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Chapter 774 773 Madhu, broke out with them! For 'Waiting for Lin Xian'

Chapter 774 773. Mader, broke out with them! -Added update for the "Waiting for Lin Xian" brothers【630】

"Brothers, work harder! We're almost at the scheduled coordinates!"

In the soil beneath the jackal camp, the domestic staff player 003 was wielding an engineer shovel and continuously widening the passage diagonally pointing upwards. He no longer showed the high spirits he had three days ago.

The equipment all over his body was covered with traces of mud and sweat, and his whole body was as gray and unshaven as those defeated adventurers.

But his mental state is very good.

Even exciting.

He shouted like a foreman, but the surrounding players and NPCs did not respond to his enthusiasm.

Fuck, everyone has been digging here for three days and three nights, and they are all exhausted. How can they still be in the mood to respond to your terrible mobilization? Especially those who were semi-forced because the commander was drunk.

The Nord who was pulled over to dig a hole had an expression as if his mother had died, and the eyes he looked at 003 were full of resentment and anger.

After all, the intensity of doing civil engineering work for three consecutive days is much more tiring than standing guard against jackals on the battlefield.

This cannot be said to be completely different from the hearty battle that these Nords long for. It can only be said to have nothing to do with it. If it weren't for the commanders pressing down on them, and the commanders of Shadow Valley constantly sending people over to help, it would mean that

If this was indeed an official action, they would really want to catch this weak Transian staff officer and beat him up.

How come you are ruining the great cause of fighting against Jackals and the Black Disaster that you promised, treating your brothers like unpaid mining coolies?

"Zhuo, I must have drunk too much that night before I believed your evil deeds!"

Next to 003, who has completely become a "shovel dancer", the sturdy Nord commander is also panting and complaining:

"You must have used some evil Transian secrets to confuse my mind, so that I would willingly bring my brothers here to suffer. God of the North Wind, please beat me for my bad temper.

After my father drank too much and died, I never worked so hard again."

"Fuck, we couldn't have spoken more than five sentences that night, okay? It was you who jumped up to you and asked to join the action. How could it be my seduction?"

After hearing this complaint for the hundredth time in the past three days, 003 held up the engineer shovel in his hand quite unhappily, and retorted unceremoniously.

During these three days of close contact with NPCs, he also had the same unique feeling for these vivid NPCs in Transia as other new players.

They are by no means rigid AI products. They are living people with their own personalities and emotions. They also have personality traits and some bad habits that can be seen at a glance, but these shortcomings do not destroy their popularity in the minds of players.

The image in it actually seems more real because it is not perfect.

Just like the Nord named "Ivankov" next to 003.

The unit he belongs to is not the famous Winter Wolf Legion, but the elites drawn from the border guards in the Ice Bay area. Because they have been dealing with barbarians for many years, they fight very bravely, but also because they are not direct descendants of the Winter Wolves, these guys are in the shadow.

Shadow Valley is not taken seriously.

It had been four days since his superiors had been killed in battle, and Colonel Barsomyan of the Winter Wolves Corps had not yet assigned a new commander to them.

This is actually a good thing for Ivankov, which means that the Winter Wolf Legion has acquiesced in his promotion and acquiesced in their participation in this "underground assault" operation on behalf of the Nords. However, this disregard itself, for this

For the brave Nord soldiers, this is a kind of harm.

He can willingly contribute to the country, or he can stand in front of the advancing jackal army without fear, but he also hopes to be respected and loved by his colleagues, instead of being indifferent like he is now.

This is really chilling.

Ten minutes later, the people working in the tunnel changed shifts, and the boss Chenlong, who had just come online, and the members of the "Never Falling Pride" guild went up to continue digging.

Chenlong was just resurrected yesterday. He and his brothers were full of energy, and they were all gearing up to discuss how to kill those jackals after digging the tunnel in a sneak attack. This optimistic attitude made people squat beside them and eat.

Ivankov blinked while holding his packed lunch.

He bumped the domestic 003 who was chewing a poultry bun with his arm and whispered:

"Are you people over there so confident? This tunnel may be discovered at any time after being dug. If it is discovered by jackals or kobolds, our work will be in vain. Why do they act as if we have already won?

What about the same thing?

Speaking of which, I have also interacted with other warriors in Shadow Valley, and I found that none of you seem to think about failure."

"Because for us, the price of failure is death, and we will not die!"

003 ate the bun in a few bites, explained it to the friends he had made in the past few days, and grabbed a second bun to hurry up and replenish his satiety points.

