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Chapter 531 Er Zhurong’s anger

"Danger! Danger!"

Years of experience on the battlefield told Er Zhurong that the arrow shot by Xue Rengui could kill him.

Faced with such a powerful crisis, Er Zhurong desperately squeezed his own strength and tried to move his body.

But under the threat of Xue Rengui's arrows, even if he wanted to react, it was too late. Just when Er Zhurong was about to die in it, a roar beside him reached his ears.

"King, be careful!"

[Ding dong, Er Zhu Yujian, in order to rescue his younger brother Er Zhu Rong, was suppressed by Xue Rengui's arrows and forcibly broke his own limit. His basic force was permanently 1, and his roaring skills were successfully upgraded to roaring skills; ]

[Ding dong, Er Zhu Yujian’s skill ‘Roar’ is activated;

Roar: One of the common skills. It is upgraded from the roar skill. It can be upgraded to the roar skill again. The effects of the skills held by different people are different;

Effect 1, when activated against the enemy, own force is 4;

Effect 2: Each time the opponent roars, the opponent's force value can be reduced by 2 points. This effect can be activated up to twice;

Effect 3: During a legion battle, it can reduce the enemy's morale and disintegrate their fighting spirit. If one's own army has the upper hand, or when Er Zhu Yujian kills a famous general on the battlefield, there is a certain probability that the strength of all the opponent's soldiers will be reduced by -1; ]

[Ding dong, Er Zhu Yujian’s skill ‘roar’ effect 1 is activated, his own force is 4;

Er Zhu Yujian's basic force is 105 (3), Tianzhu 1, pressure 4 4, Manqiang 5, equipment 2, and the current force has increased to 125;]

This time, at the moment of life and death, Er Zhu Yujian forced a breakthrough, which also used up the little potential he had left. If there was no chance, he would probably stop here for the rest of his life.

However, even if he knew this, Er Zhu Yujian would still do this, because the Qiang people can live without Er Zhu Yujian, but they absolutely cannot live without his brother Er Zhu Rong.

It was precisely because of this breakthrough that Er Zhu Yujian's speed increased. At this critical moment, he used his own strength to push Er Zhu Rong out, causing his body to fly out uncontrollably.

At the same time, Er Zhu Yujian was waiting with a spear in hand. However, just as he stood where Er Zhu Rong was before, Xue Rengui's arrow arrived.

"General Erzhu, General Erzhu!" In an instant, several generals around Erzhurong protected Erzhurong and helped Erzhurong up!

However, Er Zhurong is feeling a little uncomfortable now.

Just now, Er Zhu Yujian used a lot of effort to save him. Although he himself is not the kind of person who has no power to restrain a chicken, compared with Er Zhu Yujian, he basically belongs to this category.

Therefore, after being hit hard by Er Zhu Yujian, he immediately fell to the ground. Although the armor on his body slowed down the impact, it also made his shoulders sore. Under the pressure of the heavy armor, he could not get up.

is a difficult problem.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Let's go see how General Erzhu is doing!" With the support of a Qiang general, Erzhurong slowly stood up from the ground, and then immediately spoke, his eyes full of concern.

He didn't just treat Er Zhu Yujian as a minister, he was his biological brother. Er Zhu Rong was able to quickly gain a foothold among the Qiang people at first, relying on Er Zhu Yujian's personal force.

Even the brothers Maxim and Makdo had the idea of ​​defecting to him because of Er Zhu Yujian. Later, Er Zhurong seized this opportunity and took the two brothers under his command.

Therefore, Er Zhurong respects Er Zhu Yujian very much and relies on him as a confidant, especially now, as his eldest brother, in order to save himself, he forcibly breaks through the martial arts realm. Although he succeeded in the end, it also exhausted his own final strength.


If there is no opportunity, I am afraid that my life will stop here. For such a brother who values ​​love and justice, Er Zhurong will certainly care about him.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, everything will be fine!" Er Zhu Yujian said very weakly, and with the support of several soldiers, he stood up with difficulty.

Just now, he wanted to block with the weapon in his hand, but the result was that he was directly knocked away by this huge force. Not only did the weapon fly away from his hand, but even the arrow shot by Xue Rengui was stuck on his shoulder.


If Tie Shiwen and Wanyan's golden marbles hadn't used up a lot of their power, and he had succeeded in forcing a breakthrough, I'm afraid their brothers would have definitely died this time.

It was normal for Er Zhu Yujian to think this way. After all, the arrow shot by Xue Rengui was stuck directly on his shoulder.

If the strength of the iron arrow was not affected by the obstruction of Tie Shiwen and his two men, but continued to go deeper, even if he succeeded in forcing a breakthrough, his shoulder would probably be penetrated directly, and he would become a complete invalid.

"Xue Rengui, Xue Li." Er Zhu Yujian gritted his teeth and said.

"Why are you still stunned? Send my brother down quickly for treatment!" Er Zhurong saw that several generals around him were still in a daze. He became furious and kicked him directly.

"The last general takes orders." They did not dare to neglect Er Zhurong's instructions. After all, Er Zhu Yujian was his elder brother and the Xian King of Zuo among the Qiang people.

Although Er Zhu Yujian's current injury does not threaten his life, it must be dealt with as soon as possible because the person who shot him was Xue Rengui.

If it is not dealt with properly as soon as possible, the force of the arrow will slowly cause damage to Er Zhuyu's structure, and it is very likely that he will be left with some old diseases in the future.

Er Zhu Yujian now has no future in martial arts. If he suffers such a hidden injury, he will basically be completely disabled. Even going to the battlefield may be a luxury.


"What a pity!" During the rush, Xue Rengui looked at the direction of Er Zhurong with the corner of his eye, and suddenly sighed, almost killing Er Zhurong.

However, since the sniper attack failed, Xue Rengui was not depressed. At the next moment, he did not have any nostalgia and rushed towards other places.

"Chase, catch up with them, don't let any of them go!" Er Zhurong said hysterically, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"I don't know what you mean!" Seeing Er Zhurong continue to pursue, Xue Rengui just sneered, then chuckled to the person next to him, and greeted Wang Buchao and Yuan Mujue.

When Wang Buchao and Yuan Mujue saw this, they immediately understood Xue Rengui's thoughts, so without any hesitation, they immediately took out several kerosene bags from their respective horses, and then threw them into the sky.

"General Xue, it's up to you." The two men said immediately, pulling up the reins of their horses and getting ready to retreat.

This chapter has been completed!
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