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Chapter 581 Invincible, sweeping everything

Duan Xi, who has reached the level of a heavenly being, has already surpassed ordinary people in strength, but in the blink of an eye, his force value has been almost fully activated.

[Ding dong, Duan Jiao’s skill ‘Martial Arts’ effect 1 is activated. When activated against the enemy, his own force is 5, his commander is 2, and the morale of the whole army is improved to a certain extent;

Duan Jiong’s basic force: 108;

Equipment: Tiger Fang Blood Spirit Gun 1, Tiger Roaring Colt 1;

‘Wuxiang’ 1, ‘Liangzhou Sanming’ 2, ‘Five tigers defeated the enemy’ 1,

The current force has increased to 119;]

[Ding dong, Duan Jiao’s skills ‘Blood Gun’ are all activated, the effect is 1 6, the effect is 3 2 2 2, the current force has increased by 131;]

And this is not over yet.

[Ding dong, Duan Jiong's skill 'Martial Arts' effect 2 is activated. When fighting against a foreign race, his own commander will gain an additional 1. If Duan Jiong personally goes into battle to kill the enemy, the whole army will have a force of 1; (Note: If fighting against the same race,

It can only increase the general’s attributes by one point;)

Since Duan Xi personally went into battle, the force of all his own soldiers was 1, and Duan Xi's current force increased to 132;

Di Qing's current force is 1, and his current force has risen to...

Shi Yu's current force is 1, and his current force has risen to...

Dongfang Bo's current force is 1, and his current force has risen to...

Li Tianchang's current force is 1, and his current force has risen to...

Wang Xian…


The maximum increase limit for the entire army is six points of force value, and the maximum increase limit for skills is three skills.

In other words, if three all-army skills are activated in succession at one time, the increase in the fourth all-army skill activated will be directly declared invalid.

But this time, the Han army only has two skill boosters for the whole army, and the other two are combo skill boosters for the whole army, so they can be activated together!

As Duan Xi personally went to battle, he once again increased the Han army's army increase by one point, causing the Han army's army increase to reach five points in an instant.

You must know that although the Prairie Alliance Army's military force increase is five points, due to Duan Xi's skill suppression, it actually only increases the army's force by four points.

In other words, the current increase in Han army soldiers is a little higher than the increase in grassland soldiers.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die." Duan Xi was seen taking the lead, the Tiger Tooth Blood Spirit Spear in his hand being waved continuously. Moreover, Duan Xi directly activated the True Qi Gauze under the restriction that he could not activate the Gang Qi Armor.

Anyway, the agreement signed between the Dongfang Family and Changshengtian is that the powerful heavenly beings are not allowed to appear on the battlefield at will and attack ordinary warriors at will, because this will break the balance between the two parties at will.

Duan Xi can naturally find the loopholes in this. Anyway, as long as he doesn't use the Heaven-level Qi, then he is not a true Heaven-man strongman.

That's why Duan Xi used Zhenqi gauze to fight. Anyway, with the speed at which he absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at his heavenly and human level, this consumption is not worth mentioning at all.

With the blessing of Zhenqi Shayi, Duan Xi's combat power was even more extraordinary. In a short time, he killed more than a hundred grassland soldiers.

[Ding dong, Duan Xi's skill 'Blood Spear (one enhancement)' effect 2 is activated, charging in front, when Duan Xi rides alone into the formation, or leads the army to kill the enemy, and when he kills the tenth person in the battle, his own strength

1; When you kill the fiftieth person, your own force is 2; when you kill the 100th person, your own force is 3; when you kill the 300th person, your own force is 4, and forcibly reduce the force of all the enemy's soldiers by one point;

Duan Xi has killed more than 100 enemies in total, so his own strength is 3, and his current strength has increased to 135;]

"Quick, stop him."

Seeing how brave Duan Xi was, a grassland general commanding the Chinese army immediately issued an order in panic.

Soon, thousands of infantry and cavalry came towards Duan Xi.

At this moment, Duan Xi did not continue to rush over, but issued an order.

"Fire the arrow!"

Before the grassland coalition forces could fully recover from the shock and organize their military formations, Duan Xi immediately issued the order to attack.

After all, the eight thousand cavalry at this time, under Duan Xi's wanton charge, had already reached the vicinity of the grassland coalition forces, making them within the range of the Han cavalry's crossbows.

