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Chapter 780 779 Shadow Oath Guard Contract Monthly Ticket Plus Update [123

Chapter 780 779. Shadow Oath·Guardian Contract-Monthly Ticket Plus [1230]

There was already a river of blood in front of the line that Murphy drew on the battlefield. The corpses of the killed Jackals were piled up and even blocked the advance of the follow-up troops. The Jackals behind had to throw the bodies of their compatriots into the broken ground.

Only in the deep valley next to the cracked mountain can we continue to move forward. Murphy and the clan leader's personal guards stayed on the position and fought until the early morning. After the Nords and Plantagenets retreated, Murphy slowly led the vampires.

Withdrew into the valley.

At this time, the wounded and civilian personnel in the valley had already been evacuated through the tunnels. Tonight, when fierce wars were going on both inside and outside the valley, even the jackals who did not worry about manpower could not survive attacks everywhere.

Send out more men to pursue those retreating toward Baphomet Canyon.

Xugersen also quickly came to his senses and realized that the Transnians' launch of this staggering counterattack was not really to defeat the Jackals.

They just want to buy an uninterrupted window of time for the transfer.

But knowing this is of no use. The tunnel system leading to Baphomet Canyon has always been in the opponent's hands. The jackals and kobolds have spent a lot of effort but can't get in, let alone figure out the structure inside.


This tunnel system with a complex maze-like system is simply challenging the upper limit of the jackals' intelligence. Xu Gesen also went to the tunnel to see it in person. He doubted that even if the other side put the tunnel drawings in front of them, the jackals might not be able to understand it.

The Transians have really mastered the kobolds' underground digging tactics, but as long as the Valley of Shadows is obtained, those Transansian tunnels can be controlled by the gnolls.

Send a large number of kobolds through a unified entrance to infiltrate the interior. Even if it takes some time, you can always take this complex and effective tunnel system into your own hands and turn the enemy's advantage into your own. This is the correct way to fight.

Now that the war has reached this point, there is no need to worry about the Shadow Valley side.

In that terrain, even if the rebels obtained new weapons with powerful firepower, they would not be able to turn the tide of the battle. The jackals would definitely be able to seize the valley. Therefore, after the base camp was attacked, Xu Gesen led his reserve team back to the camp.

But it did not try to retake the camp, but quickly ordered those jackals who had escaped the underground explosion to withdraw to the outside.

No matter how fierce the fighting here is, it is just a trick used by the Transians to buy time. If they follow their steps, it will definitely turn into a bad battle here, and Hugersen will no longer need this camp.

The capture of Shadow Valley will allow the Jackals to have the best strategic base in the Barren Mountain area. The next goal is to send a large army to Baphomet Canyon to join the Hass Warlord there, and break through the Nords there in one go.

Line of defense.

When the gnolls really advance into the filthy swamp, Transia will no longer have any means to prevent the black plague of gnolls from entering the central area of ​​the continent.

Both sides know very well that the next battle after Shadow Valley will be a decisive battle between the two sides.

Just when Murphy retreated to the entrance of the tunnel with the clan leader's bodyguards, he got a piece of really bad news:

"What did you say? The vanguard of the Winter Wolf Legion was wiped out? Didn't they evacuate just now?"

Murphy looked at Adele in front of him and asked:

"Why don't they go into the tunnel?"

"Because the kobolds, master, and jackals were attacking on the ground, and their kobold servants did not give up digging. The earth priests were exhausted, and they were unable to stop the kobolds' crazy digging underground."

Sister E said hoarsely:

"The location where the kobolds rushed out happened to be next to the Nord military camp. Colonel Fraser witnessed the whole process. He tried to get his soldiers to go to support, but now the area was occupied in a very short period of time.

The kobolds have taken over, Master, and we can't do anything there.

The kobolds that have blocked the Nords' retreat are cooperating with the gnolls to rampage in the valley. It is difficult for the minefields we have laid to resist them.

It's time to retreat.

