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Chapter 1546 Idiot’s Dream

 They simply couldn't believe what Yang Yi said.

"There are indeed immortal people in our second dimension, and some of them have also gone to the third dimension!"

"However, the data in the second dimension has been erased!"

"The information I learned also came from the world I went to this time. It was told to me by the seniors in the second dimension that exist in that world!"

"She asked me to tell everyone, never forget our mission!"

Yang Yi used his mind to transmit messages to everyone, and the phoenix sword in his hand almost burned with platinum flames.

There were only two ways before them.

Either everyone in their second dimension retreats into the River of Samsara, or they join forces to repel these bastards in the third dimension!

However, there are still conflicts between the two camps.

There are immortal people in the opponent's camp, but there is no one on our side.

Therefore, Yang Yi can only break through!

But now, the only place where he can successfully break through is the River of Reincarnation.

The river of samsara is the best place to break through. Not only is the vitality full, the flow rate is much faster than the outside world. The most important thing is that people from the three realms cannot enter.

However, there is also a fatal flaw, that is, every quarter of an hour, there will be a tidal washout, and each washout will wipe out its ten thousand years of life.

Now Yang Yi's lifespan is only six million years, that is, six thousand minutes at most.

He must break through before all his lifespan is lost.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi turned around and said to everyone, "Everyone! I need you to help me block the whole day!"

“Just one day is enough!”

"I'm ready to break through! Impact on eternal life!"


This news was like a bombshell, echoing in everyone's minds.
Yang Yi is ready to attack eternal life!


The tree god frowned, and just when he was about to speak, Yang Yi said, "I have already passed through the ancestral thunder tribulation, and there is no more thunder tribulation that I can survive in my practice!"

"So now, what I need most is time!"


Such a heavy word, for those of them who have not yet succeeded in immortality, what they need most is time.

Time is also the most precious thing for them.

It's a pity that there is not enough time now. When Yang Yi and Lai Yana took action just now, they had already attracted the attention of the other party's immortal person.

If the opponent's immortal person takes action in the next battle, can they really survive for a day?

There are only 100,000 people, and they probably won't be able to last even half a day.

"I don't know if we can hold on. There is such a disparity in strength between the two sides!"

Dongfang Chuxun sighed, feeling a little helpless.

The combat power of an immortal person is vastly different from that of a god-level person.

What's more, there are hundreds of god-level practitioners on the other side, and it is even more impossible for them to watch Yang Yi break through.

“One day is really barely enough!”

"There is nothing we can do now except delay."

"Even if we all risk our lives, I think it would be difficult."

The future master spoke slowly, with a sad look on his brows.

Originally, for these practitioners, a day was just a blink of an eye.

But now, a day is a luxury for them!

When Yang Yi heard this, he said nothing and looked at everyone.

There were many god-level masters that he had never seen before. They must have been newly promoted over the years.

They are the only remaining beings in the second dimension.

Yang Yi struggled again and again and finally spoke.

"There is another way, that is, go to the solar system!"

This is the secret that Yang Yi hides deep in his heart. He was originally unwilling to share it, but now, for the sake of the remaining lives, he has to do so.

The defense of the solar system is absolutely powerful. Even immortals would have a hard time breaking through the defense line in a short time. With these god-level masters, it shouldn't be a problem to hold on for a few days.

The key is how they can now migrate to the solar system on a large scale.

With the presence of virtual insects, it may not be difficult to travel through space, but a hundred thousand people have to leave. How could this not attract the other party's attention?

Once the opponent really wants to intercept, the worst result is that the entire army will be annihilated.

"Solar system, are you a pure human from the earth?"

At this time, an old man in a raincoat who had been silent suddenly looked at Yang Yi, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Beside this old man in coir raincoat, there were several other god-level ancestors.

Everyone has an old face. They are millions of years old and have seen many winds and rains.

Originally, they had been hiding in the Milky Way, silently protecting the solar system from being discovered. As long as no one took action against the solar system, logically speaking, they would never appear.

However, the situation in the second dimension is now turbulent, and it is useless for them to just protect the solar system, so they have to step forward.

If the entire second dimension is gone, what's the use of leaving a solar system?

Yang Yi nodded without hesitation and said immediately, "Senior, are you also from the Milky Way?"

Yang Yi raised his head and looked at the old man in front of him, his expression inevitably a bit shocked.

Judging from the old man's reaction, perhaps there are many secrets hidden in the galaxy that even Grandma Yi doesn't know about.


"If it hadn't been for this disaster in the second dimension, we wouldn't have appeared."

The old man smiled bitterly, and then said, "There are indeed magic circles in the solar system that were laid out by the people who once lived forever. Even if those outsiders join forces, they will not be able to break through them in a short time."

"However, if we want to go to the solar system now, the difficulty is simply as high as climbing to the sky."

When everyone present heard this, they were inevitably shocked.

Unexpectedly, there are immortal people in the solar system so far away from them.

Moreover, the magic circle was deployed many years ago to protect the safety of the solar system.

There was no hope in the hearts of the people, because when they saw the tens of millions of troops surrounding them, they smiled bitterly.

They only have 100,000 people, and the opponent's army is even twenty times their number. It is impossible to break through the encirclement.

Just when everyone fell into silence for a while, suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the river of reincarnation behind them.

This fluctuation actually broke away from the river of reincarnation and attacked everyone!

Practitioners infected by this aura will have their lifespan disappear for thousands of years in just an instant.

"what is that?"

"There can be no life in the river of reincarnation!"

"Cocoa it's alive!"

Along with the exclamation, everyone's eyes fell on the river of reincarnation.

This chapter has been completed!
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