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Chapter 252 The Five Realms of Heaven and Humanity, the Golden Summoning Begins

 Cai Mansion!

When the doorman saw Wang Yu coming back with a girl on his back and a little boy behind him, he was stunned for a moment, but after he came to his senses, he still welcomed Wang Yu in!

At this time, Chu Qiao was in the yard. Seeing Wang Yu carrying a little beauty on his back, she rolled her eyes immediately, but ignored him and continued to practice swordsmanship!

"Ah Chu, please find a dress for Miss Yue'er!" Wang Yu said in a good voice. After all, he was caught by his future wife as soon as he came back. No matter how he looked at it, he felt inexplicably guilty.

"Okay, I understand." After Chu Qiao agreed, she quickly came to a room in the mansion and gave the silk clothes to Yue'er!

"Yue'er, it's getting late. You'd better rest early. You'll put on these clothes tomorrow..." Wang Yu told the girl!

Looking at the clothes woven from silk and satin in front of her, the girl suddenly had mixed feelings in her heart, because this was not what ordinary maids wore, and even ordinary ladies could not wear these things.

"Does the young master mean that you don't just want me to be a maid?" The girl couldn't help but think wildly, and even couldn't help but glance at Wang Yu.

Wang Yu on the side naturally noticed the shy look in the girl's eyes, but he didn't think much about it and just smiled at her softly: "Go to bed early."

"It's still early, I'll help you groom yourself."

As the saying goes, the children of the poor become rich early!

The girl has been poor since she was a child, and her hands and feet are always neat whether it is housework or other matters. Naturally, she does not want to be coquettish and make others think that she is just a vase.

But before she even got up, she fell asleep due to Wang Yu's hypnosis!

Wang Yu is not a newbie in love. He guessed the girl's intention after a little thought. If he really asks her to serve him now, the one in the family will be jealous!

So, after he left Yue'er's room and closed the door, he walked to Chu Qiao's room, recounted what happened today one by one, and personally gave her a braised chicken, so that Chu Qiao could calm down.


Speechless all night!

On the next day, Wang Yu got up at eight o'clock as before, but when he just opened the door and went out, he heard a rushing sound from the yard.

Wang Yu didn't take it seriously, just thinking that the maid was sweeping the floor. However, when she came to the yard, she discovered that the person sweeping the floor was actually the little girl Yue'er.

"Young Master, you're awake, Yue'er will bring you some water to wash your face..." Seeing Wang Yu wake up, the girl stopped what she was doing and ran to the well to get a basin of water!

Looking at the busy girl, Wang Yu suddenly felt a little guilty. If he said he had no selfish motives for doing justice this time, it would be a complete lie.

However, there is no way!

It won’t be long before the world is in chaos!

In troubled times, beauties have a bad life!

He is giving those beauties in troubled times a warm home!

As soon as Wang Yu thought like this, he instantly felt that he had become much taller.

At this time, Wang Yu took the towel handed over by Yue'er and washed his face comfortably!

Chu Qiao also successfully prepared the meal at this time.

"Yue'er, you probably haven't eaten yet this morning, come on, let's eat together." Wang Yu ordered the girl, because he knew that if he didn't order the girl, she would definitely not sit down and eat together.

"Sir, eat first..." The girl still couldn't let go.

"Miss Yue'er, there are not so many rules here. Besides, since you are here, we are a family from now on, so there is no need to be so polite." Chu Qiao said in time!


Xiao Yue'er gave herself a reason and sat down by the way. Her heart was full of joy. After all, she could dine with the young master, which meant that he did not regard herself as an outsider!


A family in the north of Luoyang City.

"Mother, I'm leaving. That young master has been very kind to me, so I will go and serve him." Li Shan served his mother after eating, put away her clothes, and then said to her.

"Shan'er, you must work hard when you go to the new master's house. The man calls himself Wang Ziying and asked you to go to the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce. If my prediction is correct, this man is the one who is famous in Luoyang!"

"If what the leader said is true, then this person is a rare good person. He saved our family in danger, and you must treat him like a benefactor." Mother Li, who understands the truth, told her.

"Mom, please don't worry, my son knows what to do."

"A man dies for a confidant. This man gave his son thirty pieces of money without asking any questions. Maybe he just didn't need the money, but it wasn't trust. Since he trusted his son so much, he would be willing to go through fire and water for his family.

"Li Shan is the most filial person, because his words reveal true feelings.

"This is the best!" Mother Li comforted, and then reprimanded: "Shanzi, although we are a poor family, we must be poor and ambitious, and we must always keep the word loyalty in mind.


