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Chapter 361 Pointing out a clear path for the Yellow Turban Army

 Even Zhang Jiao himself didn’t think of it.

What impact did Su Zhe's meeting have on the Yellow Turban Uprising?

It can be said that it is precisely because of Su Zhe's crazy brainwashing that the Yellow Turban Army's policy of launching an uprising has completely changed. It no longer targets the aristocratic families in the world, but targets the small aristocratic families that are causing trouble.

Because of this, the Yellow Turban Army was able to achieve such results in just five days, catching the Han army by surprise when some powerful families chose to remain neutral.

After all, when the Yellow Turban Army did not take the initiative to provoke him, the aristocratic families in the city would naturally not ask for trouble and choose to actively provoke the Yellow Turban Army.

Of course, this is also because the urine of aristocratic families is like this.

In their eyes, the survival of the family is the most important. As for the rise and fall of the Han Dynasty, they don't care.

Besides, even if the Han Dynasty was destroyed by the Yellow Turbans, it would not be a bad thing for them, because they need talents to govern the thirteen states in the world, and where the talents come from, it is naturally from aristocratic families.

However, the current situation is unclear, and they will not join forces with the Yellow Turbans. At most, they will maintain the principle of neutrality and wait until the situation stabilizes before making a choice.

Therefore, in just a few days, the Yellow Turban Army conquered several counties in the Han Dynasty, eliminated many notorious small aristocratic families, and accumulated a lot of money and food.


Yellow Turban Chamber.

Su Zhe, wearing a feather fan and silk scarf, pointed at the map and pointed out the country: "If what I predict is true, when the Han Emperor does not know our army's policy, he will allow us to grow stronger and compete with the noble families in various places."

"So, this is an opportunity for us to grow and develop."

"Why is this?" Zhang Jiao asked puzzledly.

"The Emperor of the Han Dynasty, apart from other things, did have great ambitions, because in these years, he has been committed to attacking the aristocratic families, the Ten Constant Ministers, and Hongmen Confucianism, all of which were his resistance to the aristocratic families."<


"It's just that his heart is as high as the sky and his life is as thin as paper. He thinks too highly of himself and underestimates the family. Especially, when he caused the disaster of the party's imprisonment, he should have dismissed the god of war and the cavalry general Wang Teng.


"Wang Teng is the number one general of the Han Dynasty and the head of the Wang family in Taiyuan. The entire Bingzhou can be said to be the territory of the Wang family. Such a powerful force is completely pushed to the opposite side just because he wants to attack the family. How stupid is this."
"However, although the Han Emperor is stupid, his ambitions are still quite high. This time I, the Yellow Turban, have caused a big chaos. It is not an opportunity for him." Su Zhe spoke eloquently, directly penetrating the essence of the Han Emperor.
"Then according to what the military advisor said, what should our army do next?" Zhang Jiao asked urgently. Although he couldn't understand Su Zhe's words, he also heard an important message.

That is... The Han Dynasty will not take action against the Yellow Turbans for the time being, but will allow the Yellow Turbans to develop and grow.

Although he still didn't understand why the Han Emperor did this, it didn't stop him from obeying Su Zhe's words.

"Good teacher, before the uprising, I had already thought up a strategy. If we, the Yellow Turban Army, want to destroy the Han Dynasty, we must complete three steps. The first step of the plan is to concentrate our efforts on capturing Yuzhou."

"Take Yuzhou first!" After hearing Su Zhe's words, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes suddenly flashed with light. It seemed that this Soviet military advisor was indeed extraordinary, and he spotted the most critical point at a glance.

Zhu Yuanzhang has not been in the Yellow Turban for a long time, so he doesn't know Su Zhe that well. He only knows that this person's strategic vision and overall direction are outstanding.

At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang actually didn't really believe it, because the nature of the Yellow Turban Peasant Rebel Army was destined to be impossible for those talented people to come over.

However, as time went on, he became more and more aware of Su Zhe's terror, and today, he hit the nail on the head when he told the Yellow Turban Army how to break the situation.

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang was sighing in his heart, Su Zhe immediately analyzed Zhang Jiao based on the situation of the Thirteen Prefectures of the Han Dynasty.

First of all, although the Yellow Turban Army has developed for more than ten years, its power is unevenly distributed in various places. In some places, the Yellow Turban believers are very powerful, while in other places they are relatively weak.

This also leads to the fact that the Yellow Turban believers in relatively weak areas are not enough to deal with the local officers and soldiers. Instead, they may fall into the abyss of a long-lasting war and be defeated by the Han army.

Therefore, Su Zhe suggested to Zhang Jiao that he first transfer the Yellow Turban believers in relatively weak areas away from where they are, and then concentrate on capturing important and winnable territories.

