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Chapter 149 148 The local blood servants are really rude.

 Chapter 149 148. The local blood servants are really rude!

The first night's experience with the gaming headset's sleep connection feature enabled was pretty good.

Young players enter sleep mode from 22:00 at night and play for eight hours until 6:00 the next morning. When the game time reaches midnight, they are forced to log off and rest for six hours before entering the game, which is exactly the game time.

Dawn is coming.

Therefore, when the young players went online again, it was just dawn, but the vampire of the Thorn clan who was tied to the cross outside the village was already screaming.

Although the sun was not really shining at this time, the solar energy had already begun to be active, filling the heart of this foreign vampire, who was obviously not dressed like a "local", with fear, and he yelled on the cross.

But having his heart pierced made him weak, and his hands and feet were bound by the thickest chains that could be found in the village, which made him unable to break free.

The entire village got up early at the request of Ms. Palian and stayed here with the little players to watch the execution of vampires. This is really a rare thing in Transia and is basically unnecessary.

Urged, the whole village has gathered here.

They had a premonition that the strange things they saw today would be a source of conversation in the future for other unseen people.

"You have no power!"

The thorn vampire shouted with a ferocious face:

"I am a blood descendant of the White Mountain protected by the Archduke of Thorns! I am the son of Torezer! Wild dogs of Lesembra! You will definitely pay the price for this shameful lynching!"

"Shut him up! It's so noisy. It's just a wild dog. Why would Mr. Murphy punish us little cuties for it?"

Sister Pomegranate was still in a bad mood and said something to Xiao Weiming who was chewing maltose next to her.

The little dwarf gunman pulled out the exquisite scarlet revolver and fired forward. The speeding bullet accurately hit the thorn vampire's mouth, causing his teeth to break and blood to flow.

The roars turned into painful whimpering.

In fact, when the first batch of young players first entered the game, they often heard Mr. Murphy talking about Sunburn as a means of scaring people. At that time, they knew that this thing was harmful to vampires.

He said that he would not hesitate to use the same terrible methods as Ling Chi.

But the players have never seen Ling Chi with their own eyes, so everyone is full of expectations and curiosity about what is about to happen.

Soon, the first ray of sunlight tore through the pre-dawn night and shone on the earth. The light seemed to be attracted by the vampire tied to the cross. It was like a golden light beating to light a "candle". Invisible solar energy

's active.

The tied vampire's whole body was set on fire.

His hair first began to burn as if a sky lantern had been lit, and then his body continued to fly out of gray dust under the light. Then, accompanied by uncontrollable screams, his whole body twitched on the cross and shook like chaff.


The fire of the sun not only ignited the vampire's body from the outside, it seemed to be burning inside him.

Players can clearly see that the tied vampire can spit out blazing smoke when he opens his mouth, as if the inside and outside are ignited at the same time, making his struggle quickly weaken with the rising sun.

Until a few minutes later, the originally handsome thorn vampire had become a withered bone hanging on the cross.

It was like being thrown into magma and then fished out. The whole person's skin turned into black coal, and dark red spots like ashes could be seen under the cracked marks on the skin.

All the blood and water in his body were evaporated by sunlight.

But he's not dead yet.

It can be seen from the trembling body that even after this, the pain brought by the sun has not weakened, and is still torturing his body and soul.

It is said that a real sunburn torture lasts for three full days and nights, allowing the vampire who has committed the unforgivable crime to taste the most terrifying torture in the world before allowing him to enter eternal silence.

However, the vast majority of vampires can't survive even one morning of pain before disappearing into ashes.

Vampires who die under this kind of punishment are reduced to ashes in the true sense, and not even the vampire's heart is left behind. Therefore, the punishment of sunburn is not used too frequently within the vampire clan.

It is more of a symbol of fear!

It also represents the power of punishment. It is said that during the two Night Wars, the old religion also erected large-scale crosses as the most cruel means of the war of faith.

So just like that, the little players completed their first sunburn execution with their own hands.

It wasn't until a few minutes later when the thorn vampire exhaled his last breath in sobs and completely turned into gray fly ash and dissipated that they finally realized that using Ling Chi to describe this thing still seemed a bit inappropriate.

"Fuck, isn't this too miserable?"

Cheche, who had witnessed all this, covered his eyes.

His young mind was greatly shocked. At this moment, he felt like a bad guy with dirty hands. He whispered to Ah Yu next to him:

"Are we going too far?"

"Well, if I have to say it, I think it's a bit excessive."

Ah Yuan's face didn't look very good either, but he quickly noticed the villagers gathered around him.

Although these people living on the dark land do not have any dignity at all, they were unusually quiet at this moment, and many people looked directly at the cross with only the shackles hanging.

There are also some people looking at the players.

This scene made Ah Yu hesitate for a moment, and he whispered:

"But I think what we should do is a good thing, right? After all, that bastard killed someone. It is said that the girl just married a young man a few days ago."

