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Chapter 661 Summoning a population of 400,000, Liu Hong’s assist

Bingzhou, Jinyang City.

"System, now spend 200 summoning points to refresh the mall space for me." Wang Yu immediately gave an order to the system.

Wang Yu vaguely remembered that the last time he refreshed the system space was two years ago. Because the items refreshed at that time were still worth seeing.

Therefore, Wang Yu did not continue to refresh the mall, but slowly gathered the wool and developed his own strength.

Now, all the wool has been collected, and the rest are useless things, so Wang Yu is ready to refresh the mall system again.

And now, the system level has reached level 4!

Once the system is refreshed, it will naturally cost 50 more summoning points than before. However, Wang Yu is not short of money now, so he naturally does not need to worry about this drizzle.

[Okay, the mall system is refreshing, a total of 200 summoning points have been consumed by the host, and the current host still has 13964 summoning points left; ]

As the electronic sound of the system sounded, a huge square light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yu's eyes. Due to the upgrade of the system level, the light curtain changed from the original 150 squares to the current 200 squares.

And every space above it can be said to be empty.

However, after the system command was issued, a bright light flashed instantly, and then, two hundred different items suddenly appeared on the light curtain.

Perhaps it's because of the system level upgrade. Although there are many useless things among the things that appear this time, there are also quite a few good ones.

For example: Cement manufacturing method, priced at 200 summoning points;

Tang Dao Casting Manual, priced at 200 summoning points;

The high-quality Mo Dao of Tang Dynasty sells for 30 summoning points;

One thousand war horses, priced at 250 summoning points;

The first generation hybrid rice seed, priced at 260 summoning points.

In addition to these, what other magical weapons are there, such as the Kunshan sword, the Malay sword, the Yanling seven-star sword, the Beidou Moon-watching Spear, the Heavenly Halberd, the Flying Dragon Halberd...

In addition to these, there are also many BMW horses, white-hoofed crows, red electric horses, feet of snow, thousands of miles of white snowflakes, singing horses, white frost horses...

Not only that, there are also many exercises and martial arts.

He actually even has quasi-heaven-level martial arts skills.

Quasi-celestial martial skill: Seven Treasure Glazed Holy Sword, price: 650 summoning points;

Awesome Claes.

Wang Yu could only give a thumbs up.

Even if a heavenly being sees such a martial skill, he will try his best to grab it. After all, not every heavenly being possesses this level of martial skill.

Even those super-first-rate forces may not have two sets of such martial arts. Basically only the masters of the forces can possess such terrifying things.

However, Wang Yu does not need these martial arts for the time being because he cannot maximize their use.

The reason why Wang Yu used summoning points to refresh the shopping mall redemption system this time was to see if he could get the population summoning card.

Sure enough, luck is still very, very good.

There are four summoning cards with a population of 100,000 in it, each of which only costs 100 summoning points, which is 400 summoning points.

Although there is no difference from population summoning, there is no need to occupy the quota when using the population summoning card.

In other words, he can continue to use the population quota to summon people in the future!

"System, spend 400 summoning points for me to redeem all four summoning cards with a population of 100,000." Wang Yu immediately gave an order to the system.

[Okay, the host currently consumes 400 summoning points and has exchanged a total of four summoning cards with a population of 100,000. The current host still has 13564 summoning points left;]

"The system has used these four 100,000 population summoning cards."

The next immigration is very important to Wang Yu, so he will go through the system to see if he can get the population summoning card.

After all, as the system level is upgraded, the population summoning function is turned on, and even the lottery can draw out the corresponding population summoning cards, then the shopping mall system must also have the corresponding population summoning cards.

Now it seems that my luck is quite good!

[Please host set the age level! 】

"Young and strong!" Wang Yu said without hesitation.

Next, Bingzhou will enter the golden stage of development again, and these people are still produced by the system, and their qualifications and potential are greater than those of ordinary local people.

Even if you draw one out of ten, you can quickly form an army of 40,000 people.

Wang Yu naturally chose to be young and strong at this age.

[Okay, congratulations to the host. The 400,000 young and strong population has been successfully summoned. They are very loyal to the host and will have an effect that cannot be ignored during this move; ]

Seeing the system's explanation, Wang Yu suddenly showed an expectant expression.

I just don’t know if among the 400,000 young and strong men produced by the system, there are civil servants and generals with high potential, or if they are just ordinary people with some strength.

