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Chapter 98 Er Zhurong and Li Zicheng

 However, Wang Yu felt that the system's checks and balances should not be like this, because although there were six people checking and balancing this time, and so many people were born, there were only a few truly heavyweights!

You know, Wang Yu summoned ten times in succession, summoning Murong Ke, Zhang Qing, Fan Zhongyan and other awesome figures. Although all the people brought by Murong Ke went to Tan Shihuai, the quality of the summons

, still not much worse.

After all, there is a big boss like Xue Rengui here, who controls the military and double gold, just ask how many people there are in Quanshi, not to mention that he also brought out the Eight Major Leaders and his son Xue Dingshan.

Looking at these balancing figures, except for Yelu Abaoji, who was the founding emperor, and whose five-dimensional attributes all exceeded 90, there were only two war-god-level warriors born, and there was nothing special about them!

Therefore, Wang Yu thought that the system was holding back its ultimate move.

And the fact is exactly the same.

[Dingdong, the seventh person to check and balance, a general and powerful minister in the late Northern Wei Dynasty, Er Zhurong, commander: 99, force: 98, intelligence: 89, politics: 85, charm: 82;

Implanted identity: A very prestigious chief of the Qiang tribe, who has been recruiting troops secretly, hoping to end the division of the Qiang tribe, unify the Qiang tribe, become the king of the Qiang tribe, and finally achieve the goal of competing in the world.

There are 18 people in charge, namely: Ge Rong, Yuan Yong, Er Zhu Yujian, Du Luozhou, Xing Gao, Wang Qingyun, Su Qin Mingda, Fei Mu, Wang Zunye, Yuan Qin, Li Shuren, Han Zixi, Yu Hui, Han Lou, Yuan

Tian Mu, Yuan Hao, Mo Zhe Dati, Hou Yuan;]

The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties were the most chaotic periods in China. As the saying goes, heroes emerge from troubled times. It is precisely because this period was so chaotic that many great experts emerged.

And Er Zhurong is definitely the best among these experts.

Some people may ask, why is Er Zhurong so awesome?

This is because during the Eastern Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the north experienced four unifications, one of which was accomplished by Er Zhurong.

This matter has to be told from the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms period. At that time, Sima Rui led a group of nobles to move south and established the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which caused the entire north to fall into the hands of the Hu people.

In the north at that time, it could be said that you sang and then I came on stage, and no one was convinced!

For example, among the Xianbei tribe, there was a Murong family who had the courage to do whatever they refused to do and established a separatist regime five times.

Of course, within a few decades, they were all wiped out by the enemy due to internal fighting.

There are only a few outstanding people who truly completed the unification of the north, including Fu Jian, the former king of the Qin Dynasty, Tuoba Tao of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Er Zhurong of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and Yuwen Yong of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The entire Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, plus the entire Southern and Northern Dynasties, have a history of more than 300 years. During this period, the north was only unified 4 times, one of which was accomplished by Er Zhurong. What do you think of this person?

As the saying goes, times make heroes. Er Zhurong was originally an ordinary tribal leader. In the process of suppressing the uprising in the six towns, he continued to recruit troops and talents, and eventually became the most powerful warlord in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Later influential figures such as He Bayue, Yu Wentai, Gao Huan, Hou Mo and Chen Yue were actually under Er Zhurong's command and were crushed by him.

From this point, it is enough to prove Er Zhurong’s strength.

And Er Zhurong was indeed the gravedigger of the Northern Wei Dynasty. His actions greatly contributed to the demise of the Northern Wei Dynasty and promoted the development of history to a certain extent.

Although Erzhu Rong was killed by Emperor Xiaozhuang, the power of the Erzhu family was not eliminated, and the Northern Wei regime became even weaker.

As an outstanding military strategist, Er Zhurong is well-deserved, otherwise the system would not have given him a commanding attribute of 99. Especially when facing Ge Rong's army, Er Zhurong's military capabilities were fully demonstrated.
At that time, after Ge Rong annexed Du Luozhou's troops, he led an army of 300,000 to besiege Yecheng. Er Zhurong only led more than 7,000 troops, and miraculously defeated Ge Rong.

The most valuable thing is that after Er Zhurong defeated the enemy, he did not adopt the primitive method of encirclement and killing. Instead, he demobilized them first, and when they dispersed, he sent people to gather them separately and assess their talents.


Choosing the talented among them and keeping them to work for him is much more powerful than trapping and killing prisoners, because it directly makes Er Zhurong's strength rise to the top.

From this point of comparison, Xiang Yu can't even match him.