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man rushed out of the crowd. The latter wiped his eyes and rushed to the players. Without saying a word, he knelt on the ground like a porcelain touch. This frightened the players.

Being very vigilant, they subconsciously took a step back to create an open space.

"Thank you"

The tearful man lay there as if he were prostrated, mumbling incoherent thanks. Lumina, who had witnessed the vampire's attack last night, whispered to other players:

"This is the poor girl's husband."

"If you are really grateful to Lord Murphy's warriors for avenging your poor wife, then you should offer your loyalty to Lord Earl!"

Ms. Palian, who was once a businessman, her eyes moved, she stepped forward, spread her hands, and used every opportunity to preach:

"They came to hunt these traitors on the orders of the Earl. The Earl has promised that in his territory, even vampires will no longer enjoy any privileges!

You saw it with your own eyes!

You all saw it with your own eyes!

This alien vampire who was burned to death represents the will of Count Cadman! He will protect you mercifully!

Go and serve him in the Scarlet Keep.

Your Majesty the Earl will protect you, just like he did so firmly and bravely last night!"

"I will definitely go."

The young man who lost his wife wiped his eyes and said hoarsely:

"I will do whatever the Earl asks me to do. I will definitely go."

"Very well, Your Majesty the Earl needs a loyal person like you."

Ms. Palian felt that she had completed a perfect "sermon."

Of course, the young players are not against the NPCs using their power to pretend to be powerful. Anyway, this is also part of the administrative task of "promoting majesty". They just discuss this "random event" and do a good job.

It's just a bit cliche.

"Everyone knows that this is a part of Mr. Murphy's attempt to win people's hearts, but it would be nice if the plot arrangement was more reasonable."

Ah Yu, who got back on the carriage and headed to the next village, hugged his two swords and said rather dissatisfiedly:

"Looking at the current situation, it looks like Ms. Palian hired someone for a favor. We are all extras, but we don't have a lunch box to eat. My previous performance was worth a big chicken drumstick."

"Hey, here comes the big chicken drumstick."

Just when he was complaining, the leader of the pigeons came over and threw him a piece of leather armor and said:

"This is the best piece of last night's trophies. It's a veteran-level protective gear of exquisite craftsmanship. I'm bringing it over for you. How many pieces do you still have to make a set?"

"Emmm, shoes, belt and accessories, but also a ring."

Ah Yun quickly put on the good protective gear and was reluctant to throw the old one back into his bag. He said to Good Pigeon:

"The psychic protective equipment produced within the Blood Eagle family all have set attributes. Although the attributes of this primary equipment are very poor, it only adds endurance, defense level and armor. Occasionally, there are a few useful entries.

However, I think that if you want to challenge the elite alone to complete the Black Iron Trial, a set of Seiko veteran protective gear is standard. If you want to go up to the next level, you have to get the best family guard set in the game.


You still have to find a way to get a good weapon!

I only have one standard commander-level family wing blade that I drew in a lottery, but I need two for my profession."

"We'll see if killing elite vampires can give you a blast later. If it doesn't work, let's go back and clear the dungeon."

The good pigeon sat next to Ayun and said:

"Brother Bang who stayed at the camp took people to experience the new dungeon last night. They are all dungeons compiled from the plots we have played before. The difficulty is moderate. You can refresh them once a day. Although you will not lose equipment, you will lose tokens.

Three tokens can be exchanged for a piece of veteran protective gear at the cloister quartermaster. If you swipe it every day, you will be able to collect the exquisite veteran armor and weapons in three or four days.

The group book hasn't been opened yet, I guess it will only be in the next two days.

Brother Bang showed us that the "veteran badge" in the group version can be exchanged for the standard commander-level family guard suit.

It seems that the development team also knows that the Black Iron Trial is difficult, so this update adds additional set redemption to solve our equipment problems.

Oops, everything that should be there is slowly coming together, and this ghost game finally has some form."

“The development team didn’t want to add a copy system before.”

The Cuckoo Chicken, who was lying on the carriage next to him with his eyes closed and meditative, held a piece of grass in his mouth and said:

"Speaking of which, it always feels a bit weird to grind a dungeon in such a real game. Although the development team also gave a specific background, saying that it uses psychic illusions to simulate past battles so that novices can experience the plot.

Damn, those guys are really capable!

However, Gebao, do you think that after we become vampires, we can really embrace our own children for the first time like Lord Murphy first embraced Lady Adele?"

"I think you want to eat shit."

Meow Shark, who was holding the family guard's halberd, grinned, kicked Cuckoo Chicken, and said:

"You have a beautiful idea, Mrs. Adele. I visited two villages yesterday, and you also saw the modeling of female NPCs. I guess there are not many supermodels like Mrs. Adele in the whole of Transia.

Beautiful NPC.

Tsk tsk, the cold half-elf maid with big breasts and black stockings, this dog is really good at planning, isn’t she?

