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Chapter 354 Nangong Xue (Part 2)

 When he thought of this, Hu Cheer immediately stopped, took out the signaling bomb from his arms, and then shot it into the sky according to the firing method Gai Yin taught him.


In an instant, a group of red fireworks exploded in the sky. In this unusually quiet night, a loud sound was immediately heard.

Seeing the signal bomb being released, Hu Cheer breathed a sigh of relief, and then encouraged the entire army: "Brothers, stop them for me, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce escort will arrive soon."


At the same time, Luoyang South Street is the place where the Chinese Chamber of Commerce is located.

Bai Gui suddenly heard a commotion, but before he had time to act, one of his men rushed to report: "Report, report to the president, a brother from the Chamber of Commerce has sent a signal. The red signal means an emergency."

"What's going on?" Bai Gui suddenly felt that something was wrong. The signal flare is unique to the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce and the Bingzhou elite troops. Once this signal is emitted, it means an emergency.

"Do you know where this signal was emitted?" Bai Gui said calmly.

"It should be in the direction of Nangong." The subordinate said.

"Nangong, Nangong!" Bai Gui began to think, and then he was suddenly startled, but now was not the time to explain. He immediately asked the visitor, Jiang Chao, and others to come over and take the escort team of the Chamber of Commerce in Luoyang to where Nangong was.


Bai Gui himself, holding a long sword, rushed towards Nangong. Not only that, Bai Gui shouted as he walked: "I am Bai Gui, the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The Yellow Turban rebels are now plundering Nangong. Several generals

If we don’t send troops now, then when will we wait?”

No matter what Bai Gui said, he was still a half-step celestial being. His internal strength was so profound. In an instant, his words spread throughout Luoyang City through his internal strength.


"Yellow Turban Rebel."

In the Chariot General's Mansion, Xiao Mohe didn't dare to neglect after hearing these four words. He immediately ordered people to beat drums and ordered the soldiers in the Chariot General's Mansion to go to the land of Nangong.

On the other side, after hearing these words, Zhijinwu Zhang Yi also took his first fierce general Du Hui and hundreds of imperial guards under his command.

Although "Zhi Jinwu" is not in the rank of Jiuqing, he is not weaker than him at all, because he has great responsibilities. He is responsible for overseeing the imperial army, protecting the safety of the capital and palace, and responsible for patrolling, prohibiting violence, supervising rape, etc.

tasks, and is also in charge of weapons and prisons.

Even Liu Xiu, a country boy who first came to Chang'an and later founded the Han Dynasty, was stunned and could not help but sigh: "When you are an official, you should marry Jinwu, and when you marry, you should marry Yin Lihua."

In the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", there is such a record about the "Zhijinwu"'s travels: "Zhijinwu rode two hundred people and held halberds, and five hundred and twenty people. The public obeyed and followed, and the road was full of light.

Among all the officials, Si is the strongest.

Shizu sighed and said: 'When you are an official, you should be the one who holds Jinwu, and when you marry, you should marry Yin Lihua.'"

This means that when "Zhi Jinwu" traveled, there were 200 cavalrymen and 520 armored men with halberds.

And Zhang Yi's Zhi Jinwu had higher responsibilities than Zhi Jinwu at that time, with 300 cavalry and 620 halberd-bearing soldiers.

These people are all elites. At this time, under the leadership of their respective generals, they are killing in the direction of Nangong!


At this moment, not far away in the direction of Nangong!

A young man in his twenties saw an unknown object exploding in the sky, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly emerged in his heart. Moreover, before his feeling disappeared, he heard Bai Gui's shouting


"No, this unknown thing must be a signal transmission." The young man's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

This young man was none other than Yun Kuang, the second most powerful general of the Yellow Turbans, and the person beside him was Ma Yuanyi, the commander of Dafangqu. This time, in order to complete Su Zhe's strategy of capturing the thief first, Zhang Jiao sent them out directly.


"General Ma, the person who just shouted is Bai Gui, the president of the Luoyang Chinese Chamber of Commerce. This person has the strength of a half-step heaven. Not only that, he has a private security team under his command, and his strength should not be underestimated." Yun Kuang said.


Due to the different eras he lives in, Yun Kuang is not as invincible as he was in his own era, so he is naturally not as arrogant as he was in his previous life.

After all, he is just a god of war, equivalent to a half-step celestial being at best. There is still a big gap between him and a true celestial being. Without the capital of arrogance, he naturally restrains himself a lot.

