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Chapter 264 The mastermind Xun You, a neglected talent

 "Brother Wen Ruo, why do you and I have to be so indifferent? If you have anything to say, you can say it!" Wang Yu said earnestly, with a look in his eyes as if he had been wronged.

"Hmph, then I'll be blunt!" Xun Yu snorted coldly, and then said: "Since last year, I haven't had a stable life for a few days. From time to time, some students from the Imperial Academy come to my house and want to talk to me indiscriminately.

I explore knowledge!"

"At that time, I didn't know what happened, so I could only accept it. After the incident was over, I realized that it was all caused by your instigation, Ziying. Tell me yourself, did you cause me misery?


After Xun Yu finished talking about the pain in his heart, he immediately glared at Wang Yu. I want to see how Wang Yu made excuses?

"Brother Wen Ruo, do you just distrust Ziying so much? What is instigation? Can things about scholars be called instigation? Wen Ruo, don't talk nonsense."

Wang Yu's accusations against Xun Yu were firmly denied without any evidence, which made Xun Yu extremely angry and made even a few people next to him laugh.

At this time, Wang Yu glanced at the people beside Xun Yu. Wang Yu had met Xun Yu's fourth brother Xun Chen last year. He said he had no idea about Yuan Shao's future plotter. That was


And Xun Kan’s ability is worthy of his reputation as a mastermind!

[Dingdong, Xunkan’s peak five-dimensional attributes, commander: 65, force: 61, intelligence: 94, politics: 89, charm: 90;

Xun Kan's current five-dimensional attributes are: Commander: 53, Force: 52, Intelligence: 90, Politics: 83, Charm: 82;]

In addition to him, Xun Yu also brought his third brother Xun Yan this time. If his two younger brothers are both counselor-type talents, then Xun Yan is a commander-type talent!

He was responsible for guarding Ye as a military school lieutenant and the military commander in Hebei Province. Cao Cao conquered Yuan Shang. Gao Gan secretly sent troops to attack Ye. After Yan discovered it, he defeated it, punished Qian, and granted the title of marquis for his merits.

And that’s true!

[Dingdong, Xun Yan’s peak five-dimensional attributes, commander: 91, force: 68, intelligence: 92, politics: 93, charm: 90;

Xun Yan's current five-dimensional attributes are: Commander: 80, Force: 59, Intelligence: 86, Politics: 85, Charm: 86;]

Xun Yan's five-dimensional attributes are very comprehensive. Although there is no outstanding one, the advantage is that he has no shortcomings. Whether he is in power or leading an army, he is a middle-class talent!

However, judging from the fact that Xun Yan’s three attributes of commander, intelligence, and politics have exceeded 90, it is most suitable for him to take charge of one side!

After Xun Yu introduced his third brother Xun Yan to Wang Yu, he also introduced him to several members of the Xun family. If these people were involved in politics, they would be more than enough to serve as the governor of a county!

However, there were no characters that impressed Wang Yu, because their highest attributes were only over eighty. Just when Wang Yu was a little disappointed, Xun Yu introduced a bombshell to Wang Yu!
"Ziying, this is my nephew, Xun You Xun Gongda!"

"Could it be that Xun Gongda who was able to identify murderers at the age of thirteen!" Wang Yu said in surprise, his face full of shock!

Originally, Xun You lost his parents when he was a child, so he was raised by his grandfather Xun Tan, who was the governor of Guangling.

However, when Xun You was thirteen years old, his grandfather Xun Tan passed away!

At this time, an official under Xun Tan named Zhang Quan took the initiative and asked to guard Xun Tan's tomb.

But Xun You said to his uncle Xun Qu: "The look on this man's face is abnormal. I guess he has done something cunning!"

So, Xun Qu took the opportunity to interrogate Zhang Quan while he was sleeping at night. It turned out that Zhang Quan was on the run because he had killed someone, and wanted to hide himself by guarding the tomb.

From then on, people treated Xun You differently.

