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Chapter 221 The famous legend begins in all directions

 Since Cai Wan was completely cured, Cai Yong has obviously treated Wang Yu differently. Of course, this is not about burning bridges. Cai Yong is not such a person.

He directly regarded Wang Yu as his son-in-law.

Because of this, he attaches great importance to Wang Yu's reputation in the world. In the past few months, he has used his own reputation to widely spread Wang Yu's reputation.

Coupled with the infiltration of the Beggar Gang, Fushui Fang and other forces, Wang Yu finally completed the third stage of growth in the fourth main task.

[Ding dong, due to Cai Yong and others, the host's reputation has been effectively spread in the Han Dynasty these days, and he is called a gifted person. Therefore, he has reached the third stage of the reputation of the fourth link of the main task "Growth", "Famous".


Rewards the host with a permanent charm attribute of 2, a permanent political attribute of 1, a permanent intelligence attribute of 1, 200 summoning points, and a special summoning card;

Host Wang Yu’s five-dimensional attributes are: Commander: 80 (83), Force: 100, Intelligence: 91 (94), Politics: 80 (84), Charm: 98 (101);]

[Ding dong, since all the five-dimensional attributes of the host have reached 80, the fifth stage of the main mission 4 "Growth" has started. There is no limit to growth. When all the five-dimensional attributes of the host exceed 80, the host will be rewarded with a silver summoning card.

, 200 summoning points;

When the host's five-dimensional attributes all exceed 90 points, the host will be rewarded with a golden summoning card and 300 summoning points;]

[Ding dong, it is detected that the host's charm attribute exceeds 100 points, so the host is rewarded with a golden charm summoning card;

The current host has a total of: 6315 summoning points, 3456 pleasure points, 3 silver summoning cards, 2 gold summoning cards, 1 gold force summoning card, 6 random summoning cards, 1 equipment card, and 2 bronze summoning cards.

, 1 legion summoning card, 1 super-class force summoning card, 1 god general summoning card, 9 super-class summoning cards, 1 heavenly summoning card, 2 vigilante summoning cards, three grandmaster summoning cards, bronze random summoning

Three cards, one high-level silver random summoning card, one low-level gold random summoning card, one Water Margin hundred summons card, one divine weapon summoning card, one special summoning card, and one gold charm summoning card; <


Equipment: Sky Vault, Thousand Miles Galactic Horse, Skill Spearman, one free attribute point, earth-level mid-level martial arts welding metal thunderstorm, primary healing medicine prescription Ningxue Powder, a Nirvana Pill, a Longevity Pill, a ninth-level human level

Martial Arts: Back Fist;]

[Ding dong, since the host has completed the fourth phase of the main mission "Growth" and the third phase of the reputation mission "Famous", the fourth phase "Fame spreads far and wide" has started.

Success will reward the host with a permanent charm attribute of 1, a permanent political attribute of 2, 300 summoning points, and a silver summoning card; (the mission period is within three years)]


August 21st, 178 AD!

At this time, Cai Wan has already recovered after being treated with the Double Mysterious Light Technique. Not only has he changed from Xi Ri's weakness, he has become heroic, and he also has powerful martial arts talents!

In the past few months, Wang Yu came to teach Cai Wan swordsmanship in his spare time. Perhaps because of the blessing of the Holy Mysterious Light Technique, Cai Wan not only completely stabilized himself in the Qi Condensation Realm, but also awakened a skill called Holy Light.

Even Wang Yu felt envious when he saw this skill.

Because this skill is completely an auxiliary skill, but its assistance directly reaches a very terrifying level, allowing people to directly challenge the level.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Yu will train Cai Wan in swordsmanship. He does not expect her to become a martial arts master in the future, but at least she has the ability to protect herself!

Just as the relationship between Wang Yu and Cai Wan was developing day by day, several uninvited guests soon came to their door. These people were none other than three friends, Zang Hong, Chen Ni, and Zhang Hong.

It is not easy for them to meet Wang Yu these days. It is not easy to catch Wang Yu. How can they let him go so easily and immediately take him to hunt in Shouyang Mountain!

Accompanying them were Gai Yin, Xun Yu and others.

The reason why Shouyang Mountain is so famous is ultimately related to a legendary story between Boyi and Shuqi. As the saying goes, "The mountain is not high, but it is famous if it has immortals."

According to historical records, Boyi and Shuqi were the two sons of the king of Guzhu Kingdom. After his father died, he ordered Shuqi to succeed him. Shuqi thought that Boyi was the eldest son and gave way to him. But Boyi thought that his father's orders could not be violated, so he ran away.

Shu Qi also refused to succeed and fled with his elder brother.

