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Chapter 68 United as one

 If we just look at the apparent casualty ratio between the Xianbei Army and the Han Army, the Xianbei Army must have suffered heavy losses, but Wang Chong knew that sometimes this cannot be calculated in battles.

Because in these days of fighting, the defensive strength of Yanmen Pass has been greatly weakened by the Xianbei army!

After all, at this time, there are only more than 8,000 Yanmen Pass defenders left, while there are still 120,000 Xianbei troops outside the pass. The ratio of participating in the war this time has directly become 15 to 1!

Of course, if the disparity in the number of troops was just too large, Wang Chong would not worry about it at all. After all, the terrain of Yanmen Pass is here, and as long as there are enough equipment to defend the city in Guanzhong, even if Xianbei adopts such desperate tactics many times, Wang Chong will not worry about it.

You can take it if you agree!

But the most critical person is that due to the continuous fierce attack of hundreds of thousands of Xianbei troops at Yanmen Pass for more than ten days, the casualties of the army were really too great.

Take the remaining 8,000 people as an example. Even if they survived, almost all of them were injured. If Wang Chong hadn't brought many pairs of healing medicines before the war, many people would have died from their injuries.


Moreover, starting from the tenth day, Yanmen Pass's defense situation began to weaken. After all, the gap between our own military strength and the number of enemy troops was really too big.

Therefore, Wang Chong guarded Yanmen Pass more accurately and effectively, and directly called on all the people in Guanzhong who had money to contribute money and efforts!

And here, I have to mention Wang Chong’s political skills. He directly recounted to everyone what the Xianbei army had done in these years, making everyone understand that if Yanmen Pass loses its opponents, the entire Bingzhou will fall into an unprecedented war.


After all, prairie people like to plunder and even massacre cities after breaking them!

Although Tan Shihuai promised more than once when he first attacked Yanmen Pass that he would never massacre after breaking through the pass, the people of Yanmen Pass simply couldn't believe it!

After all, in their eyes, the foreigners are all very cruel, uneducated, barbaric people who eat their hair and drink their blood.

Once Yanmen Pass is broken, the wildness in their hearts will be completely activated. Moreover, in this ten-day attack, the Xianbei army suffered heavy losses, which makes them even more unbelievable.

Therefore, inspired by Wang Chong, the entire people in Yanmen Pass were ignited with enthusiasm and vowed to fight to the death with the enemy. The old, weak, women and children also contributed their own efforts to help the defenders carry supplies.


Although Yanmen Pass is just a pass, as the gateway to Bingzhou, coupled with Wang Chong's governance over the years, there are naturally thousands of people living in the pass, and there are naturally many built houses!

In addition, the folk customs in Bingzhou are strong and strong, and the people have always loved to keep fit. Even if there are no corresponding exercises and they only rely on their own exercises and use external forces to temper their bodies, many people have become warriors.

Even if he cannot become a warrior due to his qualifications, his martial arts has reached more than thirty years. He is not a scholar who is powerless at all. What's more, there are no scholars in this era who are powerless.

In this way, under Wang Chong's call, all the passionate young people in Yanmen Pass joined the garrison, used as a second trump card, and were trained by his third brother Wang Chen himself!

However, as the offensive of the Xianbei army became stronger and stronger in the past few days, the situation became more and more unfavorable for Yanmen Pass. Wang Chong really did not have the time to wait, so he let the young men who had only been trained for three days join the battlefield.


However, Wang Chong also knew that these people could only fight fiercely. He had seen such brutal battles on the battlefield, so for the sake of the future, he did not let them go to the battlefield to fight with the enemy, but served as auxiliary soldiers.

When the Xianbei army attacks the city and is halfway through setting up a ladder to climb, experienced veterans will order auxiliary soldiers to push the ladder down with a fork pole.

At this time, these Xianbei people can be beaten into a pulp.

Of course, this situation can only be used when the Xianbei army has few ladders. If there are too many ladders, rolling wooden radium stones and forked poles can be used to carry out effective and precise strikes against the Xianbei army.

It can be said that it is fortunate that Wang Chong is guarding Yanmen Pass. After all, he is a general who is good at attacking and defending. He knows how the enemy will attack and then makes plans!

Therefore, Wang Chong planned and designed day and night, and based on the situation of the Xianbei army, every labor force and every force in Yanmen Pass, regardless of men, women, old and young, were fully utilized. Only in this way can such results be achieved.


But on the contrary, as the Xianbei army's attack became more and more intense, the resources that Yanmen Pass could use for defense had reached the time when they were exhausted.

Yanmen Pass is the gateway to Bingzhou. When Wang Chong was the governor of Yanmen, he stocked up a lot of arrows, strong bows, and crossbows just to prepare for emergencies!

On the first day of the Xianbei army's massive attack, Wang Chong felt something unusual. Out of caution, he quickly ordered the blacksmiths in the pass to work overtime to make arrows, strong bows, crossbows and other important defensive equipment.

And the fact is exactly as Wang Chong expected. Under the continuous crazy attacks of hundreds of thousands of Xianbei troops, the arrows and crossbow arrows accumulated in Yanmen Pass in the past few years were exhausted the day before yesterday.

Fortunately, Wang Chong made preparations in advance and ordered his people to work overtime to make arrows and crossbows. Only in this battle today, no unnecessary damage was caused due to insufficient firepower!

However, due to the overwhelming momentum of the enemy's attack, after fifteen days of overtime work, nearly one-half of it was consumed in just one day.

In other words, if the enemy continues to attack in this way, the current arrow storage capacity at Yanmen Pass will last at most one day.

Even if I work overtime tomorrow and try my best to make arrows and crossbows, the amount I can make in one day may not be enough for the crossbowman to use for several rounds.

Of course, if there is only a problem with the number of arrows and crossbow bolts, Wang Chong also has other solutions. After all, Yanmen Pass is located in a mountainous area, and there is no shortage of stones.

But the current situation is that under this half-month-long defense, the rolling logs and stones accumulated by Yanmen Pass over the years have been exhausted by these Xianbei people in a suicidal offensive three days ago.<


Wang Chong clearly knew that without the support of Gunmu Shishi, the battle for the Yanmen Pass defenders would become even more fierce, so at this time, he couldn't care less.

He directly ordered his third brother Wang Chen to demolish the houses of the people in the pass and use them as defense tools. Fortunately, Wang Chong's prestige was extremely high, and the people of Yanmen Pass were very knowledgeable, so they demolished their houses one after another and dedicated them to themselves.

A part of the power!

This chapter has been completed!
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