Seeing Wang Yu mention this, Xun You just smiled. After all, compared to Wang Yu who could write a poem in four steps and command thousands of troops at the age of ten, his achievements were nothing!

So Xun You immediately gave in!

At this time, Wang Yu also carefully looked at the young man in front of him!

Speaking of which, if we only compare age, Xun You is definitely the oldest among everyone, because he is now twenty-three years old, while his clan uncle Xun Yu is only seventeen years old now.

However, in aristocratic families, age does not mean anything, seniority is the basis for everything. Take Gai Yin as an example, he is now sixteen, and Gai Yue is already twenty-one years old, a full five years older than him!
But in the end, Gai Yue still had to call him a small uncle, and the same was true for Xun You in front of him. Since he was a generation shorter than Xun Yu and others, even if he was slightly older than them, it still couldn't change his ranking.


These are the rules, the insurmountable rules of aristocratic families.

"System, test Xun You's five-dimensional attributes for me!" Wang Yu immediately issued an order to the system. After finally meeting Cao Cao's future mastermind, of course he had to have a clear understanding.

[Ding Dong, Xun You’s current five-dimensional attributes are: Commander: 56, Force: 52, Intelligence: 96, Politics: 89, Charm: 92;

Xun You's peak five-dimensional attributes, commander: 86, force: 65, intelligence: 99, politics: 93, charm: 97;]


After seeing Xun You's five-dimensional attributes, Wang Yu couldn't help but take a breath. He is worthy of being Cao Mengde's future "mastermind". This intellectual attribute is simply amazing.

The intelligence attributes of Silver Peak are among the best in the entire history, and judging from Xun You's historical record, he must have powerful military skills. After all, Xun You has been with the army for eighteen years and has never failed to give advice!

When Xun You became famous, he was able to recognize people he knew at the age of thirteen, and he was looked upon in a new light from then on.

After that, there is no record of Xun You in history. He must have been idle at home, waiting for the opportunity, until the sixth year of Zhongping, when the general He Jin took charge of the government and recruited more than 20 famous people from home and abroad, including Xun You.

After Xun You arrived in Luoyang, he was worshiped as Huangmen Shilang by He Jin.

However, at this time, the Han Dynasty was already declining. With He Jin's death, the balance of forces in the imperial court completely reached a stage of collapse. Dong Zhuo's Rebellion broke out, the Kwantung Army rose up, and Dong Zhuo moved the capital to Chang'an.

At this time, Xun You was still a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, so he discussed with Yilang Zheng Tai and others to kill Dong Zhuo, but the matter was not accomplished and was discovered!

He Yong was taken in, and Xun You was imprisoned. He Yong was worried about committing suicide, but Xun You was talking and eating freely. He expected that Dong Zhuo would be defeated and he would eventually be rescued and released from prison, and that was exactly what happened.

After that, Xun You abandoned his official position and returned, was recruited by the government again, ranked first in the examination, and was promoted to be the city prime minister, but did not take up his post.

Because the territory of Shu Han was dangerous and the cities were strong, and the people lived a prosperous life, he asked to be appointed as the prefect of Shu County. Due to the impassable roads, he stopped in Jingzhou.

At this time, Cao Cao, who was already powerful in Yanzhou, listened to Xun Yu's advice. After welcoming the emperor to Xuchang, he immediately recruited Xun You as the prefect of Runan and became the minister.

At this point, Xun You became Cao Cao's counselor and began his legendary life!

First, in the third year of Jian'an (198), Xun You followed Cao Cao to conquer Zhang Xiu.

Xun You saw that the situation at that time was very unfavorable to Cao Cao, so he said to Cao Cao: "Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao relied on each other and thought they were strong.

However, Zhang Xiu relied on Liu Biao for his guest army. As time went by, Liu Biao was unable to support him and he would inevitably split with Zhang Xiu.

I might as well wait for the situation to change. If we attack urgently, Liu Biao will fight to the death to save us."

