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Chapter 215 Wenhui, the ‘conspiracy’ from Xun Yu

 "It turns out that Wang Yujun is the only son in the family, but it was Zhenji who was abrupt." Cai Wan immediately apologized and then changed the subject again.

I saw her say: "I have mastered the first part. Since the husband is willing to teach this song to his sister, Zhenji can also teach it in private!"

"Why don't you, sir, teach me the next piece of music? Then I can pass it on to my sister after I learn it."

"Okay." Wang Yu nodded, then came to the desk and knelt down to sit up.



When Wang Yu sat down on his knees, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and he instantly guessed the reason.

It turned out that Cai Yong was between the two of them when they were teaching piano last time. At that time, they were just learning from each other and had no other thoughts. But now, without Cai Yong's blocking, the two of them basically have only one person.

A distance of feet!

It is worth mentioning that this one-foot is from the Han Dynasty.

Feeling the fragrance of the girl, Wang Yu, who had seen a lot in his previous life, was breathing a little faster. However, Wang Yu's determination was not ordinary after all, and he quickly came around and mocked himself in his heart.


Wang Yu silently recited the Heart-Cleaning Mantra, and soon put aside his distracting thoughts, and began to teach attentively. This is really a battle between people, and a comparison between goods. His piano skills in his previous life can be described as superb.

But now, compared with Cai Wan, Wang Yu discovered that if it were not for the blessing of the system's music god talent, he would not be an opponent at all.

At this time, even if Wang Yu has the blessing of system talent, he is only slightly better than Cai Wan.

In this way, time passed slowly. Unknowingly, Wang Yu taught Cai Wan for most of the day. Even Cai Yan on the side was so mesmerized that he completely forgot what time it was now.

After the song ended, Wang Yu also stretched his arms and found that it was already getting late. Even Wang Yu was thick-skinned and knew that it would be inappropriate to stay any longer.

So he was about to say goodbye and leave, only to see him say: "It's getting late now, and your father hasn't returned yet. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you today. I'll see you again tomorrow. I've been bothered a lot today. I hope you'll see me, Miss Wan'er."

Don't blame me, Ziying took her leave."

Cai Wan nodded, indicating that he already knew, so he personally sent Wang Yu to the door of the study. Looking at Wang Yu leaving, he suddenly said something like this for some unknown reason: "If Zhenji is not ill, she will stay away."

Send Mr. Lin off."

Wang Yu's footsteps froze for an instant, but it was fleeting. He turned around and gave a salute to Cai Wan, and then walked in the direction of Taixue!


Since leaving Cai's Mansion, Wang Yu has been training with Wang Xun and others every day. This is really an expert who knows what is going on as soon as he takes action. In just a few days, Zhuang Yong has already gained momentum!

Although it is not enough to kill the enemy in battle, it is still easy to deal with some grass bandits. If you want to find a reference army, it is the local regular army in the late Northern Song Dynasty. Now Zhuang Yong has achieved such combat power.

Just when Wang Yu, Xin Qiji and others were assisting Wang Xun in training his troops, a young man suddenly came to Yiyong Village, and Yan Zanghong and others came to visit him.

Although Wang Yu didn't know that Zang Hong came so unexpectedly, he still rode back and found out that it was Cai Yong who had joined forces with Yuan Shu, Ma Rixi, Wang Yun, Lu Zhi and others of the Yuan family to convene a literati conference.

Referred to as Wenhui.

The venue was Cai Yong’s mansion!

After learning about this, Wang Yu went happily!

Speechless all the way!

Wang Yu, Zang Hong, Chen Yi, Zhang Hong and others soon arrived at Cai Mansion. The guards outside the door naturally recognized Wang Yu and others, so they let them in directly.

At this time, Wang Yu and others, under the guidance of the housekeeper Cai Qi, came to the open space in the front garden of Cai Mansion. Wang Yu found that there were a large number of mats placed here, and there were many imperial students and well-known scholars sitting on them.

We drink and chat here, and there are people walking around from time to time.

Cai Yong, Ma Yuechan, Lu Zhi and other Confucian bigwigs were sitting in the garden pavilion. Since it was still April, many flowers were blooming in the pavilion, adding a different flavor to this event.

To be honest, this is Wang Yu's first time to participate in Dahan's celebrity cultural gathering. After all, he has been staying in Bingzhou before, so how can he attend this leisurely event.

However, thanks to the blessing of the Han Emperor, Wang Yu was lucky enough to participate this time. Since he participated, he will definitely come back with a full house. After all, the cultural gathering at this time is similar to the Western aristocratic cocktail party. It is a place to increase knowledge and improve connections.


