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Chapter 518: On a dark and windy night, killing people and setting fires

[Jiang Xingba’s basic force is 98 (4), basic commander is 85 (3), iron point steel gun is 1, the current commander has increased to 90, and the current military force has increased to 104;

Zhou Qing's basic commander is 89 (3), basic force is 101 (3), male and female double whip 1, black wind horse 1, the current commander has increased to 93, and the current force has increased to 108;

Xue Xiantu's basic commander is 84 (2), basic force is 100 (3), and the eight-edged plum blossom silver hammer is 1. The current commander has increased to 89, and the current force has increased to 106;

Li Qingxian's basic commander is 81 (2), basic force is 98 (5), iron machete is 1, the current commander has increased to 86, and the current force has increased to 104;

Li Qinghong’s basic force is 95 (3), basic commander is 78 (2), iron machete is 1, the current commander has increased to 83, and the current military force has increased to 101;]

In the eyes of many people, the Eight Great Leaders are just a piece of shit, unable to deal with real masters.

In fact, this statement is completely wrong, because these eight people are not weak, especially Zhou Qing and Xue Xiantu, who are much stronger than the remaining six people.

Moreover, in the original work, Wang Xinxi, Wang Xinhe, and Xue Xiantu joined forces to attack Xue Rengui, and they were able to fight him for fifty rounds without deciding the outcome, which is enough to prove their strength.

And their joint defeat to An Dianbao does not mean that they are weak. It can only mean that An Dianbao is very strong. In terms of pure force, even if Luo Yi wants to defeat him, it will not be an easy task.

In the end, he was allowed to blend into the fleeing army and managed to escape.

Perhaps it was because the Eight Major Leaders arrived too early, and because they were carrying characters, the system's assessment of them was obviously underestimated.

Because of this, during the period when they followed Xue Rengui in Northern Xinjiang, their five-dimensional attributes had to be greatly improved. After all, their opponents were the Northern Huns.

In addition, Xue Rengui also vigorously trained them. In these seven years, their command and force have naturally been greatly improved.

[Dingdong, Zhou Qing, Wang Xinxi, Wang Xinhe, Jiang Xingben, Jiang Xingba, Xue Xiantu, Li Qingxian, and Li Qinghong's eight-person combination skill "Eight Big Head Army" Effect 3 is activated. When the Eight Big Head Army and Xue Rengui are on the same battlefield, Xue Rengui

Force 2, when Xue Rengui serves as the commander-in-chief of an army, Xue Rengui's command value will be increased by 1 additional point.

Xue Rengui's current force is 2, and his own commander has an additional 1. The current force has increased to 115, and the current commander has increased to 106.】


This is a completely unequal battle in terms of the number of troops. The 800 men who dared to die under the command of Bingzhou Army Xue Rengui launched a suicide attack on the grassland army with at least 50,000 people. How brave is this?


Because Xue Rengui took the lead and waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, under his command, the eight hundred men who dared to die successfully broke through the camp set up by the grassland army.

Just when Xue Rengui launched his attack, some archers immediately responded and fired a volley of arrows at Xue Rengui, who was wearing a white robe. After all, in this vast dark night, you are the only one wearing such a white robe. If you don't shoot, you will be shot.


It's a pity that their random arrows not only did not cause any danger to Xue Rengui, but instead caused him to immediately discover the position of the archer and immediately use his inner energy to absorb the flying arrows.

Then, I saw Xue Rengui taking the Sky-shattering Bow from the saddle, bending the bow and shooting arrows in the direction of the archers.

[Ding dong, Xue Rengui’s skill ‘Three Arrows’ is activated;

Three Arrows: The general's three arrows fixed the Tianshan Mountains, and the warrior's long song entered the Han River. This is Xue Rengui's unique skill.

Effect 1: When using a chain of arrows to attack an enemy, the first arrow's force is 3, the opponent's force is -1, the second arrow's force is 4, the opponent's force is -2, the third arrow's force is 5, and the opponent's force is -3. The effects of the three arrows can be superimposed.


(Note: After three arrows are fired, this effect will be lost. It cannot be activated at the same time as the White Tiger skill. It can only be activated at the same time as the Divine Power skill. This effect can only be activated once in a day. If it is activated on multiple targets, the effect will be suppressed.