At the time when King Wu was attacking Zhou, King Wu Jifa of Zhou took advantage of King Zhou to attack Dongyi. He led 300 military chariots, 3,000 Huben generals and 45,000 soldiers. They marched all the way to Mengjin Ferry, carrying the memorial tablet of King Wen.


Boyi and Shuqi knocked on their horses and admonished him: "If my father dies but is not buried, and our love goes to war, can we call it filial piety? Is it true to kill the king with his ministers, can we call him loyal?"

The guard wanted to kill him, but Jiang Taigong said: "This is a righteous man."

The guards drove them away.

King Wu gathered eight hundred princes in Mengjin, and after crossing the river, he arranged his troops in Muye. King Zhou of Yin sent 100,000 troops to resist. The slaves rebelled against Zhou in front of the formation. King Zhou committed suicide in Lutai, and the Shang Dynasty was destroyed.

However, the two of them "did not eat Zhou millet because of their righteousness, but hid in Yangshan, gathering weeds and eating them", and eventually died of starvation on the mountain.

For thousands of years, more and more people have been moved and inspired by the story of Boyi and Shuqi adhering to integrity and adhering to their ideals.

Since the Han and Wei Dynasties, many monks and believers have excavated and built grottoes and temples in Shouyang Mountain, which reached its peak in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

Most of the ancient buildings have no trace left today. Although some of the remaining ones have been damaged, they still have a strong historical atmosphere and folk color.

Regarding Boyi and Shuqi, picking Wei and going on a hunger strike, later generations have different opinions. Some people call them gentlemen, while others say they are fools. It can be said that they are polarized.

But in Wang Yu's view, the two of them just followed the principles in their hearts, that's all.

As for being a gentleman or a fool, they have no idea, because this is just for future generations to express their own opinions from the commanding heights of history.

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As Zhuangzi said, "You are not a fish, but you know how happy a fish is."

When they came to Shouyang Mountain this time, everyone naturally wanted to hunt, so they rode their horses to the foot of the mountain, left the horses with people at the foot of the mountain, and went into the mountain with bows and arrows on their backs to shoot.

The results are obvious!

Gai Yin is known as Gai Shehuhu, and his archery skills are the best among everyone, especially the war bow he holds in his hand, which is a prefecture-level mid-grade war bow given by Wang Yu.

After more than an hour, Gai Yin shot fifty or sixty prey alone.

As for Zang Hong on the side, his archery skills are naturally no match for Gai Yin's, but at least he is also a warrior. In addition, archery is included in the Six Arts of the Gentleman, so his archery skills can naturally be called superb.

After an hour, I naturally hunted more than a dozen prey.

As for Chen Yi, although she is thin, she is not a scholar without any strength. She can easily pull off the Junzi's Six Arts, but her accuracy is slightly worse!

At the end of this hour, we had harvested four or five prey.

As for Qin Qiong, he was a skilled archer and horseman. Even if there were no war horses, he was still among the best. He hunted more than thirty of them in just over an hour.

Among the few people, Zhang Hong was the only one who had not participated in the hunting. After all, his strength was average and he really did not have the strength to run around.

But he was not lonely here. After all, the scenery of Shouyang Mountain was still very good. While Wang Yu and others were hunting around the mountain, he was walking around on the mountain, admiring the towering ancient trees, strange peaks and rocks.

The flowers are in clusters.

In my spare time, I also chatted with other friends who did not participate in the hunting, and talked about the scenery on the mountain. It was so relaxing and relaxing.

At noon, Wang Yu and others made a fire on the mountain to cook. They had hunted a lot in this hour, which was enough for some of them to eat.

So, a few people enjoyed the game they hunted and drank the fine wine brought by Gai Yin, feeling at ease.

While they were drinking intensely, Zang Hong and the others felt a little carried away, and they discussed the past and present with Wang Yu.

Of course, he also expressed his views on the current national affairs. After talking about the national affairs, he naturally couldn't help but criticize the characters!

This left Wang Yu speechless!

Because when it comes to characters, Yuan Shao cannot help but be mentioned. During this period, Wang Yu's ears were almost calloused.

Fortunately, due to Wang Yu's recent fame, he already has the capital to fight against Yuan Shao's chamber, and his popularity has also been greatly improved.

After about four o'clock in the afternoon, Zang Hong suggested that everyone set off to the top of the mountain because the scenery on the top of the mountain was the best. Wang Yu and others felt that what Zang Hong said was reasonable, so they set off to the top of the mountain together.

Perhaps the people who come here have this idea. The higher Wang Yu and some people move up, the more people they meet, including some high-ranking officials.