Cao Cao did not listen to Xun You's advice and sent troops to fight Zhang Xiu. Liu Biao sent troops to rescue him and Cao Cao's army was defeated.

Cao Cao said to Xun You: "That's why I didn't listen to my husband."

Secondly, after Cao Cao's army was defeated in the battle, Xun You took the opportunity to admonish Cao Cao, set up a surprise army to fight again, and attacked Zhang Xiu by surprise. Cao Cao followed the advice and indeed broke the coalition of Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao, forcing Zhang Xiu to surrender.

Thirdly, Cao Cao conquered Lu Bu from Wan. When they arrived at Xiapi, Lu Bu retreated and defended the city. Cao Cao attacked but failed to capture it. After continuous fighting, the soldiers were tired and Cao Cao wanted to withdraw his troops.

Xun You and Guo Jia said: "Lü Bu is brave but has no plans. Now he has been defeated in many battles and has lost all his vigor."

"The army is headed by a general. Once the general becomes weak, the army will lose its fighting spirit."

"Chen Gong is resourceful but slow by nature. Lu Bu's morale has not yet recovered, and Chen Gong's strategy has not yet been decided. Take this opportunity to advance and attack quickly, and you can defeat Lu Bu."

Cao Cao immediately diverted the Yishui and Si Rivers into the city, captured Xiapi, captured Lu Bu alive, and later beheaded him!

The fourth is the Battle of Guandu. In this battle, Xun You shined!

First came the Battle of Baima. Yuan Shao sent general Yan Liang to besiege Baima. Cao Cao led his troops to rescue him. Xun You immediately proposed a plan to attack the east and attack the west. Xun You believed that Cao's army was outnumbered and should avoid its edge. He led his troops to Yanjin and pretended to cross the river to attack Yuan Shao's rear.

Lure Yuan Shao into dividing his troops, then turn around and attack the white horse Yan Liang's army unexpectedly.

Cao Cao was good at accepting remonstrances and used Xun You's strategy of attacking in the east and attacking in the west, dividing and defeating Yuan's army. As expected, Yuan's army was defeated. Yuan Shao's general Yan Liang was beheaded by Guan Yu when he was defeated!

Speaking of which, Guan Yu has to thank Xun You. If he hadn't provided a plan to defeat Yan Liang and made Yan Liang exhausted, it would not have been an easy task for Guan Yu to kill him while waiting for work!

However, this can also be seen from this, the terror of a powerful counselor can be manipulated more in the future.

After Cao Cao broke the siege of Baima, Yuan Jun led by Wen Chou wanted to avenge Yan Liang, so he led his army to attack!

At this time, Cao Cao led 600 cavalrymen to escort the grain and baggage and retreated westward along the river. Not long after the army marched, they met Yuan Shao's general Wen Chou and 5000 to 6000 pursuing troops.

When the generals saw that the enemy was numerous and we were outnumbered, they were all frightened and advised Cao Cao to retreat to the main camp. Knowing the enemy's weakness, Xun You said, "This is a good time to destroy the enemy. Why retreat?"

Cao Cao and Xun You looked at each other and smiled, and they understood each other, so they ordered the soldiers to unsaddle their horses, throw away their baggage, and lure Yuan Jun.

When Yuan's army was approaching and they were scrambling to snatch the baggage, Cao Cao suddenly ordered his troops to mount their horses and launched a swift attack, defeating Yuan's army. General Wen Chou died in the chaos.

After the Battle of Guandu broke out, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao formed a confrontation. Both sides were about to run out of rations. Xun You advised Cao Cao: "Yuan Shao's grain truck will arrive within a day. The escort general Han Meng is capable but underestimates the enemy. If we attack him, we can win."<


Cao Cao said: "Who can be sent?" Xun You said: "Xu Huang."

So Cao Cao sent Xu Huang and Shi Huan to intercept Han Meng halfway, defeated Han Meng, and burned the military supplies he escorted.

