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Chapter 779 778 Gua, my giant shark is indeed the martial arts genius Kou Ya!

Chapter 779 778. Gua, I, the giant shark, is indeed a martial arts genius, Kou Ya! - Additional updates with monthly tickets [1130]

Operation "Gaia's Wrath" represented the Transanians' final counterattack in the Barren Mountains, but it was not the only counterattack.

In addition to the "foreigners" in the gnoll base camp, there are currently conflicts and all the tunnel system areas occupied by the gnolls were attacked by the Transians at almost the same time.

Even the Nord positions as far away as Baphomet Canyon and the player teams wandering near the Black Flame Pass also coordinated this large-scale multi-point attack.

On the one hand, the defenders covering the Shadow Valley are evacuating through the tunnels. While the positions continue to move back to the Baphomet Canyon, some soldiers will not follow the retreat. They will stay in the barren mountain area to continue guerrilla operations.

It is also very important to regain control of some important tunnels tonight.

To this end, Murphy has used almost all the power currently in his hands in this area.

Facts have proved that when the Jackals focused their attention on the battle for Shadow Valley, the shortcomings of their basically non-existent command system that could not flexibly support multi-point operations were immediately apparent. More than 500 people were fighting on the battlefield tonight.

There are at least eleven small battlefields with less than 500 people, which is even more terrifying.

The big jackal warlords cannot make timely adjustments at all, and can only rely on the free play of the little jackal warlords in the area being attacked.

But a very scary problem is that the number of split-claw gnolls who fought with the Transians at the Black Flame Pass is very small, and after they entered the Barren Mountain area, the Transians did not conduct a large-scale frontal battle.

The battle has always been a mixture of tactics and surprise attacks. The governors of the Bloodscar clan simply cannot understand what kind of crazy method the Transians will use to fight them head-on.

Yes, they have heard that these lunatics will sacrifice themselves in exchange for the victory of their companions when they are at a disadvantage, but in their understanding, no matter how crazy they are, they must hesitate before making the decision to die.

As long as they know how to fear, it means that the gnolls can scare them through their intimidation tactics, or let the hunters and priests use long-range means to kill those "self-destructing engineers".

They are very confident in dealing with such a pathetic suicide attack. Until they are really destroyed by a wave of violent newbies who drank the decisive wine, or even flattened them, they will have a better understanding of the Transians' fighting style.

Intuitive understanding.

This kind of "light-eating self-destruction" that can clear a five-meter range in an instant is not the same thing as the "self-destruction" they know! This thing with slight divinity can even cause damage after being superimposed many times in a short period of time.

To the powerful hunting elect!

And the most important thing is that today's players are no longer the rookie recruits who couldn't even beat an elite barbarian in a one-on-one situation.

In the deserted mountain battlefield where the intensity of the battle is constantly increasing, the number of players who have completed the Silver Trial has exceeded 20. Among them, there are many "god-chosen professions" like Brother Meow Meow who instantly change their profession as soon as they change jobs.

Players' Silver Trial starts with at least the power of four ancestors. Perhaps in their opinion this is just an average level, but in fact, when comparing the silver strength of various races on the mainland, it is not difficult to find that the convergence of the power of the four ancestors leads to breakthroughs.

It has definitely reached the elite level!

Even in the Elf Kingdom, which has the most elaborate power system, the players are already above average.

The direct consequence of this change is that when silver players lead black iron players into the formation, the positions of ordinary jackals become just like paper.

It almost breaks when touched.

Well, it has only been about two months since the Black Disaster started, and the Transians have already surpassed us in the "cutting-edge power" of grouping? So what did you foreigners grow up on? Three bottles of melatonin every day and then redeem it

Ten bottles of kidney treasure?

Otherwise, why can you break through from a new recruit to an elite silver player in less than a year?


Isn’t this out-and-out cheating?

It's all like this. Not only did the Earth Mother not take care of it, but she secretly assisted the Transians in attacking the gnolls. Zhuo, there shouldn't be any grudges between us gnolls and you, Gaia, right?

"Ah, the purity is too low. Is this your power? You are so weak! No wonder you try your best but only fail again and again! Poor bastards!"

Right in front of the center of the Gnoll camp, a giant shark carrying a bloody giant ax was roaring and leading the gangsters from the Vam Brotherhood to block the Gnolls. It was said to be blocking, but in fact it was more like blocking them from leaving.

The "door" massacred these panicked guys.

Due to the recent impact of the war between subspace gods, the giant shark has not heard Boss Wamu's war cry in his ears to accompany him with BGM for almost a month.

This made him always feel very unhappy when fighting, always feeling like something was missing.

He also went to ask Captain Froude specifically about this issue, and the latter told him with a standard Vam barbarian thinking that this was because the giant shark's battle was no longer exciting enough to please Vam.

If he wants to continue to win Wam's favor, he has to find crazier, more exciting and bloody battles, so that Wam can pay attention to him again.

