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Chapter 847

Although there are millions of Lee Enfields in the strategic warehouse, Rock will not send them away at once. The first batch of Lee Enfields sent to the mainland was 400,000, and it was already in March 1913.

Nyasaland will deliver 100,000 rifles to the War Department every month until the order is completed.

At this time, the monthly output of Nyasaland Military Industrial Group has reached 100,000 rifles. Matilda's factory is going all out. The output of not only rifles, but also pistols and general machine guns has also soared. Automatic rifles are every

The monthly output has also reached more than 800.

The sales of rifles are relatively good, but the sales of general-purpose machine guns and automatic rifles are not so good. The order from the Ministry of War to Nyasaland Military-Industrial Group does not include general-purpose machine guns and automatic rifles.

Rock is not in a hurry. As time goes by, the demand for automatic weapons in various countries will explode. The British Army now only has a dozen machine guns in one division. In a few years, it will reach more than 500. By then, there will be only a dozen machine guns in the whole world.

Nyasaland Military Industrial Group can meet the needs of various countries for automatic weapons.

Military purchase orders are indeed very tempting, and the federal government is also coveting them. At the end of March, some members of Congress proposed to take back the independent foreign trade rights of large enterprises in southern Africa. The federal government would purchase the materials in a unified manner and then sell them to the outside world, so that most of them could be sold to the outside world.

Profits stay with the federal government.

The MP who proposed this motion, Edmond Gunter, is from the Cape Progressive Party, is of Dutch origin, and once worked for the Cape Town Ocean Trading Company.

Before Rock established Nyasaland Ocean Trading Company, Cape Town Ocean Trading Company was the strongest shipping company in southern Africa. At its peak, it owned more than 200 ocean-going freighters and its business covered Europe, America and the Far East. Rock came to Cape Town when he first came to Cape Town.

Cape Town is aboard the Cape Town Ocean Trading Company's passenger ship.

With the rise of Nyasaland Ocean Trading Company and Port Edward, the status of Cape Town Ocean Trading Company and Cape Town Port is declining year by year. Now Cape Town, like Durban, is gradually marginalized, waiting for the completion of Walvis Bay Port.

After that, it will completely replace Cape Town along with Port Edward.

"Congressman Gunter, be sensible. Let's continue discussing the issue of Walvis Bay." Philip didn't want to discuss this issue. Several of the companies with the largest export volume in southern Africa, except for Stoudemire's South African company, are all related to Rock Henry.

Even because of the cross-share swap, Roque and Henry also have shares in the South African company, so there is no need to discuss this issue at all.

Although this proposal seems to be very beneficial to southern Africa, if this proposal is passed, at least half of the 135 members of Congress will have to be replaced in a week.

Even if your term has not yet expired, you can resign voluntarily.

"In order to build the Walvis Bay Railway, we suffered heavy losses, at least a thousand people died every month -" Edmund Gunter said wildly.

"Shut up, where did you get the data? Why didn't you say 10,000 for a thousand people? That would be even more sensational!" Without Philip speaking, Owen, the chairman of the Liberal Party and the ruling party, immediately slapped the table.

"Be careful what you say and be responsible for your words, otherwise you will be sued -" Aiden said in a weird way. The South African company owns 20% of the shares of the Pacific Railway.

Pacific Railroad has never released data in this area. It doesn't matter what you say in private. If you say this in Congress, you will definitely get into trouble. Pacific Railroad also has shares in the federal government.

Buck didn't speak and just looked through the documents in front of him without raising his head. He was also elected as a member of Congress as a member of the Liberal Party.

"We should simply nationalize all private enterprises, so that all profits belong to the federal government." The words of Ottman Brewster, a member of the Nyasaland Party, which has the largest industrial complex in southern Africa, caused a burst of laughter.

Private enterprise, this is pure heckling.

"Unified purchasing and marketing will greatly increase the profits of the federal government, alleviate the federal government's financial crisis, and can integrate resources in southern Africa and further increase the competitiveness of enterprises. Why can't you see so many benefits? What are you worried about? Or say

"Are you serving the federal government or private enterprises?" Edmund Gunter spoke righteously, and the laughter immediately stopped. The congressmen looked at each other, wondering whether Edmund Gunter had taken the wrong medicine.

Unified purchasing and marketing is certainly good for the federal government, and everyone here knows it.

The problem is that this is simply impossible to achieve. Congressmen should indeed serve the federal government, but they do represent the interests of private companies, and everyone knows this.

Originally, it was better for everyone to understand things themselves, and there was no need to openly bring it to the table. Edmund Gunter's words were indeed politically correct, but they had no effect.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you not serving private enterprises? Without the campaign funds provided by Cape Town Ocean Trading Company, you would have no chance to sit here and make such nonsense. Everyone here is serving private enterprises."