Randomly targeted ;)

Effect 2: In the state of one bow and three arrows, Xue Rengui's own force value is instantly 4. If the opponent fails to defend in time, the opponent's force value can be reduced by an additional 4 points; when used against multiple targets, Xue Rengui's own force value is instantly 3. After the attack,


(Note: There is no activation limit for this effect and it can be activated multiple times;)

Effect 3: When Xue Rengui uses his exclusive weapon, the Sky-shattering Bow, and shoots with the Cloud-Piercing Arrow, his own strength will instantly increase to 11;

(Note: This effect cannot be activated at the same time as the three-arrow skill effect 1 and effect 2, as well as the White Tiger Whip force increase. There are nine cloud-piercing arrows in total. Although they can be recovered once fired, they can only increase the force by 1 point;)

Effect 4: When effect 1, effect 2, and effect 3 are activated, if the opponent is hit, the opponent's force value can be randomly reduced by 1 to 6 points according to the opponent's injury level; (Note: After this effect is activated, even if it is ten thousand

Even if the law does not infringe, we cannot avoid its harm ;)]

Xue Rengui's breakthrough was definitely a rebirth for him. Not only did his divine power undergo a transformation, but also a new skill, Three Arrows, was born.

It can be said that the two major effects of the Divine Power skill on bows and arrows are all gathered on these three arrow skills, and they are even stronger than before.

As for Effect 1, even though it can only be activated once a day, this one opportunity makes it unstoppable for most people.

After three arrows, Xue Rengui can gain 12 points of force increase and 6 points of force suppression. If this shot is fired, if the opponent is not invulnerable or protected by half a million means, he will basically not be able to survive.


If the first effect is to deal with those who are strong, then the second effect is to deal with those who are weaker. Especially when Xue Rengui makes a sneak attack and the opponent is unprepared, the force equivalent to eight points of suppression is instantly suppressed.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Especially, Xue Rengui is still in the state of one bow and three arrows. Most people can only wait for death when three arrows are shot past.

The third effect is still the effect of the cloud-piercing arrow, but perhaps Xue Rengui has become more powerful, and the power of the cloud-piercing arrow has also become greater.

The original increase of ten points has become the current increase of eleven points.

As for the fourth effect, it is the most terrifying part of the three-arrow skill. Once the opponent is shot by Xue Rengui, he will be suppressed by force, and this suppression will continue. Even if he is invulnerable, he will not be immune.

[Ding dong, Xue Rengui’s skill ‘Three Arrows’ is activated with effect 2. Since it is currently dealing with multiple targets, Xue Rengui’s own strength instantly increases to 3, and the current strength rises to...]

Xue Rengui's archery skills were so terrifying. As he shot three arrows in succession, he quickly killed all the archers guarding the camp.

"Brothers, follow me and kill." Xue Rengui greeted loudly.

As the archers died one after another, the eight hundred men who dared to die were no longer in the way. With Xue Rengui taking the lead, they lit the torches in their hands and burned the enemy's tents as if they had been beaten to death.

"Enemy attack... Enemy attack!"

As the military tent was set on fire, some people immediately realized the crisis. At the same time, the sound of gongs suddenly sounded and spread quickly among the grassland army.

The speed of the cavalry is always fast, especially this time the goal is only to cause destruction, so the eight hundred warriors under Xue Rengui's command started to have fun, bringing endless killing and flames to the enemy.

If we say that when they first launched the attack, they still had the fear of death in their hearts, but as the battle progressed, they no longer had the fear and only had endless killing intent in their hearts.

Because under the leadership of Xue Rengui, and also at night, the performance of the grassland coalition forces was very unbearable. Under the torrent of cavalry of eight hundred men who dared to die, they basically did not have the courage to fight, and they only knew how to run away desperately.


In this way, with the blessing of Xue Rengui's divine skills, the morale of the eight hundred men who dared to die was greatly boosted. On the other hand, the grassland army did not even know how many people there were on the other side, and fell directly into chaos.

Facing the torrent of cavalry commanded by Xue Rengui this time, they were so fragile and vulnerable!


"What happened."