After all, ten birds in the forest are worth less than one in the hand.

Among the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, the Yellow Turban believers have the greatest influence in Yuzhou. This is because Ma Yuanyi, the commander of Dafangqu, has been responsible for preaching in Yuzhou these years and has accumulated a lot of prestige. The Yellow Turban believers in Yuzhou account for 10% of the total number of people.

About 30% to 40%.

Before the Luoyang Incident, Su Zhe clearly told Ma Yuanyi that if the Luoyang coup failed, he would escape from the tunnel and return to Yuzhou to take charge of the overall situation.

I believe that as long as he is here, the Yellow Turban cultists in Yuzhou can form a rope. As long as there is a suitable commander and Ma Yuanyi cooperates, they will surely explode with unprecedented strength.

Although among the Thirteen States of the Han Dynasty, Jizhou has a larger population, but it has a great disadvantage for the Yellow Turban Army, that is, there are many aristocratic families!

As a result, the Yellow Turban Army's strength is relatively weak, and it is naturally somewhat inadequate compared to the conditions in Yuzhou.

After all, Yuzhou also has a population of more than five million, ranking as the second most populous state in the Han Dynasty, and accounting for one-tenth of the population of the Han Dynasty. It can be said that it is the richest state in the Han Dynasty and the second most populous state.
In addition, Su Zhe is somewhat famous in Yuzhou. He studied at Yingchuan College and had a friendship with a local gentleman from aristocratic families in Yuzhou.

I believe that as long as the Yuzhou family sees that he holds an important position in the Yellow Turbans, they will be able to remain neutral. Even if they do not help the Yellow Turbans, they will not cause trouble behind their backs.

In this way, some obstacles to development can be reduced!

Therefore, Yuzhou became Su Zhe's first target and a state that the Yellow Turban Army had to occupy.

The second goal is to disperse the troops to a certain extent based on the occupation of Yuzhou, and successively occupy Xuzhou and Yanzhou, two Central Plains states.

This is a place for the Four Wars. Once it is occupied, the center can blossom and use the Central Plains as a link to attack Qingzhou, Yangzhou, Jizhou and other places.

Let a center bloom and attack from both inside and outside.

As for Jizhou in Hebei, we do not want to capture all of it, but we only want to be able to contain the main force of the Han army. Qingzhou must be completely captured. After Qingzhou is captured, we can attack Jizhou in a large scale.

As for Youzhou and Bingzhou, Su Zhe honestly doesn't have much confidence. After all, these two places are not easy to deal with, and Bingzhou is basically the territory of the Wang family.

Not long ago, Wang Yu wanted to expand his army by 150,000 in order to conquer the Hetao. It can be said that Bingzhou now has at least more than 200,000 troops.

Once such a strong opponent joins the war against the Yellow Turbans, the current strength of the Yellow Turban Army alone will not be able to resist it.

Therefore, the best way to deal with Bingzhou is to contain it and let Tian Hu gather all the men and horses in the Taihang Mountains to attack the city near Huguan and attract the attention of some parts of the world.

With the imperial court treating the Wang family like this, Su Zhe believes that the real master of the Wang family, Wang Yu, will never give up. Perhaps, he hopes that the Yellow Turbans will launch an attack on Bingzhou.

After all, the year before last, Tian Hu harassed Huguan and other places many times, but nothing happened in the end, which is intriguing.

Su Zhe didn't believe that a small Tian Hu could withstand the attack of this Wang family unicorn.

As for the land of Youzhou, Su Zhe suggested that Zhang Jiao only attack a few counties in the south of Youzhou, such as Liaodong Kingdom, Liaoxi County, Liaodong Subject Kingdom and other frontiers close to foreign races. He believed that as the Yellow Turban Army grew stronger, the emerging Jurchen tribe would all

I won’t stand idly by.

They will automatically contain the Liaodong Army.

As long as the Yellow Turban Army can occupy the four battlegrounds of the Central Plains, it will have a large amount of resources to fight a protracted war with the Han army. Even if it does not gain advantages in other places, there will be no problem.

As for the land of Jingzhou and Yangzhou, the strength of the Yellow Turban Army is slightly weaker. If some elites are extracted from them, the military strength of these two states will become even weaker.

Therefore, these two states only need to send a partial force to contain the local forces of the Han army. If it can be taken down, it will be better. Even if it is impossible to capture these two states, it will not cause any harm.

As for the third step, it is even simpler and more violent. As long as the first and second steps are completed, Yuzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Jizhou, and southern Youzhou are all in the hands of the Yellow Turban Army, and then they can mobilize a million troops.

Directly crush Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and destroy the Han Dynasty in one battle.