After Yuan Shao's soldiers' grain was burned, he became furious and continued to send Chunyu Qiong and others to escort the grain with more than 10,000 soldiers.

At this time, Xu You betrayed Yuan Shao and came to surrender, saying that General Chunyu Qiong was arrogant and the soldiers were slack, so he could intercept him midway.

Everyone doubted him, but only Xun You and Jia Xu persuaded Cao Cao to listen.

Cao Cao then left Xun You and his younger brother Cao Hong to guard the camp, and led an attack to defeat Yuan's army, killing Chun Yuqiong and others. Yuan Shao's army's food and grass were destroyed, and the morale of the army was in chaos.

Yuan Shao's generals Zhang He, Gao Lan and others burned their offensive equipment and surrendered to Cao's army. Yuan Shao had to abandon his army and flee back to the north of the Yellow River.

When Zhang He came to surrender, Cao Hong was a little suspicious of him and did not dare to accept it. Xun You said to Cao Hong: "Zhang He's plan was not adopted by Yuan Shao, and he came to surrender in anger. What do you doubt about him?"

Only then did Cao Hong accept the surrender of Zhang He and others. At this point, Yuan Shao's situation became unfavorable, and Cao Cao laid the foundation for victory.

It can be said that the Battle of Guandu was Xun You's highlight period.

Of course, but that doesn’t mean Xun You won’t be able to do it in the future.

After Yuan Shao was defeated and died, his second son Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang fought. Yuan Tan lost to Yuan Shang and begged Cao Cao to surrender.

All the generals were suspicious, but Xun You persuaded the public to agree to it.

Xun You knew that Liu Biao had no ambitions and was not to be feared, so he tried his best to persuade Cao Cao to seize the opportunity of the discord between Yuan Shao and Yuan Shao's sons, first to pacify the two Yuans, and then to destroy Liu Biao.

Cao Cao followed Xun You's advice and chose to send his troops north to defeat Yuan Shang, kill Yuan Tan, and finally annex Jizhou. At this time, Liu Biao did not take the opportunity to send troops to attack Cao Cao.

After Jizhou was pacified, Cao Cao sent a report to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to request a knighthood for Xun You, saying: "Xun You, military advisor, has been assisting my subordinates from the beginning. He has never sent troops without following him. He has defeated the enemy many times before and after, all because of Xun You's plan."

So Xun Youling was granted the title of Marquis of Shuting.

In the twelfth year of Jian'an (207), Cao Cao ordered rewards based on merit, saying: "A person who is loyal and upright and good at plotting, who comforts people both inside and outside for me is Wenruo, and publicity is second to him."

So Xun You was increased by 400, and the first 700 households were merged, and he was turned into a central military division.

Xun You, who served as the Central Military Advisor, no longer often accompanied the army in battles, but stayed in the rear for Cao Cao, taking charge of punishment.

If Xun You could follow Cao Cao and participate in the conquest of Jingzhou, I am afraid that the outcome of history would be completely rewritten, because Xun You would definitely advise Cao Cao to temporarily stop the attack, just like Jia Xu did.

And given the closeness between Xun You and Cao Cao, he will definitely listen. By then, there will naturally be no Battle of Chibi.

It's a pity that Xun You finally died of illness while Cao Cao was on his way to conquer Sun Quan and did not make any further achievements.

Throughout Xun You's life, it can be said that he was full of ingenious strategies and was Cao Cao's real mastermind. Whether it was the eastward expedition to Lu Bu, the westward expedition to Zhangxiu, or the Battle of Guandu, Xun You showed outstanding military talents.

But what is even more commendable is the genius tactical level of the two armies confronting each other in front of the battle line, picking off tricks and defeating the enemy on the spot, which can be regarded as a truly exhaustive strategy!

Of course, his fortune-telling skills are equally impressive, otherwise it would be impossible to tell whether a person is a good person at the age of thirteen.

It is said that...

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