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Chapter 1056 Cannibals

 There is another worry in Yang Yi's heart, that is, if he does not take Zhang Zi with him, but meets those primitive people in the Gusheng Canal, or the indigenous people who do not understand the language, they will have no way to communicate at all.

, if you are not careful, Yang Yi may be treated as an enemy by them.

Although primitive people and indigenous people have very backward ideas, their strength is not bad. In the previous two places, Yang Yi met similar indigenous people. Fortunately, he brought Zhang Zi as a translator, otherwise it is very likely that the three of them would

You won't be able to come back.

"You are too polite, but I will say one more thing. You two distinguished guests, Gusheng Canal is really dangerous. There is basically no return to that place. If you two are just here for academic research, there is no need at all."

The tour guide couldn't help but say one more thing. After all, no one knew what dangers were hidden in Gusheng Canal. As for the academic research he mentioned, it was just a casual talk between the two of them in order to conceal their identities.

"Zhang Zi, you go back with the tour guide."

"With you, I'm worried about what danger may arise."

Yang Yi said to Zhang Zi that after careful consideration, he decided not to take Zhang Zi in with him and let Zhang Zi wait for his return with the tour guide.

If you go alone, even though you don't understand the language, you can at least ensure your own life safety. Moreover, if you take Zhang Zi with you, there is no way you can guarantee Zhang Zi's life safety.

For Zhang Zi's sake, Yang Yi thought it was better not to take this girl with him.

"Brother Yi, I can do it!"

Zhang Zi said subconsciously, but Yang Yi shook his head.

"Go back. It's too dangerous inside. I can't guarantee your safety by taking you with me. Why don't you go back and wait for me."

Hearing this, Zhang Zi had no choice but to say nothing and just nodded. She was also aware of Yang Yi's concerns and understood that Yang Yi was thinking about herself.

"Go ahead and take care along the way."

Yang Yi nodded towards the two of them. When the tour guide and Zhang Zi heard this, they just looked at him with complicated expressions, then without hesitation, turned around and walked towards the way they came.

After the two of them disappeared from Yang Yi's sight, Yang Yi turned his head and looked at the entrance of Gusheng Canal.

He took out the drawing in his pocket, on which was drawn a completely black flower.

This is the last medicinal plant needed to save Lian Lian, named Mo Ju.

Moju, as the name suggests, is a chrysanthemum that is as black as thick ink.

But this is no ordinary chrysanthemum. This kind of ink chrysanthemum is not common in the mainland of China. It can even be said to be a priceless treasure. But a few hundred years ago, this thing was actually everywhere, just like dogtail grass.


But now, this kind of medicinal material has completely disappeared, and there is no trace of Moju at all in the entire Chinese continent.

The last place it appeared was Gusheng Canal.

Some people say that the chrysanthemum is actually watered by the tears of dragons. The dragon's tears dye the chrysanthemum black, and it has extremely powerful effects. It can even change the fate of human flesh and bones.

The whole body of the chrysanthemum is full of treasures. Just one petal of the chrysanthemum can restore people's youth. If the whole plant of the chrysanthemum is taken, it can not only prolong life, but even revive the dead.

But this is also what the predecessors said hundreds of years ago. As for
Whether it is true or false, no one knows.

Yang Yi no longer hesitated and walked towards Gusheng Canal.

After entering Gusheng Canal, Yang Yi was completely lost and could only rely on the compass to vaguely identify the direction. Apart from the compass, the only thing that allowed Yang Yi to identify the direction was the direction in which the surrounding plants were blown by the wind.


Because this is near Mount Nile, and there is a river here, the plants here must be growing in the direction of the water source. The lusher the plants, the closer they should be to the river.

Looking at the growth of these bushes and weeds, Yang Yi judged that he had not reached the core position yet.

On the way to search for Mo Ju in the Gusheng Canal, Yang Yi did encounter a lot of rare and exotic beasts. Although Yang Yi defeated them one by one, he was still inevitably injured. In addition, these rare and exotic beasts

It is very toxic, and Yang Yi will inevitably suffer a lot.

