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Chapter 773 Chapter 772 Prepare to explode some gold coins. Old Su is the 'Frost Fang'

Chapter 773 772. Get ready to explode some gold coins, Lao Su - Additional update for the "Frost Fang Claw" brothers [530]

Xu Gesen heard the voice clearly. Although he didn't know much about the demigods of the astral world, he still accurately guessed her identity from Kherson's speech, which was like a self-exploding wolf.

The God of the North Wind has many offspring, but Silver Wolf is the only one who is so high-profile as a female.

The other party asked for the Filth Fang in his hand by name. Xu Gesen's first reaction was anger. After all, this sword had been with him when he was a child. Every detail of Xu Gesen's growth experience was witnessed by this sword.


It has gone beyond the simple definition of a weapon.

Coupled with the blessing of the Lord of Hunting, this sword has completely changed from a sacred object of the North Wind God to a symbol of the power of the Lord of Hunting. When paired with Xu Gesen's divine power, its destructive power can be doubled, and it will immediately

He wanted to reject Kherson's exchange proposal, but this idea was suppressed in the next moment. The "prophecy" that the wise wolf Hogg had made like a joke when they first met came to mind.

The cunning fellow recognized by the King of Bone Grinders told it to get rid of this weapon as soon as possible if possible, as it would only bring disaster to Xugesen.

Wise Wolf is not a jackal that Xu Gesen trusts. Logically speaking, this guy's prophecies and warnings have no value for reference. He should think about whether Hogg's words are true from the worst angle, but the matter involves the King of Bone Grinders.

It becomes complicated.

Especially after he accepted the Bone Grinding King's proposal and secretly joined the cause of resisting the evil god, Hogg's prophecy seemed to have become more weighty.

"Those Nords"

Xu Gesen stood there and was lost in thought. He touched Deathclaw's head, and the thoughts in his mind echoed:

"They will flock to me like crazy when they see this sword, especially those fanatical winter wolf believers. They regard the loss of the holy blade in the hands of gnolls as a sin. If possible, those guys will not hesitate to

Take this sword from me at any cost to pledge your sincere allegiance to their wolf god.

I'm not afraid of them.

But if the Nords are allowed to continue to go crazy because of a sword, it will undoubtedly have a very bad impact on the subsequent war. Those who die will be regarded as warriors, and their deaths will not bring fear but instead

Will boost the morale of survivors.

As the commander-in-chief, I must avoid this situation from happening.

If this holy blade is no longer in my hands, the Nords will lose a reason for war, and their attention will be drawn to the sword's new owner, which will save me one trouble."

The Grand Overseer narrowed his eyes.

It knew that the war with the Transians would not end in the Barren Mountains. Whether they finally occupied the valley or the Transians took the initiative to retreat, it meant that the decisive battle would take place closer to the distance.

On the battlefield of Transia, the human kingdoms have already taken joint actions, and as the commander-in-chief, he must win a greater advantage for his side in this war.

Whether by weakening the opponent or strengthening one's own side, of course the most perfect situation is to do both at the same time.

Kherson, who was waiting in the star realm, was not in a hurry either.

She waited patiently for the other party's response. The calm gesture seemed as if the person Xu Gesen had just killed was not her spouse. With Silver Wolf's petty character known throughout the star world, he would definitely not forget such a shame and humiliation happily.

Because Xu Gesen has something in her hands that she urgently needs now.

Once the plan against the wolf father is completed, it will be the day when the jackal who has offended the wolves will die.

"You can change it!"

Xu Gesen finally spoke.

It first left the area with its death claw and entered a hidden corner, and then responded to the silver wolf who was listening to it:

"But this weapon has a special meaning to me. It was what I saw when I opened my eyes for the first time in my life. My sword and my warg are the most important things in this world for me. They are powerful.

Mysterious existence, you are asking me to give up one of them!

We gnolls speak more frankly, but the fact is that I will not give the Filthy Fang to you without seeing sufficient reward."

"What a shameless jackal, what a mouth that confuses right and wrong."

Kherson sneered unceremoniously:

"So in your world of jackals, whoever picks something up belongs to whom? The weapon in your hand has had an owner since it was born. It was the user designated by the God of the North Wind himself, even if Mr. Baldwin died

Unexpected, but his brave blood is still alive in the world.

You are just a group of shameless thieves, so don't use such noble reasons to flatter yourself.

Jackal, if you want more money from me, just ask!

I took away a weapon from you, and I will give you a weapon that is more powerful and more suitable for you.

I think you have discovered that even if the Lord of Hunting uses his divine power to defile the Holy Sword of Wolf Blood, this holy blade born in the hands of the gods is still resisting. If it is always held by you, the God of Hunting, then one day

It will wear away all the will to resist, but that time is at least ten years.