When Wang Yu climbed to the top of the peak, he realized why so many people came here to watch it. It turned out that the scenery on the top of the mountain was very beautiful. The sunrise and sunset were extremely charming and it was a scene that was famous far and near!

Wang Yu stood on the top of Shouyang Mountain and looked to the east. He saw the rays of light, brilliant spots, and a red sun gushing out.

Looking to the north, I saw the majestic Taihang emerging from the sky in various shapes and forms, and the surging Yellow River rushing eastwards, flowing thousands of miles;

Looking to the south, I can see the peaks of Zhongyue Songshan Mountain standing in the clouds, winding, and the Yiluo is like training, shining in the sun;

Looking to the west, I saw Yique in the hazy sky and the ancient capital dimly visible;

Looking to the east, I saw the Song Dynasty Mausoleum covered with tiles and undulating hills standing on the top of the mountain.

Looking to the east, the glow is like a smear, and the red sun is gushing out, which is very spectacular.

Looking around, the fertile fields are green, the crops are prosperous, and they are full of vitality.

"The narrow rong sticks into the sky with danger and danger, and the dragon's light is gloomy and covered with clouds.

Late at night, you can look down at the white Tianchi Lake, and at dawn, you can look at the red sea and the sun.

The great rivers and mountains are within sight, and the palace of Chang'an is in the faint smoke.

When spring comes, the grass and trees are as green as dye, especially on the first peak of Kuangji."

Due to his feelings, Wang Yu suddenly remembered these verses in "Eight Views of Yanshi". Although Wang Yu could not remember which era this was passed down, he was sure that it did not exist in this era!

Therefore, reciting this poem in public was very consistent with the background, and it was instantly praised by everyone!

"Okay, good poem. Ziying really made a good poem." Zang Hong was envious of Wang Yu when he saw that he could write such a good poem just by making a general impression.

Although I am also talented, I am still far inferior to him. I am simply not on the same level.

"It's just an improvisation. It's not a good poem. Ziyuan deserves the award!" Wang Yu said rather modestly.

It's just that as soon as he said these words, everyone immediately rolled their eyes. After all, Wang Yu's improvisation was so good. If he thought about it for a moment, wouldn't it be earth-shattering.

At this time, Wang Yu saw that it was getting late in the evening, so he took the initiative to go back. Everyone looked up and saw that it was getting late, so they invited them to go down the mountain together.

Everyone hunted a lot of prey this time. It was just a lunch meal, so naturally they couldn’t eat much food, so everyone totaled it and divided it according to the number of people, and took them back to eat a few delicious meals!

After Wang Yu took it back, he asked Chu Qiao to make it into meat soup.

At this time, there was no such thing as a canteen, so Taixue students had to eat by themselves.

However, since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty listened to Dong Zhongshu's words and chose to depose hundreds of schools of thought and only respect Confucianism, the development of Confucianism began to change!

Take the gentleman as an example: a gentleman is far better than a cook. In fact, the original meaning of Mencius's words is to advise King Xuan of Qi to practice benevolence. He said to King Qi Xuan that when it comes to animals, a gentleman can't bear to see them die when they see them alive and kicking;
When I hear their moans and groans, I can't bear to eat their meat anymore.

Because of this, a gentleman should place the kitchen far away from himself.

This is the benevolence and righteousness of Mencius, but after Dong Zhongshu, it gradually became that scholars cannot cook by themselves, this should be what servants should do.

Therefore, most of the Tai students have servants, and they let the servants cook for themselves, but Wang Yu is just lazy. After all, someone cooks for him, wouldn't it be delicious!

As an agent in her previous life, Chu Qiao was naturally unable to master everything in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but when it came to cooking, she could definitely be called a master chef. Under her skillful hands, Wang Yu and others' dinner was very sumptuous.

The next day, early morning!

Wang Yu has been awake for a while, but he still hasn't woken up. The reason is that he is still obsessed with the game and has fun playing it!

I have to say that the system is amazing. I gave Wang Yu a stand-alone game that does not require an Internet connection. Moreover, the game console does not need to be charged, it is directly powered by solar energy.

Just when Wang Yu reached the thirtieth level, Chu Qiao walked in and happened to see Wang Yu lying on the bed playing games. However, this was not the first time she discovered it.

So it’s very common!

When Chu Qiao discovered Wang Yu playing games for the first time, she was shocked. She didn't know how he had such a thing, so she quickly asked questions.

Wang Yu naturally pushed the pot into the Qiankun Ring, after all, this is an amazing divine object!

Sure enough, as Wang Yu said this, Chu Qiao stopped asking. After all, Chu Qiao didn't know much about divine objects like the Qiankun Ring, but she knew how terrifying it was, so she didn't ask any more questions.

This chapter has been completed!
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