You must pass through the tunnel immediately, and I will stay to direct the aftermath."

"You go first, I'll stay here."

Murphy looked at the position of the Nords' position. He shook his head, handed the helmet in his hand to Bonnie beside him, and said to Adele:

"The intelligence officers under your command have proven their worth in previous battles. You will take them to retreat back to Wolfsburg where they will prepare for the delayed battle in the swamp. I have promised my warriors and soldiers here that I will

Will stay in Shadow Valley and be the last to evacuate.

I will definitely keep the promise I made."

"You are acting out of impulse. You are our leader, and we have no reason to put you in such danger!"

Adele stepped forward excitedly and said:

"Transia still needs you!"


Murphy looked into her eyes and said:

"Obey, leave now! Pass my order to Colonel Fraser. I need the Gorse artillery to deploy firepower at the Winter Wolf position in Baphomet Canyon. There is still a battle to be fought there."


Adele bit her lip, nodded, glanced at Murphy but in the end was too embarrassed to kiss goodbye in public, turned around and left with her heir Dana.

"You should be more proactive."

Bonnie next to her whispered:

"She almost cried."

"Hmph, anyone who is crying after being beaten on the bed by Lord Yvette should just shut up."

Murphy joked:

"Weren't you very fierce in the past? Bonnie, why were you manipulated so easily by Yvette? I heard that you rested for a whole day and night before you recovered."

"I refuse to answer this question for you. I just want to emphasize that I have not surrendered to that blood alliance goblin!"

Bonnie replied with a straight face, but still refused to take off her helmet. It is said that this is because Yvette left a little "memorial" on Bonnie's face before leaving.

Murphy no longer paid attention to this matter. He flew into the sky and took a look at the situation in the valley. Farther away, he could already see the scene of the jackal's flying dragons fighting the blood vultures in the air. The smoke and dust on the ground represented the jackals.

Men and kobolds are advancing.

Behind the vampire lord, tired believers are moving the shrines of the gods away to prevent these sacred objects from being defiled by the gnolls. The armor on her body is covered with traces of battle, and even Miss Pinkie's cloak is in tatters.

While limping, he helped his best friend Liwen Knight evacuate the shrine of the Eastern Holy Spirit.

These are the last items to be removed.

At the entrance of the tunnel farther away, the last batch of People's Army soldiers were also lining up to wait to enter the tunnel.

They also brought with them the earth priests who were generally in a coma. These silver dwarves had probably never been so tired. Even on this desolate battlefield, the thunderous snoring of these guys was still noticeable.

They were the busiest group of people in Shadow Valley for more than twenty days. These dwarves chose to come to Shadow Valley to continue resisting because of the fall of Black Flame Pass. They felt sorry for themselves because they had lost the Holy Land of the Mother Earth.

I blame myself a lot, but their outstanding performance during this period makes it impossible for even the harshest people to find fault. Without these earth priests, it would be a miracle that they could last for a week on the poor terrain of Shadow Valley.

Murphy also saw Lisa, the titular hostess of Shadow Hollow, with her husband, Captain Markle.

The two young half-elves grew up rapidly during the years of war.

Before this war, Lisa was still a rookie lord who was sitting in a well and watching the sky. She was not able to make any plots in her hometown. She even thought about escaping from the battlefield at the Black Flame Pass. Merkel was an arrogant but limited strength.

young husband.

But now, Lisa has become a qualified commander of the shadow half-elves. She has performed bravely in several battles, and has been praised by the command headquarters for her general style more than once.

As for Captain Meikel, it's even more amazing. He has become the most powerful shooting instructor recognized by hunter players. He also relied on his courage and skills to kill several hunting voters in the tunnel battle a few days ago.

He paid for it with his left foot, but this did not detract from this guy's bravery.

The couple should have evacuated with the severely damaged Shadow Rangers, but now they are staying in front of the tombstones of their ancestors. Lisa is half-kneeling there to pay tribute to Ms. Mona, the "Hand of Freedom" who established Shadow Valley.

