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Chapter 150 149 The smelly vampire from out of town! Run away from us in Tran

 Chapter 150 149. That stinky vampire from out of town! Is he coming to our Transia to beg for food?

"Ah, Bataxin, I have returned to my starting point as a businessman."

The carriage bearing the coat of arms of Earl Cadman drove slowly towards the outline of the city ahead. In the carriage, Ms. Blanche Palin Fedor looked at the unspectacular scenery ahead with deep emotion.

Although it had only been more than two months since she last came to this small town on the border of Transia, it felt like a lifetime ago.

The ups and downs of life made this smart and capable businesswoman unable to help but feel sad for spring and autumn like a rich girl. However, she was born in the bitter cold land of Bingfang and grew up in migration and hardship. She quickly adjusted.

Refresh yourself and focus on the important tasks you are undertaking at the moment.

She will reach a series of preliminary agreements with the Yankee smugglers here, and ultimately broker a big deal between the Count and the occupying force of the Nordtov Winter Wolf Legion.

This business activity will directly determine whether the Earl of Cadman can survive the coming winter, and will also directly determine her future under the earl.

Although she is nearly forty years old, Ms. Palian's ambition has been reawakened by Murphy's "evil secret method".

She is a pure-blooded Nord who can live forty-one hundred and forty years without any illness or disaster. She hopes that when she is eighty years old, she can have everything she longed for when she was young, and give herself everything she wants before she grows old.

The two humble and graceful daughters left behind enough wealth to change their class and life.

And now there are still forty years left

Maybe you can work hard and make up for the mediocre first half of your life!

"I have to meet with Old Bird first, and then meet the person behind his small business group under his introduction. He is probably not a big shot. He may be a lieutenant with a little power in the Nordtov Border Army.


But through this line, we may be able to contact the occupying forces of the Crimean Fortress, and then we can seize the time to go to the territory of the Dark Baroness to complete the mine transaction.

If everything goes well, it should be done in a month and a half.

At that time, it was just the beginning of late autumn, and a large amount of food could be obtained continuously."

The businesswoman in the carriage twisted the knighthood ring on her finger. Her shrewd mind, which was not commensurate with her tall and round body, kept turning, thinking over and over about her next action, until the convoy entered the unfamiliar city thirty minutes later.

A large but very lively border town.

The city of Batacin was once a small town in each of the small principalities within the Confederation of Bosia, but its location is very important.

It is adjacent to the fertile Kakhovka Plain to the east, and it takes two days' walk to the north to cross the Earldom of Siko and reach the border of the Glacier Fjord, and to the south is the Earldom of Cadman.

This small city happens to be the intersection of the three regions, and it has also been a relatively important trading place in the Transian region over the past hundred years. Businessmen from the Yankees, in particular, tend to conduct most of their commercial activities here.

Although the place is not big, due to geographical reasons, the Blood Vulture Clan has stationed an army of armed blood servants and a small number of elite vampires here all year round.

Regrettably, the Blood Servants stationed here during the Ten Years' War had been sent to the front east of the Kavhoka Plains and should have been disarmed by the Yankees by this time.

"Let's go to the Horseshoe Hotel to take a rest first. I need to be ready to meet the guests."

Ms. Pallian gave instructions to her bodyguard and groom, and the motorcade turned towards the hotel. A few minutes later, at the entrance of the Horseshoe Hotel, which had a simple and elegant Yankee style, Ms. Palian also joined the count warrior who had escorted her all the way.

We delivered the "mission".

She took out a bag of gold coins and handed it to the leader, Brother Mingmiao, and thanked him:

"Your performance along the way has been perfect. You are very, very professional. You are worthy of being the warriors that the count values ​​most. After I establish a formal business group for the earl, I hope that you can also participate in the protection of the business group."

"Hey, is this a hint that the business running game will be launched in the future?"

