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Chapter 374 War rages in the Central Plains, and the main force of the Han army goes into battle

In fact, for those two people, Di Qing can completely stay still and leave it to Han Qi. The best way is for him to remain neutral. But the fact is that Di Qing's brutal operation makes people feel that Di Qing's emotional intelligence is a little anxious!

In addition, Di Qing had a bad relationship with another "benefactor" Han Qi. The reason was that when Han Qi arrived in Dingzhou, Hebei Province and served as a pacifier, the military discipline of the soldiers here was lax and there were many corrupt officials in the army.

Han Qi began to vigorously rectify the situation.

Among them, Han Qi caught a corrupt officer who was embezzling money from the army. This man was named Jiao Yong, who was Di Qing's man.

Di Qing was very dissatisfied with this and tried to protect Jiao Yong. The reason was that this man had been on the battlefield and had made meritorious service.

What's the point?

Can you do whatever you want just because you have done meritorious deeds?

Later, this matter became a joke among the civil servants of the Northern Song Dynasty. The civil servants could only say eight words: well-developed limbs but simple mind!

There is also Pang Ji. It can be said that the most glorious moment of Di Qing's life was when he served as the general to put down the rebellion of Nong Zhigao, and it was Pang Ji who recommended Di Qing.

It was Pang Ji who urged Song Renzong not to set up a supervisory army, but to grant Di Qing full power, while he was responsible for logistics. It should be said that half of the credit for Di Qing's success should be attributed to Pang Ji, and Di Qing was promoted to deputy envoy of the Privy Council.

But Pang Ji hoped that Di Qing would not serve as an envoy, but Di Qing refused to listen. In the end, he became an envoy to the Privy Council. According to historical records, "Pang Ji deeply hated him."

The key is that Di Qing doesn't know it yet.

This is very sad.

At that time, Di Qing's prestige among the people was extremely high, and soldiers in the army were proud to know him, which also aroused the suspicion of the court.

But Di Qing, who doesn't understand politics, insists on getting involved in the political dispute between the two governments. This is not something you, a military commander, can do.

Later, although Wen Yanbo bluntly told him that "the court is suspicious of you," at least he still saved enough face for Di Qing.

Although Di Qing's death is a tragedy, it is inseparable from his low emotional intelligence. He did not understand the ways of the world and political interests, so he could only be a military general.

Once they entered the imperial court, those literati would have nothing to gain, so Pang Ji did not want Di Qing to serve as an envoy just to save his life.

Once he enters it, wouldn't it set a precedent for military generals, and wouldn't the policy of the Song Dynasty change in the future? If there is no diamond, it is better not to live with this porcelain.

Of course, as the saying goes, Di Qing will end up like this if a slap in the face makes no difference. His political emotional intelligence is certainly one aspect, but the most important reason is the basic national policy of "ruling the country with culture" during the Northern Song Dynasty.

The civil servants and literati of the Song Dynasty had a very high status. Under all kinds of unequal treatment, the civil servants all rode on the necks of military commanders and looked down on them from the bottom of their hearts.

The privy envoys of the Song Dynasty were generally held by civilian officials. Military generals became privy envoys. Di Qing was the first since the founding of the Song Dynasty. This made those civil officials who always looked down on military men feel like they had eaten sour grapes and were so jealous that they dripped with jealousy.

These civil servants are even more afraid that once military generals take power, they will pose a huge threat to their political status.

After all, the privy envoys of the Song Dynasty had the power to mobilize troops, but they could not command them;

The generals below can only command troops, but do not have the power to deploy troops.

However, making Di Qing the privy envoy gave him the power to mobilize troops, and the troops were commanded by his old subordinates.

Therefore, from the perspective of Ouyang Xiu and others, if you have the ability to rebel, it means that you want to rebel. If you can rebel, that's okay!

In Ouyang Xiu's three memorials including "On Di Qing's Zhazi", he also belittled Di Qing: he said that Di Qing had tattoos on his face, had violated national laws, said that he had little education and was easily incited, etc.

Just say "look down"!

Relying on the power of admonishers to "report on rumors", Ouyang Xiu's other reasons for criticizing Di Qing are even more ridiculous.

It is said that Di Qing's dog has horns, which indicates that he will rebel;

It is said that Di Qing's house is lit up, which indicates that he will rebel;

Others said that Di Qing's house was on fire and they saw him wearing a yellow robe and directing the firefighting. This is treason;

Even the floods in the capital were related to Di Qing's attempt to usurp the throne...

With the concerted efforts of the civil service group, Di Qing, who had been the privy envoy for four years, was finally transferred from the central government, joined Zhongshu's family to smooth things over, and went to Chenzhou.