They said goodbye to each other with a tombstone, and Merkel accompanied his wife with an elven war bow on his back.

"Pray for Adele."

Murphy walked over and whispered:

"I know she also wants to say goodbye to her mother, but her character does not allow her to show weakness after going through so much."

"I know, I have a very good relationship with Adele, my lord."

Lisa opened her eyes, looked at Murphy, and after hesitating for a few seconds, she whispered:

"But can we come back? Lord, by leaving, we are giving up our hometown to the jackals. Can we return to our home one day?"


Murphy replied affirmatively:

"We are only leaving temporarily. We never said we would give up here. Shadow Valley is the border of Transia, and I am the governor of Transia. On the day I became the governor, I issued a notice to my territory.

I swear, I will never allow anything to be taken away from this suffering land again.

Shadow Valley never surrendered.

This place will become the grave of the gnolls one day. I can be sure of this and it will definitely not be too far away. At that time, you can bring your people and your warriors back here in glory and rebuild your world.


"Well said, Lord Governor!"

Mrs. Shui's voice sounded from behind with a hint of exhaustion.

Murphy turned around and saw Brother Huozi's transformed reindeer carrying his wife here. Brother Huozi's body was full of scars and blood stains, and Mrs. Shui's armor was covered with marks from sharp weapons. She

It must have been a long battle, as her arms holding the bow and arrow were shaking.

At this moment, Mrs. Water seemed to have completely lost her weak side as a woman and mother, striding forward like a real white knight wearing a broken robe.

As Murphy and Lisa looked on, Mrs. Water knelt half-kneeling in front of the tombstone of Ms. Mona, the "Hand of Freedom". She took off her battle helmet and solemnly swore:

"I am about to embark on the road of guardianship set by Avalon for the White Knight, but guardianship must have a goal. When I took over the Emerald Wind from Ms. Natalie that day, I was still a confused soul.

But now I know what I have to fight for.

The Silver Moon Group has been seeking to make Shadow Valley our base.

But if we want to be recognized by this land, we must pay for it!

Therefore, I hereby swear an oath!

All members of the Silver Moon Regiment will stay in the Barren Mountain area and continue to resist until the Shadow Valley is recovered. We will dedicate everything to regaining this valley, and we will also be able to obtain the blessings of the Shadow Valley in our future victory."

"Well, that's a great oath of resistance."

Murphy nodded with satisfaction, looked at Lisa and said:

"So, mistress of Shadow Valley, what do you say to the warrior's oath?"

"I will witness and fight alongside them."

Lisa said in a deep voice:

"I have never really had the loyalty of Shadow Valley. I have been immersed in the drama of playing a queen for the first half of my life. Maybe it is time for me to step out of the drama and truly fight for my dreams.

All greatness must be tempered, just like real gold must be forged in a fierce fire.

When we return to this valley, I will give the Silver Moon Group the power to live and manage here permanently, and I will share the power in my hands with these brave and beautiful foreigners!

This is the promise of the mistress of Shadow Valley, and this land and its owner bear witness to it!"

"I will also witness your vows, but now it's time for you to go."

Murphy looked back at the jackal army that had crossed the town in Shadow Valley and was heading towards the entrance of the tunnel. He took out his chain sword and said to the people around him:

"Bonnie stays here with me to give the last 'blessing' to the leader of the jackals. When others enter the tunnel, do whatever you have to do. Remember to activate the explosives buried inside the tunnel to blow it up! We can't leave our tunnel alone.

To the Gnolls."

"What about you?"

Brother Huozi supported his tired wife and asked nervously:

"The space here is blocked. Mr. Murphy, how are you going to leave here if you don't take the tunnel?"

"Are you worried that I will commit suicide in shame and anger because of my failure in front of the jackals?"

Murphy said in a strange tone:

"The jackals have blocked the space so that I can't teleport, but I can still fly out with my own wings. I didn't leave before not because I couldn't leave. My warrior, you know that a lord like me must have a suitable exit when exiting.