You're welcome Aiden, Owen and Buck both fight against each other, and Aiden charges forward every time.

"I'm not -" Jerry Moulton, a member of the People's Party from Orange, finally got the chance to speak. From the end of the Boer War to now, Orange has not had any company with national influence.

The most miserable state in Africa, Bechuanaland, has already come from behind.

Bechuanaland Agricultural Company is now also a very powerful enterprise. The influence of this enterprise is not limited to Bechuanaland. Bechuanaland Agricultural Company has a large number of industries in Orange Cape Natal.

"What the hell are you talking about? Listen to your words. Are you standing for the South African company or the federal government?" Edmund Gunter retorted. Others were afraid of the South African company. Edmund

· Gunter is not afraid. The Cape Town Ocean Trading Company has British capital and is not a purely local enterprise in southern Africa.

"Shut up, everyone, we can debate. If someone curses again, I'm going to kick them out!" The blood vessels on Philip's forehead were throbbing. Even the congressmen and the aunts buying vegetables at the vegetable market were more gentle than them.

Aiden looked as if he was not the one whom Philip was scolding. He straightened his tie and sat down contentedly, looking around triumphantly.

Edmund Gaunt pouted, as tragic as Don Quixote charging at the windmill, raising his neck straight and refusing to give up.

"Congressman Gunter, unified purchasing and marketing is the most ideal situation, but in fact it is impossible to achieve." Buck finally read the information in his hand, took off his glasses and felt calm.

Buck is a little older than Rock, but not by many years. In just a few years, Buck's hair has turned half white, and his glasses have gradually thickened from monocles to the bottom of wine bottles. Members of Congress also have

The worries of members of Congress are very disturbing.

"Why is it impossible? Is it because of the selfishness of private business owners?" Edmund Gunter finally found someone who was willing to communicate with him normally.

"No, no, sales, because of sales, Congressman Gunter, including all of you, you should have more or less business, maybe on a large scale, maybe on a smaller scale. If the right to sell is given to the federal government, then Gunter

Congressman, can you guarantee that the federal government can successfully sell the products produced by enterprises?" Buck knows how to use force to suppress others, and the minority obeys the majority. Everyone is calm and reasonable.

"Of course Senator Gunter can guarantee that, otherwise he wouldn't have put forward such a stupid proposal." Aiden made a last move, just like in the business world, the South African company and the Nyasaland Agricultural Company have an infinite tacit understanding.

"Congressman Buck, our southern African products are of high quality and low price, and are competitive enough in the world market. Europe is on the verge of war. At this time, we should join forces to form a scale advantage to seize the European market. This is what Americans do."

Edmund Gunter is also justified, but he ignores the fact that the development of the United States also relies on the rise of private enterprises, just like southern Africa.

"Americans can do business with the Germans, but we can't." Buck said calmly. The United States now has both sides, but Southern Africa has a natural position, which cannot be changed.

"Mr. Buck, what Senator Gunter means is that the federal government nationalizes the sales rights, and then Cape Town Ocean Shipping Company can take over the federal government's business. In this way, a company on the verge of bankruptcy can be revived, and Cape Town can also recover.

The prosperity of the past——" Altman smiled half-heartedly. Enterprises that cannot adapt to the development of the times will be abandoned by the times sooner or later. South African companies are also enterprises left over from the colonial era and are still full of vitality.

So in the final analysis, it’s not a matter of market sales. The key to an enterprise is its people.

"We can't spend our limited time discussing these meaningless issues. Why don't we vote directly?" Irving took the initiative to end the topic and use democratic methods to determine the result.

"Will there be any change in the outcome of the vote?" Edmund Gaunt said unhesitatingly.

"Congressman Gunter, what do you mean? Are you questioning the rights of Congress?" Philip slapped the label as soon as he came up and dared to deny the fairness of democracy. It was really deplorable.

"I'm not—" Edmund Gaunt realized at this moment that he had made a big mistake.

"Yes, that's right, there will be no change in the result of the vote. What Representative Gunter means is that Congress is an evil organization controlled by a few people-" Aiden originally added insult to injury, but was also glared at by Philip.

"I don't--"

"Let's just dissolve the Congress, let Congressman Gunter be the king, and implement an imperial system in southern Africa -" Ultraman couldn't stop talking without surprising.

"Don't talk nonsense -" Edmund Gaunt was startled. There is a king in southern Africa, King George V.

"Shut up, everyone, and start voting now." Philip decisively stopped. If it continues, it will be fine if Congress is not dissolved.

This chapter has been completed!
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