At the third watch, it was the time when they and Duke Zhou were wandering in the sky. However, because of the arrival of the army led by Xue Rengui, many of them woke up from their sleep. As soon as they woke up, they asked the people around them what happened and why it was so noisy outside.


However, even the people around them cannot give the answer because they have just woken up.

Soon, they found that the camp they were in had turned red, and scorching flames were engulfing them.

At this moment, they couldn't care less about what was going on. Their survival instinct made them panic, holding the weapons in their hands, and ran out of the camp.

The grasslands are full of cavalry. They are used to fighting on horseback, but it is still midnight and the horses are still tied up in the stables.

Just like this, the prairie cavalry who had no horses to rely on, when they came out, because of the panic in their hearts, they stood there dumbly, not knowing what to do!

However, in an instant, they knew what to do, that is, run away and run as far as they could.

On a dark, windy night, when people are killing people and setting fires, this scene corresponds to this sentence. Because it is in the dark night and the grassland army has just woken up, it is a time when they are confused.

They wanted to fight, but they didn't know how to fight, because all they saw were crowds of people, and they could only vaguely see the swaying figures of the groups.

But at this time, it was dark, and they could not really tell whether these people were enemies or their own comrades, or whether they were one of their own.

Since you can't tell the enemy from ourselves, there's no need to fight and just run away. After all, if the enemy dares to launch a night attack, there must be a lot of them.

As the shouts of killing became more and more intense, many prairie soldiers had this idea in mind and subconsciously began to run away.

In the panic, many people fell to the ground because they stepped on something, and there was only one fate for such soldiers, that is, they would probably never get up again.

When fleeing for their lives, how could they care so much? The companions who were also in a panic trampled on those who had fallen like birds and beasts scattered. After a while, those people were no longer there.

Made a sound.


And at the same time.

After Xue Rengui led eight hundred warriors into the grassland army camp, he immediately decided to issue an order to divide the troops into two groups.

A part of the troops followed Xue Rengui and attacked the enemy's Chinese tent.

The other group of men and horses followed Ran Min and Wang Ba to kill the enemy's stables.

In this chaotic situation, if these prairie cavalry, who are good at fighting, do not have horses to gallop, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and they may be inferior to ordinary infantry.

"What happened? Why is it so noisy?" Tie Shiwen, Er Zhurong, and Wanyan Wu were just preparing to take a rest. After hearing the shouts of killing, they suddenly woke up.

Worried about the situation, they didn't even have time to put on their armor, so they each picked up their swords and rushed out of the camp, then shouted and shouted at everyone.

"Report... report to Shan... Shanyu, the Han army is coming to attack the camp. There are so many of them that our coalition soldiers can't stop them." A Qiang general shouted breathlessly.

After hearing the general's answer, Er Zhurong's face suddenly dropped, and he immediately said angrily: "The Han army came to raid? How is this possible? How do they know the specific location of our coalition camp?"

Er Zhurong thought that the location of the coalition camp was very secret. Even if the Bingzhou Army had its own intelligence organization, it would not be easy to find it.

But he really didn't expect that the Han army would actually find it, and they would take advantage of this information gap to catch them off guard.

The only person who dares to do this is probably Xue Rengui. After all, since the attack is at night, there must not be many people brought. Only two or three thousand people can be sustained to death. If there are more, the news will be easily exposed.

What Xue Rengui did was to take advantage of their lack of defense.

Not only that, according to their understanding of Xue Rengui, this sneak attack army is probably just an appetizer. The real big fish is still behind, and he may want to finish the battle.

When he thought of this, Er Zhurong's thoughts began to come alive, and he immediately said: "The visitor is Xue Rengui. How many people did they bring with them in this night attack?"

"Let me tell you, Shanyu, it's really dark now. It's hard to tell how many people from the Han army came to attack our army this time. I can only see a large number of enemy troops coming to kill our army." The Qiang general


"A bunch of trash." When Er Zhurong heard what his men said, he was furious and kicked him to the ground. Then he said: "I haven't even found out the number of Han soldiers. What's the use of raising you?

A bunch of losers."

After venting his anger, Er Zhurong felt much better instantly, and immediately issued the combat order: "Send the order to the two generals Maxim and Marko, and ask them to lead the army out immediately and keep the enemy in the army.


This chapter has been completed!
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