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Chapter 599 The Warring States Period when talents gathered together

[Dingdong, summon the second person, the first general of the Yan Kingdom, Le Yi, commander: 100, force: 92, intelligence: 95, politics: 93, charm: 98;]

When Zhuge Liang was young, he often regarded Guan Zhong and Le Yi as his role models in life.

You know, Zhuge Liang is also a well-known figure. He can look up to Guan Zhong and Le Yi, which shows that these two figures are really outstanding.

And this is indeed the case. Guan Zhong was a politician who assisted Duke Huan of Qi to become the "first overlord" in the Spring and Autumn Period, while Le Yi was a military strategist who led the coalition forces of Yan and other five countries to capture more than 70 cities in Qi one after another.

Not only that, both of them are people who can run the army with their horses and calm the people with their horses.

Speaking of which, Le Yi's life was also very bumpy.

He was originally born in the State of Zhao. He was smart since childhood, loved the art of war, and had a family background. After all, his ancestor was the famous general Le Yang. Therefore, Le Yi's military talent was recognized by the people of the Zhao State at that time.

After Le Yi came of age, he followed King Zhao Wuling to make great achievements.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After the death of King Zhao Wuling, the martial arts in Zhao State declined, and Le Yi began not to be reused, so he came to the State of Wei where his ancestors had stayed. When King Zhao of Wei knew that he was a descendant of Le Yang

, very friendly to him.

However, the King of Wei at that time did not let his military talents be used and only made him a diplomat.

Le Yi's specialty is leading troops in war, and he has been interested in the art of war since he was a child. How can he use his expertise as a diplomat?

However, what Leyi didn't know was that he also met his Bole King Yanzhao and gained his attention. Leyi was also a scholar who died for his confidant and devoted all his efforts to assist King Yanzhao in reforming the internal affairs, reorganizing the army, and helping King Yanzhao.

Yan made the country rich and powerful.

First of all, in response to the corrupt situation in Yan State where the laws were in ruins and officials were engaged in selfish pursuits, Le Yi taught King Zhao of Yan to formulate laws and strictly enforce the legal system to strengthen the review and assessment of officials.

Secondly, it determined the employment principle of appointing officials based on their ability, abandoned the tradition of selecting officials based on "relatives" and "nobles", and recruited talented people, which made the official administration of the Yan Kingdom become increasingly clear.

Third, let King Yan Zhao pay attention to hanging people and asking for orphans, so as to comfort those families who have funeral worries.

King Yan Zhao also sent people to congratulate and care for those couples who were happy to have children.

In this way, King Yan Zhao shared the joys and sorrows and fate with the common people, which made the whole country unite as one, and the people regarded the country's shame as their own shame.

In this way, the people support the reform and there is not much resistance to the reform.

So Le Yi began his own military reforms, focusing on tactical and discipline training to improve the Yan army's combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

After years of hard work, Yan's economy prospered and Haiyan and Heqing became truly powerful.

Seeing Le Yi's five-dimensional attributes, Wang Yu couldn't help but sigh. This man is also a talented man with both civil and military talents. He not only has extremely high military talents, but also has considerable political talents.

For Yan State to have such strength, Le Yi definitely deserves a lot of credit.

It's a pity that although Le Yi's five-dimensional attributes are very comprehensive, his commander is still flawed. After all, he only has 100 points, which can barely reach gold.

"I guess he has great skills."

Wang Yu comforted himself in his heart!

[Ding dong, summon the third person, the military god of the Tang Dynasty, Li Jing, commander: 103, force: 97, intelligence: 98, politics: 92, charm: 99;]

Li Jing, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty, one of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, an outstanding military strategist from the late Sui Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty, was born in the Danyangfang of the Li family in Longxi. He first served in the Sui Dynasty, served as the Prime Minister of Mayi County, and later became the Prime Minister of Mayi County.

He served in the Tang Dynasty and accompanied King Qin Li Shimin to attack Wang Shichong.

After that, Li Jing began his legendary life. First, in the third year of Wude, he assisted Li Xiaogong, the king of Zhaojun, Xiao Xian, who separatized the south in Nanping, and Fu Gong'er who occupied the Jianghuai area, and recruited the tribes in Lingnan, and in the fifth year

Later, he resisted the invasion of Eastern Turks in northern Xinjiang.

Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen Incident and in the third year after he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, Li Jing took charge of the march on Dingxiang Road and the president's generals marched north. He attacked Dingxiang with 3,000 elite cavalry at night, which frightened Jieli Khan's troops and then attacked Yinshan Mountain.

, destroyed the Eastern Turks in one fell swoop.

This battle expanded the territory of the Tang Dynasty from the north of Yinshan Mountain to the desert, and Li Jing also paid homage to Shangshu Youpushe and was granted the title of Duke of the country.

Later, because his achievements were too great, Li Jing chose to retreat bravely and resigned at the last moment in order to prevent his superior achievements from overshadowing his master. However, not even two months had passed since the incident, Tuyuhun invaded Liangzhou.

The imperial court decided to raise troops to counterattack, and Li Jing was re-appointed and led the army to attack Tuyuhun in the west. Later, he was renamed Wei Guogong and was known as "Li Wei Gong" in the world.

After the battle, Li Jing was falsely accused of treason because he offended a villain. Although Li Shimin found out the truth, Li Jing became extremely vigilant, so he closed the door and guarded himself, not interfering in political affairs, and kept away guests, although relatives were not allowed to enter.

Finally, Li Jing died of illness in the 23rd year of Zhenguan (649) at the age of seventy-nine. He was named a Situ by Li Shimin and made governor of the state, with the posthumous title "Jingwu" and was buried with Zhaoling.

After that, Li Jing's historical status soared dramatically. During the reign of Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty, he was ranked among the top ten philosophers in the Wucheng King Temple. In the late Tang Dynasty, he was gradually deified by successive emperors. For example, in the Later Jin Dynasty, Li Jing was posthumously named "Lingxian King".

By the Southern Song Dynasty, he was successively titled as "The King of Supporting the World Lingyou Zhonglie".

Li Jing fought on the battlefield from the end of the Sui Dynasty to the beginning of the Tang Dynasty until the ninth year of Zhenguan. He fought on the battlefield for decades and made great achievements in the establishment and development of the Tang Dynasty.

Not only that, his experience in running the army and fighting also further enriched the ancient Chinese military thought and theory of war. He once wrote many military books such as "Mirror of the Six Arms" and "The Art of War", but most of them have been lost.

It can be said that the commander attribute of 103 given by the system is well deserved!

[Ding dong, summon the fourth person, Guiguzi of Qin and Han Dynasties, Wang Ben, commander: 102, force: heaven and man, intelligence: 98, politics: 97, charm: 95;]

Seeing Wang Ben's five-dimensional attributes, Wang Yu knew without thinking that this was Wang Ben, the Guiguzi of this world.

In the beginning, that man wanted to avenge Bai Qi, the Lord of Wu'an, at the cost of the destruction of the Qin Dynasty. However, because of Fusu and Wang Benzhi, who served as Guiguzi, the Qin clan was still able to retain part of it.

Although Wang Ben was able to become Guiguzi because of his father Wang Jian, Wang Ben's own ability was not bad. Because of this, the position of Guiguzi was passed on to Wang Ben.

Since he became Guiguzi, he naturally trained Wang Ben more.

As far as Wang Yu knew, Wang Bi participated in the original Battle of Gaixia and played an important role in it. It was precisely because of his obstruction that Xiang Yu did not escape from the ambush on all sides.

However, Wang Yu also knows...

This chapter has been completed!
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