He sat on the broken rocks and watched the newbies queuing up as they used small carts to transport the excavated soil. There were also some funny guys who made their own poles and carried baskets of soil one after the other.

Walking forward unsteadily.

This scene gave 003 a strong sense of déjà vu, and also made him more confident in the combat operation he had designated and promoted.

After eating, 003 took out a pipe, and Ivankov next to him took out the same thing.

The Administrative Office of Transia is well aware of the needs of men during the war. At the request of Consul Miriam, the most common commodity smuggled by the Capetian family's caravans to Transia is a large amount of tobacco produced in the Antani region.

The feeling when using this thing with a pipe is not the same as enjoying tobacco in another world. The experience is not that good. Players can't find paper to roll cigarettes and can only use pipes to do as the Romans do. But for people other than real old smokers,

For other players, what they want is just a way to relieve stress rather than really enjoying the taste.

After all, when you are addicted to cigarettes, you can take off your helmet and smoke one at any time. Therefore, the current behavior of using a pipe is more like a performance behavior in line with the spirit of RP, or it can be called "foreign performance art".

They will even compete to see who can spit out the biggest and most standard smoke ring, and regard it as a kind of capital that can be used to show off.

While 003 and Ivankov were puffing away, the young staff officer said softly:

"The headquarters has decided to retreat. While we are busy right now, the civilian personnel in the valley have moved along the tunnel towards the filthy swamp. The wolf man's offensive is becoming more and more deadly, and there is no way to defend the Shadow Valley.


The surprise attack we launch here is the last battle in this theater."


The tough Yankee commander was startled. He looked around, blew out a smoke ring and said:

"Just telling me this kind of information doesn't count as a leak? Aren't you very strict about this?"

"I dare to tell you that I'm not afraid of anything happening. I just want you to be mentally prepared."

003 blew out a smoke ring and said:

"Our operation is the last battle arranged by the command in Shadow Valley. This battle is a large-scale counterattack launched to support the retreat. All surrounding fronts will launch counterattacks against the Jackals at the same time, but our operation here is

Top priority!

It is no exaggeration to say that the success of this raid will be directly related to the smooth evacuation of the wounded and important materials in the valley.

We must destroy the Gnolls’ base camp to force them to move to the next stage according to our predetermined plan.”

"Wait, I'm a little dizzy."

Ivankov said doubtfully:

"Isn't our strategy to buy time in the Shadow Valley? I thought we were going to fight to the death here."

"That was before, and the rear positions needed time to clean up and build. Although it is still a little worse now, with their speed, they can definitely complete the final combat preparations before the Jackals arrive in Transia. Our mission here has actually been completed in the past period of time.

Most of it is done.

Trading space for time, have you ever heard of this tactic before?

This is the strategy we use."

003 took a deep breath and said:

"Shadow Valley has completed 20 days of blocking the enemy. This is simply a miracle. For the remaining few days, we must hold on to the position established by you Nords in Baphomet Canyon until the thirty-day mission is completed and then withdraw.

Towards the rear.

But we can't go there.

After we completed the attack on the Jackal base camp, we did not have much time to follow the large army to evacuate. We could only turn towards the Black Flame Pass until we met with the defenders of Fort Courage. The Jackals would definitely occupy Shadow Valley, but they would not

Maybe I'll stay here forever.

When the Jackal forces are dispersed, we still have to take back the valley from the Jackal hands!

That was the mission that our team was given later. This is our land, and there was never an option to give it to these invaders.

They deserve to die!"

"Hey, your battle plan is so detailed. It's different from the battles I've fought before. It sounds too complicated, but as long as you can win, that's fine!"

Ivankov spat hard at his feet, picked up the engineering shovel, and said:

"You promised us victory. Sir 003, please continue to lead us towards that glorious victory. Whether it is comforting the dead or encouraging the living, we are already here, so we must fight to the end."

After saying that, the rough man chuckled and patted 003 on the shoulder with such force that the young staff officer almost fell to the ground.

He complained, and then looked back at the other team of Nord warriors who came over behind him.

They came to replace the soldiers who had been digging for a long time, but these people came with injuries of various sizes. The most exaggerated one had a mechanical leg on his foot and a mechanical arm on his right hand. It looked like Brother Zhongzhong's.


These are all wounded.

They should have rested honestly in the field hospitals in Shadow Valley or the Maginot Line, but they didn't do that. They came here and participated in this excavation operation.

They had not had any verbal communication with 003, but the heavy responsibility still made 003 grit his teeth.