"When you go to the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce, you must do a good job for the master. Otherwise, others can forgive you, but I can't."

"Mother, please rest assured that your son knows what he knows!"

After Li Shan said goodbye to his old mother, he left home and went to the location of the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce!

Because the reputation of the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce was so great, Li Shan found the place easily and immediately took out the jade pendant Wang Yu gave him!

Naturally, the person in charge knew him, so he didn’t dare to neglect him and quickly sent someone to the Cai Mansion to invite him!

When Wang Yu learned that Li Shan had arrived, he was even more overjoyed and quickly took Leng Yue and Chu Qiao to the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce!

Leng Yue is that girl!

"Haha, Li Shan, you are here, and you have indeed lived up to my expectations!" Wang Yu looked at Li Shan standing aside and said hello immediately!

When Li Shan saw Wang Yu coming, he took the initiative to say hello to him. His gratitude could not be expressed in words. When he saw him bowing his head, he bowed and shouted to Wang Yu: "Your Majesty, please accept Li Shan's bow."


[Ding dong, congratulations to the host for gaining the allegiance of local character Li Shan!

The system has detected that Li Shan’s peak attribute business has reached 98, and he is a gold-level special talent. Therefore, the host is rewarded with a gold special summoning card;]

"Okay, okay, brother Li Shan, get up quickly, get up quickly." Wang Yu quickly helped Li Shan up. Just because he gave him a golden special summon card, it was worthy of his attention, not to mention that he himself was

Unlimited potential!

Li Shan, who was on the side, was even more happy when he saw that Wang Yu thought so highly of him, and he quickly said loudly: "Li Shan, thank you, my lord!"

Now that Li Shan has defected to him, Wang Yu naturally will not let him defect secretly, and directly throws him to Bai Gui's side. He will be a disciple for a period of time, and then he can leave the army.

Bai Gui was reluctant at first, but after some communication with Li Shan, he immediately felt that this was a piece of uncarved jade, and he was amazed by Wang Yu's ability to recognize people!

With such Bole, why worry about the talented people in the world not being able to fall into the trap!


November, 179 AD!

It’s already the winter solstice!

Wang Yu learned the news that Yuan Feng was seriously ill.

He knew that Yuan Feng was ill, because when he came back from Shuofang, he knew that at the beginning of the year, he had resigned from his post as Sikong of the Three Companies due to illness. Wang Yu thought it was just a minor illness.

After all, he is a powerful person from heaven and man. He is nourished by the power of heaven and earth day and night, and he is already invulnerable to all harm!

However, when Yuan Shao invited Wang Yu, Gai Yin and others to drive directly to the Yuan Mansion, he finally realized something was wrong!

Because Yuan Feng gave him a strange feeling!

It’s like the backlash caused by failure to break through the realm!

But the key celestial being is already at the highest level of martial arts!

How to break through!

Soaring on the spot?

Wang Yu doesn’t know!

Due to Yuan Feng's high reputation, the Yuan family became the top family member of the Han Dynasty. He himself was the fifth San Gong among the four generations of the Yuan family. He and his younger brother Yuan Wei ascended the position of the San Gong, which became a good story in the official circles of the Han Dynasty.
His illness is serious enough to cause an earthquake in the entire officialdom of the Han Dynasty, and it is also the 12th level!

Perhaps knowing that he was going to die, Yuan Feng immediately made arrangements for his funeral. If there was no great chaos in the world, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu would assist their brother Yuan Ji!

Of course, Yuan Feng's words have other meanings. If there is a great chaos in the world, brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu should work together to develop the Yuan family.

However, Yuan Feng’s words are destined to fail!

Because neither Yuan Shao nor Yuan Shu have lived under others for a long time, it is destined that they will not surrender to the other person.

Take original history as an example. The struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and early Jian'an period is not wrong to describe it as a dispute between two people.

If the Yuan brothers could work together, they would have unified the world long ago. How could the Three Kingdoms be divided?

After returning home, Wang Yu immediately called Dongfang Liancheng out.

"Mr. Dongfang, what happened to Yuan Feng? I always have the feeling that he failed to break through the realm, which caused a backlash!" Wang Yu asked in confusion!

"Young Master actually felt it?" Dongfang Liancheng was also quite surprised, but when he thought about the skills he now possessed, he felt it was natural.

"Young master is right. He did fail to break through the realm, and the backlash caused by it. If he waits for a few more years, there is a 90% chance of completing the breakthrough. Now, it is less than 50%!" Dongfang Liancheng replied.