Wang Yu is still full of expectations for this.

"System, use pleasure points to redeem, and now redeem me the cement manufacturing method, the Tang Dao casting manual, the Tang Dynasty high-quality Mo Dao, the first generation of hybrid rice seeds, and a thousand war horses!"

After Wang Yu used his summoning points to redeem four summoning cards with a population of 100,000, he immediately turned his attention to other things.

You know, these things are also big killers.

The reason why he uses pleasure points is naturally because Wang Yu has accumulated a lot of pleasure points in these days.

This is also because the system has restrictions on how to obtain pleasure points. Only people with a basic strength of more than 40 are eligible to contribute. If not, Wang Yu's current pleasure points will be even more terrifying.

[Okay, the host has consumed a total of 940 summoning points, and used the pleasure points to exchange for 4700 pleasure points. Currently, the host still has 8856 pleasure points left;]

Seeing that the pleasure points he had worked hard to accumulate due to the Battle of the Loop were once again reduced due to the shopping mall system, Wang Yu couldn't help but sigh, spending money is so fast these days.

However, Wang Yu won't really feel too distressed, because the things he chose are indispensable for the current stage and even future development.

Take hybrid rice seeds as an example.

This can solve the food problem of immigrant people.

Although hybrid wheat varieties are currently available in Bingzhou and have spread very well in Bingzhou, not everyone likes to eat noodles.

Still need some rice to neutralize it.

Unfortunately, in the north, especially in Bingzhou, rice is usually grown once a year. This is because of the climate conditions in Bingzhou, with late spring and early autumn. In addition, the hot summer period is also short, making it unsuitable for two seasons.

Planting of rice in one season or multiple seasons.

Winters in Bingzhou are very cold, often with long periods of soil freezing, which limits the growth cycle of crops.

Therefore, if people in Bingzhou want to grow rice locally, they can usually only plant rice in late spring or early summer and harvest it in autumn.

However, it is different in the south.

This is why Wang Yu wants to establish his own territory in the south so much.

Just waiting for the emergence of this hybrid rice. After all, wheat has appeared, can rice be far behind?

Although Wang Yu has not yet completely established his own territory in the south, it does not mean that there is no suitable place for him.

Wang Yu has always wanted to capture the Hetao over the years, not just to recover the lost land, but also because of the unique temperature environment and geographical advantages of the Hetao area.

The Hetao area has fertile soil and a well-developed irrigation system, which is suitable for growing a series of crops such as wheat, rice, cereals, soybeans, sorghum, corn, and sugar beets.

It has always been the most important agricultural area in the entire northwest.

Even in later generations, the Hetao area was still known as the "Miliang River outside the Great Wall".

Moreover, the animal husbandry and aquaculture industry in the Hetao area are also very developed. In these years, Wang Yu has gained a lot of war horses through some occupied areas in the Hetao.

In addition, the Hetao Plain has flat terrain, fertile land, crisscrossing channels, and farmland. According to statistics from later generations, there are more than 9.6 million acres of arable land, and more than 5 million acres have been cultivated.

This area is rich in wheat, corn, sorghum, soybeans, rice, sunflower, sugar beet, hops, melons, fruits, Chinese cabbage and other crops.

At the same time, this is also a major wheat-producing area.

The Hetao Plain is also famous for its grain production and is known as the "Granary of the Great Wall" or the "South of the North River". It is a fertile land of fertile agricultural soil.

It can be said that as long as Wang Yu can capture it, he will not have to worry about the food and fodder needed for the army to go on an expedition.

Although Tan Shihuai also knew the importance of the Hetao to Wang Yu, what he knew was only superficial. If he really knew that this was the cornerstone of Wang Yu's competition in the Central Plains, he might not treat it this way.


As for the Tang Dao casting manual, it is the top priority for Bingzhou’s next development.

"Tang Dao" is the general name for the four types of sabers in the Tang Dynasty, and does not refer to a specific type of sword.

"Liu Dian of the Tang Dynasty" Volume 16 records that there are four types of knives: the first is the Yi Dao, the second is the Barrier Dao, the third is the Heng Dao, and the fourth is the Mo Dao.

Tang Dao not only has a strict production process, but also takes into account another use in combat when making it, which is armor breaking and durability.

Breaking armor requires hardness and a narrow blade!