"Boom boom boom..."

The continuous sound of bowstrings suddenly became one, and the arrows were like a heavy rain, pouring on the heads of the grassland coalition forces.

These eight thousand cavalrymen were Duan Xi's last trump card, both in terms of fighting spirit and combat prowess. Although they were not like those on the grassland who were cavalrymen from birth, they grew up on horseback.

But this does not mean that their cavalry and archery skills are poor. After all, with the blessing of the two-legged stirrup, a magical weapon of cavalry and archery, the cavalry and archery skills of the Han cavalry will only become stronger and stronger.

Moreover, not all of these eight thousand cavalry are horse archers. Among them are three thousand strong crossbowmen, each holding a long-lost repeating crossbow.

With the help of mechanical crossbows, when operated on horseback, they are much simpler than bows and arrows, and the range is also longer.

The repeating crossbow that Duan Xi brought this time is a pistol-type repeating crossbow. There are ten arrows in the mechanism. After shooting one arrow, the arrow below will automatically come up.

Therefore, the three thousand company crossbowmen did not need to load the crossbows at all, because the crazy shooting of ten waves of crossbows was enough for them to kill the grassland coalition army and the front of the central army.

"Soldiers who, deception also."

This sentence in "The Art of War" has been delayed to some extent by some people who only know it.

When it comes to the art of war, in most people's minds, their immediate reaction is to use "strategy" to find a way to defeat the enemy at the least cost.

For example, in Chinese history, there are those famous battles handed down that used less to defeat many, and the weak to defeat the strong.

In the Battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu's 50,000 men plus Liu Bei's 30,000 reinforcements defeated Cao Cao's 200,000 men, laying the foundation for the establishment of the Three Kingdoms.

In the Battle of Feishui, Xie Xuan, the vanguard general of the former army, used 80,000 troops to defeat Fu Jian's 970,000 troops. When they chased them to Luoyang, Fu Jian's 970,000 troops only had more than 100,000 left.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Many people will say that it depends on whether this military strategy is good or not, but it is related to the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people.

In fact, many people have misunderstood it. We can start with a sentence in the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

It is what was mentioned above, "Soldiers are deceitful."

The translation of the whole sentence is that the way to use military force is to be ever-changing and unexpected.

As soon as this sentence came out, many people misunderstood it, because most people's understanding was that the use of military force should be based on strategy and use more deception.

In fact, this is completely wrong, because the strategy in "The Art of War" does not mean the strategy as people understand it, but to estimate the approximate winning rate by integrating various available information.

That is, what it really means is "compute".

Sun Tzu's original intention was not to encourage generals to use more strategies and clever tactics to defeat the strong with the weak, but rather to encourage the generals to make more calculations before starting the war and use probability analysis to determine the outcome.

If you have a big chance of winning, fight; if you have a small chance of winning, don't waste time and money.

Bai Qi understood the essence of Sun Tzu's Art of War, and the Battle of Handan was a clear portrayal of it. The reason why he was unwilling to go to war was that he knew that this was a losing battle, so why waste people and money.

Therefore, once you understand the principle of war, you will find that it is very simple and not as complicated as people think. If it is really complicated, it is only in operation, timing, deployment and dispatch...

Take this battle as an example. Duan Xi had planned his strategy in advance and always regarded these eight thousand fine cavalry as his last card and kept them until the end.

Of course, if there is a problem in the middle, Duan Xi also has a plan to deal with it, then the next step is for the Han army to become the truly dominant side.

"Throw your spear, get ready!"

Seeing that he was about to rush into the enemy formation, Duan Xi did not order the crossbowmen to continue shooting, because the advantage of crossbows in melee combat was not that of crossbows, but that of javelins.

Now, it was enough for Shi Le and the others to have a good drink. When he thought of this, Duan Xi's serious face under the mask suddenly showed a trace of playfulness.

Since the forging of crossbows consumes more money than bows and arrows, even the eight thousand cavalry that Duan Xi used as his trump card are only equipped with three thousand repeating crossbows.

As long as these three thousand repeating crossbows are pushed in front of the central army, the mission has been successfully completed. Next, there are dozens of steps with the most advantageous javelin.