The 'farewell ceremony' of identity.

Go ahead."

After saying that, the Governor spread his blood wings and rushed forward. His little players all swore such a sincere oath of protection. As the main line NPC, how could he do anything before evacuating?

So, find a place with a lot of people and go on a killing spree!



The headless corpse trembled and fell to the ground, spreading blood everywhere, and even scattered pieces of flesh and twisted armor fell to the ground.

The high-speed rotation of the brutal saw blade of the chain sword will easily cut through anything it touches. In the face of such attack power, the hard bones that the jackals are proud of are nothing special.

Not to mention that the person using this brutal weapon is still a vampire weapon master, making the heavy and difficult-to-control thing spin and kill in his hands almost like an art. Murphy expressionlessly shook off the bloody weapon in his hand.

Chainsword, and around him were chopped up corpses.

The corpses of the gnolls, kobolds, wargs and a hunting elect were cut into four pieces, but there was little blood on the entire battlefield, probably because the blood had been absorbed by the scarlet secret energy when they died.

The extracted weapons were then transformed into weapons that harmed other gnolls. Perhaps they were inspired by Maxim's piercing power. Farther away from Murphy, the scarlet spears made of blood were pierced in all directions.


And under every spear there must be a corpse.

This scene is very bloody, making this scene the same as the battle of my king's sword fence.

After the last Gnoll was killed by Murphy, new enemies emerged. Perhaps even the Gnolls were afraid of this strange vampire lord. More than 500 Gnolls were killed in a short period of time, and of course it was not Murphy.

With the credit of one person, the Grand Duke's Guards led by Bonnie also contributed some wonderful kills.

These vampires were guarding their previous positions. They were not many in number but they intimidated the wolf men who came over. They made these barbarians stop in front of the massacre scene. You looked at me and I looked at you in a dead silence.

Murphy did not wear a helmet in this battle. After all, he needed to let the Jackals see with their own eyes how the Transnian lords fought, so that his ferocious image could be engraved in the minds of the Jackals in a more ruthless manner. This was helpful

It will help spread his reputation far and wide, but both Bonnie and Villanse think this is a bad idea. After all, after Murphy launched the Astral Tear and turned the Black Flame Pass into ruins, his name has long been spread among the jackal society.


A vampire who personally annihilated hundreds of thousands of Black Scourge troops and killed a great chief is fully qualified to be recorded in the Jackals' own history books, if they really have such a thing.

But Murphy feels that fame is something that he will never be satisfied with, and making his enemies more afraid of him is always a good thing.


The heavy chain sword was propped on the ground, and Murphy stood on the piled jackal corpses.

He was holding the brutal weapon that was still smoking and dripping with blood. His blood-red eyes scanned the jackals in front of him, like an invisible whip hitting the hearts and spirits of these guys, mixing with those around him.

The bloody aura that has not yet dissipated has almost condensed into a substantial aura of fear.

Those timid armed kobolds and even some small gnolls didn't even dare to look into Murphy's eyes, but the moment they lowered their heads, they would be scolded and beaten by the gnolls next to them.


Do not bow to the "Gnoll Demon of Destruction"!

This is the sign of a coward!

But even those guys who raise their heads will try to avoid looking directly at Murphy. This may not be called fear, but there is no doubt that in this situation, everyone is quiet and waiting for Murphy to speak.

, their momentum has long been reduced. I don’t know how many heads there are.

But that’s not to blame for their cowardice.

After all, anyone who faces a ruthless man who kills hundreds of thousands of elite Jackals in one night will feel terrified. This is also a magical continent. Who knows if Murphy will form a world after doing what he did?

What about a special power similar to "Jackal Bane"?

"What do you want to do when you gather here and neither fight nor retreat? Stare me to death with your eyes?"

Murphy's black hair swayed on his shoulders as he scolded:

"Let your leader come over! I have something to tell him. Well, you didn't move because I didn't say 'please'?"

(End of chapter)

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