And these so-called famous ministers and gentlemen, under the banner of serving the country, the people, and the country, talk nonsense and frame up loyal and good people, and release the little darkness in their hearts with a righteous look.

After Di Qing was demoted to Chenzhou, the civil service group still had no intention of letting him go. The prime minister at the time, Wen Yanbo, sent two eunuchs to "concern and condolences" him every half a month.

Di Qing had been disturbed by these rumors for a long time, and he could not figure out what the condolences meant. Every time the messenger came, Di Qing would become more frightened and uneasy, fearing that trouble would happen again.

Under such a psychological warfare offensive, Di Qing was completely defeated. Within half a year, he was frightened to death at the age of only 49.

It can be said that Di Qing's tragedy was partly due to his low emotional intelligence, which left him with no support among civil servants. Of course, it was also due to the abnormal political form of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Zhao Kuangyin once said to Zhao Pu, the prime minister who ruled the world with half of the Analects: "I use Confucian ministers to divide and govern the vassals. Even if they are all corrupt, they are not as good as one-tenth of the military ministers."

This means that if I use civilian officials to serve as local officials, even if they are corrupt and exploit the common people, the threat they pose to the monarch and the harm they cause to the country will not be as much as one-tenth of that of military generals.

Listen, is this human talk?

Fortunately, this Di Qing is the Di Qing in romance, or in other words, a fusion of romance and historical abilities, just like Luo Shixin, who has been around for a long time.

Di Qing in the novel, known as the Jade Faced Tiger, was a legendary figure in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty. Under the guidance of an expert, he became a man of both wisdom and courage.

And his experience is somewhat similar to that of Xue Rengui and Guo Ziyi. He had a story of finding a treasure by chance, and the battle that made him famous was the Battle of Xiongguan. He relied on his extraordinary martial arts and means to kill the Xixia general Xue Deli.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! From then on, he succeeded Yang Zongbao in guarding Xiongguan and led his generals to resist the Xixia army for more than 20 years.

Di Qing in the novel has a basic strength of 102, so Princess Shuangyang, who is far more powerful than him, is probably the God of War, and even at the peak of the divine general level.

This summons was worthwhile.

Liu Fang and Liu Feng, the father and son, might be able to stay and defend, but Di Qing...Wang Yu didn't want to. After all, the latter's commander attribute reached 98, and he also brought four sworn brothers with him.

Maybe, it can be used to form a combo of five tigers defeating the enemy.

It seemed that the only option was to let him stay.

"However, maybe this is also the best way." Wang Yu thought about it again and again.


It was April 15th, the first year of Zhongping.

After a few days of reorganizing the army, Emperor Liu Hong, in order to show that the Han army was an invincible and invincible army, led hundreds of civil and military officials to hold a grand ceremony near the southern suburbs of Luoyang.


After the tedious heaven-sacrifice ceremony was finally announced, Yuan Pup, one of the three princes, came on stage and started his own work on the spot.

After all, during the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Taifu was in charge of the formulation and promulgation of etiquette, similar to the Ministry of Rites in later generations. He burst into tears and complained to the emperor about the atrocities of the Yellow Turbans, further demonizing him.

Liu Hong, who was on the platform, seemed to have heard for the first time that the Yellow Turban Army had committed such an unpardonable crime. He became furious in public and ordered the execution of the previously captured Yellow Turban members.

In fact, he brought these people out from death row. How can the real members of the Yellow Turban Army still survive to this day?

After a swearing-in meeting, Liu Hong immediately sent troops to fight against the thieves, vowing to eradicate the evil spirits and restore peace to the world.

"Your Majesty is wise." When the emperor announced that he was sending out troops, all the officials knelt down and praised Liu Hong. In fact, it was not only Liu Hong who was afraid, but they too.

The Yellow Turban Army has developed too fast. Although on the surface they have no trouble with the powerful aristocratic families, who knows when they actually destroy the Han Dynasty.

At this moment, the aristocratic family has little hope for the Yellow Turban Army, because the strength of both sides has reversed. If the Yellow Turban Army suddenly attacks the aristocratic family, the aristocratic family may not be able to resist in the end.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, the aristocratic family still chose to unite with the imperial power. Even if it didn't work, they would suppress the Yellow Turbans to maintain a balanced situation.

Unfortunately, it disappeared after that.

Since the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven in the southern suburbs of Luoyang began on April 15, more than 200,000 troops still have not set off, but are waiting in place.

This made the aristocratic family immediately scold their mother, you held a swearing-in meeting, and now you are staying in Luoyang City. What does this mean?

So Yuan Wei, Yang Ci and others went to ask Liu Hong personally.