You don’t have that much time to give it the final polish!

So my advice to you is, don't pick on others, jackals!

Now that you have entered the field of divine power, you should know that the weapon that is most suitable for you in this field is always the exclusive weapon that you tailor-made for yourself. Keep snatching things from others to use, and you will not be able to compete with the Lord of the Hunt.

You understand its power more deeply, and it is even less able to help you defeat the vampire 'demon' in your heart.

Humph, you guys are also lucky. I happen to have a piece of horn fragment from Bloodhorn Pad.

Although the giant beast that never stops running in the star realm is now surrendered to the Mother Goddess of the Earth, I know that it once served another god, a god that has fallen, and a more orthodox war than Wamu.

God, so as long as you get this blood horn fragment, you can forge a war artifact that is unique to you.

Just like the Skull Crusher held by your legendary Bone-Gnasher King, I heard that the weapon that is vital to the gnolls has fallen into the hands of a vampire. So, when are you, poor guy, going to kill you?

Retrieve the magic weapon of this great man?"

Xu Gesen didn't take this issue at all.

In fact, when it first met Maxim, it recognized that the weapon in the hands of the Vampire General belonged to the Bone-Gripping King, but unlike other angry gnolls, the Grand Overseer turned a blind eye to this and did not mention it as a gnoll at all.

The matter of taking back the sacred objects.

Sir Philip has told it the truth. The Bone-Gnawing King is powerful not only because of the artifact war hammer.

Its power comes from its own otherworldliness. The warhammer from the Creator is just an embellishment for the strong. After losing its owner, the Skullcrusher warhammer does not have any magic, and it cannot be used by just anyone holding it.

Being able to become the next King of Bone Grinders, but allowing vampires to continue to hold this war hammer, can arouse even more crazier rage in the hearts of jackals.

This is extremely beneficial to the advancement of the war.

The Grand Overseer thought for a while and said directly:

"The Blood Horn Shard is great. I appreciate your frankness and generosity, but it's not enough!"

"Don't push yourself too far, Gnoll."

Kherson scolded:

"Just because you killed Box, it doesn't mean that you will become the killer of the astral wolves. You should know that once I order my wolves to assist the Transians and the civilized camp in launching an attack on you throughout the Black Disaster,

dire consequences?

I think you, as the general of the Jackal army, can definitely understand this hidden danger, and you can also know that the status of both of us in this transaction is not equal, so I hope you can realize the consequences of angering me."

"No, no, no, great silver wolf, my jackals and I just want to finish this black disaster that has already started. We have no intention of challenging the powerful astral wolves and strong men like you."

Xu Gesen held the Filthy Fang that was covered in blood with both hands. It said it was very powerful but actually responded in a tone that fit the rough posture of a jackal:

"And this is exactly what I want to talk to you about next, about the purpose of your acquisition of this sword. A gnoll like me doesn't even dare to think about what you are going to do with this holy blade, but that doesn't matter.

my business.

I just feel that if you want your plans or actions to go smoothly, you have to find a way to eliminate the obstruction of the followers of the North Wind God in the world.

From what I have seen, the Nords are fanatical about their faith. Once they know that the North Wind God will be in danger, they will launch an expedition at all costs to nip all your plans in the bud.

After all, this Filthy Fang can only allow you to harm the God of the North Wind, but there is no guarantee that you can successfully kill the God with it."

"Don't be stupid, Jackal. When did I say I wanted to kill gods?"

Kherson said sarcastically:

"Don't bother playing smart people's games if you know you're not smart!

I will only tell you that this will do no harm to your god, and may even speed up his awakening. So if you are pious enough to the Lord of the Hunt, then you should offer the Filthy Fangs with both hands at this moment, and don’t talk about anything else.

Silly words to seek cooperation with me.

To be honest, I am very pessimistic about your prospects for this black disaster.

You don't have enough strength to overthrow the continent, but you still have to engage in such stupid things as fighting on two fronts. This makes it impossible for you to exert crushing strength on Transia, and you cannot quickly attack the city where something terrible is happening.

Brass Fortress.

Tsk tsk, even the King of Bone Grinders didn’t dare to be so reckless back then, but you just did it.”

"Then please help us, we can help each other, your great Lord Silver Wolf."

Xu Gesen finally put forward the idea that he had thought about several times in his mind. He said:

"Let your powerful astral wolves and my jackals complete a cooperation destined to go down in history at some point in the future.