The only difference is that the Han Dynasty's cultural gatherings included more exchanges of talents, and because the contacts were all scholars and students, there was naturally less philistine talk.

It can be said that this is the best opportunity to increase your reputation.

Whether we can complete the fourth stage of the reputation mission as soon as possible depends on this literary meeting!

"Steward Cai, I wonder if I can take a look at the guest list this time with Ziying!" Since there were many people attending the meeting this time, and Wang Yu was too lazy to check them one by one, he could only take the liberty of asking Butler Cai to take a look at the list.
If this request was made by someone else, Cai Qi would not pay attention to it even if he had an identity. But because it was Wang Yu who made it, he would not refuse it, so he decisively asked someone to take it out.

After Wang Yu took the guest list from the servant, he immediately looked at it and found that he didn't really know many people, and there were only a few people he was relatively familiar with.

Among them, there was Chen Lin, who later became one of the Seven Sons of Jian'an. This was a great writer. His article "Essay on Yuzhou for Yuan Shao" directly caused the patient to suffer from head wind in bed.

Cao Cao was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat and stood up, his head suddenly getting better.

In addition to Chen Lin, there are also Han Hao's uncle Du Yang, celebrity Bian Rang, celebrity Tao Qiuhong...

Each of these people has certain abilities. Of course, among these people, the one Wang Yu values ​​most is Du Yang. After all, he has a nephew named Han Hao.

However, Wang Yu was strangers to these people. According to the etiquette of scholars in the Eastern Han Dynasty, if he went up to answer directly, it would be very rude, so he was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do!

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At this time, Chen Ni who was on the side seemed to see that Wang Yu wanted to make friends with Chen Lin and others, so she took the initiative to drag him to Chen Lin. Chen Lin was from Sheyang, Guangling, and her surname was Chen. Naturally, she was born in Guangling.

The Chen family is from the same clan as Chen Yi!

When Chen Yi introduced Wang Yu to him, he naturally did not dare to neglect him.

In this way, under Wang Yu's social arrogance, several people quickly became friends, including Xun Yu!

Just as several people were drinking and drinking, Cai Yong finally spoke, letting everyone perform their own duties, reciting poems and composing poems to help them enjoy the wine!

As a contemporary litterateur, Cai Yong has always been a strong supporter of the development of literature, so he teamed up with Yuan Shu and others to hold a literary meeting at his residence, just to let his descendants show off their literary talent and take a further step in their official career in the future!

After all, in this era, reputation is everything. As long as a person has reputation, he can become an official by practicing filial piety and integrity!

If there is no reputation, no matter how talented you are, it will be difficult to be discovered!

However, as soon as Cai Yong's words fell, the scholars below all stopped. Although they were not the first in literature and the second in military power, most of them were self-aware.

Cai Yong was a great literary figure in the Han Dynasty. The literary conference he organized with Lu Zhi, Kong Rong and others naturally attracted many famous scholars in the world. Those students who did not have a certain confidence would naturally not stand out, so

Decisively chose to watch quietly.

At this time, a scholar who looked to be only in his early twenties stood up, raised his hands to Cai Yong and said: "Master Cai, today's literary meeting is full of talented people, including Chen Kongzhang, Kong Wenju, Chen Zishang, Xun Wenruo and other high-ranking scholars are here.

, I won’t show off my ugliness when I am not very talented and knowledgeable.”

"I just don't know if you gentlemen can write a poem here, let me wait and see."

After saying this, the young scholar who just suggested it immediately raised his hands to everyone around him, his eyes full of sincerity, causing other students to applaud!

After all, this is a pure literary gathering. To put it bluntly, it is a banquet for drinking and exchanging literature. There is no bickering or intrigue in the court.

Besides, the people proposed by the young scholar just now are all recognized as great talents, so everyone was naturally convinced, so after hearing that the young scholar wanted to let them come out, they all expressed their approval.

Seeing the crowd booing, Lu Zhi immediately smiled. He looked over and said with a smile, "It's rare for us to have a drinking party here today. Kong Zhang, then you come first."

Hearing that Lu Zhi mentioned Chen Lin, Wang Yu also watched with attention. Chen Lin stood up, bowed her hands to Lu Zhi and said, "Mr. Lu, that would be embarrassing for me."

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Lin. After all, most people recite poems and compose poems, and they spend a long time phrasing words and constantly deleting and revising them before they can compose a poem with consistent rhymes.