Brother Mingmiao blinked, his mind turned rapidly, and then he responded with a standard blood vulture salute to the big and round aunt NPC in front of him:

"Of course, Knight Palian, we will definitely do our best for Count Cadman's great cause, and please pay attention to your safety. We will stay here for a day and a night. If you encounter any problems, you can contact us through the calculation orb.

Your safety is a very important priority to us."

"That's good, but I also have many friends here. In fact, my birthplace is not far from here. Alas, it's a pity that the war has already razed my hometown in Bingfang to the ground."

The chatty businesswoman laughed and said something regretful, then said goodbye to the players and entered the hotel run by a distant uncle from the village where she was born.

The players did not go in. Their escort mission was over, but there were more important tasks to do.

"Hey, there are a total of five Portia gold coins and 78 silver coins. Let's all share one point."

Brother Miao Miao threw the coin bag to him and pretended not to use his hands.

Lao Biao was already a professional accountant in his team, and he divided the rewards equally without much calculation. The leader, Big Pigeon, looked at the trembling coins in his hands and couldn't help but complain:

"I didn't realize when I was wandering around the ruins before that the money in this game is actually quite valuable. After running for two days, one person could earn a pitiful dozens of silver coins. Fuck, buying an apple at the ruins defense line cost five silver coins before.


I think I might have been tricked by that cunning NPC."

"It's normal. At that time, everyone had money and had nowhere to spend it. Who knew how to exchange the prices?"

Lumina put away her reward and remembered her "feat" of buying a whiteboard gun for 10 gold coins, and suddenly felt ashamed of her lavishness.

"Find a place to eat and have something good today."

Brother Miao Miao touched his belly and said to the guys:

"After eating, get ready to work. There are definitely a lot of vampires in this city. I ran from early morning to afternoon today, and there was not even a vampire in the three villages I passed. This is not normal! I think those bastards might be planning to ambush us in the city.

I wish I was overthinking it.”

"What are you thinking about? Without even looking at this station, I can feel that there are no fewer than seven or eight blood servants around me peeping at us, with cold eyes."

Meow Shark, who had the highest sense of perception in the team, moved his body uncomfortably, and whispered to the others:

"It's not a good thing if my perception is too high. I'm going to have a nervous breakdown if I continue like this. But I've memorized the characteristics of a few people and left hunting marks. We'll have something to do after dinner.

We must quickly reduce their numbers while it is still daytime!

This matter is probably going to end if it gets delayed until night. There are so many blood servants here, and the number of vampires is probably not going to be much smaller."

"There are still six hours until the sun sets."

Lan Huahua looked up at the sky and accurately estimated the time. This is a basic skill of a traveler. She said:

"Thirty minutes to solve the food problem, and then clean up street by street! I just asked Ms. Palian's escort, and the veteran told me that the armed blood servants who are supposed to maintain order in the city have been sent to the front line. This

It means that we are not afraid of being blocked if we do big things.

I suggest you find a place to stay at night!

The thought of having a night battle with vampires in a place they are familiar with makes one's scalp numb."

"Well, that's it!"

Brother Miao Miao nodded murderously, and the leading pigeon next to him thought about it and said:

"You guys go and eat. I'll stay in the carriage to prepare some daytime potions. Remember to bring me some food. I want to eat meat, and chicken legs would be best."

"Gebao, we are already playing games, please stop being so picky, okay?"

Ah Yuan suddenly screamed:

"You thought this was a school snack street. They have big chicken drumsticks. Don't you know what the standard of living is like in this damn place? I'm lucky if I can bring you a piece of mutton paste."

"Who knew the food and taste system in this game were so realistic! I would go crazy eating pancakes every day. My grandfather lived in a cowshed and ate better than this!"

Pigeon Bao put his hands on his hips and said:

"Anyway, I don't care! I just want to eat the big chicken drumsticks! If you can't eat them, you guys should be careful when you go to bed at night to make sure I don't poke you."