I am a chosen god. I know that in order to summon the will of the gods to the material world, you need to be in his territory. You can only call the god of the north wind in Nordtov and harm him. My army and I can

Help you get it done!

We can fly to Transia and from there to Nordtov, you just need to prepare the last step.

This obviously cannot be done by an astral wolf.

You need allies in the material world. I am happy to recommend myself. Of course, our cooperation is based on mutual benefit. When you complete the career you want, please also help us jackals complete that task.

A small ambition.

Please ask your wolves to be our companions when we need help."

"Well, I have to say that you, a jackal, are quite good at the art of persuasion. I couldn't even find a reason to reject you for a while."

Silver Wolf said in a low voice in a lazy tone befitting a strong man:

"But it's impossible for you to try to bind the wolves to the Black Disaster. Before Su completed his tragic fate, the astral wolves belonged to the order camp, and the power to freely choose the future has never been in our hands.

The Wolf Father who created us also restrains us. This is the biggest conflict between me and Him.

I cannot lead the wolves into the forces of Chaos against their will. Jackals, although you have not fallen into the enemy of all things yet, as long as your god awakens, your fall will only be a matter of time.

Even faster than you can imagine.

So, cooperation is possible!

But I can only choose to do it in certain scenarios that will not cause further bad consequences, and I have a request.


Vampire Murphy must die. If the wolves have to bear heavier responsibilities and cannot complete his execution with their own hands, then it will be up to you, my collaborator.

Think of this as a way to win the goodwill of the wolves. Let me see your abilities, Xu Gesen. Maybe I can give you a second choice besides the Lord of Hunting in the future."

Silver Wolf said in a bewitching tone:

"The God of the North Wind is too arrogant and cruel. He is only willing to regard the Nords who have completed the conquest of the wilderness under his watch as his dependents in the material world, but I think the 'wolf pack followers' can actually

Expand it appropriately.

My father witnessed the Nords accomplishing impossible miracles and gave them the power to follow the gods. Maybe I can follow suit.

Under my watch, release your black plague army to a grander and more cruel battlefield. I am the Lord of the Wolves and the Queen of the Wilderness. I have no interest in maintaining order. I will only serve those who are wild and cruel.

Cheer and sing loudly for the tenacious life.

From this point of view, the survival mode of gnolls is actually perfectly complementary to that of wolves, and I also hope to witness the birth of new wolf descendants in this era."

"Sounds very good, I will consider it."

Xu Gesen answered in a stiff tone, which was basically equivalent to agreeing to the conditions proposed by Silver Wolf. However, the Grand Warlord was still curious about something, so he asked after a few minutes of silence:

"You are overthrowing your father and the protector of the wolf pack. It seems dangerous to do such a thing when an era of chaos is coming. You see, Your Excellency, you are a leader and so am I, so I feel

You and I should have some things in common on some topics.

I asked politely.

We gnolls sacrifice everything to have our own gods. Only in this way can we survive chaos and disasters, even if we are just replacing the immediate threat with a delayed disaster, even if we are just drinking poison to quench our thirst.

But what about you?

Why do you want to get rid of your patron saint with your own hands? Is it just because you don’t agree with his ideas?”

"Because there is only one symbol of the wolf pack! Xu Gesen, just like there is only one symbol of the jackal."

Kherson explained in a low tone:

"The King of Bone Grinders was supposed to be the symbol of the jackals, and he was supposed to be your god, but a wonderful arrangement of fate allowed the Lord of the Hunt to be born. I was born powerful and it seems that I have more choices than you, but upon closer inspection, we are actually

There is no difference between the two sides.

If I want to become that symbol, then the old man occupying the throne must be kicked off.

This has nothing to do with whether I respect Him or not!

Simply because the location is there."

"You want to take away Su's divinity?"

Xu Gesen said in surprise:

"Can such a thing really be done?"

"Of course, as long as you master the correct method, it is not difficult to peel off the divine power, but these are still too far away for you. Grand Overseer Xu Gesen, as I advised before, do not consider these issues that are not friendly to your brain.


Kherson's conversation subsided and she said:

"Hold that sword. I will send someone to get it soon. Remember your request for cooperation, Xu Gesen. Your career must reach that level first before the cooperation between the two parties can take effect. Before that, don't provoke my wolves.


"That won't work. We are short of fresh meat and your wolves are extremely fat."

"Well, it's up to you to deal with the losers. The wolves don't need the weak. Just like a gardener's pruning can make the shrubs bloom, it's also a great thing to use your hands to wash away the weak among the wolves. Okay, retreat,

I'm going to rest.

Good luck to you, servant of the evil god.

Remember, when you are desperate, don’t forget to tell your ‘new friends’.”

(End of chapter)

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