If it was a month ago, Yang Ci would not have cared about this matter at all. After all, the Yellow Turbans would not be able to come to him no matter what. But after he saw the battle report about the Yellow Turbans, he no longer dared to have such thoughts.

In the final analysis, the current number of Yellow Turban Army is really terrifying, and their achievements have blinded everyone. If they were not very sure that their subordinates would not rebel, they would all doubt the authenticity of the matter.

Starting from March 1st, the Yellow Turban Army rebelled in Jizhou. The Yellow Turban Army rebelled in twelve states including Yuzhou, Xuzhou, and Qingzhou. They immediately captured more than 40 cities, equivalent to three counties, in just one day.

After that, because the Han Dynasty failed to adopt policies in time, the Yellow Turban Army became stronger and stronger. In less than half a month, the entire Liang Kingdom of Yuzhou fell, and even half of the nearby Chen Kingdom fell.

By the end of March, the entire Yanzhou Rencheng Kingdom fell, half of Shanyang County was lost, and even Jiyin County and other places had one or two counties fall.

Just when Yanzhou was in chaos, Qingzhou was not much better. Under the attack of the Yellow Turban general Huang Chao, at the end of March, the entire Jinan Kingdom fell, and many counties in Donglai County and Le'an Kingdom also fell.

However, this is still good.

Since April arrived.

These areas were not the only places where the Han Dynasty fell.

Not long ago, the Guandong family received news from Jizhou and other places.

On April 7, Julu County was finally defeated by the Yellow Turban Army with the support of the Dou family, a prominent family in the county. The prefect Guo Dian took the remaining defeated soldiers and fled to other places for their lives.

Many other counties and counties in Jizhou also fell.

Not only Jizhou, but also its nearby Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, and Yuzhou suffered many losses.

Especially Yuzhou, which is the hometown of the Yuan family. After all, the hometown of Runan is here.

It was precisely because it had reached this point that the Yuan family could not sit still and urged Liu Hong to send troops. Unfortunately, Liu Hong kept delaying. Finally, six days later, Yuan Wei got the news.

On April 17, Runan County fell. Since then, except for Yingchuan County, all eighty-one counties in Yuzhou and four countries have fallen.

At this moment, Yuan Wei could no longer sit on the Diaoyutai and went there in person to ask Liu Hong to send troops, but even if he went, it would be useless, because Liu Hong just cried about being poor and said that he was poor, but there was really no one.

Use the extra money to send troops.

Unlike the Yuan family in Runan and the Yang family in Hongnong, the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce just held an auction and triggered a buying frenzy. Even if tens of thousands of gold were spent, they would not blink an eye.

Seeing the emperor criticizing Sang and Huai, insinuating that the family had nothing to lose, and delaying the dispatch of troops until April 23, Yuan Wei and others could no longer hold on and immediately announced defeat.

The aristocratic families in Luoyang contributed money and food. It took a day to collect 500,000 shi of food and 30,000 horseshoe gold for Liu Hong.

Liu Hong did not refuse at all and accepted it in public. He did not know how happy he was. He directly praised the civil and military officials at the court meeting and praised the loyalty of the ministers. At this time when the country was in turmoil and the country was in danger, all ministers

To sacrifice one's family for one's country is truly the humerus of my great man.

If it were normal times, these words would be useful to them, but now, it is urgent, why are they just lazing around here, the money and food have been collected, it is time to send out troops.

Above the Golden Palace, there was a trace of fire shooting out of the sky. If Liu Hong continued to beep like this, the family might really go crazy.

Liu Hong also saw this and did not dare to continue playing with fire. After collecting a certain amount of wool money from the wealthy family, he immediately waved his hand and sent out troops to fight against the thieves.


This time, the Han army was equipped with food, weapons, and horses. It could be said that they were all elite troops. Liu Hong originally thought that with the action of Lu Zhi, Huangfu Song and other famous generals, the battle situation in various places would definitely change, and the balance of victory would eventually be determined.

Leaning towards the Han army.

But in fact, they still underestimated the Yellow Turban Army.

Fortunately for Huangfusong, as a famous general in the Han Dynasty, he had been tempered in the Liangzhou battlefield. Not only had his five-dimensional attributes reached their peak, but his ability had been further improved because of the draw with Er Zhurong.

In addition, he also brought Liu Xiu, the son of the plane, with him this time to join the army and advise on military affairs. In addition to him, there was also Deng Yu, a man with both civil and military skills, to assist Huangfu Song.

When Huangfu Song first arrived, his opponent was Zhang Bao. With Huangfu Song's ability and the advantage of his soldiers being well-equipped, he defeated him in one fell swoop.

This chapter has been completed!
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