Durability requires toughness.

Therefore, Tang Dao adopted the most advanced steel-clad technology at the time.

Tang knives are made of wrought iron with wrought iron as the outer skin, mixed with 100-melted steel in the middle. Part of the edge adopts local quenching technology, that is, covering the earth and burning the edge. The hard edge can be used for chopping and breaking armor.

At the same time, the toughness of the blade ensures that it does not deform and is durable.

This is also the biggest difference from the later Sakura Sword.

At that time, the Tang Dynasty was able to fight against the Arab Empire in the west, slaughter Japanese pirates in the east, and put down the "Anshi Rebellion". It can be said that the Tang Sword definitely played a decisive role.

Among these four kinds of swords, the Mo Dao is the most important to Wang Yu. Unlike the first three which are short weapons, the Mo Dao is a long sword and is held by infantrymen.

Different from ordinary protective knives, Mo Dao is equivalent to the ancient horse-breaking sword or horse-cutting sword. It does not belong to the Suwei army, nor is it a Yuyi ritual object. It is a powerful heavy weapon with two sides.

The sword is one foot long, and some weigh as much as fifty kilograms.

"New Book of Tang" has a record of "Five thousand Mo Dao arrayed in formation". It is mostly held by infantry, which is good for killing horses. Just like that sentence, when the Mo Dao passes by, people and horses are afraid to pieces. This shows the terror of this weapon!

It's a pity that the master who can really play it well has not yet appeared on the system's candidate list. Otherwise, Wang Yu would have to summon him.

I believe that with him here, Tanshihuai will be caught by surprise in the next battle in Hetao.


The first year of Zhongping, the end of November.

The Luoyang court issued another edict!

If we look at the last edict, it was because Liu Hong urgently needed the support of the powerful families in order to deal with the growing Yellow Turban Army, so he compromised with them and allowed those powerful families to recruit their own troops.

Then this edict is aimed at the refugees in the world.

Because this edict is a relocation edict that allows refugees from various states in the world to move. The edict specifically calls for the refugees to go to Bingzhou and develop part of the Hetao that has been captured if they cannot survive in their homeland.

When the Hetao area is completely occupied by the Han army, they will build a city on the spot. At that time, they will have a real place to live.

Moreover, the imperial edict thoughtfully mentioned that even if the current conditions are not enough, the Bingzhou Army will arrange a suitable residence for them from among the four counties in Bingbei!

Let them not be hungry or cold!

As soon as this edict came out, the refugees who had suffered from the war were immediately in an uproar.

They did not expect that from the beginning of the Yellow Turban Uprising to the present, during this eight-month period, the Han Dynasty court, which had always ignored the refugees and only focused on dealing with the Yellow Turban Army, would one day also care about the ordinary people.

Dead or alive?

Does the sun really rise in the west?

Due to the inaction of local officials over the years, and even collusion with aristocratic families, the credibility of the central court among the people has basically fallen to the bottom. Otherwise, it would not have caused the current situation where the whole world is rebelling!

After all, once the common people rebel, they really will not be able to survive. As long as they have some way to survive, they will not do such a thing that will lead to the execution of the nine tribes.

Because of this, many refugees did not believe that the imperial court would be so kind, so most of them hesitated to move forward.

I didn't believe it at first.

But at this time, the population carefully purchased by Wang Yu played its role. Their identities were implanted, and they were all refugees from various states.

Under the forced operation of the system, their loyalty to Wang Yu was 100%.

Of course, the reason for this is naturally Wang Yu's reputation, which indirectly created a sense of kindness and regeneration for these summoned refugees.

Therefore, they praised Wang Yu highly.

In addition, this kind of praise is not groundless. Wang Yu has also attracted many refugees from Bingzhou in recent years, and the court turned a blind eye to this.

Therefore, Wang Yu is still very trustworthy compared to the imperial court.

Liu Hong also discovered this. Even if he felt very unhappy, for the sake of the overall situation, he could only pretend that he had not seen anything. Instead, he wanted to help Wang Yu and use this as a breakthrough point to attract refugees to Bingzhou.

In this way, under the deliberate propaganda of the state machine of Dahan, Wang Yu's reputation was further spread, and he became a world-famous young hero and the dream lover of countless girls.

In this way, with several major guarantees, more and more refugees went to Bingzhou.

This chapter has been completed!
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