"Hey, let's go ahead and buy a chicken and ask the chef to roast it."

The bionic snail sighed and turned around. Brother Heise next to him curled his lips and said:

"When have we ever behaved so well when playing games? Are you still buying? Why do you think you have so much money? Just steal one? It's not like we don't have Stalkers?"

"Depend on!"

The only stalker in the team pretended not to use his hands and shouted:

"My ideal is to be a flying thief! But you asked me to steal the chicken for you? You have a great idea! Steal it yourself!"

This group of little guys scattered noisily on the streets of Batasin.

They only had thirty minutes to eat, but this did not prevent these guys from taking advantage of the time to visit this medieval-style town.

Especially orchids.

The traveler's soul can't wait any longer.

At the same time, a spiritual teleportation quietly tore open space, sending Murphy, his two heirs and his heirs into the forest near the small town of Bataxin.

This is the first time Murphy has experienced the feeling of "teleportation" after coming to another world.

But honestly, it feels terrible.

According to Tris, the principle of psychic teleportation is not to simply and crudely tear apart the space of the material world, but to open a rift in the star realm that is mysteriously shrouded in the material world.

The shortest path is planned by accurately calculating the relative coordinates of the starting point and the landing point in the star realm, which means that the teleporter needs to walk through the star realm for a few seconds to tens of seconds to quickly reach the landing point.

The space and time of the astral world are chaotic, which makes it possible to travel quickly regardless of physical rules.

However, the astral realm is a dangerous and crazy place. Any use of psychic teleportation means that the recipient has to face the dirty psychic energy and mental shock of the astral realm. Therefore, only by entering the Black Iron level can one reluctantly use this thing.

And Tris said, don’t use it if you can’t use it!

Because the biggest problem with teleportation is that it doesn't succeed every time.

Even if it is controlled by a gold-level psychic master, a small mistake is enough to send Murphy to the other side of the world. The most terrifying thing is that he may not be intact when he lands.

And the worst-case scenario is that those unlucky ones who die in the astral realm and are sent back to the living world may bring some "dirty things" from the astral realm.

"I swear I'll never use this damn thing again!"

Murphy rubbed his head and complained harshly in the shadow of the woods.

Although all five SCs recorded in the battle record in front of him were successful, the intense headache after returning to the material world still made the vampire lord feel uncomfortable and nauseous.

And he had it all figured out.

Maxim next to him no longer looked like a macho man, he covered his mouth with a pale face and rushed behind the tree next to him.

Mrs. Adele also looked like a beauty frowning and Xi Shi was applauding her. It looked like she needed to rest for dozens of minutes to regain her fighting strength.

"There are still five and a half hours until the sun goes down. We will set off at dusk."

Murphy waved his hand and said to the eight vampires behind him:

"Now you can move around freely and rest for a while. All the vampires near Bataxin have gathered here. From such a distance, I can feel that at least 70 of my compatriots are sleeping among them, and there are also a few smells that do not belong to blood vultures.


He threw the remaining vampire killer sword oil from the last battle to Madame Adele and Maxim, took out the arrows soaked in day potion and put them into the quiver of the miser's hand crossbow, and finally reached out for the magic sword at his waist.

Go up and take a picture.

Earl Cadman tugged on his scarlet cloak and whispered:

"Well, tonight the Demon Blade will be able to feast on the delicious blood and become stronger again. Everyone, please behave decently in this first battle as a new blood vulture!"


At dusk and almost evening, a convoy of two carriages was approaching the city of Batasin from the direction of the Kafhoka Great Plains.

Driving the car were several armed blood servants, and outside the convoy there was a blood servant guard composed of 20 cuirassiers. This formation looked like a vampire traveling.

In the second carriage was an exquisite black cold wood coffin, exuding a faint fragrance.

However, its owner did not choose to sleep at dusk. On the contrary, the owner was sitting in a carriage decorated with black velvet seats, reading a golden book of poetry in his hand, allowing the scorching sunlight at dusk to penetrate.