After walking for four days, Yang Yi climbed over one mountain after another, and finally looked from a distance and saw a steep mountain pillar in the distance that went straight into the sky.

This mountain pillar is like the legendary Tianzhu, inseparable from the sky, like the mainstay of the entire world.

"We've finally arrived!"

Yang Yi found an open space to sit down and rest for a while, then took out a cigarette from his pocket.

There were only the last three cigarettes left in the cigarette box, and all the cigarettes Yang Yi had prepared before had been smoked.

After lighting the cigarette, Yang Yi took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

Looking at the terrifyingly tall mountain pillar in the distance, Yang Yi lowered his head and counted the time.

The time left for myself now is only the last month.

After getting Mo Ju, he had to rush back quickly.

If you are fast enough, you should be able to do it in time.

After extinguishing the cigarette butt, Yang Yi stood up and ran towards the mountain pillar.

However, just after walking a short distance, Yang Yi quickly discovered that something was wrong.

Because, on the slightly moist land ahead, there are traces of someone walking, and the footprints are very clear.

The most important thing is that Yang Yi can see the marks of toes from the footprints, which means that the other party is walking barefoot!

Yang Yi's expression froze, and a certain race immediately appeared in his mind. They were the aborigines here, the most primitive aborigines!

The indigenous people here are different from other indigenous people, because the indigenous people here have never had any contact with outsiders. They are completely primitive people. Moreover, Yang Yi even suspected that the indigenous people living here are probably the most legendary in the world.

The most terrifying and mysterious race is the cannibals!

According to historical records, cannibals did indeed exist, but those who saw them seemed to be dead.

Some people say that it was caught and eaten by cannibals, others say that it was sacrificed to their gods by cannibals, and some even say that it was dedicated to their witches by cannibals. There are different opinions.

Yang Yi has heard of many versions, but he only has one idea in his mind right now, which is to stay away from the cannibals.

Therefore, after some thought, Yang Yi decided to deviate slightly from the direction and run all the way to the left of where the footprints appeared.

However, the goddess of luck failed to favor him this time. There is another worry in Yang Yi's heart, that is, if he does not take Zhang Zi with him, but meets those primitive people in Gusheng Canal, or the language barrier

As for the indigenous people, they have no way to communicate at all. If they are not careful, Yang Yi may be treated as an enemy by them.

Although primitive people and indigenous people have very backward ideas, their strength is not bad. In the previous two places, Yang Yi met similar indigenous people. Fortunately, he brought Zhang Zi as a translator, otherwise it is very likely that the three of them would

You won't be able to come back.

"You are too polite, but I will say one more thing. You two distinguished guests, Gusheng Canal is really dangerous. There is basically no return to that place. If you two are just here for academic research, there is no need at all."

The tour guide couldn't help but say one more thing. After all, no one knew what dangers were hidden in Gusheng Canal. As for the academic research he mentioned, it was just a casual talk between the two of them in order to conceal their identities.

"Zhang Zi, you go back with the tour guide."

"With you, I'm worried about what danger may arise."

Yang Yi said to Zhang Zi that after careful consideration, he decided not to take Zhang Zi in with him and let Zhang Zi wait for his return with the tour guide.

If you go alone, even though you don't understand the language, you can at least ensure your own life safety. Moreover, if you take Zhang Zi with you, there is no way you can guarantee Zhang Zi's life safety.

For Zhang Zi's sake, Yang Yi thought it was better not to take this girl with him.

"Brother Yi, I can do it!"

Zhang Zi said subconsciously, but Yang Yi shook his head.

"Go back. It's too dangerous inside. I can't guarantee your safety by taking you with me. Why don't you go back and wait for me."

Hearing this, Zhang Zi had no choice but to say nothing and just nodded. She was also aware of Yang Yi's concerns and understood that Yang Yi was thinking about herself.

"Go ahead and take care along the way."

Yang Yi nodded towards the two of them. When the tour guide and Zhang Zi heard this, they just looked at him with complicated expressions, then without hesitation, turned around and walked towards the way they came.

