorporated into Southern Africa as part of the Cape Colony. In the past, the status of Walvis Bay was not important, and Southern Africa did not care about the value of the enclave of Walvis Bay. However, the situation is different now. After the railway was built,

,Whale Bay will become the most important port in southern Africa.

In terms of importance, Walvis Bay after the completion of the railway is more important than Cape Town, and similar to the importance of Port Edward.

The "Wang" in Humphrey's mouth is a Chinese who graduated from the University of Nyasaland the year before last. After graduating from the University of Nyasaland, Wang worked well in Johannesburg and served successively as secretary to the mayor, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and deputy mayor.

Only then are you qualified to come to Walvis Bay and serve as the mayor of Walvis Bay.

"Asshole, the future of Whale Bay is decided by us Whale Bay people, not outsiders like you." Wycliffe was horrified. He didn't expect that Whale Bay would be directly seized of power just after it started to show some improvement.

"Accept our arrangement honestly, and you will be happier than you are now. If you want to resist violently, then you must think carefully." Humphrey threatened and induced most of the residents of Walvis Bay to be natives of Southwest Africa, and there were only less than 1,000 white people.

There are 100 households, and the total population is less than 500. It doesn't cost much to resettle these people.

Humphrey did not come to Wycliffe alone. He also brought mercenaries from the Umbrella Company. Now there are mercenaries with police dogs on the grass in front of Wycliffe's house. Humphrey and Wang's

Behind him stood a tall and sturdy Slavic mercenary. He was over 1.9 meters tall and his arms were thicker than Wycliffe's thighs. When Humphrey was negotiating with Wycliffe, this Slavic man had been standing there.

He looked Wycliffe up and down with cruel and cold eyes.

This made Wycliffe feel nervous. Although the shotgun on the wall was only one meter away from Wycliffe, almost within reach, Wycliffe did not feel safe at all, even though this was Wycliffe's home.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Wilde. I just received the appointment as Prime Minister half a month ago. Listen to me, Wycliffe. We have no ill intentions towards you. We just want to build a better Whale Bay. I hope you can take the initiative to move."

I will build you a new house away from your current home, and give you some cash compensation. If you want, you can also use land as compensation. Of course it will not be the land near Whale Bay. If you want to continue fishing

, I can also switch to a new fishing boat, one that uses an internal combustion engine, which is more efficient and faster -" Wilde and Humphrey one made a bad show and the other made a red face. The transformation of Walvis Bay is imperative, and Wei

Cliff had no ability to stop it.

"I don't want a farm, and I don't want a fishing boat. I just want to live in my own home, and I don't want to go there." Wycliffe was not very happy, but felt extremely humiliated. Although what Wilde said sounded good, but

This was a serious offense to Wycliffe.

"Think carefully about it Bill, I will come back tomorrow and hope to hear good news from you." Wilde did not overdo it. About ten kilometers away from the shore of Walvis Bay, a brand new town is about to be completed. Wilde will organize the residents of Walvis Bay.

Go visit and I believe most people will agree to the move.

At that time, even if someone is unwilling to move, it will be easier to solve the problem.

When the Slavic man left Wycliffe's house, he made a ghastly gesture of cutting Wycliffe's throat, and Wycliffe suddenly felt cold all over.

After leaving Wycliffe's home and walking on the potholed road full of water and mud, Humphrey was in high spirits: "We have to speed up. The machine has been shipped from Cape Town and will arrive at Whale Bay soon."

, we need to complete these tasks before the machine arrives at Whale Bay."

"The development of Walvis Bay has begun at least last year. Why has it taken so long to complete the transformation of the city?" Wilde was very dissatisfied with Wycliffe. People like them have no overall perspective and do not understand what is meant by

In terms of work efficiency, such officials are gradually being eliminated.

"This is not the Transvaal. We were short of funds and manpower before. The building materials needed to renovate the city had to be transported from Cape Town. We were preparing to renovate the entire city after the railway was completed, so it is normal that the progress is slow.

Humphrey complained that the plan could not keep up with the changes. Although the United Kingdom had not yet issued a mobilization order, southern Africa had actually begun mobilization, and all aspects of work were suddenly accelerated on the original basis.

Over the past year or so, the results have actually been remarkable. The port of Walvis Bay has been basically expanded from its original state. The port can accommodate giant ships of 10,000 tons to adapt to future needs. A hill not far from the port has been bulldozed.

, dormitories for more than 6,000 workers have been built, and the garrison camp has also been completed. In the future, there will be at least one regiment of garrison in Walvis Bay. Coupled with the completed train station, it took more than a year to have such a

The multiple results are already a rapid improvement considering the conditions of Whale Bay.

"The relocation of residential areas must be completed before Christmas, and the entire port area must be renovated within next year. Our task is very heavy." Wilde is not afraid of hard work. After the entire city is renovated, Wilde's name will forever be associated with Walvis Bay.

The city is connected together, which will be Wilde's eternal political achievement.

Now Southern Africa is pushing forward the civil service system. A large number of officials with conservative ideas in the colonial period have taken a back seat. Young people are gradually beginning to move into leadership positions. As far as Wilde knows, in the next few years, Southern Africa needs more and younger, more capable officials.

A capable official, if Wilde performs well as mayor of Walvis Bay, the future will be bright.

Mayoralty is certainly not the end of Wilde's career. Wilde is not yet thirty years old and there is still a lot of room for advancement in the future.

"What if someone doesn't want to move?" Humphrey asked to determine Wilde's bottom line.

"No, I believe in the quality of the people in Whale Bay. They will definitely recognize the transformation of our city, so no one will be unwilling." Wilde was indeed firm.

Humphrey stopped talking nonsense, gave Wilde a thumbs-up gesture, and then walked away with a group of mercenaries.

"Mr. Mayor, the fact is that some people are unwilling to-" Wilde's secretary just graduated from Nyasaland University this year and has not yet understood what Wilde meant by what he just said.

In other words, I still don’t understand the cruelty of this world.

"I won't go to Wycliffe tomorrow. I'll leave this problem to you to solve." Wilde has high demands on his secretaries. These young people who have just stepped out of school will not understand the difference between school and society until they are severely beaten by society.


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