This was probably the first time since he joined the army that he had truly felt the pressure of the commander.

As a good soldier, you only need to be brave and obey orders, but a commander is another concept. Your subordinates entrust you with their trust and even their lives, and you must give them victory in addition to responsibilities.

Can you win by yourself?

Will everything I designed go smoothly?

Will he let down the soldiers working under his command?

Will I let down those players who are laughing and joking without any formality, but working hard without complaining or even saying weird things?

This series of questions made 003 feel a lot of pressure. He picked up his pipe and took a long puff, then stamped his feet, picked up the engineer shovel and joined the excavation team.

Now there is only the last stretch left to dig to the predetermined location. The explosives he needs are being continuously sent here through the peripheral tunnel system. The earliest is tonight, and the latest is tomorrow morning. He named it "Gaia's Land"

The battle of "anger" is about to advance to the final stage.

It's too late to think about strategies or details now, so just use your final energy and rush to the end!


"Sir! The earth priests have sent news. They have blocked the kobolds' excavation, but the cracking of the mountain in front of the Shadow Valley by the jackals has exceeded the safety line. The mountain will collapse at any time, and it is very likely that it will collapse.

Destroy the natural defense barrier in front of the valley.

The Earth Priests want us to prepare for a sudden attack by the gnoll army!"

At the same moment in Shadow Valley, Domestic 009 panted and ran to report the situation to the unshaven fifth pair of wheels. The Shadow Valley defense commander rubbed his red eyes and said:

"Send a message to Colonel Barsomyan and Colonel Fraser, requesting them to immediately lead troops to the front of the valley to deal with the Jackal attack, and then send people to 003 to convey the order to him. It must be completed at midnight tonight.'

Gaia's Wrath' preparations for battle!

General Maxim will lead the elite people's army to participate in their surprise attack.

There is nothing left to say, we have made plans before and will act according to the plan."


009 gave a crisp military salute, turned around and ran to convey the order, while the fifth pair of wheels looked back at the headquarters where he had stayed for twenty days, glanced at the sand table that gave him a headache just looking at it, and curled his lips.

, picked up the engineer shovel at hand, swung it around and struck it, breaking the sand table into pieces.

This action startled the young staff officers around them. They looked at their superior and dean of students, thinking that the boss was under too much pressure and was a little crazy.

But this is not the case.

"What do you want me to do? I'll give you 30 minutes to prepare, put on your best equipment, and bring enough ammunition and weapons."

Five pairs of wheels shouted loudly:

"Our respawn point is bound to the Maginot Line of Defense. We can slowly move there through the tunnel, but we can also use the player's method to choose a more convenient 'return to the city service'.

I'm tired of making plans here every day. The jackals have already felt our strategies and tactics before. It's time for them to feel the power of our commanders in a physical sense!

Remember to follow me once the fight starts!

You will definitely panic when you go to the battlefield for the first time. It doesn't matter. You can do whatever I ask you to do. You are all elite students in the school. You will behave more decently for me later."


A chorus of shouts echoed in the command headquarters, and the domestically produced 007, who had the fastest mind, raised his hand and suggested:

"Sir! I think we should learn from the 'advanced experience' of our fellow players and bring the improved version of the decisive wine and the gold-burning explosive pack. They all said that this is a necessary part of the growth of the newbies in "Real Alien"

, I think we should make up for the missing lesson before, what do you think?"

"Good boy, are you waiting for me here?"

The five pairs of wheels laughed, waved their hands, and said proudly:

"Then get ready. We'll gather in 30 minutes. 013, you stay here and take the staff trainees to dispose of the confidential documents, and by the way, plant a few anti-infantry mines here for the Gnoll occupation forces to hear."

"As you command!"

The only girl on the staff shouted back.

But before the group of staff officers who were ready to go to the battlefield and chop off a few heads could take action, a group of NPCs wearing black uniforms from the "Pride of the Lion" trading logistics company, led by the Rainbow Cat Hero, passed through the tunnel.

Entered the Valley of Shadows.

The items they transported this time were quite important, and they even packed them in luxury items like special power packs.

"Come and get your new equipment, brothers of Transia!"

The heavily armed Rainbow Cat hero was carrying a strange firearm, standing on the crate and shouting to the soldiers coming and going:

"Time is tight and the task is heavy, come and get it quickly! This is a Spring Festival gift from Brother Zhongcheng to everyone. You will definitely fall in love with it. Of course, it has a bad temper, so the gun cannot be pointed at anyone at any time.

Just drop it on the ground!

Well, if you're not going to take your own bullet."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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