After the two of them disappeared from Yang Yi's sight, Yang Yi turned his head and looked at the entrance of Gusheng Canal.

He took out the drawing in his pocket, on which was drawn a completely black flower.

This is the last medicinal plant needed to save Lian Lian, named Mo Ju.

Moju, as the name suggests, is a chrysanthemum that is as black as thick ink.

But this is no ordinary chrysanthemum. This kind of ink chrysanthemum is not common in the mainland of China. It can even be said to be a priceless treasure. But a few hundred years ago, this thing was actually everywhere, just like dogtail grass.


But now, this kind of medicinal material has completely disappeared, and there is no trace of Moju at all in the entire Chinese continent.

The last place it appeared was Gusheng Canal.

Some people say that the chrysanthemum is actually watered by the tears of dragons. The dragon's tears dye the chrysanthemum black, and it has extremely powerful effects. It can even change the fate of human flesh and bones.

The whole body of the chrysanthemum is full of treasures. Just one petal of the chrysanthemum can restore people's youth. If the whole plant of the chrysanthemum is taken, it can not only prolong life, but even revive the dead.

But this is also what the predecessors said hundreds of years ago. As for
Whether it is true or false, no one knows.

Yang Yi no longer hesitated and walked towards Gusheng Canal.

After entering Gusheng Canal, Yang Yi was completely lost and could only rely on the compass to vaguely identify the direction. Apart from the compass, the only thing that allowed Yang Yi to identify the direction was the direction in which the surrounding plants were blown by the wind.


Because this is near Mount Nile, and there is a river here, the plants here must be growing in the direction of the water source. The lusher the plants, the closer they should be to the river.

Looking at the growth of these bushes and weeds, Yang Yi judged that he had not reached the core position yet.

On the way to search for Mo Ju in the Gusheng Canal, Yang Yi did encounter a lot of rare and exotic beasts. Although Yang Yi defeated them one by one, he was still inevitably injured. In addition, these rare and exotic beasts

It is very toxic, and Yang Yi will inevitably suffer a lot.

After walking for four days, Yang Yi climbed over one mountain after another, and finally looked from a distance and saw a steep mountain pillar in the distance that went straight into the sky.

This mountain pillar is like the legendary Tianzhu, inseparable from the sky, like the mainstay of the entire world.

"We've finally arrived!"

Yang Yi found an open space to sit down and rest for a while, then took out a cigarette from his pocket.

There were only the last three cigarettes left in the cigarette box, and all the cigarettes Yang Yi had prepared before had been smoked.

After lighting the cigarette, Yang Yi took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

Looking at the terrifyingly tall mountain pillar in the distance, Yang Yi lowered his head and counted the time.

The time left for myself now is only the last month.

After getting Mo Ju, he had to rush back quickly.

If you are fast enough, you should be able to do it in time.

After extinguishing the cigarette butt, Yang Yi stood up and ran towards the mountain pillar.

However, just after walking a short distance, Yang Yi quickly discovered that something was wrong.

Because, on the slightly moist land ahead, there are traces of someone walking, and the footprints are very clear.

The most important thing is that Yang Yi can see the marks of toes from the footprints, which means that the other party is walking barefoot!

Yang Yi's expression froze, and a certain race immediately appeared in his mind. They were the aborigines here, the most primitive aborigines!

The indigenous people here are different from other indigenous people, because the indigenous people here have never had any contact with outsiders. They are completely primitive people. Moreover, Yang Yi even suspected that the indigenous people living here are probably the most legendary in the world.

The most terrifying and mysterious race is the cannibals!

According to historical records, cannibals did indeed exist, but those who saw them seemed to be dead.

Some people say that it was caught and eaten by cannibals, others say that it was sacrificed to their gods by cannibals, and some even say that it was dedicated to their witches by cannibals. There are different opinions.

Yang Yi has heard of many versions, but he only has one idea in his mind right now, which is to stay away from the cannibals.

Therefore, after some thought, Yang Yi decided to deviate slightly from the direction and run all the way to the left of where the footprints appeared.

However, the goddess of luck failed to favor him this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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