The eight thousand cavalrymen under Duan Xi were not only equipped with one throwing spear, but three javelins each, and this was enough. After all, with the charging speed of the cavalry, they would not be able to attack before a close encounter.

would allow them to conduct too many attacks.

Sharp throwing weapons such as spears are often thrown towards the enemy when they are close to them.

Although the speed of the javelin is slower than the crossbow bolts fired from the machine or the arrows fired from the bowstring, it also has advantages that cannot be ignored, that is, it is heavy and can be thrown at close range.

Under such circumstances, the accuracy and destructiveness of the javelin cannot be underestimated. In particular, when the javelin is projected, it will create a powerful and terrifying deterrent to the enemy's psychology.

Imagine that the comrade who was laughing next to you just now was suddenly embedded in the body with a short gun, or had half of his head cut off...

That's unimaginable.

If the will to fight is weak, it will directly lead to collapse, like dominoes.

In addition, the power of a spear thrown at close range is much stronger than most crossbows.

Facing the cavalry charge, the most effective way for infantry to defend is the combined defense of shields and spear formations. The shields are used to defend against arrows, while the spear formations are used to counterattack.

However, in the face of javelin attacks, even if the enemy puts up a shield array, they may not be able to defend themselves.

Because the shields equipped by ordinary soldiers are not the kind of shields made of iron that people imagine. Not to mention the nomadic civilizations such as the Prairie Alliance Army, even the powerful farming civilization can hardly achieve this.

Even if the Bingzhou Army has such powerful resources, if they use shields, most of the shields are actually just wooden shields. At most, they are only covered with a thin layer of iron on the outside.

As for the grassland coalition, they basically have shields made of wood. Only a small number of elites can use shields wrapped in iron.

Looking at the Bingzhou Army, which has abundant resources, only the elite infantry units such as the trapped camp and the broken camp can use special shields made of pure iron.

It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for the Pishi Army to break through their defenses. It is because the shields they use are made of pure iron. The arrows fired by the Pishi Army can only make a sound of impact.


Seeing that the distance seemed to be close, Duan Xi yelled immediately and took the lead in throwing a spear.

This was like a signal. As Duan Xi threw a javelin, all the Bingzhou cavalry also threw their javelins.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Countless spears, like soaring rockets, took advantage of the momentum of the Bingzhou cavalry's charge and instantly crashed into the grassland coalition's formation.

"Puff puff…"

Soon, there was the sound of spears piercing flesh. This wave of offensive alone took away hundreds of soldiers of the Prairie Alliance. Taking advantage of the vacancy in the Prairie Alliance, Duan Xi immediately led the cavalry to charge forward.

"Chanyu, we must find a way to stop this person from killing him, otherwise our army will be completely destroyed if the fight continues like this!" Kui'an looked at the Chinese army that had begun to become chaotic, and his expression changed drastically.

In order to be able to hold Di Qing and Shi Tianze's left and right wingers, Shi Le and Yelu Abaoji invested a large amount of troops.

This resulted in that at this time, Shi Le and Yelu Abaoji's central army camp was extremely empty. After all, almost all of the extra troops and horses were mobilized by them.

Facing a fierce general like Duan Xi and a sudden attack by eight thousand cavalry, it was simply difficult for the soldiers in front to resist.

"Yes, Chanyu, it's better to quickly mobilize troops and return reinforcements without any further delay!" Shi Yan, a general under Shi Le, said with a panicked expression.

With the strength they currently have in the central camp, they cannot stop the impact of the eight thousand cavalry commanded by Duan Xi.

"No, absolutely not. Victory or defeat is at stake. If we mobilize our troops at this time, the good situation will be ruined!" Yelu Abaoji stepped forward and blocked Shi Le.

Move troops?

Where to mobilize troops?

Frontal battlefield?

Give me a break.

Taking the left and right wings as an example, if Shi Hu and others had not sent out enough troops to withstand Di Qing and Shi Tianze's offensive, they would have collapsed by now.

If at this time, Shi Le issued an order to shrink the troops and withdraw the troops on the left and right wings, how could Di Qing and Shi Tianze resist?

Isn't this equivalent to their grassland coalition directly announcing to the Han army that they have lost this battle?

Those soldiers and horses entangled with the former army must not be moved. After all, the two sides are already entangled together, and a single move can affect the whole body.

If those soldiers and horses were moved, the Han army's front troops would be freed up.

This chapter has been completed!
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