Well, this statement sounds weird, and it seems really weird if you look into it carefully. But for a senior guy like Ju Shark, this explanation is unexpectedly straightforward and convincing. He decided to take advantage of today

Try a higher-difficulty battle during a late raid to see if you can get Boss Vam to notice him again.

Under the protection of the Avalon boss, Brother Meow Meow understood the true meaning of the red of war and became a real Red Knight. He can be regarded as a person of faith after all. The news when completing the Silver Trial cannot be compared to Brother Meow Meow.


That's not slapping my giant shark in the face, it's burying Boss Taiwamu's ass.

The giant shark, carrying a stick and fighting madly, blocked the edge of the Cadman People's Army battlefield. This was the only way for the gnolls from other places to rush to support the blocked priests. The gnolls could not defeat them.

A bunch of asshole players won't be able to enter the battlefield.

The intensity of the fighting here skyrocketed after two visits, even attracting the intervention of hunting voters.


The giant ax dotted with bones collided head-on with Vam's decapitator. The huge force transmitted from the weapon made the giant shark's arms blessed by Vam make an overwhelmed sound, and then the big jackal flew up.

He kicked the giant shark in the chest, sending the guy flying out and causing him to roll hard in the air before landing.

Although he was not injured, the blood-red layer of angry armor on his body was shattered by this kick.

The technique taught by Wamu was actually broken by one blow. It was obvious that the opponent also had the same blessing of power in his hands.

The giant shark moved its arms and climbed up, staring intently at the big guy holding the giant skeleton ax in front of him. This vampire with a very perverted hairstyle stared at the enemy in front of him with very perverted eyes, as if he was seeing the most delicious meal.

Let him stick out his tongue and lick his lips.

Dian Lao put on a cool JOJO posture and shouted:

"Hey! The intensity of this battle is exactly what I want! Come and challenge my invincible hegemony! Ah, Lord Wamu, I will kill this powerful enemy in front of you in your name. Either win or die! Come on, look.

Look at me, look at me!

Witness me!"

In the roar of this huge roar, the naked giant shark dragged the Wamu Beheader and rushed towards the hunting elect.

The latter ignored the crazy Wamu believer at all. The collision just now made it sure that the giant shark was not its opponent. Seeing the giant shark coming to die on its own initiative, the chosen gnoll was about to use a vicious blow when he picked up the skeleton axe.

He was beheaded to death and sent back to the west.

But as soon as the tomahawk was swung down, the giant shark's already fast speed accelerated again in a flash of red light. The moment it escaped the killing blow, it charged up with a whirlwind chop, swung the ax in a circle and slashed into the hunter.

On the waist of the electorate.

This killing blow was powerful and heavy, with a shining scarlet color. The moment it broke through the armor and flesh, it extracted a ball of life force and fed it back into the giant shark's body, making the already strong guy swell even more.

His eyes were blood red, not from the fighting fanaticism of Wamu believers, but from the blood thirst of vampires.

His sharp teeth bared out, his face twisted and ferocious, and he roared:

"If you only have this little ability, then go die! Die in my unique skill that combines blood thirst and wild rage. Ha, this is a unique skill that only I can do. Feel honored, idiot! Eat me

This move 'kills the endless'!"

This guy yelled the name of the shameful move, and combined the power of the berserker with the all-round attribute improvement brought by blood thirst, allowing the two enhancements to merge into one at this moment, and let the battle ax he chopped down in the dark night

It turned into a bloody sharp light.

It even left a visual flickering afterimage in the air!

Just like a red light blood dragon flashed past, when the giant shark spitting blood stopped, the hunting elect behind him continued to move forward with a tomahawk expressionlessly on his face.

In the first step, the skeleton ax shattered into pieces.

In the second step, blood spurted out from the split body.

In the third step, the guy fell to the ground face to face and died.

Of course, giant sharks are not doing well either.

This is the strongest move he has made by combining the ancestral power he currently has. The destructive power is strong enough, but the load on the body is also terrible. The moment he used the "Endless Killing" just now, his own life

The value dropped by one third first.

It is simply an alien version of Seven Injury Fist.

"Bah, that's it?"

The giant shark who defeated the hunting elects was holding a roaring battle axe. He proudly posed in a shameful posture amidst the cheers of a group of gangsters and shouted:

"Look, this is a deadly weapon transformed from overwhelming power! Boss Wamu will definitely feel happy about this blow."

"Huh, that's it?"

A low barbarian voice sounded in the giant shark's ears, saying disdainfully:

"You woke me up just to show me this rubbish move that is less than half complete? Did I give you face, giant shark! Do you want to be my divine choice? Go and kill eight more for me.

Such hunting voters

Just a lot, not a little!”

"I was going to chop them to death to complete my silver trial, so I invited you just by the way! It would be bad if you don't wake up if you fall asleep. Since you wake up, don't sleep and look at me.