After that, Er Zhurong put down the Xinggao uprising. After he had his hands free, he beat the famous white-robed general Chen Qingzhi of Nanliang until he could not take care of himself. He only escaped Er Zhurong's pursuit by dressing up as a monk.


Of course, it is undeniable that Chen Qingzhi's luck was really bad. He encountered a mudslide and the White Robe Army was wiped out. Otherwise, the outcome between the two of them is still unclear.

But a defeat is a defeat, there is nothing to say.

Moreover, this is not over yet. After Er Zhurong discovered that the uprising army of Wanqi Chou Nu was still very rampant in the Guanlong area, he immediately sent his nephew Er Zhu Tianguang to lead famous generals such as He Bayue and Hou Mo Chen Yue.

Enter Guanlong and wipe it out in one fell swoop.

Over the years, Er Zhurong has defeated powerful opponents such as Ge Rong, Xing Gao, Chen Qingzhi, and Wanqi Chounu, completing the unification of the north and bringing the dilapidated Northern Wei Dynasty back together again.

There is no doubt that Er Zhurong had extraordinary military talents and was a well-deserved military strategist, but in contrast, he was not a qualified politician or strategist.

In terms of the policy of governing the country, Er Zhurong refused to adopt the policy of "adjusting government to support the people", but chose to resort to militarism.

In the appointment of officials, Er Zhurong relied on nepotism and "widely spread relatives and listed them as right and left". Those who sought official positions were all successful after Er Zhurong asked them to do so; for those who wanted to replace the official, even if they were "not given due to the lack of rank"

For those who cannot be replaced, Er Zhurong will order the person who replaces him to "seize his position" and take office.

As for the official administration of the Northern Wei Dynasty, due to the "Heyin Incident", "there were no scholars left in the capital, and all the officials fled, and no one dared to leave. The direct guards were empty, and the official guards were abandoned."

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After Er Zhurong apologized and conferred titles on the deceased, "the fugitives from the imperial court also returned home later."

However, "Since then, gifts have always been excessive, mediocre and despicable, and even high-ranking officials are not valued by those who know them."

Officials in the Northern Wei Dynasty were even more confused.

However, it is worth noting that Er Zhurong's current implanted identity is the Qiang ethnic group. This is a race that operates on its own. It does not need any bureaucratic mechanism. Absolute strength is everything.

At this moment, Er Zhurong happens to have these. After all, with 99 commander attributes, he is among the best in the entire history.

[Ding Dong, The Eighth Man to Check and Balance, The Romance of Li Zicheng, Chuang Wang, Li Zicheng, Commander: 94, Force: 95, Intelligence: 85, Politics: 93, Charm: 90.

Implanted identity: A big man but a small official, struggling in poverty!

There are 18 people in charge, namely: Li Zijing, Wang Zuogao, Zhang Cunmeng, Liu Zongmin, Li Guo, Yuan Shizhong, Tuo Yangkun, Luo Rucai, He Yilong, He Jin, Xu Bian, Hui Dengxiang, Li Wanqing, Ma Shouying, Ma Jinzhong, Hengtian Wang

, Nine Dragons, Suncheon King.]

"The Romance of Li Zicheng" is a long historical novel written by the modern Chinese novelist Yao Xueyin. In the novel, the character traits of Li Zicheng are not static. In different historical stages, his character has certain development and changes.<


Judging from the historical periods reflected in the novel, it is generally defined as the time when Li Zicheng led the rebel army to capture Xiangyang and establish the Xinshun regime.

Before the establishment of Dashun, he was an outstanding rebel general; with the establishment of the Xinshun and Dashun regimes, especially after the capture of Beijing, Li Zicheng has transformed from a rebel general into a feudal emperor.

Li Zicheng in the novel, shaped by the author, is a heroic image with strategic thinking and consciousness. He has world consciousness and overall concept that ordinary rebel leaders lack, and at the same time, he has clear rationality and extraordinary courage.


Not only that, he was also very open-minded, followed the good, took history as a mirror, treated the virtuous and corporal, respected intellectuals, recruited talents, and worked together for the great cause of the world. His strategic thoughts and consciousness were mainly expressed in the consciousness of "the world" and the concept of the overall situation.

In the novel, Li Zicheng has set his goal to overthrow the rule of the Ming Dynasty since he followed King Gao Chuang in the uprising, and as the military struggle progresses, his ideals become clearer and firmer.

This is his important trait as a strategist, and also the main feature that distinguishes him from ordinary grass bandits and "rogue thieves".

As a strategist, he believes that people's hearts cannot be bullied, and only by winning people's hearts can we win "the world".