Through the gap between the carriage curtains, it fell into this dark place.

It was the "His Highness" who had contacted the Thorn Vampire Vesta last night.

He looks thin and tall, with his blond hair combed into an adult look, but his serious face still has a "childlike quality".

He shouldn't be too old.

And although this guy's handsomeness cannot be compared with Sir Murphy's, he has regular facial features and an inimitable "majesty" that makes him look quite as beautiful as a little male dog.

The Thorn Swordsman's light armor is also different from other Thorn vampires.

Not only is it decorated with the coat of arms of the Thorn clan, but it also has a shield-shaped wolf-headed white mountain emblem, which represents his other identity besides being a vampire.

Earl of White Mountain, leader of the White Mountain Faction.


A loud noise sounded in front, causing the carriage approaching the small town to stop.

The surrounding cavalry formed a well-trained escort formation, and "Your Highness", who was interrupted from reading the poem, frowned and asked using onomatopoeia:

"What happened up front?"

"It's an explosion, Your Highness. There was an explosion in the city of Batasin, and it was obviously not the first one. Smoke was coming out from many places in the city, and fighting was taking place there! In addition, our communication with Vesta cannot be connected. You

Something may have happened to the attendant."

The vampire scout in the carriage ahead responded immediately, which made His Highness, who didn't like being late or unexpected, very dissatisfied.

He put his hand on the golden-gray noble sword at his waist, and clouds of ice mist visible to the naked eye emitted from his fingers.

He said:

"Then why are you still standing there? Shouldn't family members go to help when they are in danger? Vesta has served me for sixteen years, and he does not deserve such an ending."

"But Your Highness, your safety."

"The battlefield is right in front of me. What do you mean, you want me to flee on the land where my ancestors fought?"

"No, Your Highness!"

A few seconds later, the two carriages and the surrounding cavalry guards accelerated towards Bataxin City. At the same time, in the house of the Thorn Clan's contact point in the small city, Maxim dragged the blood-eaten man to death like a dog.

The thorn vampire Vesta, whose eyes were blinded by a spiritual vulture and whose leg was bitten off by a giant astral wolf, was dragged to Murphy.

Count Cadman sat on the only intact chair in the room, holding the magic sword in both hands.

He wore a vampire dance mask to cover his eyes and stuck it on the bridge of his nose. His scarlet eyes stared at the foreign compatriots who were in severe pain but gritted their teeth to prevent them from moaning cowardly.

After a few seconds of observation, he said:

"So, tell me, what are the uninvited guests of the Thorn Clan planning to do when they extend their hands into the territory of the Blood Vulture Clan?"

"You are crazy!"

The miserable vampire Vesta endured the pain and said in a dumb voice:

"There are only a few of you. There are more than 70 vampires in this city! You are dead!"

"Now there are only 53 left."

Murphy corrected him gently:

"My warriors hunt down traitors under the blessing of the blazing sun much faster than you imagine. I must admit with pride and expectation that they are already qualified vampire killers! When the power of the Mother of Night comes down,

In the future, they will surely have more amazing harvests.

But I guess these things have nothing to do with you. I will ask you one last time calmly, foreigner!

What do you rude Yankees want to do here?"

"Let him go!"

Amidst the cold scolding, a figure burst out of the door, interrupting the initial inquiry.

Murphy looked forward. He noticed the unique coat of arms on the other party's body, and recognized the other party's identity through the heraldry in his mind.

Then he stood up, holding a sword in one hand and stroking his shoulder with the other. He leaned over to the visitor gracefully and said:

"Ah, your uninvited lord, I salute you, one blood count to another. But it is very dishonorable for you to step into my territory with a sword. I will give you three seconds to throw it away.

.Well, it seems that you don't intend to end this conflict decently.

very nice!

Then let me see what the Thorn Clan is capable of."

This chapter has been completed!
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