Fight for you on this battlefield that breeds conflict and power!

The old dog, the leader of the Froude warriors, said that he would kill 99 hunting elects to complete the gold trial. I am not as strong as him, so I will take 9 hunting elects as my silver trial!

I gave you the head count just now.


Start counting from now on!"

The giant shark also responded with a very shameless reply, which made the cold and arrogant Wamu sneer, but he didn't say anything else, as if he was waiting for the performance of the giant shark and the group of foreign gangsters beside him.


The giant shark raised his battle ax high, wiped the blood, and shouted:

"Boss Wamu was woken up by us. He was very angry when he got up. He wants to see 999 heads being delivered tonight! From now on, chop these bastards to death! Ah, my ax is roaring,

wam says

It’s time to go!”


Those who can play with giant sharks are senior gangsters. These guys are the kind of lunatics who enjoy fighting. They don't care who they fight. Anyway, jackals are bad guys and villains, so killing them is definitely a good idea.

In another dimension, the berserker Vam, sitting on the bone war throne, propped up his barbarian chin in a bored manner, scanning the giant shark and his brothers, as well as everything that Vam believed in.

The place.

But after looking around, I found that the battle on the giant shark side was still interesting. These foreign boys shouting shameful slogans are always so enjoyable.

However, God Vam's body was covered with various scars, as if he had rolled out of a slaughterhouse, and there were even blood stains on his bald head.

"Wam, you should rest, you are seriously injured."

Storm Queen Avalon's majestic voice sounded quietly, but Vaam waved his hand and scolded rudely:

"Go away! Weak woman, don't interrupt my fun. It's just a fatal injury. My servants are still fighting, and there is a steady stream of strength contributed to me. As long as they don't stop fighting, my path will continue.


What's more, didn't that old woman Gaia also quietly intervene?

Hey, what a duplicitous bastard."


[Administrator Alpha’s game tester ‘The Kind-faced Shark Uncle’ has further explored the usage techniques of ‘Blood Thirst’, and he has summarized a new ancestor’s game called ‘Endless Killing (Unfinished and Can be Modified)’.


The effect of this ancestral power is: when blood thirst is activated, one-third of one's own blood can be used to strengthen the next attack, causing real damage to the enemy that ignores defense, and the destructive power is 100% physical damage.


This attack can cause a critical hit, the critical hit rate is 0.5 times the strength value, and the critical hit damage limit is [instant death].


This ancestral power has not been completed, and will have the side effects of [weakness] and [temporary loss of power] after use.


This ancestral power has never appeared on the continent before and is a newly evolved power.


This ancestral power has been included in the administrator's skill list. To use this skill, you need: Vampire bloodline & physical damage related professions.】

Murphy, who was slashing and killing with a chain sword in the Valley of Shadows, suddenly saw such a message in front of his eyes. Murphy's eyes widened for a moment. He was so shocked that he was almost attacked by a hunter electorate.

Fortunately, Villanse came to the rescue in time, jumped out of Murphy's shadow and swung the invisible spider web to trap the opponent, and then dealt with the guy with a brutal chokehold.

"Are you distracted on the battlefield? Are you crazy?"

Villanse scolded, and Murphy waved his hand to indicate that it was just an accident.

But in his heart he was screaming, "F*ck".

That’s outrageous!

Other players are still struggling to gather the power of four ancestors, but you, the giant shark, have actually started to create your own ancestor power?

Is it such a thing?

Damn it, is that Dian Dian guy really a martial arts genius?

This was really picked up by Baocai Wamu.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will understand that the giant shark is probably the first vampire berserker to join the Vam camp since the birth of the vampire race. Before him, there were no elegant vampires who would worship the god of rage.

No, before Murphy appeared, no god would accept a vampire as a believer. Even the cold-hearted guy like Vaam would not accept the allegiance of a vampire.

It is precisely because it is unprecedented that it seems so strange.

In other words, the emergence of this new ancestral power is not because the giant shark is really talented, but purely because this "combination method" has not appeared before, but it is amazing enough.

Murphy's smart little head suddenly started to work.

If giant shark + Wam = endless destruction, then other vampire players + other gods will create new surprises for Murphy? He also did not expect that the new ancestor power summarized by the players will be directly copied to

in his skill list.

Zhuo, if you think about it this way, then Murphy's skill library will be truly bottomless in the future.

"But what kind of fucking shameful brutalist nomenclature is this? 'Endless Killing', why don't you call it 'Domination of the World'?"

Murphy picked up the chain sword again, and while spitting out names, he selected "test sword" targets on the bloody battlefield ahead, and then he locked on a retreating blood-scar priest.

He activated blood thirst and said:

"Let's call it 'Destroy'. It can be used as the inheritance power of the Blood Vulture Clan like the 'Night Claw'. It's all because Salokdar died early and didn't pass on his core strength. Oh, what a pity.


Stop running away, poor thing, it's you!


start up!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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