Therefore, he made a stipulation with his subordinates that he would not allow his subordinates to infringe on the interests of the people. Even if his relatives infringed on the interests of the people, he would severely punish them and would never tolerate them.

After conquering cities and territories, he would distribute food to help the people and gather their support. Later, he accepted Niu Jinxing's suggestion and made "defeating the people and punishing crimes" an important concept and slogan, which further highlighted his brilliance.


As a strategist, he does not care about the gains and losses of one city or one place, but has an extremely important overall awareness, and even has the whole world in mind.

For example, his acceptance of Luo Rucai and his support to Zhang Xianzhong fully demonstrated that Li Zicheng was not a short-sighted and careless bandit.

He is far-sighted, transcends personal grudges, and considers problems and handles affairs from the perspective of strengthening the entire peasant army.

Facts have proved that doing so did gather people's hearts and minds, and accelerated the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

Li Zicheng in the novel is much stronger than the one in history under the author's shaping, especially in terms of right and wrong, strategy, vision, army commanding ability, and character. Compared with the official history, he is infinitely superior!

Moreover, Li Zicheng also brought many rebel leaders with him. These people can leave their own footprints in the history of the late Ming Dynasty, when the famous general still exists, and their own abilities will naturally not be much worse.

At least, compared with those thirty-six square canal commanders under Zhang Jiao in original history, their abilities are much stronger.

The birth of these people undoubtedly contributed to the Yellow Turbans, although the current Yellow Turbans have not yet been truly established.

But Wang Yu knew that Zhang Jiao was cultivating the Taiping Dao, and he used some of its religious concepts and social and political ideas to organize the masses and preach it at the beginning of the Ling Emperor Jianning (168-172).

The three brothers have vigorously promoted Taiping Dao since the beginning of Emperor Ling's accession to the throne. They added the early popular "Huang-Lao" thought and turned this thought into their own doctrine, which was widely promoted to believers.

The teachings of Taipingdao claim that there are ghosts and gods in the sky that monitor people's behavior and increase or decrease their life span according to the good or evil of their behavior, requiring people to do more good deeds and less bad deeds.

Against the background of the times, today’s Taiping Road has begun to take shape.

After all, the three Zhang Jiao brothers have been preaching Taiping Dao for ten years, with hundreds of thousands of people. When the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out in 184 AD, even Wang Yu could not imagine its power.

I am afraid that the Yellow Turban Uprising in this life will be a hurricane-like wave. After all, the Yellow Turban Army in six years will be a star-studded army, and they will definitely not be the ordinary farmers in history.

Wang Yu will wait and see.



[Ding dong, the check and balance is over, compensate the host by randomly summoning a card;]

[Ding dong, this time the host summoned a total of 1 person to be born. The current system level is lv2, and there are still 30 people short of lv3.

The host's current five-dimensional attributes are: Commander: 79, Force: 96, Intelligence: 87, Politics: 71, Charm: 95;

The host currently has a total of: 1353 summoning points, 1921 pleasure points, 2 bronze summoning cards, 1 silver summoning card, 1 silver force summoning card, 1 gold summoning card, 4 random summoning cards, and 1 equipment card.


[Ding dong, since the system level has been upgraded to level 2, the summoning function has changed.

1. In the future, the host can use 100 summoning points to summon historical figures with five-dimensional attributes between 95 and 105.]

"Okay, it is indeed level 2. It is indeed different from level 1 in the system. 100 summoning points are directly equivalent to a silver summoning card. I have really made a profit." Wang Yu said happily in his heart.

Just imagine, using 100 summoning points, you can summon a god general or a high-level silver commander, so why use a silver summoning card? It’s enough if you have summoning points.

【2. Check and balance character interception function is turned on;

Check and balance character interception function: Whenever the system performs a check and balance summons, the host will have a certain chance to intercept a few of the check and balance characters to join its own camp. The specific number of people intercepted depends on the system level.

Every time the system upgrades by 1 level, there will be 1 character interception quota. The current system level is lv2, so the host has two character interception quotas;]

After seeing the system's explanation of the character interception function, Wang Yu was extremely happy. After all, this meant that he would be able to save himself a summoning opportunity in the future!

For example, this time of checks and balances, since Wang Yu upgraded the system level to level 2, he directly has two character interception quotas, and maybe he can intercept two powerful characters!

As for the checks and balances this time, there are a few people Wang Yu likes, such as Han Yanhui, who is an extraordinary politician and founded the Han clan in Youzhou.

His political attributes must be at least 97.

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