But this time, Chen Lin did not have so much time to delete and revise it, because it was an impromptu poem, which most demanded a person's literary talent. If the literary talent was not enough, it would be difficult to compose a rhyme in such a short time.

He Zhe's poetry comes out.

Therefore, when Chen Lin stood up, the garden became quiet. Everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Lin, waiting for him to write a good poem in public.

And Chen Lin is worthy of being a talented person who can write poems that would make Cao Cao tremble. After just thinking about it for a while, he came up with the poem, and then he slowly said: "The sun shines brightly, and a good friend invites me to travel.

In the middle of the Gaohui banquet, black cranes floated on the clear springs, and the beautiful trees glowed with green leaves."

Chen Lin is indeed a talented person, and she wrote this poem after just a little thought.

In fact, his "Banquet Poem" should have been written around the 16th year of Jian'an. It is a relatively special public banquet poem during the Jian'an period.

Although it is short, it is quite unique. In terms of writing content, it is unique among Jian'an public banquet poems.

Now, because of the effect of Wang Yu's butterfly, Chen Lin wrote such a poem more than 20 years in advance, which will definitely bring her future literary achievements to a higher level.

"What a poem!"

"As expected of Chen Kongzhang, he was astonished as soon as he spoke. He just agreed to the banquet we are waiting for today."

"The black crane floats on the clear spring, and the beautiful trees are green with green buds! A good sentence should be floated white."

Everyone in the cultural gathering cheered, and their words were full of admiration for Chen Lin. After Chen Lin finished reciting, she bowed to everyone and then returned to her seat.

Not only the ordinary students of the Literary Society, but also Cai Yong, Lu Zhi, Ma Richan and others all applauded in unison, saying that this boy will definitely become a success in the future.

Wang Yu curled his lips when he heard this. Chen Lin's achievements in this life are probably much greater than those in her previous life.

After seeing the literary talent of Chen Lin and Chen Kongzhang, one of the Seven Sons of Jian'an, Wang Yu now wanted to see Xun Yu's literary talent, so he said to him: "Brother Wen Ruo, I don't know..."

"Ziying, don't rush, don't rush, there is still one person here who is not here." Xun Yu waved and said with a smile, signaling Wang Yu not to worry for the time being.

Wang Yu then remembered that Kong Rong had not yet stood up and walked around, so he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and became completely quiet, wanting to see the literary talents of this sage Kong!

After all, this person is also one of the Seven Sons of Jian'an.

As soon as Xun Yu finished speaking, Kong Rong stood up in the crowd. With his appearance, the originally extremely noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

I have to say that Kong Rong's literary talent is still very good. Although his poems are slightly inferior to Chen Lin's, they can still be regarded as masterpieces.

After Kong Rong appeared on the stage, Xun Yu was next, and Wang Yu was waiting to see what happened, but Wang Yu was obviously thinking too much, because Xun Yu directly set his sights on him!

After Wang Yu felt this gaze, he felt uncomfortable all over. For some reason, he always felt a sense of conspiracy!

At this time, Xun Yu stood up, bowed his hands and bowed to everyone present, and then said lightly: "Everyone, Xun Yu has never been good at reciting poems and composing poems, but today I recommend someone who will definitely not disappoint everyone."

After hearing what Xun Yu said, everyone was immediately puzzled. After all, they knew very well about Xun Yu's literary talents. If even he, Xun Yu, was not good at poetry, then not many people in the Han Dynasty were good at it.

And Wang Yu was even more speechless, because his intuition told him that Xun Yu was going to recommend him!

However, even so, Wang Yu will not be afraid. He thinks that he can know three hundred Tang poems, but he has never seen any scenes. It is just a literary meeting, so why bother.

Perhaps what Xun Yu said was so surprising that Lu Zhi, Cai Yong and others on the side looked at him sideways. Cai Yong couldn't help but asked: "If Wen Ruo recommends this person like this, I don't know this person."

Which one is it?"

Everyone in Luoyang knows that Xun Yu is a great talent. He has been known as a talented person since he was a child. To be so highly praised by him, his literary talent is definitely not inferior to that of Chen Kongzhang.

Therefore, although Cai Yong and others still had doubts, they still waited patiently for Xun Yu to tell him his name.

"Haha, Mr. Cai, everyone here knows the person I'm talking about, especially you and Mr. Situ!" Xun Yu did not directly say Wang Yu's name, but gave him a dumbfounding answer.

However, this is actually no different from saying it directly. As soon as Cai Yong and Wang Yun heard Xun Yu's words, they knew who he was referring to, so they turned their eyes and immediately focused on Wang Yu.

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