And even if you can really have blood servants and heirs, they will definitely have to do exclusive follower tasks. The development team must always consider balance and cannot make vampires too strong."

"That's true, I do think a little too much."

Cuckoo Chicken sighed, propped up his chin and looked at the scenery outside the carriage.

He suddenly said:

"What do you think it would be like if this were really true? It would be good to find an elf or half-elf here as a wife. If not, a vampire would be fine. I have never seen a particularly ugly vampire."

"You have a good idea? Would you like Master Murphy to give each of us a blood servant to serve us?"

Several other student parties looked at each other, and then burst into laughter, filling the carriage with joy.

This is playing a game, not real time travel.

How can there be such a good thing about a beautiful woman?


"Rebellion! Rebellion! The blood servant has devoured the master!"

In a mansion in Bata Sin, a small town on the border of Transia, angry roars echoed in the dark room, and a tall vampire wearing a nightwalker hunting outfit of the Thorn clan yelled with a distorted face:

"My heir died under the scorching sun! In the reflection of his death, I saw those despicable humans holding weapons! The local blood servants are so rude! Is your Blood Vulture clan so arrogant to these despicable foodies?


How dare they point their weapons at the noble Midnight Nobles?

How did you train the blood servants?"

Several other vampires in the room looked at each other.

Although they all wore the uniforms of the Blood Vulture Clan, they felt that they should not bear any responsibility for what had just happened.

After all, it's not their blood servants who are causing trouble.

"Are you sure that is really a blood servant? Lord Vesta."

A thin but gloomy blood vulture traitor whispered:

"I don't think the humans in Transia have such courage. Maybe they are witch hunters disguised as blood servants? I heard that they are still active in this land."

"They all wear the emblem of the blood vulture! I can see clearly in the reflection of the death of the descendant! Are you questioning my vision?"

The thorn vampire named "Vesta" asked in a cold tone, leaving everyone else in the room speechless.

"Forget it, it's just a trivial disturbance."

The members of the Thorn clan quickly adjusted their mood.

He sat back on the chair in the room, put on a domineering look, and said to the several Blood Eagle traitors who were in leading positions in the local area:

"All the people who should be contacted have been contacted. Call the rest of you to come over. Tomorrow night, return with us to the Kingdom of Nordtov and go to the Principality of Blood Thorns to meet with Grand Duke Shani. Wait until you have shed the blood of the Blood Vulture and drink

After drinking the wine of the blessing of thorns, you will have every opportunity to return here to strive for glory for your family.

Of course, you have to do one last thing before leaving."

The messenger of the Thorn Clan raised a finger, narrowed his gray-reddish eyes, and said:

"Those murderers are coming towards Batasin. They will arrive here at midnight at the latest in the afternoon and bring their heads! This should be very simple for you, right?"

"Those are other people's blood servants. Hunting them is tantamount to declaring war."

A blood vulture traitor said in a mute voice:

"I think it's better not to add unnecessary complications at this moment."

"Haha, everyone, your concerns are correct, but with all due respect, I don't care what you are thinking at all?"

Vesta sneered and leaned on the chair, folded her arms and responded:

"You all already know the news that the new Blood Vulture Grand Duchess has ascended to the throne, but the fact that you haven't gone to pledge your allegiance has proven that you have made a choice. At this point, do you still plan to maintain your pitiful dignity?

I don’t know how your Blood Eagle Clan did things in the past, but for us, the Thorn Clan, such provocations cannot be tolerated!

Do you understand?"

Several blood vulture traitor leaders felt scorned.

But they couldn't refute, so they could only leave in despair.

The mansion in this small town became quiet again. The originally arrogant and domineering Thorn Vampire Vesta stood up, took a deep breath and played with a round mirror on the table. Soon, as the psychic ripples reverberated, the mirror

It reflected the face of a thin, serious and young man.

This man's eyes were grey-blue, with only a little blood pulsing in the pupils. His face was as majestic as the whistling north wind, but it also made people feel chilly in their hearts.

"Your Highness."

Vesta leaned over very humbly and said:

"My operation to gather the Blood Eagle traitors for you will end tomorrow night, and I will bring back a good number of servants for you."

"My loyal servant Vesta, the plan has changed."

The young vampire known as "Your Highness" whispered:

"Grand Duke Shani has already left for the Crimean Fortress. I will also arrive at Batashin tomorrow night. My new servants do not need to return to the Bloodthorn Principality. Let them follow me directly to the Dark Mountains. This will be their relationship with me.

The first bloody battle."

"Your Highness? Why do you want to go to the Dark Mountains?"

Vesta asked in surprise:

"It's very dangerous out there! A noble person like you"

"Vesta! The black disaster is coming!"

The young vampire in the mirror said coldly:

"My country and my clan need me to fulfill my responsibilities, that's all! Assemble the team tomorrow night and wait for me in Batasin. Remember! Don't do stupid things. I don't like to be late, and I don't like accidents."

This chapter has been completed!
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