As for the strength of the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce, Ma Yuanyi, who has been active near Luoyang all year round, also knew something about it. He immediately did not dare to show any neglect, so he took his five hundred yellow scarf warriors and prepared to press forward.

At the same time, Hu Cheer, Liu Xiu, and Deng Yu led two hundred Huangfu Song personal guards, each waving their weapons and rushing towards the mob.

The mobs were quite large in number, with a full count of three to four thousand people. No matter how powerful Hu Cheer and others were, it would not be easy to resist them with just these people.

Moreover, these mobs obviously have people who are commanding them. Under the command of the leader, more and more yellow scarf mobs wearing yellow scarves and wiping their foreheads are rushing towards Nangong, and their momentum is extremely huge.

Facing so many enemies, even the tough-looking Hu Che'er felt more solemn than ever before. After all, if they couldn't hold on, Nangong would be in danger.

"General Hu, we may have to fight to the death today." Liu Xiu held the long sword in his hand and said righteously.

"That's right, it's just a death, so what's the point?" Seeing that Liu Xiu, a clan member of the Han Dynasty, did not have the slightest fear in the face of these vast Yellow Turban Army, Hu Che'er immediately cheered up and charged with two short halberds.

Go up.

Under the push of the three great masters Liu Xiu, Hu Che'er, and Deng Yu, the morale of more than a hundred Han troops suddenly soared. Their swords flashed, and gorgeous blood splashed in the air.<


Wherever the Han army passed, there were corpses.

"Man, why don't you take Wu Gou and collect the fifty states of Yinshan? Please go to Yuntai Pavilion for a while, like a scholar with ten thousand households."

While fighting bravely, Hu Che'er immediately recited the poem Wang Yu wrote in the Beidi County Prefecture when he visited Liangzhou.

As soon as this poem came out, Huangfu Songdu was amazed by it. After all, the real author of this poem in history was the famous poet Li He.

Speaking of which, since Wang Yu came to this world, he has borrowed several ancient poems by Li He, which has earned him a lot of fame.


Let’s stop talking and get back to the topic.

Perhaps these personal guards had seen Wang Yu in the prefect's mansion, and naturally they knew that this poem came from Wang Yu, so their blood immediately boiled and they rushed towards the mob!

"Why don't you, man, bring Wu Gou and collect the fifty states of Yinshan? Please go to Yuntai Pavilion for a while, and you will be like a scholar with ten thousand households." Liu Xiu also recited this poem silently, his eyes full of admiration.

If it weren't for them, now in a life-and-death situation, he might have directly asked Hu Che'er who this poem came from.

"Brothers, kill!" "By this time, Liu Xiu and others also discovered that although these mobs were large in number, most of them were ordinary people who had gathered temporarily and did not have much fighting power at all.

I and others have been fighting until now, but there are only more than a hundred people left, but even so, they can still open a hole. Under this extremely brave offensive, these mobs actually began to retreat steadily.

Because these people retreated suddenly, the people behind them were confused and didn't know what happened, so they collided with the people retreating in front.

The result was obvious, that is, they were knocked to the ground, and then fell to the ground. Then, they were stepped on by countless feet, and soon turned into a pile of rotten meat.

On Hu Che'er's side, because there were three top-notch generals in charge, the fighting was so fierce that they won every victory, but Huangfu Song was in danger.

His opponent was the Forbidden Army, the real elite of the Han Dynasty. No matter how brave and skilled Huangfu Song's northern frontier army was, they were only on a par with the Forbidden Army.

Not only that, the Forbidden Army is also commanded by Tuo Yangkun. The latter's commanding ability is naturally far inferior to Huangfu Song, but under the battle of these two hundred people, the level of the commander's attributes actually does not have much impact.<


Seeing that the guards around him became less and less visible, Huangfu Song was also anxious. He knew very well that if the palace gate was not closed as soon as possible, the number of mobs gathered would become larger and larger. Sooner or later,

Something big will happen.

At this point, Huangfusong couldn't care less. His eyes were red, and he was completely ready to fight. Especially the sound of killing that reached his ears made him feel like he had returned to the North to fight against Er Zhurong.


Fighting with iron and steel, this is the battlefield that belongs to men.


"Soldiers, kill these forbidden troops, close the palace gate, close the palace gate..." Huangfu Song took the lead as if he had been given a shot of blood at this time, and then let out a continuous roar.