As for Bingzhou, Yangzhou, northern Youzhou and other areas, even if there are remnants of the Han army, they don't need to be taken seriously at all, and the decree can be sent directly.

After hearing Su Zhe's plan, Zhang Jiao was speechless for a long time, and his heart was filled with shock.

"I have my husband to help me. I am like a fish in water. With your talent, even if the Marquis Zhang Liang were alive, I would probably be no more than that." Zhang Jiao couldn't help but admire, his eyes full of admiration for Su Zhe.

Zhang Jiao was originally just an ordinary boy from a poor family. He struggled in troubled times, and by chance, he became a disciple of Nanhua Taoist and later founded Taiping Taoism.

At the beginning, Zhang Jiao really wanted to save the world, but as he got deeper and deeper into the poor people, he felt more and more that this road was full of difficulties and obstacles.

At this time, Taoist Nanhua, his mentor told him a plan, which ultimately led him to embark on the path of rebellion.

Zhang Jiao is not only a magic stick, but also a person who has a great perspective on the overall situation. He can lead millions of Yellow Turban believers, so his own ability and charm will not be inferior.

Although on the surface he was full of confidence in destroying the Han Dynasty, in fact only he knew it. He was always worried in his heart because he knew the strength of the main force of the Han army.

This can be seen from the Luoyang coup.

Even if tens of thousands of the Yellow Turban Army were thrown into Nangong, they would still be vulnerable to the real elites like the Han Yulin Army, and they would soon be strangled by the army.

The biggest advantage of the Yellow Turban Army at present is to create a time lag. When the Han army in various places has not yet reacted and the elite troops of the imperial court have not sent out troops, they can catch the local army by surprise.

However, Zhang Jiao also knew that after this period of time passed and the elite Han army reacted, it would be a disaster for the Yellow Turban Army. After all, the Yellow Turban Army, composed of civilians, would be difficult to resist the elite troops of the Han Dynasty who were good at fighting.

However, Su Zhe now gave Zhang Jiao a hope, that is, the emperor, who wants to use the Yellow Turban Army to deal with the aristocratic family, will not use elite troops in the short term.

This is an opportunity. The Yellow Turban Army can completely use this time to vigorously develop its own strength, attack cities and seize territory, and gain an advantage over the general situation when the Han army is dispatched.

And now, Su Zhe has provided such a plan, which instantly makes Zhang Jiao feel more at ease. Although this plan is highly uncertain, it also adds some possibility to the success of the Yellow Turban. It is currently

The most suitable route for Yellow Turbans.

After all, the Han Dynasty was a behemoth after all. Even if the Yellow Turban Army had a large number of people, it would be difficult to end the battle quickly. They could only accumulate advantages through time.

"But Military Advisor." At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had always acted as a transparent person, suddenly looked at Su Zhe and asked: "Commander, this plan seems a bit incomplete. There should be follow-up plans later."

Although Zhu Yuanzhang's ability has not yet reached the peak of his own history, this does not mean that his vision will be insufficient. As Ming Taizu who has not yet fully grown up, he clearly saw the loopholes in Su Zhe's plan.

Because, even if the three-step strategy he planned happens according to the conditions he expected, the world is still not completely unified, and there are still Han troops in Bingzhou, Liangzhou, Jingzhou, Yangzhou and other places.

He doesn't think that just one edict can stabilize the situation.

"General Zhu, all of us here are confidants of the great sage and good master. There is no need for us to speak secretly. Please tell the truth. How long will it take for us to complete these three steps?" Su Zhe asked Zhu Yuanzhang in return, with a sigh in his words.
Because he himself knows very well that people’s calculations are not as good as God’s calculations. Outside of this game, there are hundreds of schools of thought. The current Yellow Turban Army is just a chess piece that disrupts the Han Dynasty.

All I can say is that it is better to take one step at a time and at least give everyone a hope and a direction than to be a headless fly.

Perhaps Su Zhe's words were too true, which made Zhang Jiao, Zhu Yuanzhang and others instantly dumbfounded, because this is the truth. According to all schools of thought, this is a mountain that is insurmountable for the Yellow Turban Army.

I don't know how much time passed before Zhang Jiao regained his composure and sighed: "It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen. I, Zhang Jiao, just want to be clear in my heart. As for whether I can succeed, it depends on whether this big man's luck is still there."


When Zhang Jiao said this, his eyes immediately glowed with sharp colors: "Military advisor, Yuan Zhang, Xiu Quan, Ju Tian, ​​Brother Yun, please summon all the canal commanders to come in now."

"We take orders." Su Zhe and others clasped their fists in their hands and then summoned the commanders from all directions outside to come in.


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