"Sir, what you mean is that there is a realm above heaven and man?"

Dongfang Liancheng shook his head, which immediately puzzled Wang Yu. At this time, Dongfang Liancheng replied: "Actually, I don't know what is above heaven and man, but the realm of heaven and man is not as good as you imagine, young master.

So simple."

"There are actually five great realms for the powerful heavenly beings, and the gap between each great realm is very large. It is basically impossible to cross the border to kill the enemy, so it is called the five great realms of heavenly beings!"

"They are: entering the heaven realm, integrating the heaven realm, transforming the heaven realm, connecting the heaven realm, and controlling the heaven realm!"

"Among them, most of the heavenly beings are the first to enter the heavenly realm. People in this realm can roughly use the power of heaven and earth, and the power of the generated aura can be improved to a certain extent!"

"And the Heaven-Integrating Realm means that you can integrate your own power into the heaven and earth, and use the power of heaven and earth to kill enemies. Yuan Feng has reached this realm now!"

"Like me, I am in the Heaven Transformation Realm, where I can use the power of heaven and earth for my own use. I am no longer borrowing it, but slowly controlling it."

"Just like the alien celestial being on the Yanmenguan battlefield, he is a celestial being who has entered the heaven realm. If we fight on the battlefield, I only need a dozen rounds to defeat him!"

"But it will take a lot of effort to kill him. After all, he is a strong man in heaven. Even if he counterattacks before death in the heaven realm, even I have to be cautious!"


Wang Yu was speechless for a long time after hearing Dongfang Liancheng's narration about the powerful Heavenly Beings. It turned out that he had always underestimated Heavenly Beings, and Heavenly Beings are also divided into certain levels.

After asking Dongfang Liancheng, Wang Yu turned his attention to the system again, and only then did he know the approximate range of force values ​​​​in the realm of heaven and man!

A warrior who has entered the heaven level is equivalent to a force between 130 and 134.

A warrior at the Fusion Heaven Realm level is equivalent to a force between 135 and 139!

A warrior at the Heaven Transformation Realm level is equivalent to a force of more than 140. If you want to ask what the specific upper limit is, the system is not currently at a high level and there is no specific reference value, but I am afraid it will definitely not be lower than 144.

In other words, if you use all your firepower, you can fight with the powerful ones in the Heaven Transformation Realm. Of course, it is only the power of a fight.

After all, if you fight for a long time, you will be dragged to death by your opponent.

Now, the 180-year term is not far away, and Wang Yu’s current horse shoe gold earning rate has begun to slow down. After all, the market is so big!

Therefore, he is ready to summon again!

And what I used this time was the golden special summoning card that conquered Li Shan. I don’t know what kind of golden talents it can summon. It would be better if it was for business!


With this thought, Wang Yu immediately issued a summoning command to the system: "System, use the golden special summoning card to summon."

[Okay, the host uses the golden special summoning card to summon, the summoning begins...]

[Ding dong, summon the first person, famous masters and generals should not stay in prison, thousands of troops and horses avoid white robes, white robe ghost generals, Chen Qingzhi, military training: 99;]

Chen Qingzhi, the God of War of Daliang, with seven thousand white-robed troops breaking through one hundred thousand, went deep into the Wei territory with seven thousand white-robed troops, escorted Yuan Hao to Luoyang, experienced forty-seven battles, and pacified thirty-two cities, moving forward without hesitation.

Without the ability to train troops, if these 7,000 white-robed troops have average combat power, no matter how powerful Chen Qingzhi himself is, he is still a skillful woman who cannot make a meal without rice.

[Ding dong, summon the second person, Fang Moudu Duan, Fang Xuanling, calligraphy: 98;]

Seeing Fang Xuanling appear, Wang Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Fang Xuanling's calligraphy had reached the gold level. This was beyond his expectation.

According to Fang Xuanling's historical achievements, he is definitely a double silver in wisdom and politics, and both are at the peak level of silver.

[Ding dong, summon the third person, Wang Xizhi, a famous calligrapher and calligrapher during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, calligraphy: 100;]

If it was an ordinary summons and Wang Xizhi appeared, Wang Yu would definitely be very happy. After all, his sons and brothers are not just ordinary people!

But a gold card, even if it is just a special summon, if it only summons Wang Xizhi, Wang Yu always feels that it is too much of a loss, at least Fang Xuanling is much more powerful than him.

"Let's continue watching the next one. I hope my abilities will be more outstanding." Wang Yu said in his heart!

[Ding dong, summon the fourth person, the prime minister in the late Southern Song Dynasty,...]

This chapter has been completed!
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