[Ding dong, Huangfu Song’s skill ‘Fen Yue’ is activated with effect 1. When leading the army in battle, his own command will be 2, his force will be 4, his intelligence will be 3, and it will greatly improve the overall qualities of his own soldiers such as their combat effectiveness, fighting spirit, speed, and reaction ability;

Huangfusong's basic commander is 97 (1), basic force is 95 (2), basic intelligence is 92, Han Huan's first sword is 1, Black Shark is 1, Lao Zhuang is 3. The current commander has increased to 99, the force has increased to 104, and the intelligence has increased to 95.

Significantly improve the overall quality of your own soldiers such as combat effectiveness, fighting spirit, speed, reaction ability, etc.;]

As his skills were activated, a powerful aura surged out of him, and he was seen holding the ring-shou knife in both hands, slashing crazily at these forbidden troops.

Huangfu Song's current military strength has reached the level of a god general. No matter how powerful these elites are, their average strength is only about forty-five or six. With Huangfu Song's fearless fighting, he killed more than a dozen people in the blink of an eye.

"Brothers, fight with them!" Seeing that the generals were risking their lives, the personal guards under Huangfu Song's command were suddenly aroused to be ferocious in their hearts.

Since these people can be selected by Huangfu Song as his own bodyguards, their abilities are naturally outstanding. They are all Huangfu Song's confidants who were carefully selected from the army, and most of them have Qiang blood.

At this moment, in the fierce fighting outside the Nangong Gate, the splashing blood and flesh completely aroused the ferocity in their bones. Even the Qiang people did not look down on them, so why should they be afraid of these traitorous Forbidden Army?


"Kill, kill, kill!"

As the saying goes, it is the courage of the soldiers. Inspired by Huangfu Song's brave fighting, the guards under his command suddenly let out a series of roars.

Under the roar, they suddenly changed their minds and rushed towards the imperial army without fear of death.

However, in this battle of hundreds of people, the force of each person is the most important. Huangfu Song used his prestige and fearlessness to ignite the fighting spirit of his troops, and Tuo Yangkun can naturally do the same.

At this point, he also knew that the key to victory lay in Huangfu Song, so he immediately took the wind-splitting knife and took the initiative to lead the army in the direction of Huangfu Song.

This time, he wants to capture the thief first and capture the king first.

[Ding dong, Tuo Yangkun’s skill ‘Fighting’ effect 3 is activated. When charging in the field, his own command is 1, and the morale of his troops is partially improved;

Tuo Yangkun's basic commander is 86. The current commander has been raised to 87, and the morale of his troops has been partially improved;]

With the blessing of Tuo Yangkun's skills, the morale of these forbidden troops has also been partially improved. In addition, their original strength was not weak, and now they are even more powerful.

After a brief fight, the two quickly stood together.

"You are Huangfu Song, and today is the day you die." Tuo Yangkun said proudly. Just at that moment, he heard Huangfu Song's cry and immediately knew the identity of the person in front of him.

Huangfu Song, one of the most famous generals in the Han Dynasty, if we can kill him here today, we will really get rid of a big disaster.

When he thought of this, Tuo Yangkun's fighting spirit boiled up, and his second skill also started.

[Ding dong, Tuo Yangkun’s skill ‘Brutal Strength’ is activated, his own force is 3, and the current force has increased to 106;]

"Huangfusong, suffer death." Tuo Yangkun shouted loudly, and the Splashing Wind Knife in his hand was not merciful at all. He slashed towards Huangfusong with the force of the Huashan Mountain, wishing he could kill him on the spot with one knife.
"When I was afraid of you, when I was playing with a knife on the battlefield, you didn't know where in the country you were playing in the mud." Huangfu Song retorted, his eyes full of contempt.

Five rounds.

Ten rounds.

After more than ten rounds of fighting between the two sides, Tuo Yangkun still had no way to defeat Huangfu Song, and at this moment, he brought Huangfu Song's big counterattack.

[Ding dong, Huangfu Song’s skill ‘Lao Zhuang’ has effect 2 activated. It is activated during a battle. Every five rounds of fighting with the opponent, one’s own force is 1, and the upper limit is two points of force;

Huangfusong is currently fighting Tuo Yangkun for more than ten rounds. His own strength is 2, and his current strength has increased to 106;]

At this moment, Huangfusong finally fired up and reached his peak strength, but this was not his limit yet.

[Ding dong, Huangfu Song’s skill ‘Lao Zhuang’ effect 3 is activated,...]

This chapter has been completed!
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